An interview with an surprising reveal

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An interview with an surprising reveal

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Elena was sitting at her table as she awaited the arrival of the woman she be interviewing. As she was surprised when she was contacted with the offer to sit down with Penny , and considering the controversy at the moment she did not hesitate to say yes. Since to her and the surprise of most of the company the upstart and one of the dumbest jobbers to currently work in the company had called the orangette out on twitter for some reason , and she hoped to find out why

Penny was there near the interviewer while sitting down, waiting for any kind of question that involves the controversy and the intriguing truth about her announcement. Before she could even start talking, she takes a sip of water from the glass and puts it back on the table.

''Ah miss Polendina I hope you are doing well, and thank you for picking me for this interview. So can I ask about anything during today's interview or would you like to keep some stuff off limits''asked Elena as she liked to know this beforehand as she then took an sip from her water as she placed her tablet onto the table so that she could make wrote down Penny's responses to her questions

"Well, thanks to you for accepting the interview, and about the questions, you can go ahead and ask. That's why I'm here after all." She replied to Elena as she crossed her legs, waiting for the first question.

''Well then let's go with the question on everyone's mind. Why are you and your roster being called out on twitter by Mei Zhen Cao? Can't recall her ever facing anyone of your roster before''

"That was unexpected to happen until I saw Twitter and i was a bit shocked, because, like you said, she never faced someone of the roster i manage before... That's quite a surprise. Next question?"

''Well what do you think is the reason she target you and your clients. As for someone with her pathetic wrap you think she would spend more time in the gym then talking trash on twitter.I mean she even went as far as to taunt you to step into the ring so their must be something you or your clients had done to piss her off''

"She thinks she can talk trash in social media about my clients, but she never faced them before. If her idea or purpose is pissing me off, then it's not working. But..."

Penny then looks at the camera, with a serious expression.

"If you are listening Mei, ill send you a message. Instead of talking so bad behind a screen, why don't you come to see me, both of us, stepping on a ring?"

''Okay this was not what I expected''thought Elena as she had not figured the kindhearted manager to actually issue an challenge. Now maybe the orangette had bin unable to ignore the other woman any longer , but it still came as an surprise as she replied ''are you actually issuing the challenge as last I checked your an manager , and not an wrestler''as once word came out that Penny had used her interview to challenge Mei then she likely get an boost in people wanting to see the interview itself which mean more money for her

"Well, you're right. I'm a manager, not a wrestler. But as I said, things are going to change." Penny replied politely at the interviewer, with much respect. Then, she sighs and calms down.

"Next question?"

''Are you saying that because of Mei you are training to get into the ring. Did she really get under your skin that much ''replied Elena

"She really did, of course."

''Well doubt you want to talk to much about her. So who of your clients do you think has the most chance of reaching the top ''

"Well, i have many stars to work for the purpose of reaching the top, but if i have to choose one personally, that would be Pink Phoenix. Not because I'm saying it, but somehow the people, the fans got her as the favorite. It really told me that she, whoever that is behind the mask, really came with her own name working for her own legacy."

''Ahhh the luchadora right. She had some impressive matches , but what do you think was her best match up''asked Elena as she would quickly write down some other questions because of the info she gotten so far

"Her best match was her first match against Tigresa Blanca, and i apologize for having low expectations. From the beginning to the end, she really showed impressive lucha skills."

''Ah she won that match if I recall. So do you see yourself managing even more wrestlers as you got an pretty impressive roster. The coven , The Heartstomper and the feared phantom queen Alessandra as well. Plus heard rumors that you were in talks to bring an talented mauy thai competitor by the name of anne.Is that true as well?''

"Yes, it's all too true. She joined days ago and it's learning with the trainers before her debut. And that wouldn't be all, to begin with."

''You will likely have one of the biggest rosters to manage in the company with the way your collecting talent. Are their any managers you don't like?''

"I've never met any of the other managers so I wouldn't know what to say about each one of them. I'm just focused on doing my roster as one among the greatest ones. Not sure if they work too on having a top star leading the charge but that's what I'm actually doing."

''So you are an woman who is fully focused on your job. That is rather impressive , but do you got any dream matches you love to see your wrestlers to compete in''

"Hmm... That's an interesting question. At the moment i don't have any in mind, but let's see and await for what the future have on its hands."

''Alright that was not the answer I was hoping for''thought Elena as she then replied ''well let's say that tomorrow management would call , and they would offer an wrestler of your choosing from you roster an title shot. Who would it be , and what title''

"Hm, my choices are Pink Phoenix, Sarya Kimura, Melissa Moon and Alyssa Danger once after she returns"

''And what title would they be going after since you can also pick that''

"Uhh... middleweight and for Alyssa, the heavyweight"

''So you want your wrestlers to work up to the main price as I suspect most other managers would have picked the world title''

"Oh, i see."

''Or was that not why you picked the lesser belts in comparison to the main price''

"Well, yes, that's why"

''Alright so just got two questions left to be honest. Which wrestlers would you like to see face off against your roster of talent ''

"That's... the hardest question i heard, because there's a lot of wrestlers in this place to face."

''Come now you must have some fav you want to see face off against your clients''

"Not sure about that, but if i would like to face someone, that person would be Hippolyta"

''You want to face the recently debuting blond canadian? Still I was asking for some dream matches you wanted to see involving your clients , and not yourself since you aren't an active wrestler at the moment unless I am wrong''

"Well, I'll be soon, once my contract as manager comes to its end." (bewerkt)

''Wait you are going to stop as an manager. Now that is breaking news , and with that I will accept your answer. Do hope the blond will accept the challenge '' (bewerkt)

"Yes, i gave my announcement about the change on my roster, but probably no one could expect this."

''Yeah think people will lose their minds when they realize the lovely miss Polutina will be stepping into the ring. Getting tossed around by all those big and strong wrestlers ''

"I will not care about how big and strong can they be, I'll give them a fight. That's why I started preparing myself, to do my best."

''Now those sounds like fighting words. I do hope you can back them up in the ring when the time comes. As you sure seem to have two people lining up to take you down an peg. Still thank you for your time , and hope we can sit down for another interview soon Penny. Maybe after you and an certain greenette settle your issues in the ring''replied Elena as with that the interview was over as she would give Penny an hug before the two would go their separate ways.

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