Scarlet Assault [For Fairy Dragon]

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Scarlet Assault [For Fairy Dragon]

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If there was one thing the Rines were good at, was getting even with those who wronged them. While Karina was not going to get that any time soon thanks to Kyoko taking the long haired fighter home, a different pair of eyes had seen the departure from the LAW gym and had quietly followed. Kagura knew what her sister could take and she normally wouldn't interfere with things like these. After all, Karina would have no doubt done the same to Kyoko if Karina had won that gym spar, but that was exactly the reason why Kagura was checking things out. Had it been a match stipulation, Kagura wouldn't care that much, but this was a result from a random gym spar, and she wasn't about to let her older sister get punished further if Karina never agreed to such a thing!

Kagura would ultimately stop at the address, having taking some time to prepare before she would approach the place Kyoko had taken Karina. Sure, Kagura wasn't one to actually plan ahead when it came to fighting, yet the last thing she needs was to get taken down by the same woman who had made her older sister crumble at her feet. Kagura snarled at the very thought, taking slow steps towards the door and stopped in front of it. Kagura was dressed in her wrestling outfit since she was planning to fight, and it was better to fight in a outfit where she would no be restricted by her own movements.

She rang the doorbell, crossing her arms underneath her chest and waited impatiently.
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Re: Scarlet Assault [For Fairy Dragon]

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What couldn't be heard outside the walls of Kyoko's house was the long use of her hands. True to her word she found more use for Karina even after beating her, with the Beast taking residence on the punching bag Kyoko had used to hold many unfortunate victims. Kyoko was keeping some tape on her arms but had otherwise stripped down to get comfortable and had been working over Karina's still exposed belly with more punches, throwing lefts and rights to her abs as slowly feeling the abs completely crumble and give less and less back with each punch. It was fun, especially because Karina was holding out really well, her body took longer than most to get to this point even after she'd been beaten into submission in the gym. It made Kyoko want to go harder and keep punching, throwing stronger and stronger punches until Karina finally had nothing left. "Congratulations Karina. I's not often I feel like my knuckles are getting sore. It's crazy you haven't done this before." Kyoko said shaking her left hand and inspecting the arm before she would throw one more right to Karina's belly and dig it deep, enjoying the sounds of Karina's belly take punches and Karina's reaction to the blows. As the fist stayed in she moved her head close to Karina's "Usually if they can take this much they end up enjoying it a little. Are you having any fun Karina, or is it just me?" Kyoko asked. Soon after the doorbell rang, stopping Kyoko from continuing.
"Seriously?" Kyoko said, then sighed. Her fist left Karina's gut and instead she gave those beaten abs a pat. "I'll be back." She said and left the room. She wasn't in the best outfit to answer the door and grabbed a jacket to cover herself in while she walked towards it. Once she had zipped it up she opened the door to see someone she'd never seen before, a redhead who looked annoyed to be there. "Who are you? You're not from the neighborhood. " Kyoko asked, eyeing her suspiciously.

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Re: Scarlet Assault [For Fairy Dragon]

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Once the door open, the red head would shift her gaze straight towards Kyoko. It didn't take long for Kagura to take the few hints that were presented to her. Kyoko's jacket, the way the woman looked, the way the woman behaved. Kagura would lower her gaze, narrowing her eyes once she realized that there was something happen she might not like, and she decided to prod Kyoko for information, just to be sure.
"I'm Kagura, and I just have one question. What exactly are you doing with my sister?"

Kagura tilted her head and would patiently wait for an answer, yet her fingers were already curling into the palm of her head, tightening into a fist. Sure, Karina could handle herself, she had seen how Karina fought and ended her fights against the like of Cecilia, Amy, Odessa and Karen. Yet, this is a new girl, at least in Kagura's eyes she was. If she got an answer she might not like, then there might just be a brawl right at Kyoko's doorstep, and Kagura was quite the fiery fighter, much like Karina was years ago! Heck, she was in her wrestling outfit, she was ready and willing to go against Kyoko, even if it was a favorable answer or not. Kagura was already thinking about how to fight Kyoko, and it would become apparent from the way Kagura was glaring her after asking that question, that Kagura was looking to brawl.
Last edited by Ghost on Sat Mar 02, 2024 11:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Scarlet Assault [For Fairy Dragon]

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Kyoko didn't need to look at her visitor too long to know she was a wrestler. She looked like she was going to a match right now, and she looked like she was expecting a fight. Kyoko was confused and kept the door partially open in case she needed to slam it in the weirdo's face until she mentioned her name and her sister, asking Kyoko what she did to her. "Sister...Wait let me look at you." Kyoko said and narrowed her eyes. She mostly looked at the redhead's face and then the rest of her. Soon it was starting to make more sense and her visit wasn't looking like a random coincidence. "Ah, yeah you do look like her. I did hear something about her having a sister, the name's a dead give away. Kagura Rine right?" Kyoko said opening the door the rest of the way now that she knew her guest wasn't some random creep. Her casual attitude compared to Kagura's had to look jarring.

"I'd understand how strange this looks to you if you saw the results of my fight at the gym. Let me explain, I challenged Karina to a contest of abs because I was impressed by her figure. She accepted, we fought and eventually I won. This is just the result of that contest, and once we're done Karina will leave. Do you want me to take you too her?" Kyoko asked gesturing inside her house while she watched Kagura, slowly she started to get herself ready for a fight. She wasn't going to bother Kagura just because of Karina but she sensed that this sister was used to a brawl and had to be ready to give her one and defend herself if she reacted poorly to what she saw.

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Re: Scarlet Assault [For Fairy Dragon]

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Kagura tapped her foot repeatedly as she listened to the girl speak. It was clear that she wasn't too shocked about Kagura standing here, finding resemblances within Kagura that was close to Karina's. Silently, she would take her steps forward once Kyoko would open the door all the way to let her inside, with a little gesture to boot. Kagura closed her eyes, the red head releasing a sigh once she was inside and waited for Kyoko to close the door again, and once that familiar sound would ring through her ears, it was time for Kagura to speak.

"I'll find her myself after I am done with YOU."

With that, Kagura would sharply turn to the side to face Kyoko. The red head finds herself with an easy solution to a new problem. Sure, she could just have said yes and go along with Kyoko, but where was the fun in that? Kagura would rear her arm back, clenching her hand into a fist and decided to give Kyoko a new round with a new opponent, one that was a lot wilder than Karina, something Kagura was going to make sure her newfound opponent would remember as she tries to slam her fist deep into Kyoko's gut!
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Re: Scarlet Assault [For Fairy Dragon]

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Kagura went silent from Kyoko's offer to enter the house, likely trying to see if it was a trap. Eventually she entered without a word and decided to take Kyoko up on her offer. Kyoko closed the door behind her and was ready to show to Karina when Kagura spoke up..then her clench fist found Kyoko's belly. "Uggggh!" Kyoko huffed in complete shock. Kagura punched really hard and caught Kyoko in a rare moment of surprise making the Queen stumble back hunched over until she hit the door behind her.

"Wha...The hell..I-I was going to take you to her?!" Kyoko gasped. Her breathing was thrown off by the attack, making her take a second to recover but now she was prepared for any follow up attacks, even if her guard wasn't up yet.

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Re: Scarlet Assault [For Fairy Dragon]

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"I'm sure you would, but just looking at your face and listening to you has already put me in the mood to hurt you."

With that, Kagura flashed a grin the moment she noticed Kyoko hunching over and ending up pressed back against the door. This wasn't a ring and this sure as hell was going to hurt a lot more if one of them ends up being thrown to the ground but.. Eh, why the hell not. Kagura was used to pain, she was a rough fighter and even Karina once admitted that Kagura was like Karina was in her prime, even though Karina herself was still a fearless fighter. It was the wildness that often had Kagura underestimated and her clothing as well, though Kagura often said that the clothing served as a gimmick of her own, a scarlet demon who loved to fight, much like Karina was in the past when she was considered a beast.

Kagura would quickly approach Kyoko, deciding to take the current situation and go beyond as her hands clenched into fists once more and would proceed to give Kyoko a similar experience she had given Karina not long ago. Kagura would try to send a series of sharp right and lefts straight to Kyoko's abs, wanting to keep the purple haired fighter pinned against the door.
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Re: Scarlet Assault [For Fairy Dragon]

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The reasoning for attacking Kyoko made no sense to the Belly Queen who was cooperating because she wanted to avoid unnecessary problems. Kagura attacked her off the bad vibes she felt, and wasn't going to stop to let Kyoko recover from her confusion. She stepped in close while Kyoko was still against the door and quickly started punching her over and over again, targeting her abs.

"Ugh! Uff! Oough! Ough!" Kyoko gasped back stuck against the door while Kagura punched her. Her punches hit hard, even making her strong core struggle to endure each punch, she could tell this girl was a skilled striker who potentially wanted to punish Kyoko the way he punished her sister, even when she struggled to stay up Kyoko could feel anger replacing her shock, rising with each punch.

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Re: Scarlet Assault [For Fairy Dragon]

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"At least you're good at making little sounds!"

Kagura grinned wide once the battlefield was set and now she aimed to turn Kyoko's abs into a canvas of multiple colors of bruises. With the woman pinned back against the door, Kagura was aiming to turn the woman into her personal punching bag, and to weaken Kyoko would mean that she could go for more riskier attacks. Kyoko would find that Kagura's strike were much like Karina's, they were solid, quick and almost endless unless Kyoko would find a way to deal with it, which was no doubt on her mind already.

The redheaded decided to stop using her fists, her arm did swoop in but she would instead look to grab Kyoko by her beautiful purple hair, wanting to yank Kyoko from the door and closer to Kagura.. Just so Kagura could send her leg up and smash her knee into Kyoko's abs! It was a risky move, since it did leave herself open for a counter attack but if there was something Kagura liked, it was a good challenge, even if she was here to originally punish her opponent.
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Re: Scarlet Assault [For Fairy Dragon]

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Kagura threw several more punches to Kyoko's belly, wasting no time and allowing Kyoko no chance to strike back. She was strong like Karina, and Kyoko even thought her punches were a little stronger despite Kagura being closer to the Belly Queen's size than the heavyweight she broke down earlier. "Ugggh! Ooouggh!" Kyoko moaned, the punches coming faster and faster, but the surprise was over and the Queen was trying to will herself to attack and defend herself. Kagura knew her attacks wouldn't keep her pinned down forever and tried to change things up and go for another big hit to try and do more damage by pulling her into a knee to the gut.

"Ooogh!" Kyoko moaned, leaning forward. The knee was digging in a little despite Kyoko's efforts, and the Queen still tried to move after it hit her. She would throw an uppercut to Kagura's stomach to open her attack, hoping to break Kagura's focus and grab around her next. then she would turn Kagura and try to slam her into the wall before throwing a knee of her own.

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