Sex: Female
Age: 320 years old
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Height: 6'10"
Weight: 270 lbs.
Nationality: Wood Elf
Alignment: Face
Fighting Style: Estrella is fairly slow but versatile and powerful. While many would correctly guess she is a powerhouse, she is one with a notable degree of magic power; frequently buffing her own body with powerful enchantments or immobilizing and ensnaring her opponents by summoning the forces of the planet itself to aid her. If not for that, her style would be quite straightforward with her emphasis on powerful slams and throws and using her deceptively built body to flatten and crush other wrestlers against it. She loves to use body pins and splashes, preferring to end pins with opponents orgasming underneath her heavy form, and rarely backs away from an opportunity to rub belly to belly, breast to breast against an interesting opponent.
Special Abilities: Estrella can gather mana through arousal and uses it either to modify her body or affect her opponent. This can range from momentarily hardening her belly muscles or causing her body to be quite sticky to the touch to trapping her opponents momentarily in vines or causing them build up body heat at a much higher rate. She can also momentarily lower gravity as well as change the topography of an arena for short periods of time, typically for confusing and disorienting opponents by causing plants to grow and trip or momentarily daze them with spores or other such chemicals.
Finishing Move: Gaia Hammer - essentially a magically enhanced full body splash and grapevine pin. Grabbing an opponent close to her, Estrella leaps upwards and suspends gravity momentarily, wrapping her legs under an opponent and spreading them out while she seizes their arms. Stretched out like a five-pointed star, a magical incantation is changed in a wordless language and strange symbols appear on her back, intensifying the amount of arousal she can produce through impact. Vines emerge from below and seize her body before throwing her down hard. The opponent, stretched, squashed, and filled with pleasure, often cums as both agony and ecstasy flood their body from Estrella's fully flexed form coming down so hard.
Personality: Easygoing, teasing, friendly. Loves to be casually lewd and rarely displays much aggression. Somewhat pushy when she finds someone she enjoys being around or on top of.
History: A low born champion of wood elf royalty, Estrella had a reputation as perhaps the most powerful of the Elven wrestlers, defeating many light and dark elves and establishing the wood elves, previously seen as rustic and primitive, as a formidable force to be treated with respect. In spite of her fame and her apparent laziness, she enjoys traveling and seeking new challenges so her championship did not keep her happy for long. She currently wanders the world, looking for new bodies to test and be tested by. Mostly just pancaking them under herself.