But it also brought a certain young aspiring rockstar and wrestler into Finella Edelsteins life. Chris Yukine was her anchor when everything seemed to work against her. When Chelsea and the Hellraiser had beaten each other halfway to death it was the snowhaired girl that had took Finella in when she could'nt trust her own sister again. And so a deep and trusting relationship formed where both women found care in each others company. Not romantically but as family. Chris, despite being younger of age, the big sister that Finella so desperatly was in need off.
She helped her with her training, helped her with her spectacular entrance and was at her side as the Wolf stepped into her most brutal match to date. And when the dust had settled, it was Finella who had lost. Not just the match but also almost her life. And again it was Chris that held her, stood by her side all the way to the hospital. There it was questioned by the doctors if Finella would even wake up ever again. But despite the disencouraging prognosis, the love and care Finella got from all sides let her wake up again.
She shared a room with her rival out of necessity and there they had time to think things over, talk to each other and understanding what this feud had meant for each of them. And in the end, they exited the hospital as friends. And family. The War had ended and every piece of hate and sadness had been replaced with love.
But even if Finella was ready to forgive Harmonia, there was a lot of work to do, for the Edelstein Sisters. Both had made mistakes, both had been cruel to one another but in the end. They were sisters, more then that, they were twins. And after losing track of each other for six years only to find one another again, to immediatly starting to fight with each other, had put enough strain on both of them.
Finella had came to the Eagles Mansion, a big travelbag with her as they waited for Chris to arrive. They were about to take some time off, the summer in Japan had just started, the sun was burning down and the cicadas songs could be heard as soothing background noises as Finella and Harmonia sat outside in the lucious gardens of the impressive Mansion, built by the Karnstein Siblings as a home and retreat for their wrestlers, talking about old times. And since a long time, laughter could be heard between the two so different sisters.
"You remember when father got home drunk and fell over one of the pigs?"
"Yeah, when we found him the next day he was sleeping soundly with a little piglet in his arm. Papa, didnt allow him in the bedroom for two weeks!" The sisters laughed again and looked at each other. "I miss them Moni.", Finella said and Harmonia reached out, taking her sistrrs hand. "I do too Fin. Each and every day I miss them. But I believe, no, I am sure they are here with us. I just know it. It is... As if I can feel them. When I am at my lowest point it always seems as if something warm and familiar manages to keep my spirits up. I know we are not alone Fin. And especially Opa would never leave you. I can see him standing before Peter in heaven, stubbornly demanding to be your guardian angel. And we know that Opa always got his will. ", she smiled and Finella nodded." I'd like to believe that Moni. Really... ", she said as she heard footsteps approaching them from the inside of the house.
Finellas face lit up and she jumped out of her seat." Chrissyyyyyy, we are heeeeereeeee! ", she cheered and waved her hand excitingly.
Harmonia sighed. Things between her and Chris on the other hand had worsened over time. Both accused each other of being careless or a bad influence on their sister and the best they had right now was a sort of fragile truce, for Finellas sake.
