Attack on Avatar - Mikasa vs Korra

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Re: Attack on Avatar - Mikasa vs Korra

Unread post by ragaz »

Korra was taking deep breaths, her body was riddled with various injuries, blood and sweat intermingled, trickling down her face and frame. And while Mikasa still getting back up for more has shaken the avatar, the tan woman remained determined nevertheless.
Anxiety was gripping Korra as Mikasa approached her like a zombie, it made her freeze up until Mikasa swung at her. Korra raised her right arm to block it before stepping forward with her left foot while unleashing a left one inch punch into Mikasa's side before following up with a high right kick in order to daze her opponent.
With each hit, Korra was letting out increasingly desperate and frustrated grunts and sounds.

If it worked as intended, Korra would step in close and start carpet bombing Mikasa's body and face with a relentless barrage of punches. ''Just go down, damn you!''
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Re: Attack on Avatar - Mikasa vs Korra

Unread post by SwordSavior1 »

Basically a walking skeleton neared the bender, channeling the body in a desperate gambit to drown her enemy out. However this act was easily perceived, but dread came from Korra's full response. Unable to slip back in time, Mikasa coughed up a bit of blood as the successive inch punch and high kick rearranged her insides further. Left completely immobile where simply moving any part from the waist above ellicited a howl of excruciating pain. Yet her stubborn pride to deny Korra toppling her persisted, somehow still standing.

"..." A drowned whisper as further warheads went straight into her enfeebled form. Even as her renowned physique was stained and flattened by this relentless onslaught, Mikasa's barely preserved leg muscles kept this warrior anchored. Almost like the plan was letting Korra wear herself out and guide most of the path. "NEVER!" Accompanied by another piercing scream as Mikasa's upper half whipped back, causing her busted arms to spread. Yet with an arched form, she chose to rush through the flames only then she would plummet. Clenching her less wounded fist before lashing her body forward again, aiming to pulverse through the frustrated bender by throwing a explosive overhand punch!

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Re: Attack on Avatar - Mikasa vs Korra

Unread post by ragaz »

Korra could feel her blows crushing Mikasa's body, feeling the 'crunch' with every punch and yet the woman was still on her feet even as the avatar was screaming with effort. But then, the decisive moment came - Mikasa's upper body whipped back just out of Korra's immediate punching range, so Korra took a step forward while winding back her fist and sending it towards Mikasa again. However, this wasn't Mikasa dodging or retreating, she was actually abandoning any kind of defence and her body as well as her fist quickly shot forwards.

It all happened in a handful of milliseconds. The two women ended up too close to each other for their intended punches and this is where the current conditions of their bodies came into play. Mikasa's body was battered badly and she basically just catapulted herself and her punch towards Korra, who was also beat up pretty bad, but despite the pain, she had autonomy over her body and so Korra slightly ducked to the side just as the punch came at her with an extremely near miss. Meanwhile, Korra's punch changed trajectory, the straight punched curved into an uppercut towards Mikasa's chin with everything she had which would send the slayer airborne.
Adrenaline coursing through Korra's body did not allow her to relent and she would follow it up in order to finish this once and for all by leaping after her airborne opponent, grabbing Mikasa by the waist from below before letting out a scream as she would descend with a savage powerbomb into the ground, but it would end up more like a piledriver, burying Mikasa's upper half into the floor like a vegetable with her legs hanging out.
''hhrrraaahhhh!!!'' CRASH!
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Re: Attack on Avatar - Mikasa vs Korra

Unread post by SwordSavior1 »

One last simulation helped guide Mikasa's hand even as she was almost split in half. It did all come down to this final engagement, as the air vibrated around their burning bodies. Gambling her own stamina to land a swifter blow truly paved this last encounter, the path of her fist was rooted. Not even a slight sway for the attack or her body.

All within in a miniscule timeframe. By a mere speck, this last resort only swept away more dust, where Mikasa wasn't allowed to dwell on the ramifications, for they instantly manifested as Korra's own killer uppercut made contact.

Such unimaginable power left Mikasa's world spinning as she forcibly soared through the air. Her head still vibrating after that beastly punch left an imprint. Somehow the closest feeling to freedom until she was suddenly snagged by her pursuing rival. Her lineage was seemingly incapable of shifting her paralysed beyond those widened pupils for the cycle finally came to an end.

The piledriver shaking the earth one last time. Dust clearing to revealing Mikasa's preserved body in vertical form, perfectly balanced and limp. Even after putting up an immense front for her devotion, this now sleeping giant was unable to weather the storm that was Avatar Korra.

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Re: Attack on Avatar - Mikasa vs Korra

Unread post by ragaz »

Korra landed with a THUD next to her practically buried opponent, breathing heavily and in pain.
But this was it, surely. Only mikasa's legs were sticking out of the floor, like a vegetable, unmoving.

Korra took a few moments to catch her breath while looking at her for for any movement. There was none... The avatar let out a sigh of relief, turned around and headed for the showers. Finding one that still worked, she washed herself off, got dressed and walked out, past mikasa nonchalantly. Despite feeling the pain that was gonna stick with her for a while, Korra felt amazing...
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Re: Attack on Avatar - Mikasa vs Korra

Unread post by ragaz »

The winner is Korra.
Be sure to check out the explanation for the result here - ... 2zdcY/edit
Last edited by ragaz on Tue Feb 06, 2024 1:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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