Sex: Unknown, looks like a female
Age: 120 years old
Eyes: Green with Light-Blue Sclera
Hair: Green with Yellow Tips
Height: 5'11 (changes based on water level)
Weight: 110lbs. (changes based on water level)
Nationality: Slime
Alignment: Face
Fighting Style: To say Pokey fights isn't exactly true. She more just ends up hitting people by mistake and getting into a fight. She will usually use her tentacles in her hair to whip people and her body so smother and suffocate them until they give up.
Special Abilities: Pokey can make her body very stretchy, able to wrap around people and squeeze them. She can also increase the size of her body by consuming liquids but it will only last temporarily. The two tentacles that are part of her "hair" are actually too move on their own. They can grab things, absorb water and even perform some more questionable activities
Finishing Move:
Tasty: Pokey will wrap her legs around her opponent, along with holding their arms with her hair. She will then cup their face and kiss them, kissing them until they pass out.