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Queen of the Castle: Triin Liiv vs. Arlise Christiaens

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2025 11:44 pm
by Winter
Castle Capture
The match takes place in a prop medieval castle hall with connected rooms. Mats line the floors, and the castle is properly furnished. It also possesses a litany of era-suitable "tools" and "weapons" such as manacles, ropes, etc. Opponents start in rooms across an open hall from each other. The winner must force her opponent into her starting room, bind the opponent, and earn a verbal submission.

Arlise Christiaens understood now.

As she paced idly through her starting room - the "Conqueror's Trophy Room," they had called it - she realized how little her earlier struggles had affected her popularity. In fact, if she could judge by LAW's provision of this setting for her and her opponent, she supposed she should consider herself at the height of that popularity. She dragged her fingers softly along one of the trophy room's many props as she passed them - prop medieval weapons, prop pieces of armor, and plush seating suitable for the time. The room, a candlelight-illuminated square awash with wood and red velvet, even smelled rustic, and Arlise wished she could have lived in such a place. The style and furnishing suited her, to the point that in her leotard and wearing her intrigued smile, she surely looked right at home on the unseen cameras watching her pre-match.

Her steps eventually trailed to the more... exciting half of the room. Her gray eyes lifted to again study the features that made this room the conqueror's side of the castle - torture racks, crosses, stakes, and... other devices she could not quite properly name in their native language. She ran her hand over them, too, growing increasingly thrilled that they represented her half of this match and that to win, she would have to bring this knight across the hall - Triin - to this room and... well, make use of these tools.

The entire concept had her entire being aflutter. They had picked her for this setting, to play this almost villainess conqueror, and LAW's fans would not soon forget her participation... not if she won. And Titania must win this one to live up to her name.

Her mind trailed to what little she knew of Triin, planning strategy while she studied how the other woman might look on one of those bondage crosses, when she heard the door click - the signal that preparation had ended and that she and Triin could begin whenever they wished. The prop castle did indeed finally sound quiet, almost uncomfortably so, and Arlise sucked in a breath to gather herself, primped her hair and pulled at the butt of her leotard one last time to free it from her cheeks, and purposefully strode for the door.

It opened surprisingly easily (and noisily) despite its size as she pushed against it, and it released her into the hall to see the open mats, lined by furnishings, before her. She could hear and see the door on the other side of the hall opening, too. While she might have typically snuck a peak to see her opponent emerging... Arlise felt quite "in character." She instead stepped with grace and resolve toward the middle of the room like a would-be conquering warrior heading toward a parley, the turn of her lips dignified, even menacing.

Triin's form became more apparent to her as she neared, but a table full of... what Arlise could only refer to as "torture devices" given the setting caught her eye for a moment and set her mind racing. She caught up with those thoughts almost as quickly as they began. She needed focus. She needed to focus on this... admittedly lovely and quite knight-like woman emerging before her.

Titania scrutinized her. "You look the part, knight," the redhead told her, having to stifle a smile. "But I do not think you will feel it by the end of this."

Re: Queen of the Castle: Triin Liiv vs. Arlise Christiaens

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:05 pm
by Jaystar
"Match title: Queen of the Castle.
Match type: Castle Capture.

Sounded familiar?

Triin Liiv had to say yes. But it was hardly a surprise. Finding yourself in a medieval castle - prop or not - and in a high-stakes gimmicked match tailored to the theme was actually something very logical for someone calling themselves "The Baltic Knightess" to happen. In fact, it was almost a miracle that it had taken LAW this long to set this up for her... Apparently, her last match with the ropes involved must have served as a test. And apparently, the management had liked what they'd seen. Even if Triin hadn't managed to present her skills in such a favorable light... Oh well.

That was going to be much easier tonight though, already based on what the blonde Estonian could see around her. The envelope that she had just read the match details from had been placed on top of a massive, noble wooden table. The ornate seat looking over it appeared almost like a throne, and the walls littered with portraits, coats of arms, and golden and silver embellishments made the surroundings look simply perfect. There must have been no place, no place that could have embraced better her role as a knightess!

Oh, the room did have the other part too. The part where the ropes, shackles and chains were. Oh and then, all the other stuff too. The stuff that a noble, valiant knightess would never resort to using. Well, except maybe under the direst of circumstances!

But that side of the room must had been the part of the Knight's Court - as the envelope had called it - where Triin's task was to bring her opponent tonight. The side where she was going to capture her opponent, and seal the victory. Oh, and only by using the first three items mentioned, of course.

And her opponent? Arlise Christiaens. Triin didn't know much about her, but she surely sounded like someone suiting the theme as well. The name was definitely European, and even without too much use of imagination, could have denominated a medieval combatant as well. Once again, a perfect match!

Or, that's what Triin had thought in advance. The envelope had now given some confusing signs. Apparently, her opponent's room was called "The Conqueror's Trophy Room". Now, that wasn't all that surprising in itself. A knightess was always going to be the more heroic one, and their opponent likely the more villainous one. But was her opponent called Arlise in the letter? No. She was called Titania.

Conqueror Titania. Triin had to bite her lip. Now, she didn't complain. She wasn't disappointed. She wasn't put off at all. But it did sound something else than what she had initially been mentally prepared for... Somehow more ominous - appealing and ominous. And by now, her mind was filled with anticipation over meeting her rival for the night.

Suddenly, the anticipation peaked as Triin realized that a large, squeky door was opening somewhere - and it wasn't into her room. The Conqueror must had been on the move. Thus, it was the prime time for the knightess to make her appearance.

Grabbing the handle of her signature (mock, prop, plastic) sword, which the rules stated in the envelope made abundantly clear she was allowed to use to her heart's content tonight, The Baltic Knightess headed for the door. Opening it firmly, Triin stepped into the central hall, trying to give out as stoic and confident appearance as possible. Immediately spotting the other figure roaming in the room, the blonde nailed her eyes on her, and began approaching the center of the hall to meet her enemy in the middle.

Naturally, the closer Triin got, the better look she could get of her opponent. And naturally, she had to immediately begin assessing her appearance, attire, form and physique as an opponent.

And oh my. Things just kept on getting increasingly perfect for this match. This Arlise, or Titania, or Conqueror was the perfect foil for the theme. Especially against a knightess like Triin... Her red and black, and admittedly incredibly hot attire provided a stark contrast with Triin's blue and white one, and the amazing red color of her hair gave her a villainous aura. The stay-ups sported very apt decorations, and her physique... Well, note to self: better not get caught in those clutches.

Stopping just shy of her opponent, Triin took a moment to stare Arlise deep into her eyes - while also unable to avoid taking a few glances along her body. The blonde could find confidence in finding herself slightly taller... But the redhead seemed to have a bit thicker, and admittedly, likely a stronger figure too.

The battle tonight probably wasn't going to be easy. But then again, it never should have even been easy.

The Conqueror finally decided to address her opponent though. And despite of not being a woman of many words, this time Triin found it appropriate to respond. "Spare your words. They won't save you from getting slain in battle." the blonde replied in her stoic tone, before taking an abrupt step backwards, and raising the sword in front of her as if in a stance all ready for battle!

Triin Liiv - The Baltic Knightess

Re: Queen of the Castle: Triin Liiv vs. Arlise Christiaens

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2025 10:53 pm
by Winter
She hated to admit it, so desperate to stay in character and make the most of this opportunity to advertise her very essence as a wrestler, but Arlise's scrutiny did not leave her wanting.

The woman ticked many boxes for her - the height and the figure not least of all. Arlise had already encountered a dose of particularly long, particularly dangerous legs in the form of one of her newest friends, whom she suddenly remembered she needed to call sometime, and Triin's would have no doubt captured Arlise's gaze for far longer if the blonde's words had not drawn her attention. It took effort for her to avoid a sly smile at the retort, but her lips only quivered with the hint of that smile. That Triin fell into a fighting stance, weapon in hand, helped.

That Arlise needed to figure out a way to counter that weapon also served as an apt distraction from any more wanton thoughts. Right, it made sense that she would have one, and the match organizers had urged them to use anything available to them that was not bolted down - the only truly dangerous things were bolted down, Titania imagined. One glance had told her the knight had not brought any actual metal, but the redhead did not care to take a knock on the head from a slab of plastic, either.

She stepped back, too, and a glance to her side revealed... a halberd? She palmed it - bamboo. So a long kendo stick with a plastic blade on the end. Clever. Arlise picked it up and... realized she did not know particularly well how to wield it. She had participated in few matches indeed that required weapons, and she had never relied on them beyond a few instances when she had to level one at an opponent to avoid taking a hit from one herself. She imagined Triin had the advantage, here.

But she squared up nonetheless, wielding it as best she could, and with no ref to signal them to begin, she simply offered a subtle nod that she stood ready to begin the match, too.

Then she swung the bamboo-halberd low, for Triin's calves. It did not sing a particularly pleasant song as it tore through the air, clearly not intended to be wielded like an actual halberd... but maybe she would surprise her.