If anything, Astrid was the one who needed time to adjust. Suddenly, she had a daughter, long before she had ever prepared to become a parent, and she was thrust into stepping in to fill a void in the life of a young adult who was still lost trying to find her place in the world. Astrid could only hope that she would be able to provide Sarabeth with the sort of support and attention she needed. But Astrid hadn't even known that Sarabeth existed for most of her life, and she barely knew who she was as a person. What did she like? What were her hopes and dreams, and how was she going to work toward them? How could she expect to be a mother to her daughter when her daughter was a stranger?
Either way, now was the time for Astrid to do something about that. She might not have been quite ready to take her place as Sarabeth's mother, but she knew Sarabeth deserved the effort. And when she was going to put her all into everything she did in the ring, she was going to commit to this too.
She'd scheduled a dinner date tonight - something nice and easy, where she and Sarabeth could relax after their hectic lives and enjoy each others' company, and get to know each other more in the process. As someone who had been involved in the Young Lioness Program as a trainer many a time, she already knew when she could expect the trainees to finish their routines. Now, she was pulling up to the Young Lioness dormitories in her car, parking it outside as she waited for Sarabeth to arrive.