Just a Pretty Face (For Bare)

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Just a Pretty Face (For Bare)

Unread post by SwordSavior1 »

Ever since the Climax Tournament, Lindsay Queen reached a new depth of self-apprehension. A trend of constant deficits where she lost matches in which the fallout became more humiliating. Suffering many bruises at the hands of a sadistic victor or being used as a prize for sexual fantasies as a sort of lesser evil. The worst part was how the majority enjoyed the torture at her expense. As if being ridiculed for others' pleasure was all what was good at. Lindsay thought that being considered for a Climax Tournament was a sort of road to redemption, especially since she wasn't doing bad at first until Artemis caught up and utterly dominated the poor model. Yet the most painful and crippling part of that match was acknowledging that she was a symbol of failure.

While as a model she enjoyed the spotlight and the plethora of outfits, Lindsay started relating her hardships to even those passions. She could only coast through life as just a pretty mannequin and nothing else. Due to the circumstances, she had plenty of calls and texts from people who wished to 'wrestle' them privately. Before she would just live past it through will, but today she was outside heading into parts unknown territory as if somebody possessed Lindsay to give herself up.

Walking through the streets with a deadpan expression, she eventually found herself stumbling into an apartment complex, guiding herself across the hallways until a certain number became visible. Lindsay sighed as she became closer towards the door, unsure if she wanted this to be an actual meetup or some sick prank. "It is me...you wanted me to 'wrestle'..." Either way she knocked the door informing of her presence.

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Re: Just a Pretty Face (For Bare)

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As soon as the knock hit Lindsay wouldn't have to wait but a moment as the sound of footsteps soon emanated from behind the door until they stopped right at it. Soon the knob would be turned along with the locks being undone before it was opened up fully... Revealing a familiar figure to Lindsay. "Well hello again my sweet ~" Artemis said in a sickly sweet tone as she rested her arm high on the door frame, leaning against it as she stared into the eyes of her.. guest with a predatory look on her face. Dressed in a deviously seductive dark purple and fishnet outfit with white and purple stockings Artemis would not let Lindsay even a moment to process before she grabbed the girl by the shoulder and practically yanked the girl into her home. Closing the door behind her Artemis would be sure to lock it as well, just in case Lindsay panicked. "Indeed I did bring you to wrestle, but are you ready for round 2?" Artemis asked teasingly as she waited and watched for what kind of reaction Lindsay would have before proceeding.

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Re: Just a Pretty Face (For Bare)

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This wouldn't be some drawn out prank call. What Lindsay came for she would get. With such an offputting tone along with a new yet still provocative outfit, she almost had trouble recognising the fellow blonde at first. It still certainly caused Lindsay's heart to accelerate freezing the model in her tracks. Thankfully Artemis was more than willing to speed things along as Lindsay's feet literally dragged along the floor. Her fragile mind processing the new stimuli and if she really made the right decision to come here. Taking one step back out of precaution, the lost woman would be imprisoned in the heel's abodes indefinitely. Artemis' question was followed by utter silence for a few seconds until the jobber bowed her head down. "Aren't they the same thing?" Sounding rather befuddled midst her blush.

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Re: Just a Pretty Face (For Bare)

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Artemis smirked as she saw the gobsmacked look on her former opponent's face. She was expecting it but it was still rather amusing for the woman as she walked over to Lindsay who, at least seemed to accept things as they were and hung her head in resignation of what was going to happen tonight. But first Artemis had to set some things straight. "Mhmmm yes technically." Artemis admitted while tilting the girl's head up by her chin with a smile. "However I'm asking if YOU are ready for it." She reiterated, getting closer to the blonde as if to kiss her before pulling away. "Besides as fun as it sounds I have a offer I would like to discuss with you beforehand so take a seat." Artemis said, going into business mode as she towards a loveseat in front of her couch.

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Re: Just a Pretty Face (For Bare)

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Her profession beyond wrestling exposed Lindsay to many outfits and bodies worth drooling over, but mental conditioning might have affected her severely. She didn't seem keen to set the mood either and go towards the main event, but Lindsay would be shoved away just like in the ring. "Yes I am ready for it. I am not that sloppy..." She even seemed ready to accept a kiss if it didn't turn out to be a fakeout. Apparently further negotiations had to take place, especially from someone who bullied her in the ring.

"Alright..." Listening to the hostess and taking her seat. "Is this about another modelling deal?" She might actually need that

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Re: Just a Pretty Face (For Bare)

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As Artemis took a seat on the arm of her couch she would inspect Lindsay. 'My she certainly seems listless compared to back then, either I really had an effect on her or what she's been doing since has.' Artemis thought to herself before smirking softly at Lindsay and what she said. "Somewhat actually." Artemis said in response to Lindsay's question, after all it was essentially a job Artemis had in mind for Lindsay. Even if it wasn't modeling.

"Straight to the point by the way, I like that." She said before looking into Lindsay's eyes with that same mocking smile. "In truth Lindsay I feel a slight kinship with you. We're both beautiful, from Canada, work at LAW and..." Here Artemis paused for a moment as a brief look of anger flashed over her face as flashbacks from last year came to mind before her former look returned. "And you're going through a rough patch." She finally said as she hopped off the couch.

"Frankly it quite saddens me to see you in such a lowly state." She said with absolutely no tact while walking towards Lindsay and tilting her chin up. "So I'd like to offer you a job as my valet." She said finally with a nod, as if she had just offered the position of a lifetime to Lindsay.

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Re: Just a Pretty Face (For Bare)

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Their match just so happened the straw that broke the camel's back. Apparently her own suspicions were correct and this was just another job, so Lindsay was just about to rehearse her slightly increased prices for services. She believed there was nothing to lose at this point. Lindsay would listen to Artemis' talk about their coincidental similarities on top of their blonde hair. She was never aware about how Artemis wasn't always a sexual deviant though or overly competent. However the visitor didn't pay attention to the fellow wrestler until things became physical.

The request went another direction, somewhere closer towards the ring. Valets primarily existed to be a decoration for talented wrestlers, the initial suggestion for Lindsay if it weren't for her being hungry for the spotlight immediately. She contemplated the offer laid before her. Look pretty at ringside, possibly do any of Artemis' dirty work and get a front-row seat of wrestling action she could never be capable of. Definitely had experience on this stage for better or worse. "I...I accept..." Feeling anything better wouldn't come by soon.

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Re: Just a Pretty Face (For Bare)

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Artemis could practically see the gears turning in Lindsay's head. Knowing that the girl likely had to be weighing her options. But in truth Artemis's offer had merits... Even if she really only intended Lindsay to be a glorified errand girl and sex partner when she was bored. But still in Artemis's opinion it was quite the generous thing she was doing for her fellow Canadian. Not only was she paying her she would be giving her front row access to all her matches, who knows the girl could even learn something!

Well Artemis doubted that. But still... there was at least some small part of Artemis that called Lindsay here and made this offer because... some of the similarities between them beyond the surface level. After all there was a point when she was in a position similar to Linds- 'Shut up.' Artemis thought to herself snapping out of her reverie just in time to hear Lindsay agree to her offer. "Ah excellent. Such a smart girl." Artemis said patronizingly as she patted the girl's cheek before caressing it. "We're gonna have SO much fun." She said in a whisper before pulling Lindsay into a deep, french kiss.

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Re: Just a Pretty Face (For Bare)

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It later dawned in Lindsay's mind that this would mean intimate sessions are likely a regular occurrence. Practically a training doll. It was still overall a deal with enough merits assuming that she wouldn't be exploited payment wise. Thus Lindsay voiced out her mutual consent leading to an unusual partnership between both blondes.

Somebody who had never had a chance in big leagues paired with a professional deviant who never experienced hardship. Well that was how Lindsay saw things in her current frame of thought. Whatever other formalities and her career's future had to wait as Artemis wished to claim her initial treat. It took less than two seconds but the dominant woman already put her new partner in another trance, the dispirited blonde melting into the French kiss. Even if she would be stimulated by the intimacy and engage occasionally, for the whole night Lindsay was confined to the thought that she was just a belonging of Artemis.

End for now

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