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Break the LAW Podcast: Special Interview with Rose Gold

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 4:44 am
by PrincessBlair
Rose Gold was sent an email by one of LAW's Producers:

Kelsea Rose, we would like you to do a special interview on the Break the LAW Podcast with Hasebe and Mami to promote We Are LAW 2021 and your up and coming title match on [insert date and time here]. The interview is to happen at the Break the LAW studio at [insert address here]. Don't fear doing what you want with the pair. Their contract does not including protection from LAW Officials. We only ask you let them promote the PPV and whatever else they are under contract to promote.

[Insert LAW Producer's name here]
LAW Official Office
Podcast Studio
Arriving at the surprisingly nice studio, Rose will find Mami standing in a corner on her phone. Hasebe is in the filming area testing the three mics set up at the table. And there is a mysterious third girl, sitting at a computer looking over stuff. None of them even turn to look at Rose when she enters the room, they just continue doing what they are doing.

Hasebe speaks, "Testing Testing!" into a mic, and the third girl will give her a thumbs up. Hasebe then moves on the next mic. Mami just taps away at her phone, probably shit posting some dumb tweet.
Hasebe and Mami
Mysterious Sound and Camera Girl

Re: Break the LAW Podcast: Special Interview with Rose Gold

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 4:59 pm
by SuckerPunch
Rose Gold stood in the green room of the Podcast studio that the day's interview would be taking place in. It wasn't often that she found herself missing The Coward, but now was one of those times. In the ring, Rose Gold was a confidant, conniving, and brutal professional wrestler. But outside of the ring used to be Kelsea's purview. The ditzy and charming Kelsea was able to capriciously flit through most conversation and come out the other side not only clean, but more well-liked. While she and Kelsea Rose shared the same legal name and body, they were not the same person.
The blonde waited on the couch, her figure adorned with a cute black sweater dress. Her short blonde hair was pulled back with a red headband, something that had become a trademark of hers. The one splash of color in the black of her attire. She was dainty. Cute even. She had a girl next door charm that made her look harmless and maybe even friendly. It was one of the things that had made her so popular with fans. And it also made it so much more shocking when she mounted the faces of her rivals and forced them to pass out, nose deep in her sopping wet sex.

She stared intently at the door. Waiting for the green light. Her cue to enter the interview. Her honey-gold eyes glaring and wishing that this mettlesome thing would be over quickly. The big-wigs at LAW had already chastised her for not wanting to do press. It was one of her duties as a champion, they'd told her. It was the same reason she'd made a Twitter account. At the end of the day she was a professional wrestler contracted to the world's largest league. Hurting and molesting her opponents was part of her job. The part she liked. But so was meet and greets and pressers. At the end of the day, being a Rising Star in LAW was still a job.

Re: Break the LAW Podcast: Special Interview with Rose Gold

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 5:00 am
by PrincessBlair
After a few minutes of Hasebe setting things up and Mami being pretty much useless, they are ready for Kelsea to enter. Hasebe opens the doors, "We are ready for you... who ever you are? Mami! Who is this?!"

Mami can be heard from the corner where she is texting from, "... Rose Gold..."

"Right... Right... Goldy... Got it..." Hasebe lets Rose into the studio, before barking some more, "Listen up! Goldy! I run a top notch show here! We are the best in LAW's media division... THE BEST! And don't let Lexy Alan and her highly produced show or those eggheads at the LAW Magazine tell you other wise. We got started before them, and we are better than them. But you don't become THE BEST! without some ground rules for our guests. RULE #1 and most important rule... There is a girl around here somewhere. She is like a ghost. She is our sound and camera girl. If you see her, don't talk to her, or acknowledge her, or anything. Just pretend she is not here. She does not exist."

"Second rule: Don't touch anything but the chair and mic we give you. Everything is set perfectly how I like it. And it is key to our success. This includes us! Don't touch me or Mami. The Final Rule! Smile and be happy. You are exited to be here? Yes! Be excited! Now go sit in the furthest seat from the door." She then walks over to Mami to make sure she is ready for the show.

The Sound and Camera girl is sitting at her desk. She looks at Rose, gives her a slight smile and a thumbs up.

Re: Break the LAW Podcast: Special Interview with Rose Gold

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 6:40 pm
by SuckerPunch
The door opened and immediately Rose was met with the more energetic half of the podcasting duo. She listened to the girl speak, but did so with her eyes closed. It made it easier to process everything she was saying without letting on to how much she'd have liked to subjugate her. The two had been on Rose's list since their little Twitter spat. But this podcast was production's idea.

Having a shot at the title meant more than beating and humiliating opponents until they had no choice but to recognize you. There were obligations. Media appearances. Magazine interviews. And it only got worse for those who won the belts. It was part of what made defending them so difficult. The hunger was replaced by an overabundance of burdensome, non-wrestling obligations.

"Mmhmm. I understand." She opened her eyes then. She'd had more than enough time to feign the excitement that the two were looking for. Her honeyed amber hues were alight with passion. Her perfect, pouty lips were pulled up in a performative smile. She got to that place by imagining what shapes she would twist their bodies into if they crossed the line. So many wonderful shapes.

She finally settled into her seat. With Hasebe's back turned, Rose made sure to look directly at the sound girl and give her wink and blow her a kiss. When attention returned to Rose she would be sitting like the perfect guest. She didn't speak. Instead she waited until she was spoken to. This wasn't the first media darling she'd met. She had also crossed paths with Lexy Alan. Would these two end up the same as her she wondered...

Her smile returned.