Silver Vs. Isa - Ice Queen

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The Ominous Future
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Silver Vs. Isa - Ice Queen

Unread post by Devilish53 »


Bedroom Match
Victory Via Pinfall, Submission Or KO.
Rules Are Followed And Enforced At The Participants Discretion
Match Takes Place In A Bedroom Atop A Queen Size Bed
Winner Will Be Declared The Bedroom Queen

How long had it been since the self-crowned bedroom queen Silver had taken to an actual bedroom match?

Too long!

Things were set to change as the busty heavyweight found herself in familiar territory, with her large rear bouncing on the bed in an effort to get herself comfortable. Hands to her head as if to hold onto her crown, the busty beauty had the biggest of smiles to her face as she waited ever so patiently for her opponent to arrive. With there being a massive amount of mystery in the air, given that Silver had taken a page out of her tag partner Karen's book - and left something of an open invitation for a match!

Knowing her opponent only by name, it was time to put one to a face as she heard the surefire steps of an approaching foe - with Isa's hand undoubtedly about to press the door wide. Which in turn would bring about Silver off of the bed as if to quite literally stand tall - with her hands planted to her hips as she pushed out her body!

In a near superhero-like pose!
Last edited by Devilish53 on Sun Mar 03, 2024 2:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Silver Vs. Isa - Ice Queen

Unread post by Jaystar »

Isa wasn't sure what to think. Frankly, she wasn't sure if she should have done this at all.
"Opponent: Lara Abreu
Location: Room 217
Bedroom Match
Victory Via Pinfall, Submission Or KO.
Rules Are Followed And Enforced At The Participants Discretion
Match Takes Place In A Bedroom Atop A Queen Size Bed
Winner Will Be Declared The Bedroom Queen
The Angel of Ice was reading the match rules and stipulations on the small business card in her hand once more, as she was making her way to the assigned location, seemingly somewhere in the LAW dormitory. And what she was reading once again made her very unease. She knew that yes, there were a lot of spicy and lewd matches and events in LAW... But she had also made it clear that she wasn't a Hentai fighter at all. This? This sounded exactly like a Hentai match... Without actually stating that it was a Hentai match. A bedroom match? Really? Well, the management had convinced her that this wasn't a Hentai match at all... But bedroom combined with the added note that "rules were followed with participants' discretion" seemed rather shady.

And who was this "Lara" anyway? Isa didn't think she had heard of anyone called "Lara" in LAW before.

Nevertheless, her contract was clear - she had to obey the management's orders. She had to trust them, and accept this match. The problem was though, that lately her role in the league had evolved into being somewhat of a heavyweight jobber. Prior to joining LAW, in her previous league, Isa had actually enjoyed decent success, despite her relatively amateur background. But her opponents had also been usually smaller and weaker than her, with the league having no weight divisions at all...

Here in LAW, Isa had fallen just into the heavyweight category, being on the lower end of it... And despite her generally rather impressive and statesque body, the competition in LAW had turned out to be fierce. And often much bigger and stronger than herself as well... Which had meant trouble. Of course, the Angel of Ice knew that the only way to success was to train and develop herself... She couldn't really complain. But she had also gotten a distinct notion that the management somehow enjoyed seeing her jobbing against heavyweight superstars... Or then they were simply enjoying high ratings and making good money off of it. She had even been put in a title match against the heavyweight champion! Of which Isa of course had be in many ways thankful for... But she was certainly hoping now that being placed in a Bedroom Match didn't mean that they simply wanted to see her jobbing out in a more sensual setting this time.

Frankly, to Isa, it all depended on how her opponent was going to turn out to be like. A lightweight or a lower-middleweight girl? That was no problem, Isa was fairly confident that she would have had a good chance of controlling them, even on a bed. But if it was another bigger and stronger heavyweight, as all her recent opponents had been? Ugh.

She wouldn't have to wonder about it for long though, as she apparently was already by room 217. Having chosen to accept customizing her approach to the match type a little, Isa had chosen to use her alternate white attire this time instead - it felt like suiting to a bedroom match a bit better, than her signature blue one. With a subtle knock on the door, the white-clad wrestler entered anxiously room 217, although obviously trying to hide any anxiousness as well as she could.

Isa - The Angel of Ice

The light was much softer and also quite a bit darker in the room than the hallway, but Isa's eyes rather quickly acclimatized to her surroundings... And as soon as she had closed the door behind her, she could see a rather mighty-looking figure towering in front of a queen size bed. Unintentionally gulping as she took a few steps towards her, Isa tried to fake confidence as well as she could, despite having now the chance to take in fully the sight of her apparent opponent. OK, she didn't appear to be that much taller than her, but definitely a lot thicker and curvier than her... But dressed in a very skimpy-looking attire anyway. Well sure, Isa's own attire was admittedly on the revealing side as well... But what she was seeing in front of her seemed to at first glance confirm all her fears she'd been having towards this match.

"Hello, Lara?" the blonde greeted her opponent in a polite yet somewhat cautious tone. Before her slight anxiety slipped through rather abruptly another question that had been burning in her mind. "What's a Bedroom Queen?"
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

Jaystar's Quests
Please feel free to contact me on Discord: jaystar_92820
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3. Please note that I reply to messages a bit slower and often longer, as I need time to think and reflect instead of rapid-fire communication

The Ominous Future
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Re: Silver Vs. Isa - Ice Queen

Unread post by Devilish53 »

When the door began to swing open, Silver practically stood to attention. As if on parade, she'd puff out her chest with her hands to her sides as if to look all the more intimidating and fearful. After all, despite the casual setting, Silver's beloved bedroom crown was still on the line. And come friend or foe - come pleasant beauty or detestable wrench - Silver was going to defend it with all of her heart!

Though admittedly, Silver found her posture slacking just a little in the face of Isa's innocent, almost-lost look!

With a question coming straight from Isa's lips - one that made the bedroom queen admittedly laugh in response!

"Oh...!" She'd stop after a brief chuckle, with Isa's gaze still upon her. "She's serious?" An internal monologue on the bedroom queens part was portrayed more visibly by her look, with Silver scanning Isa up and down in an effort to figure out if the girl indeed was. Though, she did admittedly hope Isa was kidding, given that Silver didn't truthfully have an answer. Save for an obvious one.

"Erm...Me?" She'd quite literally shrug...

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Re: Silver Vs. Isa - Ice Queen

Unread post by Jaystar »

For sure, Isa's question hadn't really come out right at all. Obviously, the Angel of Ice was mainly curious about the match type, how would the events in the bedroom unfold, how exactly would a match take place on a queen size bed... But her brain had gotten stuck on the last two words she had just read. Which, fair enough, was a new concept for her as well... But considering that the winner was going to be crowned one, there was going to be a lot of questions answered before they'd reach that part. Besides, she could quickly tell by the other girl's reaction that her question had been funny indeed.

Realizing her cluelessness, Isa could already feel some blushing raising on her face, even before the white-haired girl could come up with her response. She could also finally spot the crown on top of the busty girl's head, which already gave away the answer she was going to be getting... Of course, she was going to be facing the reigning "Bedroom Queen" tonight! And that in turn explained the setting... Although for Isa, it wasn't particularly good news - obviously her opponent was going to be the one tonight holding the home field and experience advantage... Oh well. It wasn't as if this was the first time that had happened...

As Isa managed to take a further look at her opponent, she also made another realization. She had definitely seen this girl before... Her name hadn't rung a bell, but her looks were indeed. She had seen this girl appear on some LAW content for sure, and from what she could recall, she was pretty thick, curvy, beautiful and strong... Definitely not someone whose clutches any lightweight girl wanted to get trapped into. And the Icelandic blonde even got the feeling that when she had seen this girl wrestle, her style had reminded her a lot of her own, back when she was still an amateur and her opponents usually much smaller than her.

Taking a couple steps forward, Isa tried to overcome her hesitations and hide her blushing, and appear as a confident challenger instead. "Right. And that shall be me after tonight." the blonde finally replied to Silver's response, trying to sound defiant while also placing her hands on her hips, intuitively mimicking the stance and pose that Silver had taken, as if sizing her own body up next to the reigning Bedroom Queen's own... But she also had to actively try to disregard the fact despite having a pretty statesque body herself, Silver was still obviously having the thicker and curvier one between the two.

Isa's confidence soon showed some signs of cracking though, as she couldn't help making an admission. "Although, it is the first time I'll be wrestling in a bedroom though..." Once again blushing a little, the Angel of Ice tried to still maintain the confident pose even though being honest about her inexperience with this match type. Well, inexperience in LAW at least, for sure she had tussled with Julie on a bed back in the days, but she got the distinct feeling that that wasn't really going to count tonight.
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

Jaystar's Quests
Please feel free to contact me on Discord: jaystar_92820
However, please note that:
1. I will not be online there very often, so don't wonder if I won't be responding immediately.
2. I won't be doing IM matches
3. Please note that I reply to messages a bit slower and often longer, as I need time to think and reflect instead of rapid-fire communication

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