Lighting The Wicke

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Lighting The Wicke

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Location: Neighborhood library not too far from a nearby LAW arena

On a sunny afternoon like any other, Sienna Smith was strutting her way down the block in confident fashion. The young, beautiful woman rocked a tube top and jeans. Her curvy, toned figure turned every head on the street as she flexed her looks and confidence while making her down to the library. Of course, she had her good looks going for her, but as she continued making a name for herself on the greatest wrestling promotion on the face of the planet, more and more people recognized her as a rising star at LAW! She'd wink and point to every soul that was brave enough to maintain eye contact with her. Sienna was in a good mood!
Sienna Smith
As she made her way towards the entrance, a young girl who couldn't have been any older than a high schooler stopped and stared up at Sienna. The girl had a starstruck look on her face. She happened to be wearing a Sienna Smith tee shirt. LAW had recently put out a line of merch for the up and comer.

Sienna would place her hands on the girl's shoulder. She'd smile at her and make the girl's day by complimenting her.

"Ey I see you! Keep at it, and you'll be killing it out there like me someday! Always remember that you don't have to take no mess from nobody!" Sienna would nod to her fan before making her way into the library.

Inside the facility, Sienna made a beeline for the news section. She was there for one thing and one thing only: to get her hands on a physical copy of the most recent issue of LAW Magazine. Sienna had been featured in this issue. And she was looking forward to getting a copy of it- physical evidence of her name and reputation going somewhere as a wrestler and a star. In the aisle for news articles/papers she had found a copy. Reading through it was a bittersweet feeling. Sienna was overjoyed to be featured but regretted that it was in an article written by Alaina Sanders, a career rival of hers.

"Eh, can't win em all! Still this is stoked! I wonder what poster or article they'll put me in next, heheheh". Sienna said with a hand over her mouth as she stifled a laugh. She continued reading through it as she made her way for the exit. One woman in the magazine caught her eye. One Wicke Sykes. And as fate would have it, upon reading Sykes' feature in one of the LAW Magazine articles, Sienna would bump into a promotional board for Wicke in that same library. Something akin to a wet floor sign.

"Seminar on the Importance of The Scientific Method.
Location: Left Wing
Time 3pm"

Sienna read the board aloud to herself. She noted that it had today's date and the "seminar" was set to be held on about an hour from now. Furthermore, there were rainbows and other cute drawings on all the signs like this. There was even a chibi drawing of Sykes herself on the top right corner!

"Pffffft that nerd teaches kids at the library! Okay, this I gotta see!" Having been in the mood for a good laugh, Sienna made her way to the small room at the end of the left wing where the session was to be held. The toned, long-haired beauty would arrived to find an empty classroom. It was neat and orderly. Wooden desks arranged in perfect rows. Learning materials and a lesson plan neatly stacked on the desk. Notes and a definitions/exercises written in dry erase marker all across the whiteboard, which covered the wall.

"Pffffft!!" Sienna blew raspberries and chuckled under her breath. The idea of a fellow woman in the locker room putting this kind of heart and effort into something so childish and soft on their spare time was hilarious to Smith.

Sienna didn't hesitate to pick up a pink marker and deface the board straightaway! She drew doodles, stick figures, caricatures of Wicke's face angry and throwing a fit. No one attending would be able to tell you what a control group or experimental group with Sienna's mischief! When she was done messing with the notes on the whiteboard, Sienna turned her attention to the lesson plan on the desk. She loomed over the documents ominously. And as Sienna reached for them, she hadn't noticed the proctor herself had just entered the doorway to see Sienna's handiwork firsthand.....
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Lighting The Wicke

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For many, the library is seen be an appealing space for learning due to being a massive hive for information, but it might also be important for collaboration and social interaction. Great ideas can come from talking with others.

Having earnt a bit more spare time outside of wrestling and research based work, Wicke decided to take time educating the masses. But she wasn't teaching how to sell a slam and instead detailing the most optimal method of acquiring knowledge through observation, basically learning to learn. It might seem ridiculous reading out loud, but one can quickly realise how helpful it can be when testing theories with almost universal applicability, regardless of background.

After making a little advertisement and pitching to a local library, The chubby beauty was expected to greet a captive audience and had to be dressed perfectly for such an occasion. Being a frequent enough visitor, the staff members would greet Wicke warmly enough, but of course she was still bound by the rules like many.

Having already organised the tables and learning, Wicke decided to leave the Left Wing room unintended and help herself to the latest issue of LAW magazine at the new section. This library had more than route to the left wing, therefore she didn't notice somebody with dark hair heading straight towards the learning facility. After scanning the aisle she found a second copy and took a brief peek for her own name. Due to being so near the wrestling venue, the library was willing enough to stock a few extras and even dedicate a section to as many books about the profession.

Wicke found her name in a neat section with the LAWFeed about the wrestling moms within LAW. Being the 5th best wasn't terrible, but the researcher desired more. "Perhaps I could do negotiate with Cyber Widow and Mrs Sanders" Apparently she wasn't alone with strong feelings for that latter name. Maybe she could read in the comfort of the Left wing room until the seminar starts, specifically any other articles involving wrestling moms to get a link.

Having the magazine tucked under her shoulder, she hummed merrily while strolling back towards her room. Most consider Wicke one of those 'cool and collected' individuals but that is usually because an event worked in her favour coupled with practice. She can be quite volatile like any strong chemical reaction if pushed in the wrong direction.

Just as she reached the end of her destination she noticed something off, the door was a bit wider than before. Considering windows weren't open yet, somebody must have flew past or entered. "They must have missed the time..." Assuming this visitor was just an early bird. She approached the doorway only for her entire jaw to drop.

The board was a complete mess thanks to those extra annotations and this pink marker might be difficult to rub out. Wicke had other pressing matters as sacred documents were in danger of being shredded or nabbed. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!" She shouted towards the invader alerting her presence. Moving much faster than usual, the heavyweight charged towards Sienna aiming to shove the younger woman aside away from those documents. Wicke's magazine would drop to the floor midjourney.

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Re: Lighting The Wicke

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Sienna giggled to herself as she vandalized the board and the makeshift classroom. Her perky, curvy frame bounced with glee as she doodled all over that whiteboard. Sienna had seen the planned time for the start of this lecture/study session. She knew she was working with limited time. But that only gave her more inspiration to keep pushing this prank to the next level!

"Fufufu, maybe I'll attend this stupid seminar, just to see the look on that cute face of hers, heheh." Sienna laughed to herself. Luckily or unluckily for the mischievous diva, she wouldn't have to wait long! In just a moment, Sienna would feel the presence of Wicke's scorn behind her. She turned to see the woman's jaw agape with shock and frustration. The scientist screamed with the authoritative tone of a reprimanding mother! Sienna looked at her in surprise. The young bombshell was shocked to see Wicke had come by so much earlier than the scheduled start time for the seminar! The surprise however, soon turned to cheekiness. Sienna stuck her tongue out at Sykes as Sykes ran at her full-tilt! The buxom heavyweight gal took quick, urgent steps. It didn't take any time at all for Smith to determine where she was going.

Sienna would find herself being shoved aside. But as she was forced back, she darted around the desk, positioning herself directly across from Wicke. Sienna reached forward quickly. She'd grab hold of some of those documents haphazardly, the paper crinkled in her hands. The text from those research papers reflected off Sienna's fashion glasses. It hadn't occurred to her that Wicke might reach for them to try and seize the papers from her. But when the opportunity presented itself, when both women each had a firm grip on those lesson plans and learning materials, a devilish smile would form on the face of the bodacious babe!


With a sudden jerk of the hand, Sienna would pull her section abruptly and forcefully away from Wicke, tearing the papers in unceremonious and asymmetrical fashion!

"Ooooops! That's a real shame, nerd girl. Guess the poor kids at the library won't get much of a chance to be good noodles and learn from you today about....animal behavior?" Sienna would say in a sarcastic tone. She held the crinkled paper in her hands up to her face to try and make out the subject matter for a moment before giving up and moving on.

"Eh, doesn't matter. This school stuff is type lame anyways. Maybe this'll teach your students to go out and do something that's actually worth their time." Sienna would shrug as she stepped towards the wastebasket in the corner of the room to discard the papers.
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Lighting The Wicke

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After all of this was done, Wicke might need to make a few emails and phone calls since everything had to be delayed indefinitely. Her attention was initially focused towards Sienna's presence rather than what she said. Even if the 'cute' remark was genuine, this was completely unacceptable. Even more shocking was the young bombshell's reaction to being addressed. Wicke planned to protect what belonged to only hers and willing minds.

Just as she shoved Sienna aside, the researcher was just THIS close from retrieving all of the papers but the intruder managed to snatch her share. Without all the guidelines, some students might be proceeding at a drastically slower rate pace than others. Only being shocked for a split-second, her attention returned to the opposite side of the desk. Her hands suddenly reached across and grabbing those research papers. "There is no need to become greedy!" Trying to seize control without tearing them up, but it all proved to be pointless due to Sienna's intentions.

The paper was split in half, something that could be solved by the magical flex tape but Ms Smith's next action made Wicke's heart skip a beat multiple times. Her face spelt complete shock as if she just witnessed a near death experience, that is how much she valued these learning materials. With every rip, Wicke's body twitched around like it was an electric. Legs melded to the floor while hearing Sienna belittle almost every aspect of her passion.

Only after the rowdy bombshell was planning to dispose of her hard work, Wicke would be ready to set off once again. Rearing her legs back and spouting what kind of resembled a battlecry, she embarked on another charge, aiming to tackle into Sienna from behind so those paper scraps would be dropped, hoping she didn't run into the photocopier by accident.

If successful, she would try to hold Sienna down thanks to her sheer weight. Maybe she can deliver a message right here.

"First...this seminar is for young adults. Second, this subject focuses on a generalised area. Methods to gain more knowledge in any field. It may surprise you that I am an accomplished wrestler thanks to this mindset, so don't even think of retaliating..." Something caught her attention, the dropped LAW magazine. It was open on 'Tough Women I Love (And Hate) Who Are Contenders' by Alaina Sanders. At the bottom lied a picture that couldn't be denied, the person who ruined everything. "Sienna Smith..." Realising she was dealing with another wrestler.

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Re: Lighting The Wicke

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Sienna was just about ready to make her leave. Seeing Wicke darn near collapse to the floor in shock and horror just about made her day. Seeing Wicke's eyes dilate with each rip of the lesson plan was quite the sight. In mere minutes since Sienna's arrived, the damage was done. Of course, Sienna realized it was temporary. Ultimately no real harm done. The prodigious, bratty wrestler shrugged get shoulders as she observed Sykes on the floor a few feet in front of her. Smith shrugged her shoulders.

"Eh, relax, lady. You probably have these saved somewhere, right? You could always make more cop-huh?!" Smith found herself cut off by Wicke's sudden advance. Smith tried to react! She darted off to the side, near the photocopier in the room, But Sykes ran her down! The battle cry that the plump woman let out was far from what Sienna expected. The toned, bronze-skinned babe tried to bring her hands up to catch Wicke's wrists and keep her at bay, lest she be smothered against the glass surface of the open photocopier! Wicke kept Sienna at bay. Smith's back was arched against the device. She turned her head to the side to see the open door, the pathway to freedom just feet away!

"What surprises me is that you think I'm gonna listen to one of your lectures, lady! It takes a lot more than being a hot MILF to be a good wrestler! I'm pretty accomplished, myself!" Sienna roared as her bare shoulders met the glass. Sienna would take note of the fact that Wicke murmured her name, despite Sienna never uttering it, herself. She saw the older woman read the LAW magazine article on the ground.

"In the flesh. So if you don't mind, I'll sign an autograph for you next we meet, yeah?" Sienna would say as she began to push forward to try and overcome the size, weight, and leverage advantage Wicke had on her to try and force the gal off her person! Sienna was quite strong for a woman of her size, but she hadn't factored in any relevant experience the Sykes had. As far as Sienna was concerned, her job was done here. Overpowering Wicke and getting off scot-free was as simple! She aimed to push the scientist back, regain her composure, and make a break for it!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Lighting The Wicke

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One could argue that Sienna didn't cause a lot of lasting damage, since Wicke could always attain multiple copies. That would be fine if she didn't have to consider printer credits, how much of the lesson plan was saved, how should this intruder should be dealt with. "And so you could rip them apart again?" Perhaps Wicke's outbursts might be considered overreacting to an outsider. Just aligned with her mindset of taking into account multiple paths.

Despite Sienna shifting to the side, the researcher was able to catch the younger woman even if the landing was unusual, pressing bodies while holding the younger woman's shoulders. She had to hold her ground until the bratty woman was unable to retaliate. It seemed simple at first assuming this was just some bored prankster and her large curvy frame would be enough to seize control. Wicke was left unaware about how much pressure the photocopier could handle while she leaned forward attempting to assert further weight.

Even with the advantage, the opposition couldn't give up. The revelation that this woman happened to be another wrestler was perplexing, even if the arena only required a short drive away so many performers hanging around made sense. "I appreciate your flattery, but I have been on a streak and even won a little compet-" Talking about her accomplishments only to be interrupted.

Even with most of the cards in Wicke's favour, the middleweight's strength proved to be more than a match. "AHHHHHHHHH!" The mother was shoved away a few inches, almost falling if it weren't for her balancing on just one foot. "(So strong....I can't let her...)" Realising there was a gap for Sienna to retreat and that she must be notorious if a veteran recognised her. Stomping her other foot into the mat, she shot a glare at the other woman before advancing once again. Before Sienna could free herself, the researcher attempted to pin her in place once again, this time by taking greater measures, hopping into the air briefly and attempt to collide into the ebony wrestler with a bodysplash.

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Re: Lighting The Wicke

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Wicke's anger, her apprehension, her animosity towards Sienna were anything but unfounded. But the reactions she was having. Those outbursts of hers, her body language, her reprimanding yet nervous tone - these reactions from the curvy scientist had already made this prank more than worth it in Sienna's mind! Wicke had pinned the bronzed bombshell against the photocopier, but even with the brainy beauty hovering over her and shouting disciplinary remarks, Sienna remained unbothered.

Smith was quite confident in herself as an athlete, as a wrestler, as a person. With her strength, she shoved even Ms. Sykes back with some authority! Wicke had wisely leaned towards Sienna and the copier to gain leverage and keep Sienna pinned! Yet the only leverage Sienna needed to force Sykes back was the placement of both her hands on Sykes' shoulders! Sienna knew this sudden burst of strength would take Wicke by surprise! She'd aim to use that shock to make her escape! The plan might have worked on a less seasoned wrestler, but Wicke wasn't lying to her about her status an experienced competitor. And as Sienna caught her breath and stood upright, as she stuck her tongue out at Wicke before readying herself to bolt, she found that the sexy scientist didn't hesitate at all! Sykes came running in at almost desperately! Wicke had likely deduced that she wouldn't have caught Sienna if Sienna had made it out of the classroom! Her years of experience and her vast intellect had her make the right move in the heat of their struggle! And that move was pouncing on Sienna again before she could escape!

"Peace out, nerd!" Sienna taunted, right before Wicke sandwiched her between her own voluptuous frame and the photocopying machine!

"ACK!!" Sienna's quip was instantaneously met with Wicke's battle cry and her charge forward! Wicke had gotten on a full step or two before diving forward! She moved faster than Sienna expected, perhaps even defying her own expectations for a moment! Wicke's body splash hit its mark! Sienna was forced back harshly against the machine! Had it not already been placed against a wall, of surely would have toppled over! Instead, Sienna found her face and head completely submerged within Wicke's ample bosom! With the back of her head and shoulders pressed down firmly against the glass of photocopier! The brainy beauty now had all the leverage over Sienna she could ever want! Smith struggled beneath that voluptuous frame and bosom! Her words were muffled!

"Mmpph! Fffppphh!" Sienna protested! She flailed! The fabric of her tube top slid as she tried and failed to wriggle free! Her strength did her little good at the moment. She was taken by surprise and couldn't get leverage. As she looked to escape Wicke's clutches, she poked and prodded at her rival's hips, back, and shoulders. As she looked for a way to fight back, she accidentally hit the side of the photocopier, inadvertently hitting the start button, and promoting the photocopier to print many times over! Paper after paper popped out of the side of the copier into its tray! Image after image of the back of Sienna's head being engulfed by Wicke's massive chest printed out as Sienna struggled to hang on to life in Wicke's pinning/smother hold combination! It very much looked like Wicke was set to do Sienna in with just this one Body Splash and smother!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Lighting The Wicke

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Unless somebody knew of Wicke's talents and physical strength, it was reasonable to understand why few wouldn't be immediately be afraid of her. Oversized glasses, generally calm attitude unless extremely provoked and a sweater with bright colours, as if she was asking for a hug upon sight.

The mother grew more concerned knowing of Sienna's athleticism enveloped by a rebellious mind, knowing she can punch up against her weight class even if slightly. However this situation proved to be familiar enough for a woman of her experience, so she made the appropriate decision of closing down on the younger wrestler before she could set off her escape. While far from a lightning bruiser, Wicke could certainly leave a mark when preparing a bodysplash or hip attack. The aerial attack was enough to send Sienna further away from her destination being the exit and Wicke made the conscious decision to hold the middleweight down to ensure their dispute could properly resolve, even if she could only glimpse the dark hair.

Unaware that the printer was already activated, Wicke just concentrated on asserting her leverage, so every bit of the purplette's upper body weight was allocated and engulfing the invader. The constant wriggling and prodding only gave her a tickle at best, but despite having the opportunity to knock out Sienna right here, she felt something was a little off, some unaccounted for clicking noise. Deciding to turn her neck, she received her answer in the form of paper being wasted to capture the arrogant woman's vulnerable state. They were fighting near the printer and enough pressure could result in deeper costs. Having realised this, she decided to lean back and break the smother hold, on top of using just a finger to shutdown the printer. This didn't mean she was going to let this one pass emptyhanded.

Still blocking the pathway, she decided to await for Sienna to regain her breath and stand straight again so they can have little discussion. "I'd rather refrain from more senseless vandalism. Since you claim to have the same occupation as I, how about we settle our disagreement somewhere more organised then we can discuss wagers? Unless you have no qualms paying for a broken desk?" Even if she disliked it, Wicke still had to defend her pride and haven. While outlining a little alternative, she kept posture straight while no longer showing visual signs of anger.

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Re: Lighting The Wicke

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With the back of her head and torso forced against the glass surface of the open printer, and Wicke's curvaceous yet powerful frame bearing down on her, Sienna Smith was wedged between a rock and a soft place!

Smith was well known for her power and athleticism in the middleweight division. Those abs and those muscles were hardly for show! Smith was very well capable of hurling around women in the heavyweight division. She had already demonstrated this when she forced Wicke Sykes back with a mighty shove just seconds ago! But Wicke's experience and surprising prowess as a wrestler despite her appearances caught Sienna off guard! Having been splashes and smothered against the printer, Sienna was quite low on options! Summoning the strength to once again force Wicke back was proving to be too difficult. Smith poked and prodded Syke's side and cleavage for leverage, but she found very little. She summoned her strength once more, but it wasn't enough in the heat of the moment! Not with the scientist directly on top of her, bearing down on her with all her weight and might!

Wicke held Sienna down well! Well enough to direct her attention to the printer whilst Sienna remained trapped and gasping for air she wasn't going to be receiving anytime soon! Sienna would look back on this moment at a later point. Not expecting to get smothered out by the winner of the Swimsuit Smother Smackdown was a clear folly on her part. Though Sienna would never admit it out loud.

"Mmmph...ungh~..." Sienna's tapping and flailing slowed. Her eyes narrowed. Her struggling began to stop. All the while Wicke was discerning the source of the noise that Sienna wasn't even cognizant of at the time! Paper after paper had been printed. On each one was the image of Wicke's massive melons enveloping Sienna's face and head. Different papers had shown Sienna's head from different angles as she struggled: from the side, the back of her head, her hands ending up in some shots. Ultimately, Sienna was dead to rights beneath Wicke. Just as she was nearing the brink of unconsciousness! Just as she was about to go out, she noticed the sound had stopped! Just seconds after, Wicke had stood up and released her.

"GASP " Sienna quickly inhaled to replenish her air supply. With one hand on the printer and her knees buckling, she crouched and found her footing before slowly rising up. Wicke had ample time to block the entrance. Her curvaceous, heavyweight frame leaving little room to sidestep her or sneak past her. The mother/scientist took a stance indicating she was quite cross, though rather than dish out more discipline, she seemed willing to talk things out.

Sienna would take a look around. The doodles and caricatures she had drawn on the board were still there. The notes and work that were scribbled onto the board were still completely defaced, the lesson plan still ripped. After finding a second to admire her handiwork and stand, she'd mutter under her breath.

"Heh, I wouldn't mind breaking a desk or two. I dunno about paying, though." Smith complained, though she quickly tried to change to subject.

Whilst running her fingers through her hair and tossing it to the side, she'd answer Wicke properly.

"Fine! But you didn't beat me, okay! You got lucky with this stupid printer." Sienna would say before kicking the device lightly.

"In a ring, your thick, curvy butt would be mine. I bet you don't wrestle anywhere near as good as you smother, anyways. Let's take this somewhere else and set up a match! I'll squash you like the old MILF you are!"
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Lighting The Wicke

Unread post by SwordSavior1 »

Wicke was on the lower end of heavyweights, so far from impossible for somebody in a lower class to even try to lift as shown by how long it took for Sienna to finally been held down. She might have been rather intimidated if that tube top wasn't covering Sienna's abs, in comparison to Wicke's muscles being concealed by curves. With her expertise and how accomplishments revolved around smothers, the purplette wondered if the promoters could turn that into gold since smother matches are a big hit.

The older woman had all the control when it came to quelling her invader's resistance thanks to this full body barrage. Having denied the bratty woman any opportunity to properly use her strength, the location and other morals would prevent Wicke getting the result she desired. Thus the old fashioned alternative, settling all personal grievances no matter how trivial in a wrestling match was brought up.

Wicke glanced around the room briefly until taking a brief peek at all the wasted printer credits. All this organisation turned to naught and the lesson plan literally in shreds. She might have viewed those humiliating pictures as karma, if it weren't Sienna still being argumentative and possibly on route to try this again.

Wicke's ears perked upon barely hearing the middleweight complain in a lower tone, only for her heart to skip the beat because of the printer being kicked when it was already volatile, as if the arrogance wasn't already pushing the MILF's boundaries. Needing to get her mind clear, she took a deep breath and started outlining more of her proposition as soon as Sienna finished.

"I can also prove how incorrect your point is. My wrestling skills are above standard then and now. Although I might need to best you twice to deliver that message, so you might think as many times to meddle in my affairs..." Confiding her interest in a multi-fall match, since a quick win could possibly be treated as another accident in Sienna's eyes. She still considering using smothers but for only the finale. "Any location whether the arena, beach or even another country, I shall best you in the ring!" Sounding rather confident in her own skills. So much stress accumulated in such a short time warranted a vacation. All it took was acceptance of the challenge and a leave then all that followed would be a waiting game.

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