Kerstin Locke Vs. Silver

Wrestlers that win their matches here earn the right to compete in the Heavyweight Championship Tournament
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The Ominous Future
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Kerstin Locke Vs. Silver

Unread post by Devilish53 »


Standard Match Rules
Victory Via Pinfall, Submission Or KO
Winner Will Gain Entry Into The Heavyweight Championship Tournament

With more than enough time having passed since her infamous debut bout with a woman that dwarfed even herself, Silver found herself descending the ramp with a kick to her step. She'd barely spent her time in LAW itself, yet was already the definition of confidence regarding how things would go for her buxom frame. After all, the company had already proven itself to contain more than enough for Silver to keep herself busy with.

Friends to make. Tag partners to impress. Even a bully to overcome. And now, a tournament to enter...and win!
Making her in-ring debut in an outfit custom made to match the aforementioned tag partner, Silver's swagger-filled hips and delicious tummy jiggled their way down the ramp, a smile to the heavyweights face as she looked out into the masses. Sliding her large figure underneath the bottom rope, standing with a kick to her usually ungraceful step, Silver would give the quickest of paces across the ring before stopping at the opposing side. Deeming herself more than warmed up, all that was to do for Silver now was await the foe she had yet to meet, given the random pairings of the qualifier set-up. And of course, beat her!

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Fairy Dragon
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Re: Kerstin Locke Vs. Silver

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Kerstin was trying to get ready for the big match upcoming. Not only was this match supposed to be her big follow up after the odd debacle that was her match with Aliana but it also served to be her main match for the Heavyweight qualifier. If she won and better yet won this whole tournament she was going to be the inaugural champion in this league. If that didn't say she was someone to look out for nothing would and she couldn't hold back her excitement.

Her music started playing in the arena and Kerstin came running out hands raised before she pounded her fist in her hand. Looking as pumped as she did she seemed to get some of the crowd as excited as much as Kerstin as she ran down the ring. Her mind on her odds at victory, and how good her opponent was, shed never seen the girl before and while she didn't look serious, that didn't mean Kerstin could underestimate her.

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Re: Kerstin Locke Vs. Silver

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Given that the heavyweights was something of a open ended category, at-least compared to the middleweights whom were had a specific maximum and minimum weight to qualify, it would have been fair to say that whilst Kerstin and Silver both shared their division, their frames were less comparable than you'd expect. With Silver's frame shifting towards the heavier side of things, albeit certainly not the heaviest given some of the other titans in the division, and Kerstin's frame being just as comparable to a higher-end middleweight as it was a heavyweight, size advantage would be very much a keen factor in the fight to come.

Though as ever, with greater size came lesser speed, something which Silver was all the more aware of given her past bouts.

Holding her posture in a serious fashion, seemingly forgoing her usual greeting or even so much as a handshake, Silver would raise her hands open wide, as her face adopted a serious grin. With the match soon coming underway, the bigger figure would stay silent against her equally busty foe, as she began to circle, trying to get a feed on Kerstin as much as she could before committing herself to the act of squashing and squeezing her right out of the qualifiers!

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Re: Kerstin Locke Vs. Silver

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Not all that eager to make friends was her opponent it seemed. Silver had instead dedicated her time to getting ready for the match and Kerstin slowly put her hand down instead. Looking at the bigger girl as she put her arms out wide wondering what her game plan was. Her own hands came up as she started to circle around her as the bell rang. She wasn't going to be friendly yet so Kerstin would just have to get serious.

Though she was also impatient and wasn't going to wait for her opponent to meet her half way or make the first move. Instead she opted to close in and try and send a jab at the girls big chest. Looking to mess with her opponent and look for any potential openings to exploit on her half.

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Re: Kerstin Locke Vs. Silver

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Ever the slow and steady sort, Silver was more than happy to wait for Kerstin to come to her. The moment she did, she'd attempt to latch her strong mitts on the busty beauty, and likely try and drive her into a position from where pressing Silver's greater weight would be an easy task. That was the plan anyway.

But clutching at the air as her nimbler but no less powerful foe swung in, catching a hefty strike to Silver's giant bosom, the heavier figure found herself stumbling back. Long past the days of being shocked or offended that an opponent in a wrestling match dare strike her, given what was on the line in the qualifiers in the first place, Silver would simply opt to correct herself. Pushing forward with her bosom aching, Silver tried to clutch those wrists tightly by latching onto them both, in an attempt to assure another attack wouldn't come!

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Re: Kerstin Locke Vs. Silver

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Her punch connected and she stopped Silver from pressing her attack, though the girl didn't seem to even consider stopping there. Instead she felt her wrists being grabbed suddenly and keeping her close at hand and preventing her from attacking her a second time, at least with her hands. No doubt exactly as the bigger girl would have preferred.

So Kerstin knew she had to improvise. Since she couldn't go for a punch a kick would have to do. Bringing her foot up and trying to send her boot into Silver's gut and make her let go of her arms.

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Re: Kerstin Locke Vs. Silver

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Moving as much as she could whilst holding Kerstin's arms, Silver's determination not only to win the match but to do so in a manner that wouldn't make her appear less threatening ensured she'd be thinking fast. Releasing her busty foes arm as she saw that leg raise up, now allowing herself some time to pivot back, Silver would now be at something of a sideways posture to her foe as her single arm held on, narrowly avoiding that huge kick.

Thinking on her feet, the heavier figure would attempt to pull on that wrist she held; her determination in winning this match and advancing to the tournament bringing out a rare move from Silver, in the form of a strike. Or more specifically, a huge lariat, aimed square at Kerstin's giant bust!


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Re: Kerstin Locke Vs. Silver

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Moving in for the kick Kerstin tried to knock her down before Silver moved back to avoid taking the kick while the girl let go of one of her arms to try and move back Kerstin took advantage of that to try and pry her arm free. Pulling back as Silver did and allowing herself to try and get away from the girl. Though that freed her from one issue it led her right into another.

Silver opted to try and get in some distance between the two as she tried to get in close and go for a mighty clothesline. Something that Kerstin wasnt expecting as the impact caught her chest and took her off her feet. the fighters voice left her as she was dropped to the floor holding her chest as she gasped for breathe.

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Re: Kerstin Locke Vs. Silver

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Hitting hard and true, Silver would have time to feel bad after the fight itself; she had a tournament to enter and win, and feeling bad about striking a wrestler in a match wouldn't hinder her now!

"Ghh..down you go..!" Grunting nonetheless as her arm ringed out in agony, her heart throbbing at the strike she had just committed to, Silver fell to her knees as quickly as she could, with arms already outstretched. Hooking as tightly as she could to her down foes head, she'd try to drag Kerstin's head somewhat upwards, only slightly off the canvas against her. Sinking in a firm and effective headlock, Silver bore down her arms in compressing fashion, inadvertently giving Kerstin's cheek a hefty dose of sideboob!

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Re: Kerstin Locke Vs. Silver

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Knocked down by the big girl Silver stayed on top and tried to push and attempted to lock her in with a headlock trapping her head between her arms and her chest. Her rather large chest that tried to partially smother face as Kerstin struggled in the hold and tried to push her way to freedom. Growling and turning her head as she kept fighting.

Her hands went to the lock and she tried to break the hold while turning and attempting to alleviate Silvers top position a bit and move a bit towards freedom. "!"

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