NCWF Special Event: Blaise Cameron vs. Tomoya Akiyama

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NCWF Special Event: Blaise Cameron vs. Tomoya Akiyama

Unread post by CyanDimitrik »

The Neon Circuit Wrestling Federation arena is alive tonight with a capacity audience! The throng of standing bodies are aglow in bright liquid lights, a single spot shining down on the ring dead center. Every match on the card so far has been fierce, and now the evening is winding to a close. There's still a match to follow this one, but it warrants a little special introduction - courtesy of a man in tuxedo. The audience knows him well as the federation's snappy announcer.

"Ladiiieees aaaand gentlemen!," he begins, arm raised in grand fashion. "Are you ready for the next event?"

The audience pops their approval.

"We have a very special treat for you tonight! How many of you out there has love for the beautiful ladies of the L-A-W? Let them hear you!"

The audience gives another enthusiastic round of cheer.

"Well, we have a special guest tonight! But first! The next combatant to enter the ring is one you've seen many times, but can never seem to catch a break!"

The man turns a brilliantly coy smile to the camera, "Maybe he'll get lucky tonight, mmnh~?"

He goes right back to all business, "You all know who I'm talking about! Coming in at 5'10", and weighing 158 lbs.~! Blaise! Camerooon!"


"Ohmigosh ohmigosh ohmigosh," Blaise frantically bobs on the soles of his boots backstage. He heard they were doing a cross-promotion tonight, but it wasn't supposed to be with him. And he didn't expect it to be with a girl! Sure, by now he's wrestled girls in training. But it's never been for an actual match. Is he going to actually be able to do this? Is he going to be paired with one of those enormous beshemoths he's seen in their rosters? Some of those women are hugemongous! They didn't tell him who it was! Is it someone he's wrestled already? Wait, did that announcer just make innuendo?

Already dressed to wrestle, Blaise wears only his sapphire blue wrestling trunks with black tribal patterns, along with his matching blue boots with black detail. His toned chest and abs go bare, as do his arms and much of his legs. Standard fare for the teen.
Blaise Cameron
His stats are announced, and those big blue eyes blink. What was he thinking about just now? Was it his themesong? Because it's playing. He taps his foot to the opening beats of his tune...
Entrance Music
...and leaps into view with the guitar riffs! The tension and concerns of before are nowhere to be seen on his young, eager face. The audience is met with a winning, cheerful smile, his arms raised and fingers splayed out. It transitions to a sudden fistpump, and he takes off down the ramp at a full sprint. He springs up onto the ring apron, grabs the top rope, and hops again to land atop it. Following the rope's elasticity, he vaults high into the air to land in a neat forward roll ending in a one-armed handstand. The other hand flicks an upside-down boyish two-fingered salute to the audience. With a pump of his supporting arm, he pops into the air and lands gracefully on his boots. He stretches his arms to either side and turns a quick spin to acknowledge and soak in the cheer of the audience from every angle before finally receding back into his corner. His gaze lies glued to the entry ramp he expects his opponent to use - even while the referee searches him for foreign objects.

The audience is generous with its praise tonight, Blaise used to a fairly mixed bag from them. But the promise of LAW talent - and certainly no shortage of eyecandy for the male demographic - has upped the ante. He's totally cool with that. But who the heck is this girl he'll be facing...?


"And as promised," continues the announcer as Blaise's music fades out. "I give you one of LAW's newest beautiful athletes! Standing at a height of 5'5" and weighing-," he pauses to flash the cameras that same coy smile, "-never you mind that! She's fiery! She's feisty! She's looking to make a statement right here! Right now! She's Tomoya! Aaaakiiiiyamaaa!"
Last edited by CyanDimitrik on Wed Nov 01, 2017 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NCWF Special Event: Blaise Cameron vs. Tomoya Akiyama

Unread post by Strider89 »

Tomoya Akiyama
Her opponent could have been as nervous as tense as a fly in a spider's web, and Tomoya still would have betted that they were the portrait of calm compared to her.

“Breathe, girl...breathe!” She urges herself in the locker room, trying to calm her body out of its far-from-subtle shakes and rises. This is what she's wanted for the longest time. A chance to make her mark. A chance to prove herself! It was everything she had ever dreamed and begged for! But she hadn't expected the night itself to send chills down her spine. Was it the roar of the audience, that she could hear loud and clear even backstage?

She'd expected her first match to be in LAW. When she'd been told about an offer of a match with one of the stars of the Neon Circuit Wrestling Federation, Tomoya had been surprised to say the least. But also excited! After years of training and endless trials, she'd finally been given a shot at a full-fledged match! Sure, it wasn't with the league she'd expected, but what did that matter? All she knew other than that is that she was going to be wrestling a guy, but that didn't matter much either to her. All she was focused on was getting out there and showing those who had doubted her on her journey to tonight that they had been wrong all along! Maybe she should have expected some hesitation, given that it was her first time and all...

She couldn't let that stop her though! She'd disappoint the crowd and her opponent if she backed out now! And most importantly, herself.

The girl clapped her hands against her face, staring at herself in the mirror. The final obstacle to embarking on her dreams of wrestling stardom. “You've got this.” She spoke to the reflection, mirroring the green and white workout jacket she wore, as well as the dark green elbow braces, knee pads and boots. “You've. Got. This.” She nodded, clenching both hands into fists with the look of a lion cub ready join the adults. “Time to rumble!”

She spun on her heel, her hair tied into a dark green ribbon and flowing behind her as she ran. She didn't stop or pause, even for a moment. The moment she hesitated was the moment she lost her nerve and couldn't go out there. She can see the lights of the arena getting brighter, the crowd getting louder, the announcer about to announce her weight...!

Until he didn't. ”Damn right!” She thought to herself, throwing herself out onto the entrance ramp as she arrived to the start of her entrance theme! The audience greeted her in a unison of cheers, Tomoya smiling naturally back at them as she jabbed a finger into the air with a hand on her hip. A simple pose, but one that showed she was raring to go! From there, she bounced lightly on her feet down the ramp as she gave thumbs up and peace signs to the audience, making sure to acknowledge them. And more importantly, thank them for the welcome! It was doing a big favour to help wash away her previous fears.

Reaching the ring, she grabs the bottom rope and uses it to boost herself up on the side, before then using the top to leap over them entirely as she landed on her feet in the ring. “Phew. First time I actually stuck that landing.” She thought with relief, using the momentum to hop across the ring in a circle as she held both arms up high to show that she was ready and raring to go!

She wobbled slightly on the last bounce, stumbling a bit. Oops. Crap, no one saw that, right? Maybe if she just pretended nothing had happened. Tomoya brushes it off as she beams to the crowd one final time before making her way to the corner, where the referee began to check her over for any weapons. She took this time to assess her opponent. Definitely a guy. With an impressive set of abs, biceps and a boyish youth that was...almost charming, in a way. She was probably staring a little too much, actually. The announcer's introduction had implied that he was down on his luck a lot...a feeling she could relate to.

Not that she could take it easy on him! She came here to win tonight, after all! And as the referee backed away, Tomoya brought up both fists as she locked eyes with him. The girl then punched forward a few times, almost like she was shadow boxing, a silent statement not to underestimate her. Of course, they'd have time to speak to one another before the match begun. Federations loved when wrestlers exchanged words, usually on the degrading side of course. It got them and the audience hyped for the night, after all!

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Re: NCWF Special Event: Blaise Cameron vs. Tomoya Akiyama

Unread post by CyanDimitrik »

'Oh,' thinks Blaise to himself. 'That's a happy tune.' Upbeat, spunky even. His head tilts faintly askew, all the more curious about who's going to emerge.

He doesn't have to wait long. She appears, luxurious brown hair and all. He watches her play to the crowd, a small smile forming on his face despite his efforts to suppress it. He watches her spring into the ring, nodding along with her landing. It's while she's hopping about the ring that he really takes the opportunity to take in her appearance.

When she passes somewhat close by, he focuses on her face; it's a pretty face. Smooth, young - maybe even younger than him. Big, pretty eyes, cute smile, appealingly girly fashion sense. His gaze dips a little lower. Long, bare legs. His eyes lift again, this time to that jacket of hers. He suddenly hates that jacket.

Oop, she stumbled!

That's adorable. She's a little clumsy! It's endearing!

Wait, no. Not endearing. Can't be endearing. He has to beat up on her. This is the distraction he was afraid of!

At that moment, he realizes she's looking at him. His bright blue eyes meet her hazels, and they narrow. He moves in towards the center of the ring, expecting her to join him. The bell hasn't rung just yet, so he has a little time.

"Hey. Name's Blaise. Welcome to the NCWF," he offers, voice a little low. "Better not hold back, 'cuz I'm definitely not gonna." Maybe. Hopefully. No, he has to focus past it; past her cute lil' stumble, past her pretty eyes, past her beautiful hair, her lean legs, her- damn that jacket!

"Uh, by the way."

His hand lifts and bobs the index finger towards her torso indicatively. "Forgetting something? Jacket?"
Last edited by CyanDimitrik on Wed Nov 01, 2017 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NCWF Special Event: Blaise Cameron vs. Tomoya Akiyama

Unread post by Strider89 »

It was either Tomoya's imagination, or her opponent seemed to be giving her as much attention as she did him. He came to the middle of the ring with a clear expectation of her to do the same, and she didn't disappoint as she rolled her arms and massaged her neck briefly, her elegant hair rolling behind her as she moved her hand away.

He introduced himself, welcoming the girl to the arena. "Blaise, huh?" She repeated. It sounded like 'Blaze' to her. Perhaps indicating a sort of firecracker personality? Or just a coincidence. She smiled boldly at his declaration, tilting forward slightly with her hands on her hips. "Tomoya Akiyama. I sure hope you don't hold back, mister. Between you and me, this is my first ever professional match. I've got a lot to live up to. So don't take it too personally when you finally wake up on the mat after this, 'kay?" She teased, hinting at the kind of endless spunk and zeal she possessed.

Then he drew her attention to something else. His finger, directed primarily at her torso. "Eh? Oh." A slight blush rose up on her face, not finding it amusing that Blaise was having to remind her to strip away her own gear for the fight. "I did not forget!" She fumed, curling her hands into fists at either side and stomping the mat. The girl stood there uptight for a few seconds before silently taking the zipper at her neck and peeling it down. Slowly, she would reveal her leotard - light green on either side, with dark green going down the middle. While far from the bustiest girl, the tight-fitting outfit certainly made her chest more flattering, and they practically peeked themselves out into the exposed air of the arena. Trailing the zipper down her stomach, she reached the end and slid her jacket off her arms, revealing her soft hips that her close-fitting leotard again complimented.

There was a couple of wolf-whistles that had accompanied her jacket removing. Was this federation not used to women? The girl had been looking forward to showing off her attire. Now she was scowling, her jacket bunched up in one hand as she held it silently for the referee to take. "Happy now, Blaise?" Tomoya sighed irritably. "Gosh, you guys and your hormones..."
Last edited by Strider89 on Wed Nov 01, 2017 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: NCWF Special Event: Blaise Cameron vs. Tomoya Akiyama

Unread post by CyanDimitrik »

That's that spunk he suspected, that fire and feistiness the announcer alluded to. It's a good look on her, that attitude. She wears it well, inspiring him to match her measure for measure. He doesn't need the extra incentive, but it helps to know that she's not a shrinking violet! But it's her first professional match? Her actual debut? Wow, he gets to be the first one to wrestle her in front of a crowd. That's actually an honor.

When her attention moves to her jacket, Blaise simply folds his arms over his bare chest, smirking at her teasingly. He even makes a showing of tapping his boot impatiently on the mat while she exposes her upper-body. Though once the garment is removed and the referee is shuttling it away to the edge of the ring, Blaise takes a moment to look her over.

A moment turns into a few moments.

A slender body, no doubt toned under that leotard. He'll be finding out to what extent very soon firsthand. She's not particularly curvy, but she's girly. Her leotard flatters her figure, her hips left invitingly skimpy. Her breasts aren't large, but Blaise never actually cared about that. He always cared more that a girl's body fit her; hers definitely does. She looks great.

She's talking.

Blue eyes crash back to her face, his cheeks guiltily rouged with a blush. He was totally staring. Crap. He takes a turn to brush a hand over the back of his neck and clears his throat. "Yeah, well," he begins, "maybe you should try to be less beautiful."

Perhaps mercifully, the referee swings an arm to signal the bell.


The match is officially on!
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Re: NCWF Special Event: Blaise Cameron vs. Tomoya Akiyama

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Blaise isn't even trying to be subtle as he ogles her figure. Tomoya raised her eyebrows, part of her wondering if he was being purposefully dumb or just easily distracted. It's only when she addresses him that he's brought back to reality, the evidence of his shameful deed clear on his bright red face and the awkward scratch of his neck with his hand. The clearing of the throat is just the cherry on top.

And then he compliments her. Honestly. Genuinely. The girl's annoyance melts like a marshmallow on an open fire. She isn't used to that. At first, she isn't sure what to say, a confused and conflicted expression rising on her face. "W-Well, you know what they say." Tomoya said bashfully, folding her arms and looking away. "The more beautiful the rose, the deadlier the thorns."

The awkwardness hovers between them, until the sudden chime of the ring bell breaks it to signal the start of the match. It certainly breaks into Tomoya's thoughts, the audience cheering as she glanced around. The yells invigorated her, pumping her full of adrenaline.

"Tch...enough! Come on, Blaise! You came here to wrestle, didn't you?!" She reminded the man, hopefully bringing his mind back to tonight's event. "I sure did, so put your tongue back in your mouth and show me what you've got!" The girl brings up her arms, launching forward to try and grapple the male to overwhelm him before he had a chance to put up resistence!

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Re: NCWF Special Event: Blaise Cameron vs. Tomoya Akiyama

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D'aw, the two of them; Blaise blushing and rubbing the back of his neck, Tomoya folding her arms and looking away. Fans are already shipping them. The merch' is already on the shelves. Some members of the female audience are gushing over the display~

The males closest to the front have other ideas. "FIGHT ALREADY!"

It's Tomoya who takes the initiative, though the tone of the bell brings Blaise to attention as well. Her hands find purchase on his frame, and he falls back a few steps before widening his stance and clasping his hands to her shoulders and neck. His backmost boot digs into the mat to halt her progress, and he leans into her, steadily pouring on more and more force. Teeth grit and his eyes lock onto hers in the struggle, attempting to walk her back to the ropes behind her with the intention to press her into them and swing her across the ring to the opposite set!
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Re: NCWF Special Event: Blaise Cameron vs. Tomoya Akiyama

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For a few seconds, Tomoya is convinced she's caught the male off-guard. Her hands clasp onto his body, he begins to slide back, a perfect start for the girl! But her celebration was far too early - Blaise spread his stance and fought back with a grip of his own, taking hold of the girl's own neck and shoulders. And she's suddenly finding he's gone from no resistance to completely resistant - leaning against her, applying strength bit by bit. Tomoya grinds her own teeth and her eyes respond to his determination with her own, but there's an unfortunate truth awaiting the girl in the lock-up.

Blaise was stronger. Those muscles weren't for show after all, and Tomoya was far more slender. She realised far too late as Blaise steadily pushed her towards the ropes that in any contest of strength, he was going to out-shine her. And for leaping forth to grapple with him without considering that, things weren't likely to start out too well for her.

"No...!" She feels her back lean into the ropes as Blase reaffirms her grip and then suddenly throws her across the ring, prompting a cute squeal of surprise from her! "Aaah!" The momentum sends the girl across the canvas and she rebounds off the ropes, heading straight back towards her opponent for whatever follow up he had in mind!

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Re: NCWF Special Event: Blaise Cameron vs. Tomoya Akiyama

Unread post by CyanDimitrik »

Having leaned into her slim body to stretch the ropes across her back, the match is now unofficially underway! One way or another, someone's going to end this chain of events worse off than when they entered the ring!

Blaise steps away from the ropes when he sends the girl hurtling towards the opposite end of the ring. With a more confident smile, he waits for her to hit those ropes and start her journey back towards him. She won't have to make the long journey back to him, though. He takes off towards her, boots thumping heavily across the mat as he rapidly closes with her!

At the last moment, his right arm extends and his body twists, aiming to slam into her collar with his bicep and forearm in a hard charging clothesline! The momentum of his charge will carry him a few steps beyond the point of impact, but he'll skip to a stop soon enough and pivot on heel to appraise the results of the hit. Or miss, as it may be!
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Re: NCWF Special Event: Blaise Cameron vs. Tomoya Akiyama

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Tomoya can't get her body under control as she springs back across the ring. She sees Blaise ahead, who had decided rather than wait for her that he'd prefer to meet her half-way! The guy flew towards her, his movement ambiguous other than the fact that he was charging to her. But if she had to bet on it, it wasn't going to lead to anything good for her.

Blaise holds out his right arm and turns on the spot, bringing his bicep in swift and hard as he nails Tomoya directly across her collar with the clothesline! "Hrrk!!" The girl's eyes portray her disbelief and shock as she collapses under the force of Blaise's arm, falling with her back to the ground and yelping as she made impact. When Blaise turned around to appreciate his attack, he would be met with the girl slightly turned on her side, coughing once or twice and rubbing her rapidly-reddening collar in an attempt to soothe it without any attention on the male himself.
Last edited by Strider89 on Wed Nov 01, 2017 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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