The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

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The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

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Harmonia Edelstein watched from down the stairs as Karl, their new roommate, so to speak, was hanging up a big Star at the middle of the staircase, greeting the people when they would enter their home.
"More to the left...hmmm...up, up! Come on Karl, to your right!", she said and shook her head.
She was nervous, after a year of being in the company this was the first "social event" their roster was hosting and she hoped that many would follow the invitation.
As Christmas was written big in Austria their was nothing missing in the big hall of their Mansion called "The Eagles Nest" in the outskirts of Tokyo.
Everything just screamed "cozy", "wholesome" and "Christmas".
The blonde Beauty wanted to use this party to get to know more people here at this great league and to put her roster in the spotlight, remembering people: "Hey we are here! And we are here to stay!"
After Karl managed to put the star were Harmonia wanted it she smiled and turned around.
The whole entrance hall of the Eagles Mansion was a Dickens dream come true.
The hostess had seen to it that something for every taste was available. Gingerbread, chocolates, the tables were filled with the finest austrian pastries you could imagine.
Of course Drinks were also availabe, there was hot punch, hot wine, and every other bevearage you could imagine.
The gem of all was a giant Christmas tree in the middle of the hall that was decorated in White and Red, the colours of their roster.
On top was a big star and Harmonia smiled as she looked up to it.
"A Star...", she just said and sighed.
The hostess looked around and then to her expensive wristwatch.
"Well, we have food, we have drinks, we have mistletoes, we have a tree...I think we can start.", she said and was all to eager to great her

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Re: The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

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Gwen, Nadia and Yukari had heard about a Christmas event from Yukari, who excitedly bought some clothes, and although she was no longer part fighter, the advice that Coco left would help Gwen a lot, she was no longer just a master seamstress, now she had mastered the art of cutting and preparing hair, makeup and manicure, because she had managed to give some great outfits to her classmates before midday arrived, although that meant waking up early, although it was not only the 3 of them, Fenrir also woke her up, but it was for better reasons, being that she had been much of the previous day and the next doing them an "errand", which was Gwen who carried it in a small box, once arriving at the place, the 3 girls would be with a smile in front of the door, knocking and waiting for everything to go well.

ossss pido posada!....
Nadia, don't Sing in spanish!
Yukari (not really carrying an ammunition)
Gwen (Not really carrying those scissors)
Nadia (wear some festive garments to match)

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Re: The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Of course being a Lady trough and through and wanting to make a good impression on her fellow wrestlers, Harmonia decided to answer the door herself and greet everybody with a welcome drink, non and alcoholic.
She wondered who this could be,as the the bell rang almost immediatly.
"Hello? Ooooh, three of you! How nice! I think we have'nt met yet, I am Harmonia Edelstein, wait, wait, the Rodouko Gym was'nt it?",she smiled and welcomed her three guests in.
"You are Gwen...Raven talked about you! And youuu Nadia, was'nt it? And terribly sorry I did'nt get your name..."
"My,My you look very festive, I love your costumes. Please have a welcome drink, want it with alcohol or non?", the Austrian smiled and pointed to bowles of punch that stood on a table next to the door.
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Re: The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

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When the doors opened and a lady greeted them, the 3 girls would smile, but Yukari would have a big look of excitement, as each one was recognized by Harmonia, except Yukari, though she didn't mind.
Of course Raven would talk a lot about me, she is a charmingly cute girl.....
Nadia hearing the comment about her outfit, would smile before telling her.
Oh wow, I didn't expect someone to recognize me, thanks for the comment, and don't worry, as long as everything is friendly I'm fine!

Yukari finally couldn't hold back and would say.
Are we facing the great Harmonia Edelstein!? why didn't you tell me it was her Gwen!? I only knew about Raven because of your fight, but Harmonia herself in person? this is just as incredible as when I faced Astrid Ostberg.
Noticing too much excitement from the small but quite intelligent gym member.

Well Harmonia, I think it would be best to come in, we don't want to freeze, and I hope the drinks are the same type as Raven, I really loved them.
Gwen would say with a nice laugh at the end.

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Re: The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

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Harmonia blushed at the comparrison.
To be mentioned in the same sentence as Astrid Ostberg alone was some big booster to Austrians confidence.
She was so caught up in her thoughts that she almost forgot to let her guests in.
"Ach ja, bitte, come in, come in please.", she said and walked them over to the welcome drinks.
"Please take anything you like. I recommend te "Glühwein", it's like a christmas standard beverage in Austria, a sweet, hot wine basically. Very good! But we also have berrypunch and Applepunch if you like.",she smiled and was glad that her first guests were such nice girls.
She had heard of the Rodouko Gym, everyone at LAW had at one point. They were doing well for themselves and had a lot of great and entertaining matches.
"So, Nadia, Gwen aaaand don't say it...Yukari, was'nt it?", she said and helped herself to some Glühwein.
"Welcome at the party, prost!", she offered a cheers with her cup.
"Oh and you can keep the cups if you like, finest handywork.", she smiled.
"Yooooo whats up, Merry Christmas in the hooouuuusseeeee!", they heard someone shouting and sliding down on the railings of the staircase was the "Hellraiser" Finella Edelstein, twinsister of Harmonia.
She jumped and did a flip when she came near the end of the railing, landing gracefully on her feet.
"Guten Taaaaag! Whats up!", she grinned and greeted their free guests.
"Finella Edelstein you are as impolite as always.", Harmonia scolded her and Finella stuck her tongue out.
"Oh, Moooniii, come on its a paaaartyy! How are you girls? Name's Fin! The next sensation at LAW!"
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:08 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

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Sheila Chihara was no stranger to the Eagle's Nest. She and Harmonia had become fast friends earlier in the year, and she had enjoyed numerous visits since - and never had anything ill to say about them either; she could hardly complain when the facilities there put those in her dorm to shame. It wasn't every day she got to hang out in a mansion. When Harmonia had announced she'd be hosting a Christmas party, there was no question that Sheila would jump at the call to come. She was too far from her family in Australia to be part of their usual traditions, but by this point the Austrian Eagles felt like all the family she needed.

Bursting through the door, she greeted everyone inside with an enthusiastic wave. Like a kid on, well, Christmas morning, her eyes lit up with glee and she grinned wide. Just being here was enough to make her close to bursting with excitement. "Hiiii hi, everyone! Merry Christmas!"
Sheila Chihara
Sheila wouldn't be here alone, however. Nor would she be the only one with a close connection to Harmonia. Molly Forster, hot on the heels of spending a date with the model, was here too - and though they hadn't made anything public yet, she would be remiss if she didn't come. Since she was heading in the same direction, she and Sheila had gotten a ride together, and when the Australian burst in on the scene, Molly followed close behind.

"Hey, Moni! Oh man, you really went crazy with decorating, huh? This place looks great, you should be proud!" As Sheila explored the room, taking in the sights, Molly came toward Harmonia with her hand raised to offer a shake, though she did glance back at Finella with a pause. She could only hope the Hellraiser wouldn't cause trouble.
Molly Forster
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Re: The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

Unread post by SwordSavior1 »

Mina never shied away from a Christmas party. In the nick of time, she decided to scout around for any similar events before embarking on a pointless shopping spree for a one woman shindig. Just because she wasn't officially the host did not mean Mina wouldn't contribute in her own manner,. he eccentric girl. This was many things for the pinkette being a combination of work, foreign and holiday celebration all in one. Also a golden opportunity if she wanted to make dozens of new best friends within just an hour.

Having become dressed and equipped for the occasion, she decided to make her presence in a rather unsubtle manner. The poor door was kicked open once again, revealing an outstretched leg covered in black tights. "Merry Christmas! Meri Kurisumasu! Feliz Navidad!" Mina proceeded to stride in through the doorway, lugging a giant white sack and wearing almost all red like Saint Nicolas.
It took only a second for her to absorb her surroundings and fellow guests. "Wow I have been to at least a hundred Christmas parties, but this really takes the fruitcake! Oh I bought some of those goodies too!" While simultaneously bouncing up excitedly and waiting for a response., she rummaged through her giant sack to pull out a medium sliced fruitcake. "Anyone wants a bite?

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Re: The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

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Harmonia looked up as sunshine entered their festivities on this bleak day.
Sheila walked through their doors.
"Excuse me Ladies.", she said and walked over to the entrance. of her first matches in this league when Harmonia was new and unsure of herself.
Sheila was truly something. From the beginning of their match she took Harmonia seriously. No demeaning words, no ignorance, only the need to fight and get better. Something Harmonia could appreciate. And so after a hard fought battle the blonde came out victorious only to receive the kindest words of the querky Australian.

After a heated training session in Harmonias own personal penthouse they sealed their friendship and Sheila became a guest at the Eagles Nest regulary. Dinner, Movie Nights, Training, even trips into the Mountains or to the sea, Sheila was eager to spend as much time with them as they liked to spend time with her and truly, Harmonia and Finella had found a new sister in Sheila.

As the sisters had no family anymore and Sheilas relatives all living in Australia, the women developed a close and loving relationship.
"Sheiilaaaa! There you are!", Harmonia said enthusiastic and hugged her "little sister" tight.
"You look good, I love it, tell me where..."

Suddenly she froze, Sheila still in her arms as she looked to the door.
"Molly.", she whispered and a big smile started to appear on her face as she let go off Sheila and walked over to her...well...they would tell LAW and the world soon enough.

When Molly approached Harmonia with an outstretched hand, the austrian would grab it with both of hers and looked her in the eye.
"Miss Forster. How nice of you to follow my invitation.", she said and their gazes never stopped looking into one another.
"I hope that you will have fun at our party. Care for a drink?", she smiled and walked over to the tables with Molly.
She was behind the other woman as Molly could feel a hand carefully touching her sides, only a swift touch but foll of...emotions.

"Thank you, we really have spared no expenses.", she said and stood next to Molly, reaching for some applepunch.
"Here, I think you will like it Molly...",she said, looking innocent like a schoolgirl as both women stood close at the table.
Finella looked up and grunted.
Then she saw Sheila.
"Sheilaaaa, hey to eat all our snacks again,huh? Was last time not enough?", she grinned and gave her "little sister" a high five.
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sun Dec 19, 2021 5:10 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

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Sheila didn't need any prompting to run right into Harmonia's arms. She threw herself up against the blonde, hugging her with all the intensity of a bear hug she would use in the ring. She fit into the situation like a glove. After all, the Eagles' Nest was becoming a second home of sorts for her, and she had no trouble adjusting herself to life around here - even if it was far more upscale than what she was used to as a farm girl back home. "Mm! Thanks so much for having me over, Moni!" she said. "This place looks great, too!"

But as soon as Sheila entered, so too did Molly - and the Englishwoman drew Harmonia's attention, as she walked over to take her by the hand. The moment their hands made contact, Molly shyly glanced off, a blush warming her cheeks - but she followed the hostess deeper inside. "A drink would be wonderful. Thank you..." Every time she looked back at Harmonia, her smile grew a little bit wider. She didn't say anything, but she certainly felt it.

Sheila, on the other hand, was concerned with more practical matters. She was quick to slap hands with Finella, letting out a cheer as she did. At the same time, she playfully rolled her eyes, elbowing the Hellraiser in the side and winking in her direction. "Awww, c'mooooon! I thought that's what parties were for!" She took a look around at the spread, and her mouth was watering at just the thought of sinking her teeth into what the Edelsteins had created for them - but there was one thing in particular on her mind, something that could only come from someone who had grown up celebrating Christmas in the Southern Hemisphere, and who didn't always catch on to things. "Where's the barbecue, anyway?"
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Re: The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Finella looked over to her sister and Molly, looking stonefaced at both women seemingly unable to let go of each other as every time Harmonia let go of Molly she would have her hand on another place, pissing the Hellraiser off little by little, out of various reasons.
But she was taken back into reality by Sheila who asked eagerly for a ...BBQ.
"Ah, BBQ? At Christmas...seems a little...",then she remembered where her friend came from.
"Oh. Well, sorry Sheila, this is more or like european Christmas. But don't worry we have lots of tasty food prepared. So much indeed that not even you will be able to eat it all!", she said laughing.

Meanwhile at the table with the Greeting Cocktails, there was something going on, something that sparked at a fateful date that had a rather dramatic ending but ultimately did the trick both women were hoping for.
You had to be blind or dumb, maybe both, to not see what was going on there.
Slight touches, constant laughing and Harmonias gaze locked on Molly. Everyone could do the math and still they decided to wait a little for something...official.
"Hope you like it, considering you drank apple last week too and loved it,I searched for the recipe. Made it myself.", the Ex-Model smiled giving Molly a cup.
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sun Dec 19, 2021 5:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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