Nickname: Space Dinosaur
Age: Unknown
Hair Color: Black
Eye colors: Dependable
Nationality: Japanese
Hight: ???
Weight: ???
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Mega Zetton:

EX Zetton:

Hyper Zetton:

Bunny Zetton:

Zetton Final Beam: One of Zetton's strongest attacks, as well as one of her signature techniques, Zetton can absorb an energy beam shot by the opponent with her hands, making it seem as if the beam was useless. After this is carried out Zetton can launch a very powerful, destructive, explosive wave-like beam of yellowish white energy fired from both her hands. If aimed correctly, this beam attack can defeat her opponent.
One Trillion Degrees Fireball: Zetton's primary attack, she can emit and launch a variety of yellow colored fire balls from her "mouth", or the orange-yellow stripe spot on her face/forehead. These fireballs range in power with explosive results, vary from being small and weak, which can be fired in rapid succession, to being bigger and more powerful (about the size of her face), creating entire explosions that are larger than herself and are capable of overwhelming the strongest of foes and energy shields. This is able to be charged before her face to create a massive fireball. These fireballs are said to be one trillion degrees Celcius
Zetton Barrier: When attacked, Zetton can create and erect a large, powerful crystal-like electromagnetic barrier around its entire body that is capable of protecting her from all but the strongest of attacks. Should Zetton close the force field while being attacked, projectiles will be bounced directly back at the source.
Energy Laser: Zetton can fire red-coloured energy lasers from the holes on both sides of her head.
Teleportation: Zetton is capable of instantly teleporting itself.
Flight: Zetton is capable of anti-gravity flight.
One Trillion Degrees Fireball: Zetton's primary attack, she can emit and launch a variety of yellow colored fire balls from her "mouth", or the orange-yellow stripe spot on her face/forehead. These fireballs range in power with explosive results, vary from being small and weak, which can be fired in rapid succession, to being bigger and more powerful (about the size of her face), creating entire explosions that are larger than herself and are capable of overwhelming the strongest of foes and energy shields. This is able to be charged before her face to create a massive fireball. These fireballs are said to be one trillion degrees Celcius
Zetton Barrier: When attacked, Zetton can create and erect a large, powerful crystal-like electromagnetic barrier around its entire body that is capable of protecting her from all but the strongest of attacks. Should Zetton close the force field while being attacked, projectiles will be bounced directly back at the source.
Energy Laser: Zetton can fire red-coloured energy lasers from the holes on both sides of her head.
Teleportation: Zetton is capable of instantly teleporting itself.
Flight: Zetton is capable of anti-gravity flight.