Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier: Gil vs. Sakura Hagiwara

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Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier: Gil vs. Sakura Hagiwara

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Match Type: Smother Match
Rules: Winner is determined by knockout only. Breasts and butts are only eligible ways of smothers. The victor will qualify for the tournament to crown the inaugural Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Champion
All Japan qualifiers will be held at the Nippon Budokan
Nippon Budokan
Sakura Hagiwara
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Re: Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier: Gil vs. Sakura Hagiwara

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Sakura took a breath in preparation as she stood backstage, making sure her gear was ready for her as she prepared for her next match, one that would be rather important in all honesty. While not for LAW itself, it was for WFPW, a chance to qualify for a tournament to be one of their inaugural champions and as a result they were going all out with the presentation and setting of the match. It was honestly incredible to be participating, so she would look to make the most of the opportunity at hand tonight.
Getting up and heading towards the entrance ramp as her music started Sakura would come out, smiling happily at the crowd as she threw her hand up, posing proudly before them all as cheers filled the arena for the former idol. Strutting down the ramp and high fiving fans in the front row she would hop up on the ring then vault over the ropes, landing in the ring with poise and grace. Turning and running at the corner Sakura would hop on it and pose once more for the crowd before hopping down and leaning against the corner in preparation for her opponent.

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Re: Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier: Gil vs. Sakura Hagiwara

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"...Junior Heavyweight..." Gil stared at the promotional pieces made for this event. "...That's one way to say middleweight...!" Gil chuckled to herself, excited for the opportunity this whole thing presented! She had never been one to shy away from trying new things, so the moment this presented itself to her, she was excited as can be to hop on board and give this her best shot!

Before long, it was Gil's time to take to the stage! A brief moment passed, but then her entrance theme came on, and then she followed shortly after! Skipping down the ramp with a huge grin on her face! Waving to the crowd and blowing kisses! She took her time getting to the ring, but she eventually got there, sliding under the ropes and shooting straight back up!
"...Hey, hey! I'm Gil, it's nice to meet you! I hope this is a good match...!" Gil smiled, offering her hand out to the woman, she was familiar with her, though they had never met...!

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Re: Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier: Gil vs. Sakura Hagiwara

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Sakura looked up as she heard the music of her opponent, followed by Gil coming down the ramp and to the ring, making Sakura smile just a bit wider as she saw the girl come into the ring. Nodding in response to the greeting from her Sakura would flash a equally bright smile towards her.

"Hello Gil! Nice to meet you too! I've seen a lot of your work before so I know this match is gonna be a tough one, but I'm excited for the challenge!" Sakura said enthusiastically and it was true, smother matches would heavily favor Gil, but she was never one to back down from a challenge.

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Re: Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier: Gil vs. Sakura Hagiwara

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"...You as well! I won't be holding back, I'm sure you won't be either...!" Gil smiled as the pair exchanged a more respectful display of sportsmanship than was often seen in the ring! Both of them took a few steps backwards, the match was set to be a tough fought one, and one Gil was ready to give her all...!


The bell rung, and Gil was off! She darted for her opponent, leaping up high for a flashy, and hard-hitting opener, hoping to put her legs over Sakura's shoulders and bring her down hard with a hurricanrana...!

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Re: Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier: Gil vs. Sakura Hagiwara

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Nodding to Gil with a smile on her face Sakura would raise her hands in preparation. "You're right about that!" Sakura said with a nod of respect towards Gil before the bell rang and she began to circle her goat themed opponent... Or at least thats what Sakura would do if Gil hadn't shot forward like a rocket!

Eyes widening Sakura felt Gil's legs wrap around her head before being swung down! "Ngh!" Sakura grunted out, attempting to roll with the impact to get back on her feet a bit easier. If successful in doing so Sakura would use the momentum of the move to make it towards the ropes and bounce off them, trying to launch back at Gil before leaping up, trying to retaliate with a crossbody!

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Re: Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier: Gil vs. Sakura Hagiwara

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"...Kerpow...!" Gil shouted as she successfully managed to strike quickly, slinging Sakura down to the mat and open for her next line of offence, or so she thought...! Sakura rebounded from it very quickly and cleanly, and instead bounced back into the ropes, by the time Gil had realized, it was far too late...!

"...OOF!" Gil was caught by a crossbody, forcing her down hard onto the canvas! Stunned more than anything, she tried to shove Sakura off of her! She couldn't let that happen again, heck, she shouldn't have let it happen in the first place! Something was telling her Sakura was going to be a difficult foe to keep down...!

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Re: Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier: Gil vs. Sakura Hagiwara

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Sakura had never faced Gil before but so far she was not being disappointed by the girl's skill having been taken off guard by her once already, but Sakura was not one to give up easily and turned it right back around with a crossbody! Successfully catching Gil and knocking her to the mat Sakura wouldn't be on top of Gil for much longer before being shoved off.

"Hup!" Sakura grunted out as she rolled away a bit from Gil, moving to get her feet under her as she did so before getting up to a standing position. "You're pretty good Gil." Sakura said as she raised her hands up and began to circle Gil, opting to try and slow things down by switching to more grapple based tactics.

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Re: Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier: Gil vs. Sakura Hagiwara

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Gil gave shove and hurried up to her feet, thankfully avoiding much more damage after being hit with that crossbody! She put herself on guard, mimicking what Sakura was doing...!

"...You aren't half bad yourself...!" She returned the praise, before being the first to act again! Gil, as she was with many things, was very inexperienced when it came to grappling, but she figured it allowed for plenty of trial and error...!

"...Come here...!" Gil lunged quickly, she hoped to wrap her arms around Sakura, trapping her arms to her sides before squeezing as hard as she could with a bearhug...!

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Re: Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier: Gil vs. Sakura Hagiwara

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Sakura was smiling confidently at Gil even after being shoved off the girl following her successful splash on the girl. So far they were relatively even with each other with neither quite having an advantage just yet, but that was fine. They were still in the early stages of the match, feeling eachother out and getting a idea of what each was capable of.

Thus far, much to Sakura's surprise GIl was actually proving to be far more the aggressive type than she had initially expected, with Gil rushing forward and snatching the idol in her arms for a surprising bear hug! "Agh!" Sakura cried out in pain from the crushing grip, trying to beat it for the moment as she thought of what to do!

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