A Tag-Team-Mayhem!!!

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A Tag-Team-Mayhem!!!

Unread post by Scourger X »

Continued from here: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=11264&start=90

After their team went to the Rodouko Gym for a talk, the rest were given freedom to do as they pleased, Koto and Ava were the first to go find opponents, which they did, it was a couple of girls, Kurumi who previously fought Fernanda so they knew a bit about, and Polka, who they didn't know anything about, but her attire and appearance were enough to promise a lot.

They were ready to begin, being Ava's turn first, she was already inside the ring and wearing a couple of MMA gloves that came with her attire. "I hope we can have a great fight, Miss Clown, I won't hold back against you!" Was the response Ava did before trying to hit Polka in the face to start the match.

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Re: A Tag-Team-Mayhem!!!

Unread post by Lederface »

Polka and Kurumi, the two had some friendship already forged in training, some walks, and this time they would have to put some of their fighting skills together, Polka would fight first, something normal, and when she looked at her opponent, she would know what she would have to do, preparing herself with some MMA gloves she had gotten but her outfit was out of the ordinary for a fight of this kind.

Of course I hope so, I'll give my best in the fight anyway!.

She would say seeing how Ava was approaching and before she knew it, she would be punched in the face and crashing her back against the Grille.

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Re: A Tag-Team-Mayhem!!!

Unread post by Scourger X »

After hitting Polka first, Ava smiled, she was happy that her attack landed, meant that the girl was strong but also wouldn't hold herself against her, she liked the type of matches were both fighters gave their all until one was unconscious on the ground and she had the feeling that she could have that against this extravagant woman.

"That was fun! Now please attack me to your heart's content!"

Was the reply the bluenette gave before starting to hit Polka now that she was between the wall and her punches, she was looking forward to see how the clown-girl would counter attack her.

"Please don't hurt her to badly Ava!" Was the thing that Koto said from the other side, she was well aware that her friend was a bit too enthusiastic when it came to fighting.

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Re: A Tag-Team-Mayhem!!!

Unread post by Lederface »

Polka knew she had to choose how to take the fight and not be finished in 6 hits, so the first few hits she would dodge, and when the next hit would come, she would give a little jump, using the arm of the hit to hold on with her legs to Ava's neck and her arms still attached to that arm, would try to take her down, trying a surprise ArmLock, which was something easier to get out if they knew what they were doing, but that at least wore out the limbs more.

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Re: A Tag-Team-Mayhem!!!

Unread post by Scourger X »

Ava struck Polka like she would do with any other opponent, with a barrage of strikes that may have been enough to stop a lesser enemy, this was not the case for the clown that managed to get a hold of her and start an armlock that forced her down on her knees. "Owwwww! That hurts a lot!"

Ava would be forced to get down, she wasn't designed to take much punishment, she wouldn't let this be the end for her though, she would try to kick at Polka's leg to make her hit the floor before she did. It was a risky move, but it was best than letting the clown girl dominate her.

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Re: A Tag-Team-Mayhem!!!

Unread post by Lederface »

Polka when she managed to catch Ava, noticed that she did not seem to be willing to fall, and it was much more noticeable when she began to attack her wanting to force her to fall, but Polka in her plan..... It was to fall first.

When the kicks were enough she fell to the canvas, but her grip did not loosen, and on the ground, she would press more her legs, which would try to close being by nature on Ava's neck, if she succeeded she could not only damage the arm, but also with Ava's neck, 2 in 1 for just the beginning of the fight.

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Re: A Tag-Team-Mayhem!!!

Unread post by Scourger X »

On Ava's mind, her movements were fools-proof. She was after all a copy-fighter, any time she's done what she's done, she has tried it before and no-one's been able to escape her holds. This of course being her mind, but the world was filled with creative and tough fighters as she was about to find out.

She managed to get Polka on the ground, this however, wasn't the end of it, not only was she still grabbing her arm and pull it more. She also put her legs around Ava's neck, managing to not only stay in control, but also get the bluenette woman in another move that would cause the poor girl more pain. Ava was by all means screwed. And her reaction to getting in this position?


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Re: A Tag-Team-Mayhem!!!

Unread post by Lederface »

I'm the star of the circus, my acrobatics have to be great!

Polka would say while his grip kept a good pressure, in that situation there was not so much need to alter the movement, Polka had Ava, and if that girl did not manage to find a point through which to get out, her body would not take long to get in trouble for the air, so with a smile Polka would only have to take care of keeping her down and press the neck regularly

It will be a pleasure to see you elsewhere!


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