Aurelia Decimus
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 7:27 pm
Black Knight
Aurelia Decimus

Name- Aurelia Decimus
Sex- Female
Age- 25
Eyes- Blueish-green
Hair- Brown
Height- 6ft (182cm)
Weight- 175 lbs (80 kg) (280 lbs (127 kg) when fully armed and armored)
Race- Human
Alignment- Lawful Evil
Fighting Style
Aurelia is a highly skilled swordsman, wielding a large broadsword with deadly strength as well as a large magically powered blunderbuss that is capable of firing a large magical beam capable of smashing through stone walls.
When she’s entering an active warzone, or simply wishes to intimidate a target, Aurelia will clad herself in magical black armor that covers her entire body. The black armor is impervious to non-enchanted weapons, fire, and dark magic.
Even without her armor or weapons, Aurelia is still a formidable opponent and skilled grappler thanks to her tall stature, impressive body, and her years of military training.
Special Abilities
Obsidian Moonlight- Aurelia’s enchanted sword can charge with dark energy to unleash a powerful, explosive slash.
Drain- While wearing her gauntlets, Aurelia can grab and opponent and sap their stamina and use it to re-energize herself when tired.
Bear-hug- Simple but effective move in which Aurelia wraps her powerful arms around her opponent and lifts them into the air, crushing them with her superior strength.
Finishing Moves
If she still has her shield, Mercedes will bash her opponent in the chest or face to knock them to the ground and proceed to straddle her downed opponent, placing the rim of the shield on her opponent’s throat, choking them until the yield.
If she has lost both her sword and shield, Mercedes will try to out maneuver her opponent and trap them in a rear naked choke hold until they yield.
Aurelia is a large, buxom woman with short brown hair and serious bluish green eyes. In combat she wears a menacing suit of black enchanted armor with a white leotard underneath. When investigating potential rebels or attending official meetings she will dress in her trim dark officers uniform.

The once small kingdom of Erste quickly arose as one of the most dominant military superpowers in the land after a massive deposit of magical crystals were discovered within its territory. Erstian Sorcerers and Engineers combined their expertise to create fantastic, magically powered war machines and firearms to defend the kingdom from invaders that might wish to steal their resources but once the King at the time, Pelagius V saw how destructive these weapons were he declared that it was necessary for the kingdom to expand to better protect its interests. Neighboring cities soon fell one after the other and the once small kingdom was rechristened as the Pelagian Empire.
To maintain Public support for his conquests, Pelagius produced ancient manuscripts which, according to him, told how the people of Erste were descended from the first humans created by the gods and that it was prophesized that they were destined to unite the continent under human rule and bring peace to all the lands. The citizenry was supercharged with zealous nationalism and the Empire’s armies swelled with new recruits. In ten years, the Empire had doubled its size and did not seem to be relenting anytime soon.
It was in this era that Aurelia was born. Her father and grandfather had both served admirably in the empires armies and from an early age Aurelia swore to follow in their footsteps. Aurelia devoted herself to training her body and reading the Imperial Cults teachings. When she was sixteen, Aurelia joined the Imperial Military Academy where she excelled in combat training thanks to her prior study and naturally large body. The officers also took note of her beyond normal devotion to the cause and had her assigned to the secret police once she graduated from the academy.
Aurelia was tasked with investigating suspected agitators and heretics within the capitol city. Her superiors, even those who knew of her unwavering loyalty to the Empire were shocked by her mercilessness, often arresting citizens for even minor infractions that she deemed to be undermining the Empire. The higher ups discussed whether or not she should be removed from her post but word of her devotion soon spread the Emperor himself who took an interest in the zealous young soldier.
Pelagius V would bestow a newly created title unto Aurelia, the title of Black Knight. Aurelia could not be happier with her new position. She was now be the arm of the emperor, personally carrying out his will without question. Wherever he pointed she would go, whomever displeased him, she would eliminate without question.
Aurelia’s speech is blunt and to the point. She believes whole heartedly that the Empire is destined to rule the world and that Humans are the chosen people of the gods. She, like most people in the Empire, holds elves and dwarves in low regard while viewing goblins, orcs, and other monstrous peoples as vermin that must be eradicated in order to create a safe world for Humans to flourish.
While she is generally merciless in dealing with rebels and heretics, she will occasionally take the leader of a group to make an example of, humiliating them publicly to dissuade further uprisings.
Aurelia Decimus

Name- Aurelia Decimus
Sex- Female
Age- 25
Eyes- Blueish-green
Hair- Brown
Height- 6ft (182cm)
Weight- 175 lbs (80 kg) (280 lbs (127 kg) when fully armed and armored)
Race- Human
Alignment- Lawful Evil
Fighting Style
Aurelia is a highly skilled swordsman, wielding a large broadsword with deadly strength as well as a large magically powered blunderbuss that is capable of firing a large magical beam capable of smashing through stone walls.
When she’s entering an active warzone, or simply wishes to intimidate a target, Aurelia will clad herself in magical black armor that covers her entire body. The black armor is impervious to non-enchanted weapons, fire, and dark magic.
Even without her armor or weapons, Aurelia is still a formidable opponent and skilled grappler thanks to her tall stature, impressive body, and her years of military training.
Special Abilities
Obsidian Moonlight- Aurelia’s enchanted sword can charge with dark energy to unleash a powerful, explosive slash.
Drain- While wearing her gauntlets, Aurelia can grab and opponent and sap their stamina and use it to re-energize herself when tired.
Bear-hug- Simple but effective move in which Aurelia wraps her powerful arms around her opponent and lifts them into the air, crushing them with her superior strength.
Finishing Moves
If she still has her shield, Mercedes will bash her opponent in the chest or face to knock them to the ground and proceed to straddle her downed opponent, placing the rim of the shield on her opponent’s throat, choking them until the yield.
If she has lost both her sword and shield, Mercedes will try to out maneuver her opponent and trap them in a rear naked choke hold until they yield.
Aurelia is a large, buxom woman with short brown hair and serious bluish green eyes. In combat she wears a menacing suit of black enchanted armor with a white leotard underneath. When investigating potential rebels or attending official meetings she will dress in her trim dark officers uniform.
Full Armor

Helmet Removed

Half Armored


Imperial Officer Dress Uniform

Wrestling Attire

Capturing a Rebel

The once small kingdom of Erste quickly arose as one of the most dominant military superpowers in the land after a massive deposit of magical crystals were discovered within its territory. Erstian Sorcerers and Engineers combined their expertise to create fantastic, magically powered war machines and firearms to defend the kingdom from invaders that might wish to steal their resources but once the King at the time, Pelagius V saw how destructive these weapons were he declared that it was necessary for the kingdom to expand to better protect its interests. Neighboring cities soon fell one after the other and the once small kingdom was rechristened as the Pelagian Empire.
To maintain Public support for his conquests, Pelagius produced ancient manuscripts which, according to him, told how the people of Erste were descended from the first humans created by the gods and that it was prophesized that they were destined to unite the continent under human rule and bring peace to all the lands. The citizenry was supercharged with zealous nationalism and the Empire’s armies swelled with new recruits. In ten years, the Empire had doubled its size and did not seem to be relenting anytime soon.
It was in this era that Aurelia was born. Her father and grandfather had both served admirably in the empires armies and from an early age Aurelia swore to follow in their footsteps. Aurelia devoted herself to training her body and reading the Imperial Cults teachings. When she was sixteen, Aurelia joined the Imperial Military Academy where she excelled in combat training thanks to her prior study and naturally large body. The officers also took note of her beyond normal devotion to the cause and had her assigned to the secret police once she graduated from the academy.
Aurelia was tasked with investigating suspected agitators and heretics within the capitol city. Her superiors, even those who knew of her unwavering loyalty to the Empire were shocked by her mercilessness, often arresting citizens for even minor infractions that she deemed to be undermining the Empire. The higher ups discussed whether or not she should be removed from her post but word of her devotion soon spread the Emperor himself who took an interest in the zealous young soldier.
Pelagius V would bestow a newly created title unto Aurelia, the title of Black Knight. Aurelia could not be happier with her new position. She was now be the arm of the emperor, personally carrying out his will without question. Wherever he pointed she would go, whomever displeased him, she would eliminate without question.
Aurelia’s speech is blunt and to the point. She believes whole heartedly that the Empire is destined to rule the world and that Humans are the chosen people of the gods. She, like most people in the Empire, holds elves and dwarves in low regard while viewing goblins, orcs, and other monstrous peoples as vermin that must be eradicated in order to create a safe world for Humans to flourish.
While she is generally merciless in dealing with rebels and heretics, she will occasionally take the leader of a group to make an example of, humiliating them publicly to dissuade further uprisings.