The Amazon Berserker

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The Amazon Berserker

Unread post by LawHell »

Name:  Harper "Cribul" Silva
Age: 224
Hair:Long Brown Hair
Height: 8"7
Weight: 465 lbs

Accent: Australian tone but with a hint of Brazilian speech pattern (it's can be very confusing)
Nationality: Unknown could be Brazilian or Australian though some believed she was from around the Amazon part of the world but nothing as confirmed.

Alignment:Erotic Heel

Tactics and style:due to her size and powerful body she uses a mix of Overpowering Submissions, Erotic holds as well as making unique combo holds in the match when needed making her extremely unpredictable.

Preferred match:Hentai Match,2V1,oil wrestling,bed match,H-KO

Favored moves:
Standing or ground Octopus holds
Cobra Twist
Any form of choke holds
Crucifix Arm-bar
Camel crunch
Straddling Arm Stretch
India death lock
(More to be added later)

Finisher: STO back-breaker
The attacking wrestler stands facing the opponent, then puts one of their arms across the opponent's chest holding their shoulder, the attacking wrestler then sweeps the legs of the opponent in the fashion of an STO but brings their knee forward so the opponent falls back first onto it. There is also an arm trap version that sees an attacking wrestler take hold of an arm of an opponent and then move to a slightly front-to-back position so that the opponent's arm hooks across and around the opponent's own head. At this point, the attacking wrestler kneels forward to the ground, forcing the opponent's own arm to drag them to the attacker's exposed knee.
Olympi's Test
Special ability: Berserker Raw Rage
This ability is rarely used in most fights as the physical demand on Harper's body is great to the point it could weaken her greatly after being used. But in this moment of rage she will put all her force into her body, increasing its speed, strength, and endurance, making her far stronger than she should be though it also makes her give less regard for her own safety and defensive thinking.
Entrance music
Alt Appearance
Personality: Inside the ring she is focused and ready to strike the is unrelenting and dedicated to the fight but also she does aim to have a fun friendly match with all her opponents.

Outside the ring she's a softy by heart she enjoys people and the world around her she welcoming to all and is found to be very positive unless you wake her up you could find yourself in a great world if hurt she very active and really enjoys hosting chill outs with her friends as well as creating food drinks and many other things.

Strong Girls (anyone that can go toe to toe with her)
Wonder woman ( Severe girl crush also inspired role model)
Hunting (working for her meal)
Reading all forms of literature (has a keen mind for knowledge)
Relaxing with friends
Cooking (enjoys cooking for people)
Working hard for her clan.

Lazy people
Cheats (in or out the ring)

Wins: 2
Celeste Price via. Verbal Submission
Rain “Triumph” Colbert vs Harper "Cribul" Silva via. Verbal Submission

Losses: 0
Draws: 0

None as yet
Rivals: None as yet
Enemies: None as yet
Crushes: Shego Wolf (hopes to tag team with her one day)

((art work credited to Trebuxet & SailorNemesisStar ))
Last edited by LawHell on Tue May 21, 2024 3:58 pm, edited 14 times in total.

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