BLOODSPORT: Sarah Luther vs Angela Guillot

A Supercard filled with most physical match ups LAW has ever seen!
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Re: BLOODSPORT: Sarah Luther vs Angela Guillot

Unread post by Devastated »

Angela shoved Sarah off of her shoulder and threw her down onto her feet, shaking her head as she would try and clear the cobwebs that had come with that onslaught of punches to the top of her head. To her surprise though, Sarah wasn't going to let her get a chance to clear her head, as the fellow Rebellion member rushed towards her and drove her shoulder right into the midsection of the bustier of the pair.

Causing her feet to leave the canvas as she was sent out over the edge of the ring and flying right down towards Kyoko to the outside area of the ring!

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Re: BLOODSPORT: Sarah Luther vs Angela Guillot

Unread post by Fairy Dragon »

Kyoko was all smiles watching her teammates fight, knowing that whoever won would be irrelevant and wouldnt solve a thing between them. She had known the kind of fighting, though she liked to think it wasnt as petty as her rivalry, afterall she had a legit reason for why she hated who she did. Kyoko watched them get closer to her and thought nothing of it since one of them seemed poised to really lay it into her opponent..who instead slipped out and sent Angela out of the ring, though she was still on the ropes Kyoko saw Sarah rushing her a second too late and sent her tumbling towards her with a spear that knocked her off the ropes.

"Wait a sec-Onnndh!" Angela fell right on top of her sending them both down to the floor as Kyoko more or less turned into a cushion for her teammate while she was left to endure the brunt of the collision. "Get..your fat ass off of me.." Kyoko demanded pushing on Angela.

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Re: BLOODSPORT: Sarah Luther vs Angela Guillot

Unread post by TheManVan »

The two partners of destruction went flying out of the ring as they ended up crashing down on Kyoto as all members of Rebellion ended up into a heap. Although the landing was softened by Kyoko’s fat ass, it wasn’t by much as Sarah rolled off of Angela to try and collect herself. Growling to herself as she got to her knees, looking at Angela and by proxy Kyoto who was getting up at the same time, her eyes were locked firmly on Angela.

She would stalk her partner and rival, rising up in a low crouch ready to spring on her as she would suddenly burst towards the bustier of the pair, leaping up with her knee cocked back as she attempted to smash Angela’s face in with a jumping knee!

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Re: BLOODSPORT: Sarah Luther vs Angela Guillot

Unread post by Devastated »

Coughing and groaning as she fell on top of Kyoko Akan, shaking her head as she would feel Kyoko push on her, forcing the platinum blonde to roll over and get onto her side, she rasped out a few curses under her breath as she started to rise up towards her feet. She rose to her feet and as she did Sarah had already taken a sprint towards her.

Jumping up as Angela turned to face her hated tag partner, with the knee smashing straight into her jaw and throwing Angela backwards once more! Forcing her to fall backwards towards the rising Belly Queen!

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