Raven "Rocktail" Nightshade

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Raven "Rocktail" Nightshade

Unread post by Blau<3 »

Raven "Rocktail" Nightshade
Entrance Music
Age: 25
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blue
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 130 lbs
Nationality: American
Alignment: Tweener

Entrance Music:

Raven grew up in the city streets of Philadelphia. By day people know her as the flirty and aggressive cashier at the local record shop. By evening, Others know her as the high octane singer of a punk band who fills up the local bars when they make their performances. However in the afterhours, she is known as "Rocktail" in the underground wrestling clubs. Growing up she loved the rush of violence and frequently got in trouble for scuffling with anyone and everyone. Then one night after getting into another scuffle after one of her mosh pit inducing shows, she was approached about a club where she could get paid and rewarded for her lust for violence. A place where there was no rules and no mercy. She was immediately a hit for her brutal beatdowns and as she got in more and more matches her penchant for aerial and athletic moves that awed the crowd!

She was also a favorite for pushing the limits of herself and her opponents, as she took the the no rules policy to the extreme. She realized that her lust for fighting was just that, LUST. Her matches were known to leave someone with a torn up outfit and left in a pool of sweat and shameful juices. Often choosing to knock her opponents out through orgasmic submission instead of more typical ways. After some point, the locals just couldn't keep up with the ravenous raccoon as she dominated the lesser talents in the area. Plus, while a hardcore bitch for sure, she was starting to really appreciate the showmanship of professional wrestling which was hard to share with lesser underground clubs. Fortunately a talent scout for a larger organization had come to one of her bouts and immediately approach the punk rocker. Promises of women just like her, bigger paychecks, bigger crowds, all the things Raven wanted to hear. She picked up her bags and headed out the next day!

Raven is very in shape from years spent wrestling in the underground. She has a lightly toned midsection, firm C cup breasts, and a plump peach in the back. She has a few body tattoos and dresses in a lustful punk rocker suit. A studded choker, fishnet arm sleeves, a sleeveless leather jack and undershirt. A skimpy leather thong, swallowed up in the back, thigh high fishnet stockings with knee high wrestling boots. A bushy black and blue tail, despite her hardcore nature her fur is quite soft.

Raven looks to disorient with her strong strikes and kicks. Trying to set up opportunities to show off her athletic ability with high flying and creative moves. She also is a bit of a sadist and would look to find moments to humiliate her opponent. In non lewd matches this would be shameful holds, bronco busters, ass smothering, etc. In matches where it's allowed she would pull out an arsenal of sexual maneuvers. She wouldn't necessarily look to cheat, but does throw the occasional low blow, eye rake, or rope choke due to her underground history. She also relies on momentum as her only defense is her blend of masochism and tough body that can tank a good amount of damage.

Preferred Matches: Hardcore hentai, TLC, No DQ, would accept mostly any challenge

Attitude To Hentai: I LOVE to mix pain and pleasure love~

Physical Statistics

General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★★
Raven can go the mile in most matches. She can also take a great deal of damage before it starts to have a significant effect. Also applies to her sexual endurance as well
Strength ★★★
Her strikes have some heat on them. She can also lift opponents around her size and smaller. Would be at a disadvantage against larger opponents
Speed ★★★★★
Hard to rival speed, she is sly and slippery. Usually what her advantage is.
Defence ★★
Hard to hit due to her speed. But not hard to keep locked down if you get a hold of her. Also tends to rely on her ability to eat shots rather than block them.
Technique ★★★
A bit raw due to her underground nature, but has plenty of moves and tricks she can use
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★★
Loves to wear her opponent down with hard punches and kicks
Submissions ★★★
Not her strong suit, but has plenty of holds to give a mix of pain and humilation
Powerhouse ★★
Against smaller or equal sized opponents, she may pull out a suplex or two. Not really looking for it
Aerials ★★★★
Few things excite a crowd more than the high risk high flying moves! Raven will always look to get some into her matches
Counters ★★
Outside of a cheap low blow, lacks the ability to reliably reverse or counter
Futanari Elixir
For those who desire, Raven has a special elixir that turns her womanhood into a futanari cock and balls while keeping her pussy. She will use this against opponents who request it and against other futanari opponents. Raven has been known to also use it in the middle of a match on rare occasion ~
Humiliation Weaknesses
While it helps her endure alot of punishment, it is a double edged sword. At a certain point it works against her, making her feel flustered and aroused. Weakening her and slowing down her speed. Also wears down her lewd defenses
One of Raven's more embarrassing traits. Something about getting smothered in some hot sweat can drive her crazy with lust. Especially when between some plump, thong clad ass. Very susceptible to ass smothers, and when combined with a sexual attack would lead to a very vulnerable sex
When Raven takes the elixir
While she enjoys the fun of a being a futanari, it not being her natural state it comes with some serious vulnerabilities. She is VERY sensitive to having her balls licked and sucked, as well as any oral attacks that aren't forced or intended by herself
Signature Moves
Procyonid Pounce
String Strumming
Hips Don't Lie
Missile Dropkick
Double Time

Finishing Moves
Power Chord
Raven comes flying off the ropes towards a weakened opponent for a tornado DDT
Off the top rope variation
Raven's personal favorite. She sets her worn out opponent on the top of the corner post to set up an show stopping hurricana
Closing Song
When needed, she has a submission finisher. Giving her opponents a painful stretch over her knee, letting their melodic screams play the match out ~

Humiliation/Hentai Moves
A headscissor/banana split combination to give the crowd a great view ~
Hentai Variation
A facesit mixed with folding her opponent's legs back, Raven grabs her opponents bottoms and wedges them up to humiliate while looking for a submission/smother KO
Hentai Variation
Would look to orally attack her opponent's sex
A rear naked choke with a humiliating twistImage
A sexual hold where Raven may also let her opponent suck on her tit for a milky treatImage
On a worn out opponent, Raven will look to quench her thirst at the expense of your humiliation
A dominant facesit pin with some self service
For Futa Opponents 1
For Futa Opponents 2
For Futa Opponents 3
For Futa Opponents 4
When she takers her elixir
Futa Move 1
Futa Move 2
Futa Move 3
Futa Move 4
My Roster<3

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