"Ladiiieees aaaand gentlemen!," he begins, arm raised in grand fashion. "Are you ready for the next event?"
The audience pops their approval.
"We have a very special treat for you tonight! How many of you out there has love for the beautiful ladies of the L-A-W? Let them hear you!"
The audience gives another enthusiastic round of cheer.
"Well, we have a special guest tonight! But first! The next combatant to enter the ring is one you've seen many times, but can never seem to catch a break!"
The man turns a brilliantly coy smile to the camera, "Maybe he'll get lucky tonight, mmnh~?"
He goes right back to all business, "You all know who I'm talking about! Coming in at 5'10", and weighing 158 lbs.~! Blaise! Camerooon!"
"Ohmigosh ohmigosh ohmigosh," Blaise frantically bobs on the soles of his boots backstage. He heard they were doing a cross-promotion tonight, but it wasn't supposed to be with him. And he didn't expect it to be with a girl! Sure, by now he's wrestled girls in training. But it's never been for an actual match. Is he going to actually be able to do this? Is he going to be paired with one of those enormous beshemoths he's seen in their rosters? Some of those women are hugemongous! They didn't tell him who it was! Is it someone he's wrestled already? Wait, did that announcer just make innuendo?
Already dressed to wrestle, Blaise wears only his sapphire blue wrestling trunks with black tribal patterns, along with his matching blue boots with black detail. His toned chest and abs go bare, as do his arms and much of his legs. Standard fare for the teen.
Blaise Cameron

Entrance Music
The audience is generous with its praise tonight, Blaise used to a fairly mixed bag from them. But the promise of LAW talent - and certainly no shortage of eyecandy for the male demographic - has upped the ante. He's totally cool with that. But who the heck is this girl he'll be facing...?
"And as promised," continues the announcer as Blaise's music fades out. "I give you one of LAW's newest beautiful athletes! Standing at a height of 5'5" and weighing-," he pauses to flash the cameras that same coy smile, "-never you mind that! She's fiery! She's feisty! She's looking to make a statement right here! Right now! She's Tomoya! Aaaakiiiiyamaaa!"