A little time for ourselves

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A little time for ourselves

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Veronika Noir, the Queen of Hearts, had lived a trouble life so far, being the offspring of an austrian noble father and a French-Morrocan mother, her life already seemed destined to be special. But the harsh cold truth was that her father, who had fathered a whole flock of children with women all around the world could'nt care less about "The brown one", as he called her when he forget her name. Being in the sole care of her mother should have been a relief from the icy ignorance of her father but the truth was that Faiza Noir never had intended to become a mother.

When she was younger, she became a world famous ballet dancer where she met the Baron, Veronikas father, at a gala in Vienna. The two of them spent some time together, living the jetset life of two young and rich high society celebrities when Faiza became pregnant. Shocked, the already unstable woman tried to get an abortion but was being stopped by the Baron and his legal team. Reluctantly Faiza had to bring the child into this world she had never wanted, did'nt look forward to or felt any, little speck of love for. And so, Veronika Noir was born after a long and straining birth that almost killed Faiza and ruined her career as ballet dancer for good.

The Baron paid for the child and mother's support but at the time of Veronikas birth already had found another woman which whom he lived. Heartbroken and betrayed, Faiza swore herself to let it all out on the only thing she could and so Veronika Noir grew up without love, constantly abused by her mother physically and mentally. The worst punishment was the dark and cold attic of their seaside mansions home where Veronika had to spend the nights when she "dissapointed" her mother, which happened more often then not of course. But even if she hated her own child, Faiza saw the potential in her and let her being trained by the finest dancing teachers from around the world, making her learn ballet, gymnastics and other things.

Faizas career was over but she would live, live through that little demon that had ruined her life. This little abomination owed it to her after all. And indeed, Veronika soon became famous thanks to her parents name and managed to win some competitions in dancing and gymnastic. But nothing was ever good enough for the cruel woman who called herself mother. Over the years, Faizas eccentric beheavour turned out to be a mental illness. She was even more aggressive and irratic then before and barely left her house. One night when Veronika just had turned twelve, Faiza finally snapped, trying to kill her daughter with a knife, only stopped by her butler.

The Baron managed to keep all of this under wraps, sent Faiza to an asylum and took Veronika in. Not that it would have changed much as the nobleman still did'nt care about the girl. And so Veronika had no one to trust, no one to love her and the voice of her mother haunted her, telling her how worthless she was if she was'nt a winner, the best in everything. And Veronika used to dull this voices with alcohol, drugs and, a thing she got a taste when being gifted a car to her seventeenth birthday, illegal racing. Veronika became quite a name in the scene, driving as if her life was'nt worth a dime, winning and losing.

But even if being a dancer reminded her of the traumas as a child, she was quite ready to pursue a career, but not as boring ballet dancer but a sexy, sensual Burlesque Girl. She managed to get into the entourage of the famous Dita von Teese, appearing in her shows all over the world. But still the voice of her mother haunted her and when she felt outplayed by another young dancer of their group, she beat her up. When it came it out the group fired Veronika who was all too glad about it as another nobleman, a friend of her father, approached her with an offer she could'nt refuse...

And now, Veronika Noir the Wrestler, Member of the Austrian Eagles and second part of the infamous "Heart Connection" Tag Team was in the big bed of her hotel, crouched together, trying to not move much as every bone and muscle hurt and tried to sleep. Usually the other half of the team, Sachiko Koizumi, her rival, turned friend would be at her side and they would do all kinds of kinky things, but this night was different. This night both of them had settled their score, so they could move on. It was done and Sachiko had proven to be the better one.

But this was'nt what bugged the European. It was the fact that their time as a team was slowly coming to a close Six months they had to play an act, as a Tag Team who was invented as punishment, which was'nt supposed to work, which should have broken them, a totally idiotic concept. But Veronika and Sachiko had set differences aside and we're ready to make this work, to take on LAW as they had done before. And given that they even now had their own merch and Fanclubs , it worked flawlessly.

Veronika looked into the darkness. Over? Now everything they have built and the fun they had, the nights they shared...over? Sachiko was in another Team called the Heartbreakers and Kyoko and Misako desperately awaited the comeback of their boss. So Sachikos way seemed clear. But...would there be a place for Veronika. And if so...as what? A buddy, a teammate, lover or...

The Queen of Hearts sighed as she snuggled her two dogs, Champagne and Croissant closer to her. Tomorrow they would take a trip from the east to the west coast. They had gotten the time off and they still had a month left before their "punishment" ended. All those things went through Veronikas head when she heard the door to their suite and closed her eyes. She did'nt want to talk, not now, not as vulnerable as she was right now...

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Re: A little time for ourselves

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When it had all started, Sachiko could never have predicted, in her wildest dreams, where the trajectory of the next few months was going to take her. It had started innocuously enough, with her and Veronika being drawn together by chance when they were booked for a whipped cream match at LAW's Halloween event. But while the two girls had never heard of each other before, they instantly became rivals. Veronika couldn't help but see Sachiko as worthless street trash who insulted her by her presence alone, and Sachiko, in turn, immediately recognized Veronika as the sort of snooty, stuck-up rich bitch she could never stand. When that match had ended inconclusively, both knew there was still unfinished business that simply couldn't go unaddressed - their proud, fiery spirits wouldn't accept anything less than a decisive victory. That had led to a disruptive brawl through the showers - and that, in turn, had led to the worst punishment Sachiko could imagine. Being forced together with Veronka into a tag team.

It was calculated to humble and humiliate them. Not only would they be forced to work together, they also had to play up the most embarrassingly cutesy, frilly, saccharine gimmick anyone could have imagined - the sort of thing that made Sachiko retch just thnking of it. And if they couldn't last six months of that indignity, their careers would be done for.

It would never work. There was no way it could. And yet, a miracle happened. Sachiko soon learned that she and Veronika weren't so different, after all. She too had her dreams of raising hell, and she envied that wild, unquenchable thirst for independence that shone through in everything the sukeban did. Working together as the Heart Connection, Veronika could experience what she'd always lusted for, and Sachiko, in turn, could benefit not only from Veronika's keen tactical mind, but her alluring body as well. Together, they could enact the ultimate revenge. They would show LAW the monster they'd created.

In match after match, the Heart Connection tore through the competition, shocking anyone who had been so sure they could never work together. They quickly proved themselves to be a force to be reckoned with, and a team that worked far better together than they ever could alone. But there was still that rivalry that was still left tantalizingly unanswered - that question of who would come out on top in a contest of strength, wits, and wills, with no one around to stop them. That was a question that wore on their nerves, always begging to be answered. Finally, they had their chance. The payoff to their feud might not have been able to take place under LAW's sanctions, but they could take it to another promotion, United Supreme Pro Wrestling. And at last, after a long and grueling cage match, it was answered. Sachiko had won.

The delinquent thought it was all over - that she could put everything to bed, and celebrate a victory she had yearned for for so long. At first, that was exactly what she did. But when the match was over, and she saw Veronika tearfully lamenting her inability to come out on top, Sachiko was confronted with emotions she wasn't prepared for. In those months, she had grown closer than Veronika than she ever thought she could, seeing another side of her - the side that yearned to be free; the side she wouldn't show to anyone else. There was something between them that was special. And now...she wasn't sure if she still had the blonde's trust. Had she ruined everything? Was this six-month probationary period really supposed to be the start of so much more - so much more that Sachiko had cut short before it even begun?

Either way, the delinquent needed answers. She needed closure. When she made her way to their hotel room, a million thoughts were going through her head. She never thought she would be this concerned about Veronika, of all people. Or that she could even get this worried about anyone. Her heart had been pounding as she walked down the rows of doors, not knowing what she'd find on the other side, or if she would like it - if she would have lost a friendship she never knew how much she needed before it had even begun. That fear, that uncertainty, was something she wasn't used to. Or, rather, it was something she was used to. Her refusal to let things go unanswered had motivated her to agree to this match in the first place. It had gotten into this mess. And now, she could only hope it could get her out.

At last, standing before the door to their room, Sachiko sucked in a deep breath to steel her nerves. Then, she knocked on the door a few times. "Veronika?" she asked, before adding a few seconds later in a softer voice, "Can...I come in?"
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Re: A little time for ourselves

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Veronika knew that sachiko would take her time to come. Maybe she wouldn't come anyway. A girl like Sachiko easily could find a place for the night and someone to hook up. No problem. But when she heard the knocking and the soft voice, much much too soft for the chaos spreading sukeban, her heart jumped. Sachiko didn't search for another place, didn't celebrate her victory. She came straight to veronika and the Europeans heart fluttered.

But as her heart warmed her stomach turned to ice. So soft...weak...was this what she had done to one of the most wild girls of LAW? someone she thought she hated just for that only to learn that this was what she most admired. Did she put out the fire in Sachiko? Tears came to her eyes but still she just couldn't bring herself to get up so cleared her throat.
"Its a free country and your bag is here. Also you have a key, lunkhead..."she said with a slight chuckle she just played.Veronika didn't feel like laughter.
Croissant and Champagne jumped off the bed to greet Sachiko. The French bulldog and the mutt had grown to accept the sukeban as their second mommy and behaved accordingly.

Veronika sat up, she was naked, showing her nasty bruises. She and sachiko looked at each other for a minute or two, who would count?
Then she pointed to her right side and when Sachiko came, Veronika helped her out of her clothes leaving her evenly naked. They looked at each other again as Veronika pulled the sukeban in a tight hug, their breasts pressing together , their bruised skin sending waves of warmth over their bodies before veronika let go of her and cupped one of her cheeks with her hand.

"Listen Sachiko. As much as I would like to talk things out. Now is not the time. Look at me...at us. We are broken, tired and my hair...", she mumbled as she grabbed for the destroyed nest that had been her beautiful blonde locks , courtesy of her father's side of the family. Veronika might have decided to live on the wild side but she always wanted to look perfect while doing it and her hair was big part of her self esteem. Sure they would grow back but still it...hurt. More then when they got ripped out by...Sachiko.

Veronika sighed and looked into her lap while the dogs laid to their feet.
"Sachi I..."
She couldn't. Not now. They had a few days to talk about everthing concerning their future but not now. Now Veronika was tired, bitter and exhausted.
The Queen of Hearts looked into Sachikos eyes and bent forward, kissing her cheek.
"We talk...later.", she said and went to the far side of their king sized bed.

Usually at this point their hot and sweaty bodies would already be in a hot embrace but this was no night for celebrating. Not for Veronika.
But even then as they took place in both the far ends of their bed, Veronika reached out and took Sachikos hand.
"Hey Boss...congrats.", she said with a hint of a grin and a slight laughter in her voice.

Being beaten by Sachiko was ok. That she was over now. But could she risk losing her?
Veronika sighed as tears filled her eyes, hidden from Sachiko.
"Gute Nacht.", she whispered and closed her eyes still holding Sachikos hand.
"Oh and Sachi...it's ok."

Then silence fell over the room until the next morning as both women found each other face to face when they woke up.
Veronikas nose almost touched Sachikos and their breath hit each other's faces as their eyes opened. They looked at each other, not knowing what to say as Veronika took action and let her hand slide between Sachikos legs, while taking Sachikos hand for vice versa.
She panted softly as both of them where so close, their soft fingers on their womanhoods, almost like a dream.
Veronika said nothing, she only looked into Sachikos and hoped that she understood. This was only the beginning of something very special they would share this few days...

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Re: A little time for ourselves

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When she spoke up, Sachiko wasn't sure what she could expect from Veronika. She bit her lip, already preparing herself for the worst. She could already anticipate it - the sting of rejection, the sour taste that could only come from the Heart Connection being torn apart and losing that special bond that made them such a capable team, right when they were at the height of their popularity and their success. And with it, losing Veronika - someone Sachiko thought she would always despise, and yet now she was making her question herself about how deep her feelings might truly go. After all she had done, and how much she had let this silly little feud take control of her, all because she couldn't let go of the past, Sachiko wouldn't blame Veronika for wanting to cut her off. And yet, if she did, she didn't know how well she'd be able to handle it.

When Veronika answered in her typical teasing fashion, Sachiko chuckled to herself, too, but it was a hollow and half-hearted chuckle that couldn't help but be tempered by the thought that, maybe, Veronika actually meant it. "A-Ah, right...yeah, I knew that." For once, it wasn't a lame excuse. Sachiko did know she had the keycard. What she didn't know was if Veronika would let her in. And even if she had, for how long?

Still, she swiped the card and stepped into the room. She smiled just a little as the dogs ran up to greet her - but when she looked up and saw Veronika on the bed, her heart sank, and she took in a gulp. Not long ago, Sachiko would have been flattered to see Veronika laying there bruised and battered at her hands. But now, every bruise and welt she had left on the dancer's skin was a reminder she had lost control, and a blow against the stablity of their friendship going forward. When Veronika started helping her out of her clothes, Sachiko sighed and looked down at what the dancer had done to her - the bruises were even more apparent on her paler skin, and looking at them now, she couldn't help but shudder as she felt the aches rise to the surface again. By the end of the match, Sachiko was naked and Veronika wasn't much better off. But it wasn't until now, away from the bright lights and the cheers and the hype of a hard-fought match, that they could truly appreciate the history of their feud they had left on each others' bodies, and when she saw how intense it had truly been, it made a shiver run down the sukeban's spine.

At the least, Veronika still found it in her to wrap her arms around Sachiko and pull her closer. As the blue-haired girl leaned in against her companion, she let out a sigh, her shoulders slumping against Veronika's and her breasts sinking into the dancer's own. She, too, returned her embrace, draping her weary arms around her. There was a certain kind of relief that came with it. Something that told her that everything was over, and that she didn't have to worry. It was behind her, now. Despite being pressed up against Veronika, body to body, feeling the warmth radiating off her bare skin, Sachiko wasn't even horny. All she could focus on was the peace that came from knowing that, at least, after it all, Veronika was still willing to keep her close.

Though, something still told her that not all was well. As Veronika pointed out her hair, Sachiko winced - it was only there that she realized that she had pulled most of it out by the roots. Even she wasn't used to being that brutal. She was lost in the heat of the moment, letting her rage and her bloodlust control her, and only now, when she realized what she had done, did she see how far that rage had taken her. "S-Shit..." she shuddered, raising a hand to her mouth as her eyes went wide and her face paled. "Did I..?" Sachiko knew a thing about stirring shit and causing chaos. She'd witnessed plenty in her career, and been at the helm of even more. And yet, this was what rattled her.

As they drifted apart on the bed, Sachiko stared off into space. She hugged her arms a little closer to herself with a huff - she couldn't even find it in her to look back at Veronika. She'd just been dealt with a lot, and she was going to have to work through all of it. Every second of silence that passed felt like an eternity as Sachiko looked to the past, and as she could only hope to envision the future. She wasn't quite sure what time would bring, or if she would like it - if Veronika would factor in at all, and if the Heart Connection could still go strong.

But at least Veronika could still look her in the eye - and at least, when she did, Sachiko could still smile at her with a nod. At least she could still take her hand as they lay back. And at least Veronika could still find it in her to congratulate Sachiko on her victory. Hearing that, Sachiko gave Veronika's hand a squeeze. Maybe it would all turn out okay, after all. "Thanks, Veri...and I should congratulate you, too. You almost had me, there..."

Sachiko didn't know how long she lay there, her hand in Veronika's. She didn't want to let go. She didn't even want to fall asleep - she didn't want the moment to end, and to confront the possibility that there might not be another time. But nothing could change the fact that she was tired from a long and hard-fought battle, and now more than ever, she needed the rest. And something told her it wasn't the last time after all.

At last, her body would sink lower into the bed as the tension flowed away from her muscles. Her eyelids grew heavy, and her head nestled into her pillow. But she wouldn't truly drift off to sleep until she had bid Veronika her best wishes. "Good night..."

When Sachiko awoke the next morning, it felt like she was a new woman. Suddenly, all the aches and pains had gone away. Suddenly, she felt ready to get back up and face the day, without a fear or a care. Perhaps she really had just slept so soundly as to leave her feeling refreshed. But perhaps it was from the fact that, when she blinked her eyes open, it was to see Veronika looking straight into them, a grin on her face. Sachiko couldn't help but smile back at her - and when her hand drifted toward the sukeban's legs, Sachiko hardly needed any encouragment to bring her fingertips to Veronika's groin. She purred softly as her fingers ran over her folds, and as she leaned in closer to feel the caress of their skin against one another. And then, as her body pressed even closer to Veronika's, Sachiko planted a kiss right on the dancer's lips.

They were back together, like nothing had happened. Everything felt so perfect, Sachiko for a moment had to wonder if she was dreaming. But as her fingers began to rub back and forth against Veronika's folds, she let her words leave her throat in an airy sigh. "So you're...not mad?"
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Re: A little time for ourselves

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Veronikas sleep was deep but not as blissful as Sachikos. She awoke to aching bones, hurting ligaments and as she blinked she noticed that her eye had became black over night. The Queen of Hearts also got aware of her destroyed hair again. And even if it would eventually grow back it still was something that really hurt the proud Queen of Hearts.

The fact that the culprit was her former rival now best friend Sachiko Koizumi didn't make things better. Veronika was hurt on the in and the outside and the worst thing was that their time as Heart connection, the most perverted team at LAW, which gave them such unforgettable matches and moments was drawing to an end. Their final match in Japan was scheduled in a week, some sort of stinkface match it seemed, of course something that was totally in their court.

Now they would drive from Boston to LA as Veronika had brought her beloved Porsche, both ready to take the US the old fashioned way!

And now this.

Veronika turned over and looked at the peaceful face of her friend Sachiko Koizumi. Yesterday they had let their rivalry get the best of them but immediatly after it stopped, Veronika had shoved everything aside. Now she was just aware that Heart Connection laid in it's final breaths and she didn't know what the future would bring.

They slept with each other but it wasn't an exclusive thing. For all it was worth it was just two horny chicks using what was before them. But Veronika knew, since the night they shared at the beach, that Sachiko was more then a friend, more then her partner and as her face came closer a smile appeared on her face.

They would have 3000 miles to talk about everything. And whatever came out of it, would decide their future. Veronika let her hand slip between the Sukebans inviting thick thighs, softly purring as she felt the soft skin under her fingertips, folds and crevices she knew so well by now. And as she began to play with her, she moved Sachikos hand too, seeing her friend waking up and also smiling as Sachiko leaned forward for a soft kiss. Veronika sighed and drew a bit closer. She loved to kiss Sachiko. She maybe was a brute and a little slow in some things but she knew exactly what Veronika needed. The Queen of hearts went on, ready to start their trip as good as she could when the sukeban had to ruin it.

Veronikas face froze and her hand dissapeared from Sachikos cooch as she just shook her head and got up with an audible groan and then sound of cracking bones. But the athletic dancer didn't let that stop her as she got up and grabbed for a pillow that was placed on one of the chairs.
"Sachiko Koizumi...YOU IDIOT!",she shouted and threw the pillow in the japanese girls face before turning on her heel and slamming the bathroom door shut.

Veronika did not appear for breakfast, something they always shared since their days together, a red flag for Sachiko that indeed, nothing was ok now.
Veronika sent her a text to come to the car when she was finished and so Sachiko and Veronika were ready to leave Boston and their rivalry behind them.

The Queen of hearts put her last things in the trunk and turned. She wore a cap and big sunglasses to hide her bruises and when Sachiko she just took her bag and threw it in the trunk too. She turned again and jumped into the drivers seat, waiting for the sukeban to follow. Champagne and Croissant were safely stored in two crates behind their seats.
The engine roared and the daredevil racing fanatic brought them onto the streets and slowly out of town. Nothing was said as they left Boston to travel west under the big blue sky above them...
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sun Aug 06, 2023 1:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A little time for ourselves

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It was the fatigue setting into Sachiko's weary muscles that lulled her off to sleep more than anything else. Her body throbbed with the pains of the grueling match she'd been through, but even those had begun to dull down to a low ache. Her eyelids had grown heavy, and it was a fight to keep them open. At the back of her mind, of course, there was the uncertainty - that nagging knowledge that when Sachiko woke up, there was no way to tell if the Heart Connection was still going to stick together. For all she knew, the next day would bring a moment of peace and reconciliation, with both of them realizing they had their chance to get that rage and anger and aggression out of their system, and that at last they could start to grow together with their questions finally answered and their feud in the past. But it could also tell her that any strides they might have made, both together as a team and alone as people, had been shattered. Their tenure as the Heart Connection was starting to come to an end - but what then? Would they still be friends? Allies? Something more? Or had Sachiko, in her blind desire to set the record straight, ruined the very connection she never realized she needed until she had it right there in front of her?

She didn't want to think on it too long - it was too painful, and too frightening, to even consider the possibility that this might be the last she and Veronika ever saw of each other. Luckily, she wouldn't have to think on it for long. She was fighting sleep, and she hardly had the strength to fight anything - before long, she sank into the bed, and the world went dark.

At first, when Sachiko awoke, it was to the warm caress of Veronika's hands against her body. She could feel the tingle that passed beneath her skin wherever their skin touched; the gentle brush of her fingertips gliding over her still-bruised skin. Sachiko raised an eyebrow to the sensation curiously at first - after all of her worst fears, it seemed like something like this was too good to be true. But her lusts and her passions won out over her better judgments. She purred softly from the sensation, and she began to twist her hips from side to side, rocking her way in even closer against Veronika. Soon, her hand too went between the dancer's legs, searching for her warmth, wanting to return every shudder that went up her spine. Their bodies gently ground against one another, with Sachiko pushing her chest up against Veronika's own, and taking in the warm, soft embrace of her presence. Soon, her head came upward too, her lips locking onto Veronika's as they joined in a kiss. As she moaned softly into Veronika's mouth, Sachiko let the tension flow away from her body, and in its place was a soothing sense of calm and relief. At last, she thought, her prayers had been answered. Veronika wanted her to stay, after all...

Or so Sachiko thought. Just a moment after, as she broke away from her kiss, the sukeban let out a few words on her exhale - and with that, everything changed. At once, Veronika pulled away from her; it was all happening so quickly that the blue-haired girl hardly knew what was going on. She could only look up at Veronika with wide eyes, her mouth hanging open in a wordless gasp, as she stepped away. And when she threw the pillow in Sachiko's face, knocking her back against the bed, that was when she truly felt something plunge deep into the pit of her stomach.

"W-What..!?" she stammered out, but by then, Veronika was already gone. She looked up with a gulp at the door Veronika slammed behind her. Just a moment ago, she thought all her worst fears had been debunked. Now, she couldn't help but worry if they'd been confirmed. And if they had, was that her fault? If anything, that just made it worse...

Sachiko did her best to enjoy breakfast in the hotel cafeteria, but after taking a few bites of her toast, she had no choice but to push the rest aside. It was hopeless. Veronika wasn't there - and that alone was a sign that something was very wrong. Since they'd formed the Heart Connection, it seemed like the two girls were inseparable - often times, they were about as close together as one person could physically be to another. But now, Veronika was going out of her way to avoid her. With a sigh, the blue-haired girl held her chin in her hands and leaned over the table. It was only after she had tasted something so special that she truly felt what it meant to be alone.

It didn't help much when she came out to the car, and Veronika so roughly threw her bags in the back, like it didn't mean anything. For a moment, she stood there, staring at the car. The two had decided that if they were going to America, they were going to make the most of it, planning a cross-country road trip before they returned to Japan. The weeks leading up to the USPW show were full of excitedly studying maps and writing down itineraries, and trips to the store to pick up the supplies they'd need for the journey. Well, Veronika did most of the work, but still. Now, if Veronika had turned her back to Sachiko, all of that time and expense seemed wasted. The more she thought about it, the more she could feel the bile creeping up her throat. Sachiko didn't like it when other people told her what she could and couldn't do - and she especially didn't like it when she had something she was excited for snatched away from her, right in front of her eyes.

After a pause that seemed longer than it actually was, Sachiko let out a sigh and climbed into the passenger's seat. Veronika started on their way out of Boston, but the whole time, Sachiko stared out the window, pointedly avoiding any eye contact with Veronika. Nothing good could come of it, she told herself. Veronika hated her anyway - she wouldn't want to talk. A conversation between them could quickly get heated, and if anything broke out in the car, they could get pulled over (again). Sachiko didn't want to be reminded of how much she'd just had taken away from her - or did she take it away from herself? It wasn't going to make the trip go by any faster to dwell on it. She just had to ignore it, and watch the scenery go by...

For the whole trip...

Which was, what, at least a week?

...And most of that would be going through boring plains anyway?

Sachiko groaned, rubbing her forehead. No, she couldn't do this. She'd get out and take the plane if she had to, but being trapped in the car with Veronika for this long and not being able to say anything was going to drive her completely insane. She had to say something. She still didn't look at Veronika, but she could at least sit up a little straighter, turning her attention to the windshield.

"...Look," Sachiko muttered, folding her hands in her lap. "We got a hell of a lot to talk through, and not much else to do. You wanna start? Or should I?"
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Re: A little time for ourselves

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Veronika very well herself that what she did to Sachi was not ok. But there were so much conflicting feelings in her. Sure they had grown close, so close that people who had known them before asked themselves how this was even possible. Both were headstrong and not known to bow for anyone but when they came together and started work with each other, doing but they both could best, beating and fucking helpless victims in the ring, they started to take care of each other.

Veronika and Sachiko had spent every waking minute together for the last months. Kyoko and Misako had been taken away from the sukeban and Veronika had tried everything to make her friend feel better. Their sexual chemistry helped things too because even if they both had their fair share of sexual contacts, what was happening between them was something else entirely. And even if Veronika knew what it might have been she was denying it, maybe she still did.

She looked straight forward onto the street until they passed the border to New York, Albany being the next bigger City. Veronika was afraid. Afraid of so many things. Ends, rejection, loneliness. She didn't want it to end. And she didn't want Heart Connection to end. They had so much fun and the first time in her life she lived like she always wanted to.

Sachiko and her lazied around in their underwear, eating pizza and talking about new outfits and spots for their matches. They played video games, they played silly pranks on people, they took baths together, they slept with each other and...Veronika and Sachiko had shared a bed for the last months now and to think that she wouldn't smell the sukebans fruity shampoo, being tickled by her messy nest of hair, getting annoyed by her snoring, feeling her skin on hers...

Veronika took in a deep breath and had to pull herself together. She knew Sachiko demanded an answer. She deserved an answer. Since the sukeban had told her that they should talk, hours had passed with Veronika sitting in the drivers seat and just looking straight forward. She could not bring herself to it and so their first day ended with them staying silent as Veronika drove their car to a lakeside cabin close to Cleveland, Lake Erie. For nine hours and 2 1/2 US states the Queen of Hearts had stayed silent and she could imagine how sachiko felt.

They stopped in front of a nice ,old fashioned cabin they had rented for one night and Veronika sighed as she turned her head. Her eyes behind the glasses barely visible.
"We have a jacuzzi...dunno about you. But I could need a jacuzzi...and booze...",she said and let the dogs out to roam the yard while she opened he trunk for them to bring their stuff in.

The cabin was nice and comfortable and was all they Needed. Even if it was still August you could feel fall coming with the air being a little colder then it would be when they would get more south again.
Veronika got out of her stuff and then grabbed a bottle of whiskey before walking out to the Hotspot of the cabin, a jacuzzi with a view over the shore.
She came out and dropped the towel she had wrapped around her, instead binding it around her head. What happened to her hair still hurt. Physically and mentally and she still hasn't quote grasped it.

"Yo, Sachi. It's ready.",she just said and then got into it softly moaning as the hot water washed away her bruises and the day in the car. Veronika leaned back and took a big sip from the bottle as she waited. Would Sachiko even come? Rightfully so the sukeban had given up asking her to talk and seemed to have gotten into a certain mood herself.

Veronika didn't want to but still she had ton watch the door to then inside and hoped that Sachiko would come. There was talk to be had. If she liked it or not.
Last edited by RedShinigami on Mon Aug 07, 2023 10:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A little time for ourselves

Unread post by CaptainL »

Sachiko had figured it might take some time to get a response out of Veronika. Surely there were a lot of thoughts going through her head. But she didn't expect this long. The blue-haired girl's eyes wavered between the road and the dashboard clock, hoping every time that Veronika was going to say something. Her eyelid twitched, and she had to hug her arms closer to herself to try and keep herself from twitching nervously. But the seconds ticked by, turning into minutes, and the clock was only climbing up as the road rolled ever on. It was soon growing quite apparent that, no matter how much Sachiko knew they needed to talk, Veronika wasn't interested.

"Mm. Right. No answer, I see." Sachiko let out a long, deep sigh, one that caused her to deflate against the seat cushions as the tension flowed out of her body. Even a rejection would've been better than this, she thought to herself. It was going to hurt, sure. But at least that would be something. At least it wouldn't leave her in suspense, waiting, counting the seconds until that became a fool's errand, for Veronika to make everything official. Everything was telling her that this was it - that they were done for. But the dancer could at least have the decency to rip the bandaid off already and let it be over with, instead of leaving Sachiko hanging, only able to ask herself how bad it would be.

Soon, Sachiko turned to stare out the window again, watching the scenery roll by. She asked herself if this all ever meant anything. In their time as the Heart Connection, Sachiko and Veronika had grown closer to one another than they could ever have imagined. They shared their deepest secrets, trusting one another with the darkest and most intimate regrets. They cheered each other on for every bright idea they had. When they were booked together for a card, they rejoiced, grateful for every step they took on their way to the top, and every time they won, they partied the night away. The two of them, it seemed, truly had the same wants; the same hopes, dreams, and desires. There was something about them they shared - something that made Sachiko feel even closer to Veronika than she had to even Kyoko or Misako. She was something...different. Something more.

At least, Sachiko thought that. Now, Veronika wouldn't even look at her, let alone speak to her. Hadn't she opened up about all her worries? Hadn't she trusted Sachiko with everything? If she was going to throw all of that away, had they really had anything special at all? Or was this all a lie?

Sachiko clenched her teeth, her body stiffening as she thought of it. But she had to concede...no. That wasn't what it was. She was the one who had thrown it all away, all because she couldn't leave some silly feud in the past. She only had herself to blame for the situation she was in. And for one of the very few occasions in her life, Sachiko had regrets.

The whole trip, all she could think about was how much she wanted this to be over, so that she could get on with her life. By the time it grew dark, and they pulled up to the cabin, she had sunk so low into her seat that she'd practically fallen asleep against the door. But what Veronika said next...gave Sachiko pause. "Huh..?" She sat up a little straighter, blinking a few times. Had Veronika actually spoken to her? No, no - had Veronika offered to take her to a jacuzzi? Sachiko knew Veronika well, and she knew that was an honor she didn't share so lightly. And she was offering it to her?

The cabin she'd rented was nice. It had all the luxuries Sachiko would've expected knowing Veronika's tastes. At first, it made her smile a little wider to think that she'd get to help herself to the amenities, but it was all just a sore reminder of what she had to lose, and that soon made a knot tighten in her stomach. She went looking through the drinks in the cabinet before letting out a sigh - would Veronika even want her to share, at this point? It was best not to risk it. She stepped out to the door Veronika had gone through...

And immediately, she was confronted with the majesty in front of her. For just a moment, Sachiko forget everything that was bothering her. Veronika had mentioned a jacuzzi, and that sounded good enough - but this was huge, with a spectacular panorama unfolding all around her! Sachiko's eyes went wide, and her mouth dropped in a gasp, only to light up in a grin a moment later. "Ho-leeeee shit! You got us all this!? Lemme in-!"

Sachiko didn't need any invitation. In a flash, she tossed off her clothes and hopped into the water, letting out a long, slow sigh of relief was the warm waves lapped over her. "Ahhhh, yeah...that's the stuff..." She leaned back against the wall of the pool. For the first time since this day had begun, Sachiko actually felt some relief. Everything was well. All was at peace. "Thanks, babe, I..."

But only a moment later, another thought crept into the blue-haired girl's head. She frowned, and she opened one eye curiously, looking back at Veronika. No matter how happy she was to be here, no matter how much it soothed her to know that Veronika was still willing to share...she didn't know if it meant anything. Veronika, she remembered, had booked all of this before the trip, and it was much too late to cancel. Did any of this even mean anything?

Sachiko's posture stiffened just a little. Even then, it was a moment before she spoke. She tried to form the right words, and she couldn't even manage that. "...So...uh..." She had a lot on her mind. Both of them did. And where would they even begin?
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Re: A little time for ourselves

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Veronika didn't enjoy the silence of Sachiko thought that. In fact it hurt her even more then it did the blue haired sukeban. Usually when they were on the road they would blast loud music, make out while doin crazy stunts, flash their tits to unassuming drivers and pedastrians and speed high over the limit. Now the Porsche rolled almost lazily over the highway while the plains brought nothing new. They stopped two times to get gas and let the dogs out and then went on.

Finally when they reached their first destination , the Queen of Hearts got a little more comfortable. It was as beautiful as it looked on the website and the peaceful tranquility could be what the both of them needed after a few turbulent days. Veronika brought in her bags and the dogs and then got ready to turn on the jacuzzi. First she had thought about going in alone, but even if things between them were a little off, Veronika could not allow herself to miss a wet and naked Sachiko right next to her so, for the first time since the morning she talked to her best friend and slipped out of her clothes.

When Sachiko followed, the European smiled a little at her usual antics ,presented in a bright japanese street slang. They spoke English with each other but both women came back to their mothers tongue time and time again. Now they both sat in the warm water and all the tension seemed to go away as the sun was setting.
Veronika took a deep breath and slipped a little closer and before Sachiko would know it the Queen of Hearts was leaning into her arm, giving her a soft smile from the side.

"It's sure beautiful here isn't it babe?",she said and took a swig of the whiskey bottle which she gave to Sachiko.
"Shall we order a pizza afterwards?", she asked like it was a normal evening, like everyone that last six months.
The last six months..

Veronika sighed and turned so that she and Sachi could look into each other's faces.
"Uhm...I...",she said and looked to the side with a blush. "Sachi first of. I am sorry for what happened in the morning but when...when there is Clearly something on my heart, to say "you are not mad anymore?" is definetly the wrong question...",she said with a small huff and lifted her hand flicked her index finger softly against Sachikos forehead.

"OK that was that and now...",she smiled and moved into a Sachikos lap, giving her a bright and loving smile before kissing her cheek, wrapping her arms around her and pulling her close, both women hugging tight in the hot steamy water.
"Let's just leave this behind us. I don't care about who won or not. I met you because of it and this is all that counts. I am still a bit sad about my hair but maybe it was time for a new style...",she chuckled and then looked into Sachikos face again.

"How about I wear it a little shorter? would...would you like that?",she asked, blushing again. Whatever it was that made her wanted to be appreciated by Sachiko, it was a good feeling and Veronika not only felt the warmth outside but also deep inside her.

"Uhm sachi can...can I ask y-"
Both girls were rudely interrupted by boat of frat boys and their girlfriends who just drove by the shore. Veronika looked at them in shock first but when she saw the oggling eyes of the boys and the jealous glares of their girlfriends, the spark of chaos was lit again.

She smiled and got out of Sachikos lap, leaning over the edge of the pool, presenting her bare breasts as she took a long sip of her whiskey.
"Can we help you boys?", she asked with a grin as she softly put her elbow into Sachikos side, urging her to turn around.

"Yeah we are your neighbours and wanted to ask if you want to come over to our party. You two seem cool enough."

Veronika chuckled and then looked over at Sachiko.
"Haaaah...I don't knooooow~ What do you say, babe? Are they cute enough for us?",she said and as Sachiko answered the Queen of Hearts took her side and wrapped an arm around her, their breasts swishing against each other's in the side as they answered.

This was a good One. this was what Sachi and Veri lived for. Those stupid little frat boys would get their attention but they would also soon notice that.getting Heart Connections full attention was not a good thing. But all they saw were two hot babes in a jacuzzi...

Veronika leaned closer and as Sachi answered the Queen of Hearts softly planted kisses all over her cheek and necky watching the other guys out if the corner of her eyes who immediatly sat down as their swimtrunks did not hide their hard dicks well enough...
"Hehe...so easy...",she whispered into Sachis ear before going on and letting her "Boss" speak.
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sun Aug 13, 2023 9:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A little time for ourselves

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When you were driving with Sachiko Koizumi, there was only one rule - expect the unexpected. She liked to live fast and to make a scene wherever she went, tearing up the highways and causing commotion without a care. If the other drivers on the road had a problem with her blaring music at full blast with the windows open, throwing things out the windows, singing along with the radio, teasing and taunting the drivers next to her, and encouraging Veronika to go as fast as they could humanly get away with - well, that was too bad. There was a good reason she and Veronika had grown as close to one another as they had, when Sachiko seemed to embody every bit of that free-spirited, devil-may-care lifestyle that the blonde could only hope for. Now, the stillness and silence that had taken hold of the car was almost oppressive, and called their typical demeanor into stark contrast. That did not, however, mean that Sachiko was at peace. Quite the opposite, in fact. No matter how much she rocked the car with her mayhem and head-banging, it put Sachiko at peace to raise hell. It was, after all, what she'd always wanted to do. But when things were quiet, it gave her time to think. And right now, more than ever, Sachiko really didn't want time to think - she didn't want to think about how much of a failure she was, and how much she'd let the closest friend she'd ever had down, endangering everything they were working toward in the process.

But as soon as Veronika revealed just where they would be stopping, and what it had to offer, Sachiko's emotions did a complete 180. Suddenly, she was reminded of how much money Veronika had at her disposal, and how she was willing to throw it around - and when she saw the chance to live in the lap of luxury right in front of her, she wouldn't hesitate to take it! With a grin on her face, Sachiko jumped at the chance to rush into the jacuzzi, and the moment she felt the hot water hit her, she let out a long sigh of relief as all her muscles, no matter how achy or how sore after the ordeal they'd been through just the night before, went at ease. Her body went slack and she sank lower. So too did her mind go at ease. All her worries and troubles and cares seemed far behind her now - as long as she had this, she had bliss. She propped her hands behind her head and lay back in the tub, and a smile crept its way across her face.

"Eheheh...sure is~" With a grin on her face, Sachiko raised the whiskey bottle higher as though in a toast to Veronika, just before she downed a hearty swig of her own. She let out a belch as she finished it, but let herself rest slack in the water all the same with a long sigh of relief. "Y'know, now that ya mention it, I am hungry after that long drive..."

But just mentioning that long drive was enough to dampen Sachiko's spirits. In that one moment, she reminded herself of those hours she had sat in silence, only able to reflect on how much she was convinced she had lost. Thinking of that brought a flood of regrets, doubts, and concerns to the front of her mind, and the next sigh that left her mouth wasn't one of relief, but of the weight that set into her shoulders as she realized that, yes, she had fucked up. Even if Veronika was willing to make things up to her, she had still handled it the wrong way to begin with. This whole time, the Heart Connection had been something for the two of them, but now she wasn't able to keep her ego to herself, and that had landed her in hot water.

She looked down into the water beneath her, not even willing to face Veronika eye to eye lest she be confronted with what she did. "Mmf...yeah. Yeah, that...was my bad, huh?" She rubbed a little at her forehead. Veronika was mad at her, and she didn't have anyone to blame but herself.

But...just because Veronika was mad didn't mean that she was going to push Sachiko out of her life. What she'd shown Sachiko she was willing to do this for her - how she was still letting her join in with everything she'd laid plans for - it told the sukeban she still had a chance after all. She'd made mistakes in the past...but Veronika didn't want those mistakes to define them and their relationship. They could move on. They could heal.

When she looked back up at Veronika it was with a smile on her face, and as the dancer pulled her closer, so too did Sachiko press herself up against her in turn, feeling the warmth of her bare skin against her own, the soft squishy sensation of her breasts against hers. Veronika might have initiated the hug, but Sachiko would only squeeze her even tighter, drawing her closer against her chest, and as Veronika kissed her cheek, she purred softly as a tingle ran through her wherever their bodies touched. She didn't have anything to be afraid of any more. It was okay. Ironically enough, it was only once Sachiko's bond with Veronika had been so tested that the delinquent truly felt closer to her than ever before, but once she had seen what it felt like to have Veronika torn away from her, she didn't want that ever again. She couldn't hold back the urge; a few tears budded in the corners of her eyes. Of course, she just as quickly blinked those away. She didn't do that sappy stuff.

When Veronika asked Sachiko her thoughts on her hair, she tilted her head to her curiously. "Hrmm, y'know...I'm not sure if this short looks good on you. But if you grew it out a little more...I think you could rock it!~ Heh, not that ya can't rock anything, babe..." Flashing her a grin and a wink, Sachiko couldn't help but feel a shiver of excitement run down her spine. There she was again - laughing, joking, flirting, and living it up with Veronika. It was just like old times. Everything was as it should be.

She did raise an eyebrow, leaning in with curiosity as Veronika began to ask her something else. "Hmm? What's-" But it was almost immediately afterward that they were interrupted by the cheers and gawks of their onlookers. Sachiko blinked a few times when she turned to see the boat; she was just a little bit annoyed at being left hanging...but it didn't take long for her to see the bright side. Even so far from home, the two of them were still turning heads. And Sachiko wouldn't shy away from that one bit.

She didn't need any encouragement to swim over to the side of the pool - she stood a little bit taller, holding her breasts up in the palm of each hand as the glistening water poured off her curvaceous figure, and the sight alone was enough to garner a few more gasps and cheers. So too did Sachiko and Veronika make some waves as they drew closer to each other, looping their arms around each others' shoulders to pull one another close; their curves were only accentuated all the more when they pressed together, side against side and breast against breast. Sachiko chuckled at the thought of joining the party - it certainly sounded like her idea of a good time. But then again...she had booze, she had a hot girl, she had a jacuzzi. What more could she ask for?

"Hmmm, lemme think...the one on the left there ain't too bad," Sachiko noted with a wink - drawing a wide-eyed look from the boy he had singled out, and a glare from the girl at his side. "Buuuut I think I'm good with our party! 'sides...I don't think you'll be able to keep up with us!~"

A few groans of disappointment came off the boat, and some sighs of relief from the girls, and some groans of disappointment from other girls. But Sachiko was perfectly content to stay right where she was, grinding her body up against Veronika's own. She reached down to squeeze at her behind as her hips rubbed against Veronika's, just to seal the deal. Being this up close and personal with Veronika, and feeling out every inch of her body, was well enough of a reward for Sachiko in and of itself. She purred and shuddered at the sensation of each kiss Veronika planted along her skin. But even as the boat sped away, Sachiko looked on at the horizon, as the sun sank lower and the waves were bathed in its amber glow, and she smiled just a little wider. Already, she could hear a few shouts as soon as the party on the boat thought they were out of earshot - and she knew it was her doing. She and Veronika were stirring up trouble wherever they went, and when they were on the road...this was only the beginning. Sachiko didn't know why she would ever have doubted it - but nothing was going to keep them down!

"Yep. That does it..." Pulling herself a little closer to Veronika, she planted a kiss on her lips. "We're back, baby!~"
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