Drinks Night! - Ducky and the bet between pub's girls!

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Drinks Night! - Ducky and the bet between pub's girls!

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

Gart's pub is a venue in England with a big emphasis on pro-wrestling and cage fighting, not to mention a far cry from the arenas of Japan, but its relationship with LAW is enough to be considered a stage for many backstage events or broadcasting its amateur bouts as a way to connect with that section of the public that loves the more crazy, no-rules fights or the ones that are more like a game between two people who don't know what they're doing.

Oh, and what's to say that it connects a lot with that section of the public that would like to wrestle their favourite female or male wrestler! Even more so now that rumour has it that many law wrestlers will be appearing here sporadically.

However, although there are now many rumours that put this indie federation in the international eye, the important thing today was their invitation to one of LAW's classic and most loved stars: Ducky Williams.

Girls at this establishment were having an internal dilemma and the only one who might have the good sense to get them out of it with the one who was heating things inside the place was LAW's favourite duckling.

The management had arranged everything to receive this superstar, they had promised her a table and any drink, beverage or food and comfort that the lady needed to have her mind solely on this errand. After all, it was serious business: the girls of Gart wanted to know which of them had the best ass and who better than the professional and renowned ass taster to decide?

Daymetter, an old man already in his 50s, would be in charge of receiving the miss and taking her to her post, and of course, with such an assignment he would do their best to give her all the security and treatment that someone like Ducky deserved to have her on good terms. Even if it might seem excessive and might not help her to pass unnoticed into the venue.
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Re: Drinks Night! - Ducky and the bet between pub's girls!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

When Ducky had received the invitation to travel to England and take a trip to Gart's Pub, she had not exactly known what she should be expecting from her trip! She had little knowledge of venues in England, but given the nature of the invitation, and some quick research she had done afterwards, it became clear that it was very wrestling oriented, and given Ducky's background, it seemed to make sense she'd be invited! So, that a vacation was well in order, Ducky would take herself over to England and spend some time away from work, while at the same time, making some room for a trip to this pub that she'd been invited to, and when the night arrived, she'd make her way over!

When the blonde arrived, she'd be met by one of the staff and ushered inside, surprised at the treatment but happily accepting of it, with the blonde wrestling superstar soon making her way into the establishment! Ducky Williams, a woman who liked to be prepared, had dressed rather modestly, in sweats and a t-shirt, with her wrestling gear on underneath, knowing that if this bar was wrestling themed, and she had been specially invited, she might need it!
"Oooh... cozy looking place..." Ducky mused to herself as she entered the venue, taking a moment to look around and really absorb her surroundings, finding it to be quite a comfy space! The blonde would take her time looking around and taking it all in, though in the back of her mind, she still held onto the lingering question that she'd had the whole time, which was namely... why had she been invited here?

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Re: Drinks Night! - Ducky and the bet between pub's girls!

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

Daymetter would be leaning against one of the bars, rubbing his teeth with a toothpick, eyeing each customer to kill time as a key wildcard appeared. No delays have been reported, no inconvenience, so he should be entering the pub soon if he hasn't already.

This old manager isn't much for contributing to jokes, especially not if they're made by the pub girls, but we're talking about a classic show that goes well with the vibe of the venue, so he wouldn't be breaking his principles by helping them out.

Daymetter grumbled bored, but attentive yet, never leaving his eyes still in the same place, looking for that blonde.

A subtle hiss made him glance sideways at his left hand. He had no trouble locating the reason for that call: a blonde bombshell with red glasses was inside the venue. That was their cue!

"Oh! Ladys you're on!" He commanded, jerking his head in the direction of the beautiful popular blonde, and two short ladies dressed to match in dark trousers
and tight sweatshirts
with the pub logo on their backs peeled themselves off the bar stools and ran towards Ducky.
pub's logo in the sweatshirt
Each cyan ringleader would wrap their arms around each of Ducky's to anchor her in place.

"You have to follow us please!" whispered one of the two little escorts.

Both of their faces would be covered by a black mask and an equally dark surgical mask.

"We'll take you to your judge's table."Explained the other escorts.
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Wed Dec 04, 2024 5:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Drinks Night! - Ducky and the bet between pub's girls!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

It hadn't been very long that she'd been in the bar, Ducky having had just enough time to look around and take in her surroundings, before she was suddenly thrown into confusion by the sudden and surprising appearance of two women to either side of her! When she had accepted the invitation to come for the night, she had simply thought it would be a night out at a bar, but as two women came to either side of her to grab hold of her, she was beginning to think that it was not exactly going to be the lazy night she thought it was! Instead, these two began to quickly ferry her over to what they called her "judge's table," with Ducky forced along with them as they walked her over, the blonde confused as to what was going on!

"What the... judge's table? What are you talking about? What am I judging?" Ducky asked, but she could do very little as she was simply pulled along by the two women, forced to come with them! It seemed that she wouldn't get much of an explanation, and rather, would need to play along to see what was actually happening here, which the blonde would do for the time being!

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Re: Drinks Night! - Ducky and the bet between pub's girls!

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

The escort pair were doing their best to keep Ducky walking. The blonde seemed willing to follow them, so they would try to be quick so as not to inconvenience the superstar. They didn't want to ruin the surprise, so they kept quiet in the face of Ducky's hesitation. And it would cost them. They wanted so badly to be the first to tell her, but unfortunately the managers gave them strict orders not to reveal the reason for the invitation and, anyway, Ducky didn't seem uncomfortable with it, otherwise, why would she keep walking with them, so they would bite their tongues not to ruin it!

"You don't worry." Said one of the two bluenettes.

"You'll be a judge on a subject you know a lot about." Subtly clarified the other bluenette. "Oops! Pretend I didn't say anything!"

The trio of people would take a door at the back of the pub, lead Ducky down the dimly lit stairs of purple and reddish lights.

"By the way, what do you think of your fans?" one of the two escorts would ask in guidance. "Is it okay if they ask for autographs?"

At the top of the stairs, a huge space would await them, larger than what one would assume could be the cellar of a medium-sized venue like this pub. Perhaps it was an additional section of the premises. Perhaps a more exclusive one.

They would be in the dark, but it was not an ominous scenario. It looked more like a big surprise was being prepared for someone.

Ducky would be able to identify and differentiate the dozens of spectators seated in a row around a platform if she wanted to pay attention to the surroundings and not the shock of being dragged here, and the pair of escorts would practically pull Ducky by the hands to lead her to a platform in the centre of this space.

If it wasn't too much trouble, they would leave Ducky in the centre of that platform and remove any wrinkles in her evening attire.

"Alright, just wait here while you look for your judge's tablet!" Said one of the two, releasing her and walking back the way up the platform.

"Are you ready? Yes? Perfect, you'll do fantastic, guest of honour!" Commented the other, laughing mischievously before doing the same to disappear off the platform.

However, one of the bluenettes would return only for one last very important announcement and then vanish again, "Ah, yes! Don't move from here, please! It will only take us a moment to get back!" Then she would run again.

The murmurs and sniggers of this audience would begin to fizz in a complicit wave. And just as the hubbub was about to overtake the secrecy, a great beacon of light stood over Ducky Williams, just as an announcer commented.

"Before you, ladies and gentlemen!!! everyone's favourite Duckling!!!! The bombshell who was one of the first faces of the greatest federation and the superstar everyone aspires to become: DUUUCKY WIIIIIIILLIIIAAAAAAAMS!!!" Cheers, whistles and applause took over this presentation.

"Today, Gart's pub has finally had the pleasure of ending one of the biggest disputes inside their dressing rooms."

The lights of the place gradually flickered on, revealing Ducky's table: the white platform with black apron she was stomping her boots on. In itself, a large square of 8 square metres, with a pole in each corner, connected to each other by 3 ropes, one at the top, one in the middle and the last one at the base of each pole. This was a ring!

"The ladies in the pub have always argued about a very important issue." The announcer paused to turn the page. "Which one of them has the best booty in terms of wrestlers?" The audience would erupt giving several names to answer. "And, sadly, our meetings have been of no help in resolving this dilemma. So, in cooperation with LAW, and as a favour that their superstar happily accepted, we have brought in the world's greatest judge of that issue to solve the dilemma once and for all!" The audience again cheered the blonde by repeating her name three in chorus.


Behind Ducky, a very popular blonde in this place would be sitting on the ropes, arms hanging over them and with a devilish duck face at Ducky.

The First Queen of Gart's pub
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