Standard Match Rules
Victory Via Pinfall, Submission Or KO
Winner Will Gain Entry Into The Heavyweight Championship Tournament
With more than enough time having passed since her infamous debut bout with a woman that dwarfed even herself, Silver found herself descending the ramp with a kick to her step. She'd barely spent her time in LAW itself, yet was already the definition of confidence regarding how things would go for her buxom frame. After all, the company had already proven itself to contain more than enough for Silver to keep herself busy with.
Friends to make. Tag partners to impress. Even a
bully to overcome. And now, a tournament to enter...and win!
Making her in-ring debut in an outfit custom made to match the aforementioned tag partner, Silver's swagger-filled hips and delicious tummy jiggled their way down the ramp, a smile to the heavyweights face as she looked out into the masses. Sliding her large figure underneath the bottom rope, standing with a kick to her usually ungraceful step, Silver would give the quickest of paces across the ring before stopping at the opposing side. Deeming herself more than warmed up, all that was to do for Silver now was await the foe she had yet to meet, given the random pairings of the qualifier set-up. And of course, beat her!