Misaki Toyoda vs Kyoko Akan

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Misaki Toyoda vs Kyoko Akan

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It was strange, Misaki was invited for a very special challenge- to face the Belly Queen of LAW. She didn't know much about LAW, Kyoko or the title of Belly Queen because she was already working in two different wrestling promotions but she was never the type to strike down a challenge. It was more of a promotional booking, LAW wrestlers would take on other promotions and today, it was LAW vs the Berserk gym. Naturally, Berserk would select their top star, Misaki Toyoda.
Misaki would walk from backstage to the Berserk Wrestling arena in her custom pink wrestling outfit. She was all smiles as she waved for the crowd, she had home advantage of wrestling in her own show as Kyoko was invited as a guest wrestler. Misaki got in the ring and stood in the middle of the ring as she awaited for her opponent to arrive.
Last edited by Teenwrestler on Sun Mar 11, 2018 11:11 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Misaki Toyoda vs Kyoko Akan

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Kyoko knew better then to turn down this little offer. Any chance she got to go and take on another girl from any promotion. Especially one as well known as Misaki Toyoda. In fact Kyoko was downright ecstatic at the kind of challenge the girl could offer and what it would mean for Kyoko if she won, proving her worth over another once more. Taking the time she needed Kyoko came out to her music as she had the belt around her precious waist. Strutting down the ring while looking around at the crowd in question before looking down at Misaki a smirk on her face as she rolled into the ring.

Taking the belt off she hoisted it in the air and stared the girl face to face. "Somehow I knew you wouldnt turn this down. Shame you came all this way just to lose but dont worry. I certainly appreciate the effort i know your going to put into this match." Kyoko said as she handed the belt to the ref making sure to appear as intimidating as possible.

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Re: Misaki Toyoda vs Kyoko Akan

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Misaki was a champion on her own accord, she was the best wrestler in Berserk and she had held the title in Berserk for quite a long time as well. She was a little skeptical to wrestle a woman from another promotion but if it meant testing her skills against better opponents, she would not deny. Plus, it would be great promotion for the Berserk wrestling gym which was relatively small when compared to bigger promotions like LAW. Misaki eagerly awaited for her opponent to arrive in the ring and when she did, Misaki noticed that distinct title around her waist.

She seemed like quit the fit wrestler and Misaki was now even more anxious to wrestle her and take the belt for herself. "Heh well you sure sound confident. Don't worry, I dont plan on losing this but I hope you can explain this to the LAW management that you came back without their belt" she winked as Kyoko handed the belt to the referee.

The bell rang and Misaki raised her arms up high, in a crouch as she looked to lunge in and lock up with the Belly Queen.

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Re: Misaki Toyoda vs Kyoko Akan

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Berserk had thrown there best challenge at her and Kyoko was all too happy to take it. Not only would this show everyone that the new and growing LAW had some of the best talent in the world, but it establish her as someone who was the best around. The thought alone made her smile as she looked at Misaki and cracked her knuckles.

"Oh I wouldnt be worried about that. If anything i would be more worried on how Berserk will look when there champ has been dealt with, dont worry though you can always come over to where the big girls play if being in that small pond stops being fun." Kyoko said moving in with the bell as she locked up with Misaki and tried to push into wrestler, trying to overpower her outright while also feeling out for her strength. After a minute of struggling she would go back to her favorite tactic, a knee to the gut.

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Re: Misaki Toyoda vs Kyoko Akan

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Misaki would raise an eyebrow at the Belly Queen, she was clearly delusional, Kyoko didn't know how good Misaki was in the ring and perhaps the Ace had to show this upstart a thing or two. As the bell rang, the two ladies would lunge in and lock up with each other, Misaki would grit her teeth in effort, leaning into her opponent, their busts pressing up together as neither woman gave an inch to each other.

After a moment or two in the struggle, Kyoko would shift her tactic by raising her knee into the Ace's belly! "Guughh owww...."Misaki would moan, doubling over and wrapping her arms around her own waist to protect a follow up on her belly.

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Re: Misaki Toyoda vs Kyoko Akan

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Taking the early advantage the best way she knew how Kyoko saw Misaki backing up protecting her stomach while Kyoko smirked and moved in. Having the fellow champ on retreat meant that Kyoko got decide the pace of the match, and in her mind a full on attack was the best way to go. With Misaki protecting her abs Kyoko would change up her tactics by moving in and trying to go for an enziguri kick to the girls face.

"Hope i didnt take the wind out of your sails too early. Id hate for this to be a quick match." Kyoko said as she tried to follow up after the kick assuming it connected and would try to stay on top of Misaki to assure that the girl couldn't get up in time to stop her from setting up whatever attack she had in mind next.

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Re: Misaki Toyoda vs Kyoko Akan

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Misaki wanted to engage in a fair grapple battle with the belly queen but the queen had other ideas. Only a matter of moments in the grapple did the Belly Queen decided to raise her knee up into Misaki's belly to double her over. The Bersek Ace was made an easy target from here as she began to back up a bit, covering her abs from further attack. However, that lead to her head completely unguarded and open for Kyoko to strike as she impressively did a short leap and smacked an enziguri kick straight at Misaki's head.

The Berserk Ace let out a girlish grunt as she stumbled down on her back, clutching her head as she realized at this point that she was in for a real fight. "Ngh, oww....guess you do know how to fight huh? Argh!" she moaned.

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Re: Misaki Toyoda vs Kyoko Akan

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"What did you expect from a champ Misaki? Or are things at Berserk so deprived fighting is more of a suggestion." Kyoko said once again taking a dig at the rival company before she moved down to her downed foe and tried to plant a punch in Misaki's belly once more, keeping the match focused on the prime target of her attack before trying to turn her opponent over.

From there she would grab her arms and try to pull them up and over her knees as she sat down on Misaki and attempted to lock her in a camel clutch. She didnt expect this move to finish the match, and in fact it couldn't finish t but anything that worked over Misaki helped her in the long run. Especially with someone like her who she didnt want to stay at full strength.

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Re: Misaki Toyoda vs Kyoko Akan

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With the Berserk Ace down on her backside, Kyoko took her chance to talk more trash to Misaki before mounting her. "Argh shut up, I won't have you insulting Berserk" she hissed back as Misaki struggled under Kyoko. The Ace attempted to buck up and bridge up, trying to get Kyoko off of her but her effort were thwarted by the raven haired wrestler by a hard punch to her abs, knocking the wind out of the Berserk Champ.

Misaki was rolled over as Kyoko sat on her back, trapping the brunette in a camel clutch submission. The local champ moaned in pain but refused to submit, using her knees to crawl forward towards the ropes while her back was being stretched.

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Re: Misaki Toyoda vs Kyoko Akan

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Like she figured she was getting under Misaki's skin with the comments against her company, all o which worked n her favor as she seemed to be catching her off guard as far as wrestling, throwing a punch that connected with her belly once again to fold her up before pulling into the camel clutch. Pulling as far back as she could in the hold while Misaki tried to escape.

"Well naturally you are there crowned jewel, but still it says alot that you seemed to be surprised i could fight doesnt it? Unless your saying LAW is full of chumps in which case ill show you no mercy!!" Kyoko said as she tried to pull on her as much as she could even as Misaki fought her way to the ropes, once she reached them Kyoko would surprisingly let go almost immediately rather then wait wanting to get back to beating her down and showing her who she was dealing with.

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