The first competitor to kiss his or her opponent on the lips for a ten count wins.
Gabby had never expected that she would keep getting embroiled in these scenarios when she joined LAW. Her interest resided in coming and doing her absolute best (and possibly better) to succeed as a wrestler, make enough money to support herself and help her sister support their mom back home who had worked way too hard in her life, and maybe experience something outside of the norm. The first two appeared to be going fine. Could be better, but fine. But if she wanted experiences outside of the norm, LAW threw them at her readily, she acknowledged, as she pushed open the door to one of LAW's well-equipped bedrooms for her second bed, lingerie, and kissing-oriented match.
After she had seen some of the stuff Alicia was doing, her sister couldn't hold anything over the younger sister's head for getting into a kissing match with someone.
She did not know a great deal about Beth Jensson, which did give her some consternation, but she felt it such an improvement that the prospect of the other woman's arrival provided a hint of excitement instead of anxiety. It was nice to be the first one to arrive this time, too. With her hands clasped together, Gabby almost distracted herself with the idea of wandering around the room to find all of LAW's cameras...before she remembered she should probably stretch. Yeah. The look of curiosity fading, Gabby again placed herself in front of the mirror and started her dancing stretch routine. "Maybe sheeee'll bee the more distracted of the two of us this time," she said to herself, stretching until her foot almost touched the back of her head.
Feeling up on herself? That was quite the drug.