'The Undead Spirit' Kureiji Ollie

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'The Undead Spirit' Kureiji Ollie

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Real Name: 'The Undead Spirit' Kureiji Ollie
Nationality: Indonesian
Age: Unknown
Birthday: October 13th
Alignment: Neutral (Lawful Good)
Hair Color: Red/Grey
Eye Color: Red/Yellow
Height: 1,62 m
Weight: 62 kg

Physical Stats
Strength: 4/5
Resistance: 5/5
Agility: 5/5
Speed: 5/5
Technique: 5/5


'Last Touch': She can swing her sword towards the enemy and turn around to fold it. If she does it at all, the "invisible" attack can make a deep wound.

'Close your eyes': If she grabs the enemy and makes them look at her eyes, the victim can turn into a stone statue.

Strengths and Weaknesses:
She can create portals with swings to teleport, from which she can also summon chains. As I mentioned before, be careful and try to not look at her for much time, or she might turn you into a stone statue. Her biggest weaknesses are the daytime (unless it gets dark with gray clouds), the light of the sun and anything related to light. And about the stare hidden ability, using it in excessive manners can make her having a mental pain, and she can be vulnerable/exposed.
Personality: She seems to be an extraordinarily loud, chaotic, hyperactive character, until she gets into a battle, when she takes things a little more seriously.

Past/History: She died at the age of 17 when she was going to the school, with a sword that landed from nowhere and trespassed her head, as getting stabbed due to the gravity and length of height that weapon was falling from. 2 days later, a sort of dark magic transformed her into a sort of undead girl, and since that day she has lived longer than most humans.

Fight record:
Fun facts: She prefers to be called Ollie, or 'zombie girl'.

Ready for Battle:

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