"Shaddup! I'll kill you!"
Name: SiryaAge: 19
Hair: Black
Eyes: Violet
Height: 5'1 / 155 cm / 76 horts
Weight: 114 lbs. / 52 kg / 36 stones
Nationality: Gorean
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Without her cloak
Special thanks to Dokki for this model!
History: Sirya was born in the city of Kassau on the planet Gor, or Counter-Earth, a barbaric world orbiting the Sun on the opposite side of Earth. Her father was a member of the powerful Merchant Caste, but shortly after she was born, he ended up in crippling debt to another trader. As part of the payment, the merchant demanded his debtor's daughter to be sold to him as a slave. Despite dire straits, Sirya's father didn't have the heart to condemn her to a life of servitude, growing up without ever knowing freedom, and, deciding that death was preferable, he abandoned the girl deep in the northern forests surrounding Kassau, where she would be at the mercy of wild beasts and the elements alike. However, the child was discovered by a band of Panther Girls, the feral warrior women of the northern forests. Taking pity on her, they decided to take the girl in and raise her as one of their own, teaching her to fight, hunt, and live off the land. In time, Sirya successfully underwent the band's initiation ritual of hunting and killing a Gorean forest panther, which she then skinned and wore as a cloak. However, Sirya couldn't stay with her band forever. Never having known society or civilized company, she felt a drive towards living on her own in the wild, just as the beast she wore the skin of. Living among others and having a home bored her. Eventually, she wandered away from her camp and into the vast forests, where she lived her life hunting, gathering, and sleeping in trees, with the occasional mugging of lost travelers to sustain herself.
Personality: Despite her diminutive size, Sirya has a mouth to well make up for it. When confronted with others, she's loud, brash, and abrasive, quick to escalate a situation or leap to violence. In particular, she takes umbrage at being underestimated and thought of as small or weak, and pointing out her stature and youthful appearance is likely to get her riled (even if it's true). Having grown up around Panther Girls for as long as she can remember, unaware of her home, her family, or how she ended up there, Sirya never learned ettiquite, as manners help no one when you have to hunt and raid to survive in the wild. As such, others might view her as rude and obnoxious, and she doesn't see any reason to waste her time on maintaining hygiene or treating others with respect; the thought of being courteous to another being is utterly alien to her. Needless to say, she doesn't have many friends.
Fighting Style: Like most Panthers, Sirya trained in using a spear and arrows to hunt and fight, and she carries these on her person at all times, along with a small knife, usually tucked in her boot or strapped to her thigh, which she uses as a backup if forced to. Given that she's been fending for herself her entire life, she's had plenty of time to train and hone her skills, and can hold her own against many enemies despite her size. In fact, because she's so small, Sirya can use the element of surprise to her advantage, easily hiding in brushes or trees to launch surprise ambushes. She's also versed in setting traps, which she came to rely on to hunt for food, but they work just as well on people. In close quarters, Sirya will use her spear primarily, and if backed into a corner where its reach would be impractical, she'll use her knife instead. In addition, she has attached wooden handles to the inside of her panther skin's hollowed-out paws, allowing her to use them as makeshift boxing gloves or to slash opponents with the claws. While Sirya never had any training in formal martial arts, she's potent at fighting unarmed, and can wrestle a wild animal into submission. To compensate for her size, Sirya focuses on manuevers that can restrain and whittle down an opponent by trapping their joints or strangling the air out of their lungs, whether that be with her arms or legs - she doesn't discriminate.