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So the Queen of Brawl Walks into a Bar... (Completed)

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 1:51 am
by Darius 2.0

Sarah Gatt took another large swig from her mug full of beer, relishing as the cold liquid slid down her throat. When she was finished, she let out a loud belch that drew more than a few annoyed looks in her direction. "The fuck you looking at, bitch?" Sarah snarled in a slightly slurred matter, giving indication this may not have been her first drink of the evening. It was enough that anyone still looking at her quickly turned their eyes away, for they knew just how dangerous the redhead sitting at the bar was.
Sarah Gatt
It was a rare evening of peace for Sarah Gatt; AKA the Queen of Brawl, having no matches scheduled for the next couple of days and feeling very grumpy about it. Of course, this often happened when she joined a new league. Sure, she'll get a few matches in the beginning since people always want to test themselves against the great Sarah Gatt. But as soon as she demonstrates her ability to completely demolish other fighters in the ring, both physically and mentally, the number of opponents willing to face her all but dries up. It was annoying, but it was something she learned to live with being the baddest bitch in town.

Of course, when she wasn't destroying other wrestlers in the ring with her brutal fighting style she could be found doing one of her many other leisure activities. Such as riding her motorcycle, beating people up in the gym, beating people up in the street, or going to a concert....which inevitably ends with her beating someone up. Tonight though, she didn't feel like bloodying her fists. Tonight she choose to spend time in her favorite watering hole, pounding back drinks, playing pool with the locals and whatever other trouble she could get herself into.

Sitting at the bar, wearing a simple but street-styled outfit consisting of a leather jacket, black halter top and torn up jeans, Sarah took another swig of her drink, wanting to down this bad boy before she heads back over to the pool table again. She had already hustled two other chumps tonight and she was feeling like making it a hat trick. Grinning at the thought of taking someone's money without beating them unconscious first, the Queen of Brawl continued her drinking, unware of what was soon to come her way...

Re: So the Queen of Brawl Walks into a Bar...

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 1:15 pm
by TickTock
Ah, Sarah Gatt. An AFW legend that's come over to LAW and has seem unstoppable ever since. Though she's only officially won one match so far in LAW, there was no doubt that her game could translate from one league to another. A hard striker, a fearless hardcore fighter and just generally one tough bitch, not many people would want to mess with her.

Alexa Byun wasn't most people.
Alexa Byun
Alexa Byun, or also known as Fury, was also an avid hardcore fighter, a deadly striker and someone that was quite tough to put away. And it was no secret that she had looked up to Gatt while she worked the indies, admiring her style and just how sadistic she was. She was someone that inspired Alexa to get nastier, more brutal, give zero regard for the health and safety for anyone around her. And this eventually caught the eyes of LAW, who saw this brutal woman and scooped her up. Her debut match hadn't come yet, but she had a way to get attention on herself still.

Byun wasn't 100% sure this was the right place, until she heard it. The fuck you looking at, bitch? That belligerent, beer-soaked tone Fury instantly recognized as the woman she idolized. And approaching the bar, she noticed that Sarah was all by herself, no one wanting to sit anywhere close to her. Taking a stool, the Korean sat herself right next to the redhead. The bartender approached her, almost cautiously given the beast that was sitting next to her, but Byun just shrugged. "Tequila, on the rocks." Was her simple order, fishing out a Ulysses S. Grant from her pocket and handing it on over to the nervous man.

"I've heard your tales. What you do to others. You have yourself a fan." Alexa side-mouthed to Sarah, waiting a few moments until her drink came, and she slipped down her to lift it and take a sip. "And, I gotta tell ya, you're really inspiring." And the redhead could find out just what that means when the newcomer decided to splash her face with the rest of her Tequila, and following that up by bashing the glass over the top of Sarah's head, with enough force to hopefully break it over her. "Have one on me!"

Oh yes, real inspirational. So much so, she'd just love to show her idol what she learned from her.

Re: So the Queen of Brawl Walks into a Bar...

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 2:16 am
by Darius 2.0
With one last swing and a very satisfied sigh afterwards, Sarah killed off her mug of beer. She practically slammed the empty glass back on the bar when she was finished, startling the bartender in the process. "One more here," Sarah ordered pointing at her empty mug. "And make it snappy. I can't play pool sober. I might realize what a waste of time it is." The bartender was about to get to her order, when suddenly Sarah felt someone seat themselves in the barstool directly next to her. Sarah didn't bother more than a cursory glance to the side to see that it was a dark haired woman, one who took attention away from the bartender to have their drink prepared first. Sniffing in annoyance, Sarah leaned against the bar to count the seconds before she could have her next drink.....when suddenly this new woman spoke to her.

Sarah rolled her eyes in exasperation. She knew it was no coincidence that this person had chosen to it next to her when there were half a dozen other empty seats to choose from. Then she came out and said exactly what Sarah had suspected: she was a fan. Exactly something Sarah did not feel like dealing with tonight.

Unlike other wrestlers who happened to like their fan bases, the Queen of Brawl couldn't give a shit about hers. Sure, she was adored and hated in equal measure by a host of people, but Sarah never really cared about that part of business. She was in it to beat and humiliate other fighters, not sign autographs or get followers on Instagram or whatever the fuck else it was celebrities did. That didn't stop people from coming up to her and saying how much they admired her and looked up to her and blah blah blah. A few harsh words were usually all it took to send these people running, so she turned to do the same this new arrival.

"Yeah, look if you could just - GAAHHH!!!!" No sooner had Sarah turned in her seat to look at the woman than her face was splashed with tequila! Immediately Sarah clutched at her face, the alcohol stinging her eyeballs and blurring her vision as she screamed bloody murder. "What the fuck?! Cock sucking piece of - UUGGGHH!!" Whatever expletive Sarah was saying was cut off when next the woman shattered her drinking glass against Sarah's skull, sending glass shards flying everywhere and Sarah slumping off her barstool. The redhead collapsed to the the floor in a heap, clutching at her head, where already a small trail of blood started to leak from where she had been hit. "W-What the fuuuuuccckk....?"

Re: So the Queen of Brawl Walks into a Bar...

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 1:53 pm
by TickTock
The screech from Sarah drew all attention over to the bar, where everyone could see Alexa breaking that glass over the redhead's skull, sending her crashing down to the ground. A few screams of panic came, and if anyone was anywhere close to the two before, they were FAR away now, if not getting out of the bar, as the brawl began. Alexa jumped out of her seat and let out a laugh, before clutching the mask on her neck and tugging it up, her signature one with her insignia on it, glowing yellow. She didn't expect Sarah to recognize her, but instead, she wanted to make sure that the undeniable look of Alexa Byun standing over her in ring attire, was burnt into her brain. As the woman who beat her ass and made her HURT.

Raising her foot up, the newcomer began to stomp over Sarah's covered head, trying to bash in her skull with the bottom of her boot and crack her open even further. "CRY FOR ME!" She yelled after 8 or so stomps, before stopping and attempting to grind her heel down against her wound, to really make it hurt. Alexa wasn't going to play it nice with the redhead, knowing what a damned legend she was, the amount of hurt she could take and keep swinging, and she respected that. She respected a lot about Sarah Gatt. Which was why she had to beat the living shit out of her to keep her down.

Immediately seeking a weapon if her stomp-down was successful, her gold eyes went back to the very stool she was sitting on before. And outside of its padded seat, it was all wood, and she bit her lip. Fuck yeah.

Grabbing the stool and lifting it up, she turned back to Sarah, staring down at her and having a sadistic glint in her eyes. The girl known as Fury was going to do any and everything to lay the beating down onto her idol, even if it meant trying to break a stool over her body, lifting and swinging the chair down in her attempt to crush the redhead. "YOU'RE GONNA DIE!"

Re: So the Queen of Brawl Walks into a Bar...

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 1:15 am
by Darius 2.0
Still blinded by the tequila splashed into her eyes at the time, Sarah didn't even know what she had been hit with; she just knew that it had HURT. Her head was splitting with pain, and she felt that too familiar feeling of blood trailing down her face. Even through the pain and the blood, she had to guess from experience that it was a glass that had been shattered against her head.....a glass that had been in the hand of the woman who had seated herself next to her. The one claiming to be her fan. Had it been a trick just to get close to her? Her vision still blurry, Sarah looked up at the stranger, who had donned a stylized black mask since attacking her out of nowhere, and knew from the look in her yellow eyes that whatever this was wasn't done yet.

"UGH!! GAAH!! UHH!" came the pained sounds from Sarah when the mystery woman started to stomp down on her already injured head. Instinct that came from being in a thousand brawls kicked in and Sarah immediately covered her head up to try and block the incoming attacks. The Queen of Brawl blocked many, but her attacker was tenacious in her assault and many ended up getting through. They pounded against her skull, making her wound even larger and causing more blood to spill. Each one that hit served to daze Sarah further

Sarah didn't know how many stomps she had taken by the time the barrage ceased, but it was given an exclamation point when the woman pressed her boot down on her bleeding head, crushing her skull between her foot and the hardwood floor. Sarah screamed through gritted teeth, her legs kicking against the floor as the stranger pressed against her open wound. This torture seemed to go on forever, but eventually it did end when the woman removed her boot from Sarah's head. The Queen of Brawl practically slumped to the floor afterwards, groaning in agony, half her face now covered with streaks of her blood.

But even through this, Sarah refused to stay down. Slow at first, Sarah would eventually get both her arms and legs underneath her, gritting her teeth through the pain as she did so. Once she had, she pushed herself up onto her hands and knees, and for a second it looked like she would take the next step to standing up again. But the barstool that shattered across her back put a quick stop to that. "UUUUUGUGGG!!!!" Sarah screamed, the wooden stool cracking into pieces across her backside, a white hot pain exploding across her entire body. The redhead was promptly knocked back flat against the floor again, where she lay there barely moving, groaning in pain through half-open eyes.

Re: So the Queen of Brawl Walks into a Bar...

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 3:15 pm
by TickTock
Oh yes, Alexa was a true fan. She watched when Sarah Gatt and Akashi both debuted in AFW and fought for the first time, when she got tortured by the Yakuza, when Sarah Gatt won the AFW Friction championship, and when she left the company, and disappeared for years.

Not to say that she was heartbroken, but it did hurt. Alexa was in training during then, so to hear that the redhead had disappeared from wrestling, and seemingly wasn't coming back? It acted as... inspiration. Wrestling would need another hardcore woman to take her place, and Fury overtook Byun, and led her to who she was today. A woman who fought with such sadism and disregard for her opponents, that her extreme tendencies eventually got her signed to LAW. But surprirse, surprise, Sarah came crawling back to wrestling. And she had already made a name for herself in LAW. Just as Alexa got her big break, her idol returned as well.

Oh, how good that felt. She knew they'd meet eventually, and Alexa... well, she wanted to make a strong impression.

And what stronger impression than both a beer glass and a stool broken over her body within the first minute? Sarah often bled now, but she was wearing half a mask of it and Alexa hadn't even broke a sweat yet. And knowing the rage of the redhead, that was going to be left in her brain for a while... that is, if she even remembers it.

Because if the newcomer knew the legend like she did, it was that Sarah almost always got back up. Oftentimes in her matches, it seemed as though she wouldn't go down for good unless she was dead, no matter what she went through. And Alexa didn't want to disrespect the legend by not taking her seriously now. So the assault continued, no time for stalling, even if it looked like her eyes were swimming in her skull.

As it turns out, the bartender was fetching Sarah's drink. A cold, hard mug of beer rested right on the bar, placed there by the bartender just before the glass shattered over Gatt's face. And Alexa swiped it, kneeling down and digging her knee hard against the back of her neck, pinning her head to the ground. "Nasty cut there, hear this is good for ya." Before turning that mug upside down and pouring the beer right down onto her head and open wound, to try and torture her even further. Common myth, alcohol ISN'T good for open wounds. Meant it may not heal as well. But really, Alexa didn't give a shit about that. She just knew it'd sting like a motherfucker and even a bottomless drunk and hardcore fighter like Sarah wouldn't like the feeling.

"LIKE THAT?!" Byun growled at her, before tossing the mug away if her pouring was successful, and then shooting a hard elbow downward, attempting to smash against her skull even further. "SCREAM FOR ME!"

Re: So the Queen of Brawl Walks into a Bar...

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 4:19 pm
by Darius 2.0
Laying on the floor surrounded by the splintered remains of the stool that had put her there, Sarah could only groan in a daze as the stranger lorded over her. That piece of furniture colliding with her back had done a pretty good job of making sure she stayed down. Anyone else probably would have been knocked out entirely, but thanks to Sarah's legendary ability to take a hit she managed to stay conscious. Though the pain that wracked her body at the moment didn't necessarily make that a good thing. With blood now mixing into her fiery red hair and her eyes still struggling to stay open, Sarah tried yet again to get up onto her hands and knees, though the hit she had just taken meant her movements were much more sluggish than before.

This gave her attacker the time she needed to press her knee against the Queen of Brawl's neck, again making sure that she stayed down. Sarah grimaced as her cheek was pressed hard against the dirty bar floor by the weight pressing down on the back of her neck. She tried to struggle, tried to stand get up, but nothing she tried did her any good; still too rattled by the initial surprise attack that knocked her on her ass and left her bloodied.

Then all at once she was pulled screaming back to reality when the cold liquid of her beer poured onto her head. Sarah gasped sharply, the alcohol spilling over her open wound and all down her face, causing her to cough violently when she accidentally inhaled it. The demeaning act of her ambusher served to snap Sarah out of her punch drunk state, her wild red eyes managed to cast a sideways glance up at the dark haired woman from the floor. "I'm gonna....f-fucking kill you," she managed to growl out with the knee on her neck. Her lips then curled into a sneer. "....for wasting my drink..."

It was then she would receive another harsh blow to the head in the form of an elbow, causing the redhead to cry out and fall back into a dazed state. Soaked with beer and pinned humiliatingly under a younger woman, Sarah made for a sorry sight indeed...

Re: So the Queen of Brawl Walks into a Bar...

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 6:01 pm
by TickTock
Each action Alexa took served to both piss Sarah off, and to hurt her as badly as possible. To see her at her best, and to reduce her to her worst. That was Fury's dream as a hardcore wrestler, to get a living legend like Gatt, and hurt her in ways that she hadn't felt since leaving AFW, to have her return to the days in which she was truly angry. Sure, she had beat up a jobber or two in LAW, and that hardcore match with Gaster was a good start, but who was going to unlock that fire within her?

That was a job that Alexa took on herself, with the added bonus of satisfying her sadistic urges and beating the crap out of someone who could take it and not pass out like a bitch.

The alcohol was just a non-verbal insult, dumping it over her face and waking her right up, to growl out threats she likely thought were promises. And they caused Alexa to laugh, before driving her elbow hard against the back of Sarah's defenseless skull, soaked with blood and booze. A sorry sight indeed, though that wasn't the end of it for her.

"Don't worry, I'll put it on my tab." She wasn't going to. Just a little barb to tease Gatt further, before tugging on her red hair and beginning to drag her across the wooden floor.

"You mentioned pool, right? That's a fun game, ain't it?" She barbed even further, before eventually picking up Sarah by her waistband and lifting her up. Alexa had dragged her close to the pool table, with the remnants of a game being played atop of it, but now abandoned due to the violence. Balls laid out across the green, and a few pool-cues dumped atop as well. For a sadist, it meant a lot of possibilities.

And the first of which, was Fury attempting to drive Sarah forward, to shove her face-first against the wooden side of the table, as a means to knock her even more silly. After all, the redhead was a tough lady, she couldn't afford to play around with her... at least, not all that much.

Re: So the Queen of Brawl Walks into a Bar...

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2021 8:41 pm
by Darius 2.0
Still laid out on the floor, pinned down by her attacker, soaking of beer and bleeding from the skull, Sarah again had to wonder just who this woman attacking her was. It wasn't the first time she had been ambushed and had the shit beat out of her; it came with the territory. But those had usually been people who had been looking for revenge, either for themselves or for loved ones that Sarah had beaten to bloody pulps. Despite the mask the young girl wore, Sarah was sure they had never met before in any capacity. The redhead would have remembered someone with yellow eyes. No, whoever this was wasn't looking for revenge. Could she actually be a fan of Sarah's and that this was some twisted way of making a statement? It was possible.....especially since it was a move out of Sarah's own playbook.

It was hard to think further after taking that elbow to the skull, a blow that had Sarah knocked for a loop all over again. She was conscious of course; no sissy hit like that was going to knock out Sarah Gatt, but it did leave her even less likely to put up any kind of fight. But a new problem was just around the corner when the mystery woman grabbed handful of her red head and used it to drag her away.

The sudden stinging pain on her scalp had the effect of clawing Sarah back to awareness again, causing her to let out a hoarse gasp of agony as she was dragged. Unable to stand, she was forced along on her knees by her attacker in another humiliating display of dominance. Along the way, Sarah reached out for chairs, drinks, tables, coasters even; anything that she could use as a weapon against this woman, but she came up empty. All she served to do was knock things over with her grasping hands, making an even bigger mess of the bar. Soon it would be too late, for the woman had dragged her over to the pool table, though for what Sarah could only guess at.

That was when the waist of her jeans were grabbed and used in addition to the grip on her hair to lift her clean off the floor in an impressive display of strength by the stranger. Growling in in her grip, Sarah could hardly even begin to fight back before she was pitched forward like a battering ram, slamming her face first into the side of the pool table. There was a loud cracking sound upon impact, with not a sound coming from the Queen of Brawl herself. If the woman released her grip on her, Sarah would collapse in a heap to the floor, writhing on it with a barely conscious groan, her forehead starting to leak blood from a newly opened wound. If not, Sarah would hang limply in her grasp, her arms and legs dragging on the floor, with the blood starting to drip and pool underneath her....

Re: So the Queen of Brawl Walks into a Bar...

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 1:31 am
by TickTock
Oh, this was RIGHT out of her playbook. Picking a brawl with a rival, especially an unfair one such as this? Given how sadistic and crazed Sarah was, it was likely something she had done numerous times. And it was only right she had a taste of her own medicine by suffering a humiliating beatdown of her own.

There was scraps of fight left in the redhead, given her scramble to try and grab onto something which only mucked up the bar even further, turning over tables and chairs, spilling abandoned drinks over the wooden floor and cracking plates and glasses. In the aftermath, one may have thought that this was a fiery battle between the two given the mess, but really, Sarah was never in the fight. Alexa was the one in control, choosing to do whatever she wished with the legend, and as she dragged her across the floor, what she really wanted was to crack open that skull once more.

Possessing solid strength, Fury was able to battering ram Sarah's defenseless face into the side of the pool table, but she wasn't strong enough to keep that grip tight, and thus dropped the redhead to the ground once that resounding crack was heard, letting the hardcore fighter flop to the ground like a sack of potatoes and begin to gush blood in a new wound.

There were no thoughts of long-term damage or injury for Alexa, she damn well knew what she was doing, and against many others, this could very well put someone on the shelf for months. But that was just the kind of assault needed to really put away someone like Sarah, to beat the shit out of her until she couldn't move. And she wasn't done yet, grabbing onto the jacket of the redhead's and tugging it off, along with tearing the back of her shirt wide open, before hooking her arms underneath the pits of the barely conscious wrestler and lifting her up to the table.

And, as it just so happened, the width of the table was just enough for Alexa to push and force Sarah's hands into two of the holes on the pool table, as a means of propping her up and trapping her, with her back exposed to the newcomer. The remnants of a pool game being played remained on the table, with solid and striped balls scattered, along with three pool cues resting atop as well.

To Alexa, that was just more weapons. And the first weapon used was the black 8-ball, spinning it around in her palm, before lifting the face of Sarah and bashing the ball against her face. "HAVING FUN YET?!"