It's not impressive. It's cramped. "Serviceable" is the nicest thing anyone could say about it, and Katsumi's let it get a bit messy. The main area, including her futon, is in disarray. Bits of clothing are strewn here and there, with a laundry hamper that's tipped over. She'll get to it later. Laundry makes her miserable. She used to have a guy for that, see. Now doing the laundry is a bitter reminder that she's just above impoverished. Ugh.
If there's one thing that'll lift her mood, however, it's picking on her new friend. Suzume Sheska, girl with a funny name, who seemed just so upset the last time they were speaking. They cried together, had a bizarre hug, and made plans. It's time to act upon them. So Suzume is the recipient of a text. It reads as follows:
< Hey betch :D time to look through your match history!! Come with food! >
And then:
< NO ALCOHOL! n_n >
She remembers Suzume wanted to get drunk for this. But that's no good! She can't have Suzume not processing what they talk about! And that brings about a third message:
There. That oughtta do it.
Reclining back more on her futon, she drops her bedazzled cellphone beside her. Black, somehow effeminate skull-and-crossbones decals, and glittery bits decorate its case. Her gaze turns listlessly to the television across from her, watching the commercial with a detached sort of attention.