The Kissing Game

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The Kissing Game

Unread post by DSX93 »

Continued from here
Black Severin's General Appearance
Black Severin was clad in all black: A long-sleeved shirt that had been left unbuttoned, with a sleeveless one underneath that was closely fitted, contouring the musculature of his upper body nicely. Enough to catch the eye, but not so much that it would be obscene. Covering his lower body was a comfortable pair of slacks that were held up with a belt that had a silver ankh on the buckle, and a sleek pair of leather shoes. Along with the silver, he had also accessorized with the diamond studs that hung from his ears, freely displayed with his lengthy dreadlocks having been tied back into a ponytail, with a couple hanging free in front, framing his handsome face.

This was something of an adjustment for Terrell, navigating the public as his wrestling persona. But he was in the town where the next show would be held, so he figured it prudent.

His face felt naked without the glasses he'd worn for years, and he wasn't used to having eyes on him the moment he walks through the door. It was mostly positive attention, though. People coming up to ask for pictures and autographs, shaking his hand and telling him to keep up the good work. Every single interaction made the day of the man who was either invisible or a target to people prior.

Maybe Ryan had a point. It made him regret not taking him up on his offer of training when he had the chance.

But he'll make it up to him. He was committed now, truly: One of these days, Black Severin was going to make it to the top. He was going to be a Middleweight champion, and he'd be shooting his shot at the Openweight title too.

But for now, he'd decided that he would stop by the local bar. Have a drink, see if maybe he could find a nice girl to talk to. He would've invited Serena, but she had some personal things to sort out.

In the meantime...

Severin was at the door leading inside when he caught the tail end of some meathead making a scene, strutting around like he owned the place. And at what was surely six feet and over two hundred pounds of pure muscle, nobody was in a hurry to try to convince him otherwise. He was sorely tempted to be that one, though. Wipe that smug grin off his face, make sure that the next steps he took would be devoid of that bullying swagger.

He'd stood his ground against a woman who was in the Heavyweight title scene, so he liked his chances against this jackass, who'd found a distraction in a woman that both had quickly identified as the most beautiful in the bar. Severin stepped further inside and found himself a seat, oblivious to the admiring gazes he was getting from some of the other ladies.

He wasn't much of a drinker, but he'd spent enough time in bars to know that guys like this were serious trouble, especially when they've had a few and been told no, as he suspected the man was about to be.

No, scratch that. He was definitely going to be. There Severin was, believing that men who made an open attempt at hooking up not only with a woman, but her sister as well had existed only in movies, but there he was, working hard to make the rest of their sex look bad. He shook his head, glad that, as bad as he might be with the ladies, that he at least wasn't...that.

How in the blue hell did he think that was going to work?


Oh, they were both wrestlers as well. For LAW, Severin was sure.


Oh, good God. What the hell did this man just say? Severin grimaced. Watching their interaction unfold was beginning to hurt him physically, and he couldn't do it anymore. He stood up and was about to intervene when the aggrieved amazon took the matter into her own hands.

There was an aura about the brunette that made her seem capable, but he just didn't feel comfortable leaving it alone. He's kind of old school like that.

And so he ordered himself a drink: A fruit punch margarita. His choice got him that look from the bartender. The one that represented the reason why he hardly ever drinks in a public space.

"How can you call yourself a man and drink that shit?" A question that had been leveled at him in the past and one that was present in the woman's eyes. Great. A neo-Neanderthal without a leash and a judgmental bartender.

Maybe it wasn't a good idea to come here.

Severin paid for his drink and immediately set off for the basement, being one of the first to arrive to watch the show. And what a show it was. Sylva (he'd learn her name when it was announced at the end) had made a proper fool of James (same). About as well as he'd made one of himself, and that was saying something. The longer this went on, the more apparent it became that she could handle herself. And surely enough, by the end of it, James was too worn out to try anything else.

And speaking of trying, well...Severin wasn't about to challenge Sylva to a match here when she already had one after she'd been drinking prior. Perhaps it was a bit too chivalrous of him -- after all, she'd made the offer to anyone who was interested -- but it just didn't feel very sporting at all.

It was for that same reason that he would keep it friendly when he approached her. That is, if she'd even want to speak to him. After dealing with that ape, she might not be in the mood to socialize, but...He liked too much of what he'd seen to not make an attempt, at least.

Keep the roll slow. Offer her a drink, try to make friends. See where it goes from there.

He hesitated when he saw her take a seat a the bar, still clad in her wrestling gear. There was one beside her that was open, but his inner voice was telling him now, "Don't engage." In response, he took a breath, emptied his mind, and made himself take those beginning steps forward before he could start thinking again. And by then, she would've seen him coming. He'd be committed.

Okay. We're doing this.

Take a seat. Friendly smile. Introduce yourself. "Hello, there. My name's Black Severin. I wanted to say that you put on one heck of a show, smacking that neo-Neanderthal around. Would you like a drink?"
Last edited by DSX93 on Sun Nov 19, 2023 1:28 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: The Kissing Game

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

Sylva had been slowly taking things easily after her match with James. After besting the overconfident bruiser, she was finishing up another bottle of beer that she took sips from during the match. It seemed that everyone else was clearing out and heading back up to the bar for more drinks. No problem with that, she thought, after all that was the main purpose of the bar.

She was about ready to head up to when someone caught her attention. This other man, who she never saw before, had approached her and introduced themselves as Black Serevin. At the same time, he was complimenting her and wanted to offer her a drink. Well, well, well, seems like things may get interesting again for Sylva. The guy was just a tad shorter than her, but that wasn't too much of a detractor. She had multiple people in the past hit on her; with varying results of success or failure. This guy seemed pretty straight forward with the offer, which wasn't a bad thing.

"Not much of a show once he became more sick and unable to actually fight." Sylva responded, "But I appreciate the comment and glad you enjoyed it. I guess I can take that offer for a drink." As she leaned back, she was analyzing Black, observing both his physique and his facial expression.

"I guess you got my name from when it was announced during the match?" Sylva commented.
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Re: The Kissing Game

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Yeah, there was that. Seeing James lose his lunch was one of Severin's favorite parts of the whole thing. Call him cruel; it takes a lot of force to deal that kind of damage -- damage that you'll be feeling for a good while afterwards -- but after being kicked around by a guy just like him for years, including down a flight of stairs, from which he'd sustained a broken arm, he just couldn't bring himself to care.

As for Sylva's question..."Uh..." An instinctual utterance that killed any chance he had at lying. With a sheepish expression, he told her the truth, hoping that it wouldn't kill the positive feeling that he believed he saw in her after that quick once over. "Yes, admittedly." And he was quick to add, "It's nothing against you, though. I haven't been at this for very long, so there's a lot I'm figuring out. But hey, what better opportunity to learn more about you than over a good drink, right?"

He motioned for the bartender, and without thinking, said, "I'll have what the lady's having." It was more split second this time, but he was still able to catch the judgment before she turned to Sylva to take her order.
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Re: The Kissing Game

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

"Relax about the names." Sylva said in a chilled tone to Serevin when he admitted to how he got her name, "Only just got here. It's not like I'm some big celebrity or something." She couldn't help but smirked in amusement when Serevin was talking and basically asked for the exact same thing as she was. She did not say anything about the fact that Serevin ordered the same thing as she did.

"So what brings you here to the bar tonight?" Sylva asked before inquiring about his name, "Mr?"
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Re: The Kissing Game

Unread post by DSX93 »

Phew, disaster averted! And she was a newbie too. Even better.

"Okay." Severin responded with a nod, relaxing at the sight of the amusement Sylva took in his smoothing things over. "Terrell." He extended a hand for her to shake. Yeah, he was going against the entire point of a mask in telling her his name, but he supposed it was alright if he stuck to the one he was given. After all, it's not like Terrell is an uncommon name.

"Nice to meet you. And that leads me to the answer to your question, actually: You've probably already noticed that I'm not a very outgoing dude normally. I thought I'd stop to try to do something about that. Get out of my shell a little. Maybe find somebody nice to talk to. A nice amazon, perhaps."
Last edited by DSX93 on Mon Nov 20, 2023 3:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Kissing Game

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

Sylva shook Serevin's hand shortly after he extended it outwards. It was a nice, yet firm handshake that Sylva gave.

"Well then, Terrell," Sylva said as she took another sip of her beer, "You came to the right place. A bar is a good spot to come out of one's shell." She took another sip as she reflected on Terrell's comment about looking for an amazon. No doubt he was referring to her. She could tell there was some potential advances being made here, but it was nothing too forceful. Obvious, but not forceful.

"Well, if you find Wonder Woman, let me know." Sylva joked about the 'Amazon' comment, "Can go for another round." Sylva looked to the ring for a bit before taking another drink.

"I was expecting to see my sister in a little while." Sylva commented, "She has a match at this moment, but the officials at LAW didn't want me to go. Apparently it was due to me giving lip to some other wrestler." She shrugged, "She'll be fine though. Once she comes here, we two will be hitting all the other bars."
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Re: The Kissing Game

Unread post by DSX93 »

"Could be I have", he thought, chuckling and almost putting it into words before Sylva continued. Drinking, a match, more drinking, another match, and apparently, she intended to clear out every bar this town has got afterwards. She might not be wearing the uniform, but she's got some toughness to be making objectives like that.

Terrell took a drink of his own beer as his eyes followed hers to the way towards the basement. Ah, a nice cold beer. He was glad that she wasn't drinking anything strong. With his metabolism, vodka and tequila and the like would've gone right through and had him messed up faster than a first time smoker hanging out with Snoop Dogg.

He sat it down while she spoke of her sister, her match, and not being allowed to be there to see it. That she'd been banned from ringside for the reason she mentioned had sounded ridiculous to him. That is, until he thought of the possibility of said wrestler having some kind of pull with those officials.

Terrell wasn't a man who did hints very well. In fact, he hated them. In his experience, they were very all or nothing: Miss one or guess wrong, and there were no second chances. It's why he was always grateful for more open communication like this. He gave her a nod, knocked the rest of his beer back, paid for their drinks and got on his feet.

"I'll be happy to keep you company until then." And then, with a playful smirk, "Just don't expect me to go down as easy as James." He gestured towards the basement. "After you."
Last edited by DSX93 on Tue Nov 21, 2023 2:55 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: The Kissing Game

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

Sylva nodded to Terrell and a thanks in response to him buying the drinks. Of course, when Terrell mentioned he could keep her 'company' while waiting on Fang, Sylva raised an eyebrow; which was immediately followed up with a smirk, showcasing to Terrell that she was more amused by that comment than annoyed. She gave a little chuckle about how he would fare better than James.

"A gentleman that seeks to entertain." Sylva commented, "I do wonder how you'll make things interesting." She stepped up and went towards the door to the basement. Of course, she let Terrell go down the stairs first, so she could then come down after him and silently locked the door behind them; so no one would interrupt what they were doing.

They got down to the ring that was used not too long ago. As they got down, Sylva stretched for a bit, that showcased her sexy and strong form.

"So, how will we make this interesting?" Sylva asked Terrell while stretching.
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Re: The Kissing Game

Unread post by DSX93 »

How was he going to make this interesting? "Gonna have to wait and see." Honestly, Terrell didn't plan on doing anything but wrestling with her until her sister got here, but that comment gave him the feeling that he was going to have to step it up somehow. A thought that had him both excited and nervous.

Not so nervous that he couldn't manage one of those quick "fuck you" smiles to the bartender who rolled her eyes at this moment of success while he followed Sylva to the basement door. Damn, it felt good to be able to do that!

Back down the stairs they went. When they reached the ring, Terrell would start stripping down. Like Sylva, he didn't want his clothes smelling when this was over. But he didn't have his ring gear on standby, so the slacks would have to stay on. He shrugged his long-sleeved shirt off his shoulders in one smooth motion, letting it slide off of his well-toned arms before he set it to the side. A quick show that lasted for just a few seconds, played cool like that was how he always took his overshirts off. The undershirt followed, baring the gains that he'd taken pride in. And then the shoes; he knew that he could easily get another pair if they got scuffed up, but he liked the pair he had on.

Slacks, a belt with a silver ankh, and dress socks. Not the greatest choice for wrestling, but he'd figure it out and make do. Hopefully.

He followed Sylva through the ropes and fought the temptation to just stand there and watch when she started stretching. Battles like this had never gotten any easier for him in the month he's been in LAW. Surrounded by strong, voluptuous women...he's like a kid in the candy store. And this woman? Ooh!

His eyes would still be practically glued to her form -- he couldn't help but look -- but he would do some stretches of his own, making a half-intentional, half-not show of how limber his yoga regiment has made him.

How will this be made interesting? It was a question now. A number of ideas sprang to mind, but most of them were filed away in the "Caveman Brain" category. Ultimately, there was one that felt right, but at the same time, it didn't. What if it wasn't interesting enough? And then Terrell thought, it's a potential door opener. He had some time here with Sylva, but it wouldn't be a lot. What he had in mind could potentially remedy that.

He finished up and stood straight before he spoke. "Why don't we make a little wager? Whoever pins the other for a count of three gets a prize. For mine, I'd like your number."
Last edited by DSX93 on Tue Nov 21, 2023 6:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Kissing Game

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

Sylva was slightly surprised by the brazen move that Terrell made. So much so that she could not help but respect that. Someone who is definitely up front with what they wish to achieve.

"You got steel balls to ask for that." Sylva commented with a smirk, "Guess you did like what you were seeing." As she responded, she thought about it before she came up with an idea. Not the same as Terrell, but had to be original in this situation; plus different to make the wagers feel authentic.

"If I win, you buy me drinks for a whole month." Sylva said with a confident smirk, as she extended her hand for a shake, "Deal?"
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