I've been wanting to talk about my thought process and methods for how I make profiles profiles for some time now. Nothing too big or too detailed (hopefully), just something fun for me to write about on this site that isn't straight-up RP and maybe help some of the newer folks here that don't know how to write out their profiles have some ideas. This isn't so much a guide but me sharing my thought process and reason. I hope I don't come across as arrogant or demanding with this, as my goal is just share my thoughts and opinions rather than dictate how things should. I... can't make promises this won't come across that way, but consider this a disclaimer at the very least.
Just to start things off, this is the Code I use:
Feel Free to Use This
Code: Select all
[size=135]Basic Info[/size][/center]
[color=ColorHere][b]Name[/b] - NameHere
[b]Ring Name[/b] - RingNameHere
[b]Age[/b] - AgeHere
[b]Hair Color[/b] - ColorHere
[b]Eye Color[/b] - ColorHere
[b]Height[/b] - HeightHere
[b]Weight[/b] - WeightHere
[b]Nationality[/b] - NationalityHere[/color]
[size=135]Wrestling Info[/size][/center]
[color=ColorHere][b]Entrance music[/b] - [url=YoutubeLinkHere]SongNameHere[/url]
[b]Alignment[/b] - AlignmentHere
[b]Fighting Style[/b] - FightingStyleHere
[b]Type[/b] - TypeHere
[b]Basic Moveset[/b] - MovesetHere
[b]Strengths[/b] - StrengthsHere
[b]Weaknesses[/b] - WeaknessHere[/color]
[color=ColorHere][b]Finishing move/s[/b] - FinishingMovesHere[/color]
[size=135]Personal Info[/size][/center]
[color=ColorHere][b]Personality[/b]: PersonalityHere
[b]History[/b]: HistoryHere
[b]Twitter[/b]: [url=TwitterPageLinkHere]TwitterHandleHere[/url]
[b]Extra Facts[/b]:[/color]
[size=135]Plot Ideas/Preferences[/size][/center]
[b]Match Ideas[/b] - IdeasHere
[b]Possible Opponents[/b] - OpponentsHere
I use a D&D alignment for my characters rather than the Face/Heel/Tweener Alignment, at least on this site. A lot of my characters here can't really be placed in a Face/Heel role so neatly, since they vary in terms of morality and how the audience would likely react to them. Haganehime someone that hates professional wrestling and is only in the league to show that traditional and standard fighting styles and matches are better. Someone with that kind of goal isn't going to liked by a crowd of professional wrestling fans. However, while Haganehime is a ruthless and cruel fighter that will brutalize an opponent, she will also allow a downed opponent to stand, ask if they want to surrender after enough of a beating, and is all around more a martial artist than wrestler, so she will behave in an honorable manner during the fight. Hangaku is playful and kind while in the ring, and goes out of her way to make sure her opponent isn't too hurt throughout the mach. However, she has no problem with sexually torturing an opponent if she can get away with it, making the cum multiple times even if a match is only until the first point. Teruko is a cruel and sadistic fighter, but plays the crowd as a cutesy and harmless villainess for their praise. It's a little harder to find where some of my characters stand due to how they actively gray the lines between the face-heel stance. So I use D&D alignment to mitigate that a little... though even that system is its own can of worms, but that's a discussion for another time.
Strengths & Weaknesses
On what I'll just call the Sister Site, I have a more traditional set of stats (that I'm also planning to redo eventually), but I wanted to try something different. Rather than having an outright stat line, I think simply stating the general fighting style, as well as the strengths and weakness of the wrestler in both skills and personality helps give more wiggle room in describing fighting styles and where things stand. Amano is would be three or four stars across the board, as she's a trained martial artist that isn't afraid to hurt or be hurt, but her personality in the ring would make herself open for attacks all the time while showboating. Hangaku would be four or five stars across the board, as she's an experienced kung fu and jujitsu fighter, but will rarely show those skills due to fear of hurting her opponent. Again, the shades of gray between a character's actual skill and their personality that might interfere with their true power. There's a huge difference between fighting a showboating Amano in the ring who teases, taunts, and flirts at every chance, and training with a more serious Reiko in the gym or dojo who looks for openings, strikes without mercy and only banters when she's two seconds from getting a submission.
Personality & History
I try to keep my bios to about two paragraphs, three at most. I find that to be long enough to have some meat on the character and explain why they are the way they are, but short enough to not feel like a mini novella. Personality section I like to keep around one paragraph, two paragraphs if I have to describe their ring persona and non-ring persona.
When I do a bio section, I do it just explain how a character is the way the are. Anything that isn't relevant to that doesn't get added, or is put in the fun facts section. All you need to know about Amano is that she was bullied as a kid and uses her demon persona to let out that aggression in the ring. Haganehime, she's an old school fighter that wants to show up professional wrestling. Hangaku, a former underground fighter turned sex fighter. Kurokage, evil little gremlin using professional wrestling to be an even eviler little gremlin. You get the idea. A few sentence of explain how someone got from Point A to Point B. This also makes it easier for your partner to skim through your profile when wanting to get a grasp of your character.
Match Ideas and Preferences
Again, just to not limit my characters as much. I wanted the match preferences and opponents to be more suggestions than what needs to happen. This way people know what I'd like for each character, but it's not so restricted in terms of layout that people feel compelled to only do that. Hence, why I stick that at the end of the profile. Amano's geared to lewd and submission stuff, but can do just about anything. Kuro is geared toward humiliation, but is good for anything save for hardcore.
I think that's all the big stuff in terms of how I do my profiles. You guys are welcomed to use the code if you want. If you wanna' pick my brain more feel free to ask.