Beach Brawl: Ayumi Sato vs. Azure Frost

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Beach Brawl: Ayumi Sato vs. Azure Frost

Unread post by godjacob »

It was a beautiful day on the beach to be sure, and one Ayumi Sato was eager to take advantage of this face. While fun in the LAW arena was always appreciated to get her magical "talents" and wrestling skills over this was the time to just kick back and relax. Soak in the sun and get a taste of the area where the LAW arena had been situation by.

In this case, a beautiful beach that gave Ayumi a chance to try out her cutest bikini.

Ayumi arrived on the beach, bear ball tucked under her right arm and a little set up bag of supplies in the other as she scanned the sandy shore and looked to see what activity was there on what seemed like a busy day with a big crowed as she worked to find the right spot to set up at. If she was lucky she could get a good tan going today and maybe try one of the special "ice cream" treats she had heard about upon moving here that made her mouth water.
Last edited by godjacob on Sat Feb 15, 2020 10:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Beach Brawl: Ayumi Sato vs. Azure Frost

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What a beautiful and sunny day it was. She was glad that she choose to come to the beach today. She was wearing her cutest bikini on, was not afraid showing off her beautiful body.
She was having her tan in the best spot and was licking the ice cream which was said to be a special ice cream which can only be found here. Her friends told her about the ice cream before and they were right about how good it was. She was lucky having bought the last piece of it. She would get another one if it wouldn't be the last one.

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Re: Beach Brawl: Ayumi Sato vs. Azure Frost

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As Ayumi aimed to set up camp, she saw what seemed to be an ice cream stand and in particular someone who seemed to be making a purchase. Ayumi would have paid this no mind had it not been for what flavor of ice cream she was trying to get.

That prize she heard so much about, no! What if it was the last one? Ayumi couldn't allow this chance to slip her fingers so in a flash the magician dropped her items as she dashed to the stand kicking up sand along the way. Naturally, she aimed to try and shove whoever this girl was aside and tried to move her out of her path.

"OUT OF MY WAY! I want this ice cream I was just getting my wallet so if you can please be kind enough to service me..." Ayumi said, as her tone shifted from panicked fury to pleading to a bit sensual as she tried to show off her figure for the ice creak worker in the hopes he'd ignore the other one there and give her the tasty treat as she pulled her wallet.

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Re: Beach Brawl: Ayumi Sato vs. Azure Frost

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"Hey..." as she was shoved aside by a girl she never know. She was about to order the ice cream and then this girl just casted her aside with a rather rude manner. She couldn't comprehend what was it all about for a moment until the girl pulled her wallet out and pleaded to buy the ice cream she had just ordered. Scowling, she put one hand over that unknown girl's shoulder as she said "Excuse me!?".

She was kind of nervous at the moment and she wanted to remind the girl that she is being rude. With a rather angry accent, she said "Sorry but that is my treat.".
Last edited by DarkMagician on Sun May 17, 2020 11:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Beach Brawl: Ayumi Sato vs. Azure Frost

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Ayumi had almost missed or ignored what Azure said, but the rather aggressive accent caught her attention as the magician turned to the girl who seemed to take exception to her cutting ahead of her. Ayumi would shift her hair to the side as she stared Azure down and felt the need to "clarify" to her.

"Oh uh well...I actually saw it first. See I cam a very long way and only ever desired to enjoy the sweet. So before you came to this area I made a mental claim of it but due to traffic I was held back so..." Ayumi said making a rather stretched claim to the ice cream treat though she seemed unwilling to move.

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Re: Beach Brawl: Ayumi Sato vs. Azure Frost

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Azure listened to Ayumi's claims both hands on her hips. Expecting more of an apology, her words made Azure even more vexed. "mental claim, saw it first?" with utter annoyance she raised her index finger at Ayumi. "What the... hell... are you... talking about?" with each stop in her sentence, her finger would get closer to Ayumi's face. "Didn't you learn any manners?" She asked as she kept scowling, giving Ayumi an angry gaze.
Last edited by DarkMagician on Sun Mar 08, 2020 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Beach Brawl: Ayumi Sato vs. Azure Frost

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Ayumi frowned as the finger of this girl was pressed to her face, this little argument began to draw a few curious eyes and the longer they spent on this the less time and she responded in kind as she was annoyed by this and worked to try to slap Azure's finger from her face lightly.

"Hey, you talk of manners but go around poking at strangers? I say you are the one who needs to be taught some respect." Ayumi said with a huff as she seemed unwilling to budge on this issue.

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Re: Beach Brawl: Ayumi Sato vs. Azure Frost

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Eventually, Ayumi slapped Azure's finger away from her face to Azure's surprise. Ayumi wasn't seem to be stepping back either. Looking around she saw that a crowd of people started to surround them, as two cuties argument was getting people's attention. Azure was not a girl who would feel discomfort from a few spectators enjoying themselves watching them, Azure was just too annoyed by the girl's ignorant attitude.

"Ohh... really..." one of her brows twitched with annoyance. "You are the one that shoved me off the line!" she said loudly with her hands on her hips, bending forward towards Ayumi, trying to harass her comfort zone. The crowd was getting denser as the dispute between the cuties keeps escalating. She was not hot-tempered girl but she was pissed off at the moment. "...but you still stay there and talk back to me."
Last edited by DarkMagician on Sun May 17, 2020 11:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Beach Brawl: Ayumi Sato vs. Azure Frost

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"Oh I can do more than talk if you keep pressing it..." Ayumi said with a glare, bothered that this girl refused to give her what had been here clear claim to the ice cream. Regardless of actual logistics with that Ayumi herself showed no signs of moving away as the situation got ever heated.

"Ladies ladies, let's try and be civil for just a moment please."

A sudden voice spoke up as Ayumi glanced to their side, a man of average height, large build and burly brown handlebar mustache who wore what she could best describe as some sort of "suite-themed" pair of trunks with a tophat to boot greeted the pair. Ayumi naturally blinked in confusion, was thios guy interested in the ice cream to? Did she had to put him in his place to?

"...who are you?" Ayumi asked as the man chuckled.

"Oh no one that important, just one of a few officials at LAW and I happened to overhear this disagreement you two seemed to have. I may have a solution to work out this stress I can just feel in the air if you two are willing to listen."

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Re: Beach Brawl: Ayumi Sato vs. Azure Frost

Unread post by DarkMagician »

Azure was turned towards the man who dared to interrupt the dispute they were having. It was weird to see a man to wear this formal at a beach. With annoyance, she was about the ask who he was but got interrupted by Ayumi asking the same question. He told them, he was a LAW official which made sense now as one of the sponsors of this facility was LAW itself. She had heard rumors that LAW was investing somewhere in the coastal area. This also explained the next to the club. "I am listening."

"You might heard of the rumors about LAW building a new ring area near the coast. This ring you see..." he pointed at the ring side near by. "...had been installed for a time now, It will start operating in upcoming weeks."
Last edited by DarkMagician on Sun May 17, 2020 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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