Boo vs Kyle: A spooky match

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Boo vs Kyle: A spooky match

Unread post by xalex »

The pink haired boy would stretch his arms a little bit, before jumping up and down only using his toes. He would look around in the backstage area for a moment. Another strange match for him tonight, he didn´t knew what to think about it. IT was supernatural underground fighting arena of kinds. Every kind match was possible here. Although he wasn´t feeling to comfortable fighting other beings thanks to bad past experience, but they were paying so good that he had to take it, his family really could use the money. They didn´t really knew what he was doing, because he never told them but as long as he could help his family with it he would keep going.
The Mexican boy would her a signal that it was his turn. He would just nod to the other person and would slowly walk out of the backstage area. He would walk through a badly lighted room right to a big octagon cage. He would try not to show his nervous kind, especially because he didn’t knew who or what he was fighting tonight. He would reach the cage soon and take the stairs into it walking up and down there for a little bit holding his arms high into the air. He would hope to get a positive reaction from the crowed but they were rather quite. The boy would walk over to his corner where he started to stretch a little bit, waiting for his opponent to show up.

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Re: Boo vs Kyle: A spooky match

Unread post by Ghost-Ring »

Boo had been a part of plenty of matches, but this was going to be her first time floating into a caged octagon. She floated amongst the rafters high above the ring as a name was called, signaling the entrance of her opponent for the night.

"Kyle, eh?" She remarked as a pink haired boy made his way to the ring in relative silence. He entered the cage and began his pre-match stretches.

"My turn!" Boo said enthusiastically.

Suddenly, the entire arena went dark.. an ominous silence fell over the crowd, building the tension until the sounds of chains rattling broke the quiet... Purple flames appeared on random places, acting like lanterns as they illuminated the arena.

The ghost girl floated down to the ring, undetected, before suddenly the lights turned back on and Boo had appeared face to face with Kyle! She floated upside down above him with their noses mere inches apart!

"Hi!" She said innocently, accidentally flashing her sharp toothed smile. "I have pink hair too!!"


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Re: Boo vs Kyle: A spooky match

Unread post by xalex »

Kyle would watch the flames light up all over the place suddenly out of the blue. He was surprised at first but didn´t try to show it too much. He would keep stretching a little bit, while his eyes were looking around the arena if someone was entering. He wouldn´t see anyone and his eyes would be coughed onto the lightes a few times, wondering how this was working.
Suddenly a face would appear right in front of his own, but upside down. The boy would ripe his eyes open wide and when the face was suddenly taking to him he would jump backwards out of a reflex trying to bring in some distance between him and the person. Unluckily he didn´t had too much free space behind himself and so he would outright jump into the cage, while staring at the floating person in front of him. It was a ghost… he was shocked… but it wouldn´t take too long until he would catch himself again. Breathing in deeply he would step forwards. “hello there… yes seems like we share a similar hair color… I like yours!”

He would offer the floating girl a friendly handshake. “my name is Kyle… Nice to meet you floating woman… sorry for my rude reaction when you were grading me.. I was expecting a lot… but not that!” he would say blushing a little bit realizing how cute the ghost actually was. “I hope we have a good match… “ he would say assuming from the looks that she would be his opponent.

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Re: Boo vs Kyle: A spooky match

Unread post by Ghost-Ring »

The pink haired boy nearly jumped out of his skin, backed up against the cage wall at Boo's sudden arrival. The ghost had a curious look on her face.. she never seemed to learn that a surprise spectral arrival might garner that reaction. The boy soon collected himself and walked towards her.

"Thank you!" She smiled wide at the compliment, reaching out to return the handshake. She flipped over and banished her chains, allowing her to stand on the mat.

"Nice to meet you, Kyle! The name's Boo! And don't worry about it!" She chuckled. "I actually get that a lot for some reason... But yeah, let's have a good one!!"

She released his hand and tooK a few steps back, stretching out her ethereal limbs to limber up a bit.

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Re: Boo vs Kyle: A spooky match

Unread post by xalex »

The boy would smile. A friendly opponent at least something new to his usual fights where the other person would do everything for the price money. Maybe tonight would be also have some fun for him. He would lean forwards waiting for the ringbell to ring and when it did he would start to walk towards his opponent he would try to keep her always in his sight, while closing in. When he thought he was close enough. He would do one big step forwards lifting up his hand like he wanted to throw a hock right at her face. But in the last possible moment he would lean down trying to get behind her. He would warp his arms around her midsection trying to lift her up into the air and spin around to take her down to the mat directly and get on top of her back.

The boy would try to use the chance and get her into a full nelson on the ground at this chance.

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