Tigresa Blanca vs Sakazuki Phelina

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Re: Tigresa Blanca vs Sakazuki Phelina

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Tigresa was trapped in the corner as she ended up putting herself in an tree of woe as she attempted to hit her opponent with an cannonball.With her unable to move it was no surprise when the other wrestler would go on the attack as she got kicked in both her belly and chest repeatedly by her fellow lightweight.The many blows she had to endure caused her to scream out , and made her feel relieved when Phelina would stop as she got forced to her feet.Only to then be lifted up , and slammed onto the canvas in the middle of the ring.

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Re: Tigresa Blanca vs Sakazuki Phelina

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Phelina would blow a kiss to the fans for support but would not waste such a chance and right after her kicks and the following slam she would quickly run towards the ropes,push against them lightly to launch her back and try to splash Tigresa on the mat.The crowd cheers and roars while the girl were building her momentum.As Phelina was about to get to the impact and splash her opponent the audience would wow,increasing that way the girl's confidence.

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Re: Tigresa Blanca vs Sakazuki Phelina

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Tigresa was on her back as he looked towards her fellow lightweight , and wondered where she was finding the strength to do all this.As she doubted she could pull off an powermove like that so easily.Still while she was wasting time looking up she would find Phelina was already in the air to try and hit her with an splash as she tried to counter this by raising her knees to meet the falling wrestling.

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Re: Tigresa Blanca vs Sakazuki Phelina

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The girl did not expected to get cut off but Tigresa all she had to do was to simply raise her legs and let Phelina fall right on her knees.Phelina landed with her belly on Tigresa's knees and fell on the mat with her arms covering her chest in pain. She panicked as she lost her breath.The crowd cheers and Phelina has nothing to do but to calm down and try to take deep breaths.Inhales,exhales unfortunately she has no time since she needs to recover fast.Turns out that her offensive play did not came up pretty successful.

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Re: Tigresa Blanca vs Sakazuki Phelina

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Tigresa had bin able to counter her opponent rather simple , but extremely effective as Phelina would fall right onto her knees with her belly.This would give her some time to recover as she would attempt to push her knees into the other wrestler's stomach in an attempt to throw her off so she would fall onto the canvas.

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Re: Tigresa Blanca vs Sakazuki Phelina

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Tigresa pushes Phelina off of her and threw her onto the canvas. The girl still in shock groans and try to endure the pain she got inflicted. Loud roars and cheers merge through the crowd as now Tigresa has a big chance to turn the tables with any move while her opponent is vulnerable at her state,trying to recover.The girl gives a quick look around and saw the audience going loud and as she turns around to face Tigresa many thoughts passed by her mind but none of them were good.Knowing the situation she is in,there were no other choice for her left but to attempt to roll out of the ring with all of her remainning stamina,before it was too late.

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Re: Tigresa Blanca vs Sakazuki Phelina

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Tigresa would push her opponent off her knees as she threw her onto the canvas as she heard the other wrestler groan from the pain this caused.Still the fans were enjoying the match so far as now it was her turn to try , and turn this around.So with a simple kip up the Porto Ricean would land on her feet as she would run towards the ropes.As the Luchadore wanted to go for a springboard crossbody as she had noticed that after she had gotten up had rolled out of the ring as she hoped to catch Phelina by surprise by doing this.

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Re: Tigresa Blanca vs Sakazuki Phelina

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Tigresa was moved and motivated from the crowd's cheers that lead her up to her feet quickly.Phelina rolled out successfully and as she walked few steps away from the ring to buy time.Energized and full of confidence Tigresa ran towards the ropes and performed a high-risk springboard crossbody all the way from the top of the ropes to her opponent and bringing her back down but this time to the ground with a loud thud. Tigresa landed and rolled over Phelina's body to get back up to her feet as the adrenaline flow in her whole body. Phelina hits her back on the ground as she turned around in the last second to face her opponent that was followed uo with a big wow from the audience right on the moment of the impact.The girl screams but tries her best to hold the pain back without success. Phelina is in big trouble while the crowd is excited and roars,congratulating Tigresa's performance.

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Re: Tigresa Blanca vs Sakazuki Phelina

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Tigresa knew she could not afford to give her fellow lightweight rest for even an second as the luchadore would run towards the ropes.As she knew she could not stop Phelina before she rolled out of the ring , but she could attempt to attack her while she was on the outside as she leaped onto the ropes.From their she would leap to the outside for a springboard crossbody as she would either hit her fellow lightweight or fall face down on the concrete.Luckily she would land on Phelina as the other wrestler would take most of the impact as she would get to her feet , and then try to pull Phelina to her feet as well in an attempt to push her back inside the ring.

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Re: Tigresa Blanca vs Sakazuki Phelina

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Tigresa wastes no time as the ref started the count:


And as soon as she knocked Phelina down she pulls and pushes her back into the ring.The girl rolls and gets in the middle of the ring laying still with the pain killing her from the previous big move.Tigresa slides into the ring aswell with the fans in her back supporting her. Phelina has nothing to do as she wait for Tigresa to make a mistake and maybe counter or reverse since trying to run away did not turned out in her favor.

All the eyes are turned on Tigresa which is about to pull something against Phelina and have a clean advantage of the match so far.

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