A Magician's Prisoner...or a possible friend...

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A Magician's Prisoner...or a possible friend...

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"And here we are, hope you enjoyed the free ride...not everyone gets a magician carry out service."

Ayumi made her sassy remark though was unlikely to get an answer, the reason for that was who the young woman seemed to be carrying around; Piper Sherwood, her opponent from their intense Prisoner of War Match merely an hour ago. Piper had been knocked out thanks to well, not to toot her own horn, rather sizeable bust and Piper seemed to not be able to get enough of it. Sucking on it even know, which made the cab ride back to her apartment a bit of a hassle but hey it was an oddly precious site.

Besides, served this bunny right for her trash talk earlier, now her lips were being put to a proper use~

Soon she managed to reach into her key, a slight struggle given she seemed to be carrying Piper in her arms, and worked to undo the lock to her room as she'd led the pair inside before closing the door behind her.

Well, for better or worse, the next 24 hours were gonna be interesting...
The Amazing Ayumi

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Re: A Magician's Prisoner...or a possible friend...

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The blonde Piper wasn't exactly in a place to respond to Ayumi's taunts or teasing. All throughout the car ride here she was out like a light, her brain essentially on loop repeating the last command it had given which was to suck on Ayumi's breasts.

Tossed and jostled around while the magician fumbled for her keys Piper's eyes finally started fluttering and her hands twitched as the beginnings of consciousness finally started sparking within the former cheerleader. When they were finally inside that's when Piper's eyes opened fully and she unclasped her lips from Ayumi's breast... collapsing to the floor in the process.

"Owwwww.... Where.. where am-...oh god fucking damn it."

Piper said intially in pain from the fall, then in confusion as she looked around her, not recognizing any of the room as familiar. But as she sat up it wasn't until her gaze landed on Ayumi that she finally cursed in realization of what happened. Groaning loudly Piper allowed herself to fall back onto her back in exasperation and dsiappointment

"Oh fuck me."

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Re: A Magician's Prisoner...or a possible friend...

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"Now now, no need to have a long face. We're gonna have fun together~"

Ayumi adjusted the top she had the moment Ayumi slid off with an almost comical thud, clearly amused by this. While she missed the novelty of her formerly smug rival sucking on her like a baby, her reaction made it all priceless.

24 hours to do as she wished with her, she honestly had no idea what she'd do during this time but just the idea she had to follow her word was a reward in it of itself.

"Welcome to my humble home, for now, least till I can afford something more fitting my star status. Like the place~?" Ayumi mused with a slight giggle as she sat on the cough with a sigh, getting nice and comfortable while allowing Piper a chance to fully recover to allow it all to fully sink for her.

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Re: A Magician's Prisoner...or a possible friend...

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Piper grumbled incoherently from her place on the mat, still not exactly happy about the position she was in currently but she knew that she'd have to accept things as they were, even if she didn't like them. Pushing herself up to a sitting position Piper took the moment to finally look around and take int where she'd be staying for the next twenty four hours.

"Hm... it's fine I guess." She said disinterestedly, although it was more of a feint than anything. After all the apartment itself was pretty similar to her own, they even had the same band poster hanging up. But Piper would be damned if she admitted to liking the magician's tastes.

Getting up fully to her feet Piper walked over to the girl and plopped down next to her on the couch. Just because she was meant to do as her former opponent instructed didn't mean Piper wasn't gonna take a chance to rest when it presented itself. "Let's get one thing clear, just because I have to do what you say doesn't mean I have to like it. Also I'm super tired so if you want me to do some kinky shit you're gonna have to wait if you want it to be good." She said with attitude wanting to maintain some kinda dignity while in servitude to the other girl.

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Re: A Magician's Prisoner...or a possible friend...

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Ayumi was a touch too smug at the moment to care, folding one leg over the other as she heard Piper grumble while her foe dusted herself up off the ground. Course she was gonna be a pout over it but why should Ayumi care? To the victor go the spoils as they say and she was gonna enjoy the next 24 hours regardless.

"Oh I wouldn't be so sure of that. You seemed to be enjoying sucking on these babies so who knows... Ayumi used as she adjusted her top to emphasize her bust to prove a point. ...you may grow to love it~"

On the topic of Piper being too "tired" for kinky stuff Ayumi let out a toothy smirk as she passed her cell phone over to her. "Yeah I am tired to, so the best way to get our strength is for you to order us some delivery. I am sure you'll be a dear and pay for it~" Ayumi mused, though at the very least she least offered food for the both of them.

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Re: A Magician's Prisoner...or a possible friend...

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Piper was still doing her best to maintain her composure and dignity as she held her arms crossed across her chest and even had her nose turned to the side obstinately. But her attempts were cut down a peg by Ayumi's rebuttal causing the blonde to blush fiercely and shoot a glare at the girl but in all honesty the blonde had nothing to fire back with.

Instead she just took the opportunity to change topics as she was given the phone and ordered to order food causing her to sigh admittedly in relief. After all while Piper had been trying to be deliberately difficult she really was exhausted after their bout and a chance to relax and eat for a while was welcome.

But the fact she had to pay was not as welcome. Sighing again but this time in discontent Piper would roll her eyes. "Fine whatever. Did you want anything in particular or am I picking?" She asked with a raised eyebrow as she pulled up the phone app to get ready to type in whatever number for whatever place they decided on.

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Re: A Magician's Prisoner...or a possible friend...

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Ayumi seemed to enjoy this the longer it went on, this was her first taste of POW and well it was quite the enjoyable demo for the magician. Yeah, in her head she was gonna make the most of this next 24 hours and really learn to enjoy it.

"Oh uh well, let's see..." Ayumi mused, scratching her chin in thought as she was so into the idea of Piper paying her dinner she didn't think of specifics for this. Really what was she in the mood for? Ayumi seemed to put some thought into this before she faced Piper once more.

"...well, as a token of my generosity. I'll let you pick, I trust you have good taste. Just make sure whatever you pick has lemonade." Ayumi explained, as she left that matter for Piper as she could go for whatever, and this way she couldn't bitch at her for everything.

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Re: A Magician's Prisoner...or a possible friend...

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Hearing what the command from her *temporary* master was Piper immediately flashed a deadpan look towards the magician, the look on her face being quite unamused. "In other words you have no idea and want to put it on me instead." Piper said plainly before sighing and opening up her phone.

"Ugh fine. I'm ordering salads." The blonde said shortly as she sat down upon the couch next to Ayumi and lean back while lifting her feet up and placing them on the table. A small sign of disrespect that she didn't care was recognized by Ayumi or not.

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Re: A Magician's Prisoner...or a possible friend...

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"Oh bite me.." Ayumi said, sticking her tongue out in an epic display of maturity as Piper seemed to settle on salads. Eh, there had been worst options she could've picked she supposed.

Ayumi took note of her raising her feet onto the table, which caused Ayumi's eyebrow to twitch as she huffed. "Really, gonna put your dirty feet on one of my tables?" Ayumi asked with a visible annoyance. AKA Piper got what she wanted.

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Re: A Magician's Prisoner...or a possible friend...

Unread post by Bare »

"Don't tempt me." Piper shot right back in response to Ayumi's words not at all phased by them. After all she had gotten into multiple verbal brawls in high school alone, that was not a area Ayumi could easily best her in. Heck most people couldn't.

But another area she excelled in thanks to her formative years in high school was getting rises out of people with simple actions. Case in point the visible change in annoyance from Ayumi at Piper putting her feet up. 'Perfect.' Piper thought to herself while looking right into Ayumi's eyes. "What? I'm only getting comfortable." She replied innocently with a not so innocent, bordering on evil smirk on her face.

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