All The Things (A Man Should Do) (Black Severin vs Collei Kushti)

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All The Things (A Man Should Do) (Black Severin vs Collei Kushti)

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Match Type: One Night Stand Match
Match Rules: The match takes place inside of an apartment, in which the competitors will be locked inside for the night. Victory is to be obtained through Sexual KO.
Black Severin
General Appearance
Surprised at surprise. That's what Black Severin was right now. You'd think that after he'd been at it for a month in this business that the guy wouldn't be amazed at the way things work out in LAW, but these things keep getting him. Things like what was set up for him tonight: A special Hentai match with the same girl whom his girlfriend had a special Hentai match of her own with just a week before.

He had yet to meet Collei, but the two had hit it off well. Very well. That match she had on the beach was easily the hottest girl-on-girl he'd ever seen. He wished he could've been there to see it, but alas, management wanted him in the arena. He couldn't be too mad at it, though: He was the man that day. The hometown hero. And the energy of the Milwaukee crowd had gotten him yet another win, signal and all, just as he'd promised Keira.

Severin was happy to be back to Hentai. He kept what Keira told him after their match in mind: That he should expect his future opponents to be ravenous. And indeed, he knew to keep his wits about him, but he couldn't help but feel good in this element. After doing what they did, what man wouldn't be feeling like a million bucks?

He was donned in a silk robe and comfortable slippers that matched the black boxer briefs he had on underneath, watching Ed, Edd, n' Eddy on a huge TV that took up a good portion of the wall in front of him and drinking some delicious, authentic tasting fruit punch from some expensive brand he'd never heard of out of a champagne glass inside of the
that LAW had set the two of them up in.

Now this is living. One of these days, he's gonna own a place like this. Might not be too far away, either: He got a nice bump in his pay after the match he had with Selket.

Severin and Collei would be participating in a new match type: The "One Night Stand" match. After Collei shows up, they'll be locked inside and left alone for the night, given the range of the entire space to do as they please until one of them is rendered unconscious.

That was the only part he didn't feel quite right about, that "Sexual Knockout" business. What were the expectations that were based around that term? He had the feeling that he might already know, and he didn't like it; if it was something rough, well...He has his principles and he's sticking to them. Whatever comes about as a result is just what's gonna happen.

But that bridge will be crossed when he gets there. For now, the masked man just sat back, relaxed, and waited.
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Re: All The Things (A Man Should Do) (Black Severin vs Collei Kushti)

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It had been merely 8 days since Collei's intense war with Keira, and already she had been paired up for another hentai match, but this time, it would be different. First of all, it would be done privately, something that all her other matches were not. Secondly, it was done in a lavish apartment in which they would start in only their underwear. And finally, her opponent for tonight would be of the opposite gender to her own, meaning this would be her first intergender match.

But that wasn't the end of it. Collei's opponent for the night was none other than Black Severin, Keira's own boyfriend, which made Collei pretty nervous. The idea of doing anything sexual to someone's partner was curious, even if it was mandated and the partner in question was OK with it. But to have it happen twice, in consecutive matches, against two people who are together? This was very coincidental indeed.

Nevertheless, Collei agreed to the match, and set out for the apartment, which was far better than anything that she had been in before. Upon arriving at the apartment, she stripped into nothing but her white bra and panties, before stepping into the apartment. Upon entering, she heard the door lock behind her, meaning there was no escape. Her opponent must already be here.

Sure enough, Collei heard the TV blaring and went over to see who it was. Sure enough, a masked man was there, watching the TV. She walked into the room with a bright red face and knocked on the living room door to get his attention, before waving at him.

"Erm, hello? Are you Mr Severin?" She asked politely, her nerves stacking up. The realization that she might end up having actual sex with a man made her heart race. It was a good job she decided to take anti-pregnancy drugs before joining LAW.

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Re: All The Things (A Man Should Do) (Black Severin vs Collei Kushti)

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"A Glass of Warm Ed". Watching Ed going around the cul de sac eating everybody's food in his sleep brought back memories that made Severin laugh. A pleasant summer night where he and Ryan got stoned harder than the man who asked for more weight in the Salem Witch Trials. They were chilling on the East side of Milwaukee -- a safer part of town -- so they went out for a walk to Pizza Hut, stopping at the Walgreens that was closer by to buy a party bag of Kit Kats that they'd murder on the way.

They ordered a large Meat Lover's when they made it there, sitting in since they didn't feel like moving anymore. They killed it, fell asleep, got woken up by Chelsea, who asked them to bring home another pizza since they were there, and...ended up having eaten half of it by the time they got back to her sister's place. They were so far up there with the
she couldn't even be mad.

Severin slept good that night.

Good times that he wouldn't get to have again. He turned up to the sky and lifted his glass in salute to his fallen friend. If there's a Heaven, he knows that Ryan's up there, laughing at him for drinking juice out of a champagne glass and watching cartoons when he's about to get triple x groovy for the viewing pleasure of millions.

He hopes he's making him proud with his progress so far, and that he's as satisfied with what he got Chelsea and the kids as they were.

The door was far enough away for Collei's entrance to fail to reach Severin's ears, but a knock at the door behind her got his attention. He turned the TV off and turned to get that first in-person look at her. She was even cuter up close.

The all white ensemble was doing something different. The small flower in her hair, gloves, the frills, and the little bow on the panties...And she walked in with a face as red as a tomato. It was like they'd been dating for a while, and now something big was about to happen.

He got up, and with a friendly smile, went to greet her. "Yeah. It's nice to meet you, Collei. You're even cuter in person, I've gotta say." He gestured towards the living room. "Come right on in." It felt a little weird, being all inviting like it was his house that she was walking into, but it was plain as day that she was nervous about this. The sexual action in LAW was mostly Sapphic, and she's eighteen and just getting started in the business, so it's likely that she hasn't ever been with a guy before.

So yeah. Something big was happening. Her nerves brought him comfort, though, in the sense that it was easy to relate to those feelings. It made it easier to take the lead; he'd be doing for her what he wanted done for him when his first time came around.

"You wanna sit down and hang out for a bit first? I mean, we've literally got all night, and they aren't livestreaming this, so it's not like they're expecting us to just jump right into things."

They probably were, but they could always edit out whatever they see as boring. He assumed that that was their plan anyway, so...
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Re: All The Things (A Man Should Do) (Black Severin vs Collei Kushti)

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The show must have been incredibly engrossing to Severin, as he had not heard Collei enter until she knocked on the door to snap him back to reality. She smiled softly as Severin finally noticed her arrival, and his voice was rather dreamy. It would certainly be a night to remember for the greenette, though it had only just started. Anything could happen yet.

Collei's heart rate raced as Severin complimented her looks. She knew that he didn't want to have any kind of relationship or anything, since he already had a girlfriend, and Collei had no intention of breaking Severin and Keira up, but hearing a man such as him compliment her made it hard for her to concentrate. But he was talking to her, so concentrate she must.

"T-thank you sir, you are good looking yourself. Miss Keira certainly got a good deal getting together with you" Collei said as she walked over to meet with him, holding her hand out to shake his hand. Upon Severin's offer of leaving the eroticness for a bit and just chilling out and chatting, Collei nodded, walking up to where Severin was previously, and sitting down, waiting for her partner for the night to join her.

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Re: All The Things (A Man Should Do) (Black Severin vs Collei Kushti)

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Severin shook the hand that was offered to him. Collei's kind words got a soft, coy chuckle out of him. "I'm completely confident that I got the better end of that deal. Keira is just..." Wonderful. Incredible. Amazing. He hasn't known Keira for long -- just a couple weeks now -- but the way things have played out in this short time..."Wow." That's all he could say about it, the mere thought of her making him light up.

He walked over to the couch with her, but remained standing while she sat down. "You need anything? Something to drink? Something to eat? They stocked the kitchen. No liquor, though." On account of Collei's age, no doubt.
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Re: All The Things (A Man Should Do) (Black Severin vs Collei Kushti)

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Collei smiled as Severin reminisced in his meeting with Keira, how the two fell in love, and his reaction of her being a simple but effective "Wow". Collei smiled as she sat down, replying with "I can understand why you like her. She has everything a man would need. Great body, great personality, probably good in bed too" Collei said with a wink, knowing that she had a relentless sex session with Keira, and knowing that soon, she would have a less intense, but still no doubt as enjoyable, sex session with her boyfriend.

"Oh no thanks. I ate before coming here. You can get what you wish though." Collei said, getting a little more comfy on the couch and trying to stay calm for the night ahead, even though the mere idea of having full on sex was making her emotions race slightly.

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Re: All The Things (A Man Should Do) (Black Severin vs Collei Kushti)

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"I can understand why you like her. She has everything a man would need. Great body, great personality, probably good in bed too."


With the exception of his bright smile, Severin would for the most part let that hang. Maybe it was strange, but he was raised old school. Some teachings he rejected, but he still subscribed to some others. One of those he'd hung onto was to refrain from kissing and telling. Collei had been with Keira, so that was one thing. But he wasn't about to go into detail about their sexy business for all of the viewers unless he was being called to do an interview that was set up by LAW. And even then, it would depend on the kind of interview. How the questions are asked.

Anyone else who wants those details can get their answers through watching her videos, if she's not giving them.

Since Collei wasn't in need of anything, Severin took a seat next to her. He too had had his dinner before arriving, and had his fill of fruit punch while he was waiting for her to arrive.

"So I hear you just got your start in the biz too?" A nice, simple question that could start a lengthy conversation, depending on how comfortable Collei is in sharing details. Hopefully it would lead to the edge being taken off for her.
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Re: All The Things (A Man Should Do) (Black Severin vs Collei Kushti)

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Collei respected that Severin wouldn't go into detail about his partner's erotic dealings, since that was their business, and not her own. She watched as Severin say next to her, and got a bit more confused knowing that Severin was clearly not a bad person. Due to this, her nerves were slowly but surely settling, though the idea of doing lewd things with someone of the opposite sex were clearly still bothering her slightly.

"Yeah, relatively recently. I was placed on the Young Lioness programme almost immediately and never left really. I've had matches and training sessions, but nothing big just yet. Makes sense though, I am no big shot yet." Collei replied, crossing her legs and reminiscing about her previous matches for a split second, before snapping back to the room.

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Re: All The Things (A Man Should Do) (Black Severin vs Collei Kushti)

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"I think you'll get there. You handle yourself pretty well." Severin wasn't saying that just to be nice. Collei was a Young Lioness, but she managed to hold her own against two experienced members of LAW's regular roster. He was about as far as it gets from an experienced eye, but those performances felt like a showcase of her potential to him.

"So what brought you in?"
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Re: All The Things (A Man Should Do) (Black Severin vs Collei Kushti)

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"Thank you. Your kind words mean a lot to me" Collei said politely as she leaned backwards slightly, and got comfortable in bed. The idea that she was about to partake in lewd actions with Severin was starting to take a back seat as she was enjoying the casual chat with him.

"Well, I wanted a new hobby, and when I found out about LAW, and looked into it, I got very interested. I applied, and got put into the Young Lioness programme. The rest, you probably already know"

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