Contests on the Beach

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Contests on the Beach

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Location: The Beach

In Katherine's life, day to day life was usually filled with rigorous training/sparring, or enjoyable down time in the form of hanging out or eating. There was usually no real in between. And she was ok with that. Often, she'd try to keep a low profile. Having wrestled in various parts of the world, many would recognize her if she did things to stand out. That was part of the reason she wears a mask to the ring to compete. But today she took her chances.

The blonde beauty was hanging out at the beat on this fine afternoon. Plenty of sun, clear skies and waters. She took deep breaths and soaked up the rays and atmosphere as she laid on her beach towel. Clad in a flattering bikini, her curves and muscles had turned quite a number of heads during her visit and her stay. Some probably suspected that she was the accomplished wrestler, Katherine Hart. But there was no crowd or group accosting her for autographs or pictures, so she was good, for now.

After lying down for 20 minutes, her stomach growled. "Oh! Sounds like I skipped lunch by accident! How unlike me!" She said as she got up and widened her arms to stretch. "I could sure go for a corn dog or something!"

Hart began to traverse the sands of the beach barefoot. She had almost made her way to the boardwalk when she passed by a familiar face. "A-Alaina!? Alaina Sanders?!" She asked in a surprised tone.
Last edited by winner3 on Sat Mar 12, 2022 6:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Contests on the Beach

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Alaina was laying in the sand relaxing. She had recently been working hard to get back in wrestling shape for a new promotion. Truth be told, other promotions told her that her wrestling days were behind her, and that she would embarrass herself. So of course the amazon signed up for the promotion with the best roster top to bottom.

However, instead of showing off her fit body, the 42 year old mom was on her towel in a plain white one piece swimsuit, sunglasses and beach hat. Today was family day.

"MOM! Carl won't let me play with the badminton racket I want to use!" Anna yelled out in her small voice. It was not long before her twin brother Carl responded.

"Anna hogs the racket all the time and never lets me use anything that is good!" He responded.

Before Alaina could get up, her husband Charlie stepped up to the plate. "Okay... Anna you can't just demand to use your favorite things each time you have to share. Carl, you also can't just take something out of someone's hands like that. Switch it up and next game change rackets again." Charlie said before grabbing the birdie and hitting it up and down on his racket. The kids forgot all about fighting and were watching their goofy dad. Alaina loved that about Charlie. He was a wrestler too for a short time before a couple nasty knee injuries derailed his career. A speedy high flyer with a bad knee was no good. However he understood the grind Alaina went though as a wrestler and parent. He also jumped in to take care of the kids and let Alaina relax, a rarity for her since she started training.

It was then she heard a familiar voice. "Kat? What are you doing here?" Alaina asked as she got to her feet, taking her hat and sunglasses off as she approached her old friendly rival. Alaina reached out to hug Kat and stood next to her. As a rookie Kat was an exquisite muscular beauty and that had not changed one bit. "Its Alaina Sanders-Haines these days. The trio over there are with me: Charlie my husband, as well as our twins Anna and Carl." She said with a smile looking back at her family not too far away. "How are you? What have you been up to?"

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Re: Contests on the Beach

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Kat was shocked to come across an old friend/rival at the beach of all places. The blonde amazon bore a look of surprise on her face as Alaina rose to her feet and came to her for a hug. After embracing Alaina, and noting that her muscle definition was evidence of the fact that she was still the same sturdy, strong Alaina she remembered from a few years back, Hart would smile widely and wave to Charlie and the kids.

"Oh my goodness! This is all so much! I'm super happy for you, Alaina!" Kat would say as she hugged her old friend again, unable to contain her happiness."You got married!!!

Kat would turn to the kids and squat down to shake their little hands. And you have two beautiful children! Hey kids! I'm Kat! I'm an old friend of mom's!"

After exchanging pleasantries with Anna and Carl, Kat would pop to her feet and lunge at Charlie to hug him, too. "Oh, and don't think I forgot about you, dad! I know we haven't met but I'll be darned if I'm not cool with Alaina's husband! Any friend of hers is a friend of mine!"
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Re: Contests on the Beach

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Anna and Carl waved to Kat and went back about their current project, post-badminton sandcastle building.

Charlie hugged Kat and smiled. "It is nice to meet you too, I seem to be a magnet for giant muscle bound women or something." He said jokingly, noting that Alaina and Kat were both bigger than he was.

Alaina was all smiles as Kat introduced herself to the family. "So what brings you back to Japan? Or have ya never left? You still wrestle right?" Alaina asked, hoping to see what Kat was up to these days.

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Re: Contests on the Beach

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Katherine very much enjoyed exchanging pleasantries with the husband and kids. One could tell that the woman was genuinely happy with Alaina and the route she chose in life. After the kids walked off, she replied to Charlie. "Hardly the worst luck in the world, Mister Haines, haha! Thanks for taking such good care of my friend."

She'd then turn to Alaina to answer her many questions. Kat would raise her arm and flex it before placing a hand on her own bicep and asserting herself. "'Course I still wrestle, girl! She'd bring her arms back down and respond more casually with a more detailed explanation.

"I've been to a few other places here and there but I've mostly stayed in Japan....You know me, I always wanna wrestle with the best of 'em! I've actually recently joined up with this new promotion on the rise so that I could continue doing exactly that. They're calling themselves LAW. They offered me one heck of a contract. It was pretty hard to say no....other than that, I do have a protege I'm looking after these days. She's got a lot of talent, but boy is she a showoff! I've really got to get around to beating some humility into her one of these days, haha."

After letting out that laugh, Kat would cut herself off to remind herself to be thoughtful enough to ask about Alaina. "Oh! Where are my manners! I forgot to ask about you! I take it you're retired? Hung up the wrasslin' boots for good?
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

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Re: Contests on the Beach

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Charlie laughed and shrugged. "I got really lucky what can I say?" He made his way back over to the kids to keep an eye on them, letting his wife catch up with Kat.

Alaina smiled and nodded at Kat and couldn't believe how similar their situations where, aside from their age gap. "Funny you should say that... I got back into wrestling and LAW is the only promotion who were willing to take on an older veteran lady over forty. I work with Tina Armstrong, a promising rookie and she is gonna be good, trust me. We are a tag team as well The Thundergirls." Alaina said with a wink and flexing her own arm to Kat showing that she still had it.

"I am happy to be back, even if training is a whole lot harder. Also the contract is what many people call a 'veteran minimum' because at 2 I am a bit of a gamble. If I perform well enough I can renegotiate a bit, and I plan to do that although honestly I've made enough from my old 15 year stretch as well as the endorsements and other things that came along." Alaina said with a shrug. "You are surprised I am back aren't you?"

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Re: Contests on the Beach

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Kat would place a finger on her own chin and think over Alaina's responses for a second before responding. "Huh, you're right. Things did play out surprisingly similar for the both of us. I'm very pleased to hear about Tina, by the way! I'm sure you two are gonna tear the house down as a team!"

The blonde amazon would look back and notice Charlie tending to the kids. "I'm so glad you picked a man that's good with kids.
Sets up perfect opportunities like this. Whaddya say you and me go for a walk on the beach? There's a lot more to discuss, yeah?"

Kat would take her old friend by the hand and walk her in the direction of the sands, where she'd continue the conversation. "So to answer your question, part of me isn't all that surprised to hear you're back. Wrestling's part of your soul, same as mine. If anything, news of the rookie, Tina, surprised me. But what's really throwing me off right now is hearing about your wonky contract. They say you need to perform in order to keep your tenure at LAW? You're Alaina freakin' Sanders!...Haines, haha. Your resume and reputation precedes you. But if they want you to perform in order to stick around, I say we make sure your skills are sharp.

Kat would stop in her tracks and place her hands on Alaina's shoulders before looking her in the eyes and offering her proposition. "Let's you and I throw down! Slam contest, arm wrestling, spar, you name it! Right here on the beach. I'll make sure you're still up to snuff, Amazon. You're gonna keep making Anna and Carl proud - I'm gonna make sure of it!"
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Re: Contests on the Beach

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Alaina smiled as kat heaped praise on her. "Thanks it means a lot coming from a lady of your caliber. I mean, I get it I have been out of the game for almost six years. I don't flaunt sex appeal like I used to, I mean I have a plain color one piece swimsuit fit for a mom." She said with a shrug. She smiled when Kat mentioned Charlie. "He is humble, he wrestled for a bit before his injury. He was good. Not as good as you or I, but he never let the fact that his wife was better at a male dominated career bother him. Him doing what he does for the kids and I allowed me to come back at all really."

Alaina's ears perked up as Kat mentioned her challenges. Alaina grinned ear to ear. "I beat ya before clean. I overpowered ya before when I was lighter. I may be old but I still got it.' Alaina said as she looked over at a vacant table. "let me beat you in arm wrestling first and I will show you whats what." Alaina said as the two went towards the table.

The amazon sat down and readied herself, tensing up and grasping Kat's hand when she sat down. On the count of go, Alaina was going to surge at Kat with all the strength she had in her formidable, muscular powerful arm!

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Re: Contests on the Beach

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"Clean? Or by the skin of your teeth?" Kat said as she took a seat at the table and placed an elbow on it to show she was ready. She grunted audibly when Alaina came at her with everything. Katherine's arm shifted a big and began going down, reaching a 40 to 45 degree angle towards the table before her arm flexed visibly and she held her position.

"You gotta remember, Alaina. I took you to your limit back then...and since then, I've only gotten stronger! HYYAAAAAH!" Katherine told Alaina like it was before returning fire by pushing with extreme strength of her own! The force of their struggle would shake the table slightly as Kat pushed back in an effort to turn the tide and show her old friend exactly how much she had progressed since their last encounter!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Contests on the Beach

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Alaina looked on in shock, shaking her head back and forth! "N-no way! I won clean and you know it! You couldn't beat me before and I am still better!" Alaina shot back, wondering what Kat's claim was for Alainas win. However, Alaina was now back at the start and her own arm bent back... 50 degrees!?

The amazon let out a shout and gave it her all to try to force Kat back, her words maybe hurting Alaina more than she knew. Alaina wasn't washed up, and in her prime she knew what she was. Kat was good, but better than Alaina? It was a spot of pride, her legacy. It was something she treasured, and guarded. She couldn't get shown up.... could she?

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