This has been one of the most interesting writing challenges of my brief creative life. I do not ship these characters, despite this being a shipping fanfic. I have never written these characters before, despite this being (in-universe) the last chapter of a long-running story written by Shiori Takeda. I do not even own these characters and have never once thought to get in their head from a creative standpoint, despite having spent many words and nights doing just that.
But I think it was worth it. Of course, at its most direct, this started as a trolly idea for a late Christmas gift to both Cap and Dlamp – if I may be so arrogant as to call my amateurist writing a gift. But it has also become, I feel, an expression of both the creative potential of this place and my own enjoyment of being here.
Thank you to @CaptainL and @dlamp , whose writing not only created these brilliant characters but also helped inspire me to join LAW as a writer and not just a reader. I think I'll leave writing these two to you going forward, but for now, I hope I did Yuki and Amano justice, if only for the Christmas Gift equivalent of a shitpost.
Thank you to @Ichi and @Violet , to whom I leaked the existence of this project early. Your support kept me going when my confidence in its result wavered.
Thank you to @Epicsnivy, @Lederface,@Terini, and @Deskfan45, who, many moons ago, voted in a poll that would inspire me to write this piece. (And to @Fairy Dragon, who said "do it or don't, pussy." Call my bluff again and see what happens ;)) I'm sure none of you remember that conversation, but your faith in my nascent writing abilities is much appreciated.
Thank you to @winner3 , who built this place as a hub not only for sexy wrasslin' RP fun but also for cooperative world-building and community-building alike. You built it, and we came. Everything I've come to enjoy about this community – as well as both this and many other expressions of that enjoyment – is thanks to you.
And thank you to everybody in the LAW community who has made this such an enjoyable place to be. My creative spark has been lit for the first time in years, thanks to all of you. More than that, you all welcomed me into this place with open arms, and for that – no matter how long I last on LAW – I will forever be grateful.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Holidays, and Happy Almost-Five-Years, LAW.
Please click the image below to read the (in-universe) final chapter of Shiori Takeda's Of Schoolgirls and Demons: The Christmas Episode.
(published with the consent of both Cap and Dlamp.)