General Mobilisation ( for CaptainL)

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General Mobilisation ( for CaptainL)

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Karl Schneider parked his trusted Volkswagen across the street of a notorious pub called: "The Wolf and the Bunny"
Irony of fate or not, this Pub played a significant role in the life of four sisters, all whom Karl knew.
There were Harmonia Edelstein and Molly Forster, a couple, forged in love.
There were Finella Edelstein and Chelsea Forster, a couple, forged in hate.
What strange ways destiny went sometimes, the reporter thought as he parked the car.
And in a twist of fate, the wrestler turned reporter was thrown into the rivalry of both punks, finally taking a side in the conflict it seemed
as he approached the Pub to meet two certain people.
Snow was falling as he limpled over to the entrance, his trusty cane always supporting him as he entered...

George Fortunato was cleaning some glasses. It was 4pm, so it was two hours until he would open his famous pub.
The now legendary brawl between Chelsea and Finella, eternalized in pictures on the wall behind the table and the two chairs were it happened, had given his etablissement a big popularity push.

Everyone came here to hear the story of the "Wolf and the Bunny", that had fought a duel of wits and strength at the pub in December.
Now it was february and in two weeks the big PPV "We are LAW 5" was on the horizon.
And with it a match on the maincard.
Chelsea and Finella were ready to tear into each other, deciding their fight once and for all.
This was the reason they were all here...

Said Brit sat across her fellow countryman, a pint before her, brooding over it.
" 'ey swee'hear', i' would be 'o'ally ok, if you would smile 'ere an' 'here, yeah?", the barkeeper asked and leaned forward, pushing his luck as he always did and put his thumbs on the corners of Chelseas mouth, pulling them up.
"There we go, beau'iful!", he chuckled and managed to slip away before Chelseas fist could connect with his skull.
George laughed and shook his head.
"I don'' knah why you are in such a mood. Da las' 'hin you did was bea' fin up an' 'ad 'er under your 'eels, wha''s buggin you, love?", he said took another glass to clean.
A football game was playing in the background, George had to take a look at it occassionally, as his bar was not only a place to drink, but also a notorious place for gamblers, because if the Brits loved on thing, it was betting on something.
And of course he had bets running for the PPV match and right now it was pretty outweighed with people seemingly preferring Finella as some were hesitant to pick Chelsea, giving her record and last PPV efforts.
"Listen, drink your pin', calm down, an' le' us 'ave a nice evenin wi'h your friend, ok? i can'' Adam and Eve i','ha' an austrian 'elps us 'o bea' ano'her austrian." , he laughed as the door to the pub opened and Karl Schneider walked in.
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Re: General Mobilisation ( for CaptainL)

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On the other side of the bar, Chelsea let out a groan, deflating against the counter. She didn't know what to think about George. On one hand, he was a home away from home for her, an island of familarity in a sea of confusion. Even if the two might have come from different ends of the country, Chelsea and George at least shared a heritage, and in this country he was one person the Scouser felt she could meet on the same page for that fact alone - coupled, of course, by the fact they shared a common interest in drinking and rabble-rousing. But on the other hand...well, he was still George Fortunato.

"Pssht...I'll smile whun I 'ave a good reason ter," Chelsea muttered. That was one thing about George - he didn't seem to understand when she wasn't interested in entertaining his silly games. Certainly that was the case now, considering that even when he was told off he still spread the corners of Chelsea's lips into a grin. Glaring, the blonde moved to shove him away, but he was already on the move. Now, with a sigh, Chelsea turned in her seat, looking back at the football game playing on the TV. But her eyes wandered down to a poster placed below it - a poster for the upcoming We Are LAW 5, and proudly advertising her rematch against Finella.

It was true that Chelsea had enjoyed a much-belated beatdown on Finella not long ago, one that had evened up the score of a long string of defeats and humiliations at the Wolf's hands. But for Chelsea, that wasn't enough. As satisfying as it felt, she knew the true prize was yet to come - when she could defeat Finella on the grand stage, before an audience of thousands, and prove once and for all that she wouldn't be cowed into submission again.

"It's not de same," Chelsea said, without even turning her head to George. "I still need ter beat 'er fe real, ed me own efforts, like. That'll tell 'er. That'll tell dem all..." Chelsea lingered for a brief pause at the end of that statement. Though she wouldn't say it out loud, just as big a part of her motivation to beat Finella was to prove to herself that she was good enough. When she struggled with thoughts of her own inadequacy, with not measuring up to her sister's fame, with losing as many matches as she had...being able to put this feud to rest meant the most to her of all.

With another sigh, Chelsea lifted her glass to her mouth, taking in another sip of beer. As Karl stepped into the room, she sat up a little straighter, and her face eased just a little into the ghost of a smile. He was the only member of the Eagles' Nest that Chelsea could get behind; maybe as long as he was here, things wouldn't be so bad. "'uv a seat," Chelsea said, inviting him to her side.
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Re: General Mobilisation ( for CaptainL)

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The two men Chelsea would meat in the Pub today were some of the few people the englishwoman could stand around her, next to Molly.
Karl was an approachable guy, friendly, with a big knowledge of wrestling, a good drinking partner and alltogether a person that had the talent to lift the spirits of everyone in the room if needed, even when his life was a rollercoaster right now.
George...George was a own topic himself, to describe the flamboyant eastender would have been a waste of time as Mr. Fortunato from London was a riddle inside a riddle.

Then again, if George decided that he liked a someone, the other person could rely on him for 100%
And yes, he liked Chelsea, both Forster Sisters, but Chelsea especially.
The stubborn and more wild ones were always more to the taste of the Eastender and when Georges "efforts" finally fruited in a drunken night of love, he still to this day claimed "had no memory about", which of course could be true or not, Chelsea was less then enthusiastic, almost beating him up when she awakened nude and in Georges arms the next morning.

But this little "accident" was'nt enough for them to kill their friendship, the bond of the same heritage and their alltogether good relationship, was a cussion that stopped the crash good enough for not being a total disaster.
Still ,this did'nt prevent George from flirting with his friend, but then again, the flaming Pub Owner tended to flirt with everything that came in on two legs.

Their friendship had to be preserved because the Brits would be working closely together in the future, something Karl Schneider, who had just entered the pub, would be the first one to find out, even before Molly.
The relationship of the two sisters already had soured a little over some losses in the past, the difference between them, Mollys slow rise to fame, only pushed by being romantically involved with Harmonia Edelstein, there faces now everywhere above the internet and in magazines, hell, they even formed an inring partnership calling themselves "The Superstars", something that did'nt sat well with Chelsea, and was another trigger for the events that would follow here...

"N'abend.", Karl said and took of his coat as George gasped.
"Jesus, mary an' joseph, why did'n' you 'ell me wha' an 'andsome fellah we 'ave 'o dinner, darling!", the Eastender said and almost jumped over the Bar, meeting Karl who was looking down at the smaller man.
"Good evening, mein Herr! George Fortunato, a' your service! why don'' you give me 'ha' coa', 'uh? oh you mus' be freezing, wai', wai' i make you a 'ea wi'h some vodka, ey? tha' is some'hin strong austrian boys like you are drinking, 'uuuuh?"

The Austrian was takenaback by the excentric and flirtatious Cockney Flame and look to Chelsea for help.
"You, knah swee'hear' an' i were jus' wondering, were you 'ave bin! punc'uali'y is no' your strong side, eh? no, problem, mine ei'her! i don'' even Jack Jones a wa'ch!", he said and Karl listend up before looking to Chelsea.
" two are like...", he asked and put his two indexfingers together while looking into the Bunnies direction.
When Chelsea,calm and collected as she was known for, told Karl that this was indeed NOT the case, the pubowner shook his head.
"See? see 'ah mean she is? oh...oh...'ha''s my 'ear' 'ear' 'ear i'? i' broke...", he melodramatically threw a hand over his eyes and let himself catch byKarl, smiling when he felt the body of the bigger man against his.
"Well, why don't we have a drink, huh? ", he chuckled and winked to the bigger man who blushed a litte, not accustomed anymore to so much...attention!

He sat next to Chelsea and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, just pulling her in for a very fleating, gentle sidehug before letting her go.
"Brawlerbunny, how's it going?", he said and chuckled.
Chelsea and Karl had become friends since the fateful day of the famous Barfight and he was one of the only people, next to George and Molly,that Chelsea was at least some kind of fond of, it seemed.
It could be Karls approachable character, he was a father and all in all a collected character, always helping out, always a joke on his lips and being the father of a girl he had a soft spot for the various girls he met here, like Louise, Shiori, Chelsea and yes even Finella. He was a gentleman, never tried anything funny, was honest, helping and all in all a good person to be around.
"Alright now..."
He got his promised tea and filled it with the shot of vodka next to it, put some sugar in and stirred before taking a sip.
"...why am I here?", he asked, as it was Chelsea who had caught up to him.

Karl had decided to stay out of things after he broke the two women up two weeks ago and after the beatdown the Chelsea and Clair had given Finella he decide to not choose a side in this ...and still, he came.
"And whatever it is, I hope it is very convincing, Chelsea.", he said.
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Re: General Mobilisation ( for CaptainL)

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As soon as she overheard George's offer, Chelsea let out a groan. Vodka, seriously? No one could call her a future UN delegate, and she at least knew the difference between Austria and Russia. Burying her face in her palm, she grumbled under her breath - only to bark out again at the mention of Karl being her "sweetheart." 'e's not me-!" But she was soon cut off when she saw Karl's gesture - and that insinuated a thought she was even less willing to entertain, as she slammed her glass against the table. "AND WE ARE NOT!"

Chelsea had called Karl and George here to plan her attack for her and Finella's fated rematch at We Are LAW, and already things were in a shambles. She sank lower in her seat, grumbling as she rubbed at her temples. It was only when Karl sat down by her side that Chelsea's mood seemed to ease, and she looked back up at him as she let out a huff that brought some tension out of her shoulders.

"It...could be better," she muttered, thinking back on her previous confrontation with Finella, in which an ambush by the Hellraiser while Chelsea was training at the Austrian Eagles' gym had led to a brawl more heated and aggressive than anything the two had been through yet. "But I'll spare ye de details. I'll 'uv ye nah I managed ter get the bitch back," she continued - and, as her thoughts drifted back to the beatdown she had unleashed on Finella after a match, the corners of Chelsea's lips began to once again turn up into a smile. Her defeats at the Wolf's hands had been a sore spot for her, but that just meant that when she did get to score a victory, it felt that much sweeter.

"Still, dough, it's not enuff," she continued. "De big day's still comin' up, like. Fin and 'uv unfinished business, yous both kun dat. Yous nah dat she juss wants ter show me up, dat I can't ever 'uve anythin' ter be proud o'..." As the words left her mouth, Chelsea went tense. Her body stiffened, her teeth clenching and her eyelid twitching. Thinking back on her rivalry with Finella, and all the anger it stirred up in her, was reminding her of what that hatred felt like - and how much she wanted to pay it all off.

But soon, she knew, that would happen. She had a plan. She couldn't let it fail.

"Well, I wanna make se dat whun de dee comes, nah one can say she showed me up. And I want dat known from de moment we step in de rin'. I kun I can trust yous two...evun if I can't stand some o' yous," she added, shooting a pointed glare back at George. Then, though, Chelsea leaned over the table, planting her hands on its surface as though she was seated at a war room. Which, in a way, she was.

"Wha' do yous say ter givin' me a 'and?"
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Re: General Mobilisation ( for CaptainL)

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George chuckled as Chelsea adressed him.
Oh, always the stubborn one,always the hard girl.
Karl mentioned that too and he sighed a little.
"Chelsea, we can have a word but first I want to talk to you in private.", he said and George looked at them.

"Oh, uhm, I am in the back then and get the kegs ready!",the Cockney Flame said, threw them both a wink and kiss and left.
And when he left them both, Karl turned to Chelsea and laid his hands on her shoulders.

"Ok, now it is just the two of us. Chelsea, you know that this decision to come here was not an easy one. I betray Finella with it in some sense and this makes me feel uncomfortable enough. So, anything I ask you now, anything I want to know, you will tell me without even thinking of lying to me, are we clear?", he asked and looked the Scouser directly in the eyes.
"I swear if I catch you with one lie, I get up and leave and the topic is done for me."

"And spare me your toughtalk, I want to talk to the real Chelsea.", the reporter said and looked her straight in the eyes.
"So Chelsea...when did it start? When did it start that you can only smile if you hurt others?"
Karl was dead serious, his eyes never let a doubt that he would stand up and leave immediatly if he would notice even the shortest lie.

Karl did'nt made this decision to come here an easy one, it was a grueling process of outweighing which child he should support and finally his choice went with Chelsea, but just because he wanted some answers of her, wanted to know the real Chelsea Forster before he made his decision.

"I am listening.", he said, still holding Chelseas shoulders in his hands so the Scouser could'nt turn her head away. Karl was a specialist in such things, bodylanguage told more then audible speaking and his eyes scanned his friend, wanting all his questions answered.
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Re: General Mobilisation ( for CaptainL)

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"Hmm..?" When Karl mentioned wanting to talk to Chelsea in private, the Englishwoman...honestly didn't see it coming. She thought she had been the one to call them here - not the other way around. Yet now, Karl had his own intentions to get deeper to the root of the matter. Chelsea sat up straighter in her seat, looking back at the reporter with a curious eye. She rolled her eyes to George as he left the room, but soon she turned back to face Karl, hearing out what he had to say. As he set his hands down on Chelsea's shoulders, her eyes wandered up, coming to rest on his own. Now that they were alone, the gravity of the situation had begun to descend. Chelsea could tell she'd be here for some time, if she wanted to do her issues justice.

She sighed, letting out a breath that caused her shoulders to slump under Karl's hands, but nonetheless she looked off. She could tell that Karl meant what he said. And, despite Chelsea's gruff exterior, she really did struggle with feeling lonely and unfulfilled in the world. Many knew her hard-drinking habits, throwing herself into a few bottles and the odd brawl after every one of her victories, and a good few of her losses too. What they didn't know was that she drank because it was what she needed to do to take her mind off how she felt like a dead-end. They didn't know all the times she lay at the couch late at night, staring up at the ceiling, asking herself why it all ended up this way - and where she would go when it was all said and done, when her body inevitably gave out after all the hard work she'd put it through, and she couldn't compete any longer at the one thing she was good at. If she made it that far at all, that was - if she was to live life like a true rock star, living large and burning out before everyone's eyes in a couple of years, she wouldn't care. It'd be a fine way to go.

Alone, though, Chelsea could open up about it. Alone, Karl could know. Chelsea didn't trust anyone in the world with her inner thoughts besides her sister and Karl, and Molly wasn't here. Of course, that didn't mean that she'd like it - her brow twitched, and she bit her lip with frustration at Karl's instructions to spare the tough talk. But she knew there was no use in hiding any more, and that if anyone would need to know, Karl would do.

Chelsea sighed, folding her hands in her lap and crossing her legs in her chair. She glanced down, trying to turn herself aside, but Karl held on nonetheless. Chelsea wasn't going anywhere. He'd done this on purpose, wanting to confront her with no tricks and no illusions. In the end, she had no choice but to look back up at him with a frown.

"...You've really got this all figured out, haven't you?" she sighed, her normally fiery voice now flat and somber. "Should've been an interrogator..." But Chelsea knew she was toeing the line when it came to respect. She needed to be honest. She needed to be serious. Karl wanted her to open her heart, and that's what she needed to give him.

"People really say that, huh? That I can only smile if I'm beating people? Pssht...I guess they would say that." Another sigh. "What else is new? First it was 'she can't work with others,' then it's 'she likes to pick fights,' then 'we're considering pulling her out of school for her behavior.'" It was clear that Chelsea had had these conversations many times before, and she hadn't forgotten the routine yet. "And then, when you get out there into the world, what is it? It's 'she's never going to get a job' or 'she can't work with a producer,' and then when you do find a place you think you can fit it's 'she's the mean one' or 'no one likes her', even when your goddamned sister gets all their love and attention when you've been doing this longer than she has, and when she's only there out of a favor to you-!"

For just a moment, Chelsea sniffled. She sat there, tears budding in the corners of her eyes, as she bit down on her lip, her fingers grasping the edges of the table to keep her hands busy when her brain was telling her to lash out. Everything that was weighing on her, that she felt on her shoulders every day, was at last coming to earth. She wanted to scream, she wanted to start a fight, the way she always had in the past. That was how she dealt with all her problems. But it was no place for that now.

Then, she started again. "I guess I'll never get anyone to like me, anyway. So...what's the point, any more? They want a monster, they might as well get one..."
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Re: General Mobilisation ( for CaptainL)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Karl did'nt lie, nor did he play a game with Chelsea or even worse, record her for an article.
The Austrian was here because he cared about the British Bunny, because he was her friend, because Karl knew that deep inside, Chelsea Forster was a girl with many, many problems and having inner demons was something Karl could relate too all to well.

The girl looked him in the eyes and began to speak. More honest then she might have ever spoken to someone. And now, when she was calm, collected and not on lose, the Ex-Wrestler found that her voice was really lovely, the voice of a singer no less, he rememberd Molly saying something about it.
He listened, listened to every word, he did'nt even nod, Karl just looked her in the eyes the whole time they spoke to each other, wanting to see every reaction, every twitch, any indication that she might have lied.
But Chelsea did'nt lie. In fact now, she seemed to be more honest then she had ever been to someone.
And Karl felt honored, but this was'nt about him, this evening, the next weeks, was all about Chelsea and with each word that left her mouth, the Austrian knew that Chelsea was worth of his help, no more, she needed his help, because she trusted him, calling him up and inviting him here.

He let Chelsea finish and took a deep sigh.
"Can you imagine I was about to kill myself a month ago, just after I arrived here?", he asked and turned to his tea, took a deep sip and put the empty cup down.
He let this confession he made to Chelsea sink in for a minute before he went on:
"I felt there was nothing left to do for me here as my wrestling career ended after one bad day...," he said and his eyes settled on something behind Chelsea, looking over her head.
"I can relate to your feelings more then you can imagine Chelsea. Waking up and don't see the reason why to get out of bed, walking through the day only to get constantly reminded of the weight you have to carry..."

He turned his eyes to her again.
"Listen, and listen careful. Your worst enemy, your biggest rival, your greatest feud, is'nt Finella Edelstein. It is you. If anyone can change things than it is you. When I saw you here, battle it out with our Finella and with Harmonia getting aquainted with Molly I started to research you, watched your matches, studied them...
Your biggest promblem is your hebris Chelsea. You are more then a capable performer, more then just an english girl that wants to take over the world. But you did'nt came here to be feared,no ,you came here to be loved.
", he said and looked at Chelsea whos tears, that welled up in her eyes seemed to conform his theories.
"You were always on the search for confirmation. From your parents, your sister, the society. Am I right? When you did'nt get it you felt bad and blamed others for your insecurities.", he said, but not with a scolding tone, Karl was collected, calm, never breaking eye contact with his friend.

"At least that's what I am hearing. And with time, you saw that being brash, brutal and egotistical was something that got you respect, not love, but at least something close. Meanwhile your sister excelled in everything she did, am I right?"
The mood in the bar grew somber, but Karl had said he wanted his questions answered before he would help Chelsea with anything.
"And this colours you showed in every match. If you wanted a monster Chelsea than it is you who created it. What we gonna do now is trying to find Chelsea again and send her into this ring.", he said and nodded.
"As I had to find Karl Schneider again, after being the Grim Reaper for so long. It is'nt easy I know, but if you want to get even with Finella, you must release the beast, but also you have to deal with your inner demons she constantly awakened and that were haunting you. You must try to be more then you are now, more then just rebelish, midcarder, this is your ticket for something higher Chelsea. And so much people have faith in you.", he nodded.

"Hell, I have faith in you, that's why I am here today. If I would'nt believe 100 percent that you are worth my time, as wrestler and as friend, I would'nt sit here, after that idiotic things you did to each other...", he said with a scolding voice but then winked at her.
"And I must say...something of it was pretty entertaining...", he chuckled and looked down at Chelsea.
"Congratulations, MIss Forster, you have the Grim Reaper on your team. I think it is time that our dear Fin lears a little humility.", he said and grabbed for his handkerchief, whiping Chelseas tears away.
"There, there.", he said in a fatherly tone and rubbed her hair a little.
"No tears at your moment of triumph, huh?", he smiled and hugged her for a second.
A caring, gentle hug, not to tight but getting the message across that Chelsea could count on Karl, from now on and forever.
They parted and Karl grinned.

"Alright...", he said and saw George coming back.
"Right on time...", he looked at his watch.
"Change the channel...they should sent it any minute now..."
George looked at him and Chelsea, saw the red eyes of his friend but decided not to ask.
Some things were better left alone...

The eastender zapped through the program.
"There...", Karl said as they watched a special edition of LAW's weekly TV outing.
And no second to early...

They watched Finellas promo and Karl looked at Chelsea, how her body got tense, with each word, her fist shook more and more as her teeth clenched and her whole frame started to tremble.
When Finella adressed Chelsea at the end of the promo, the british woman looked straight into the eyes of her rival on TV.
"Well...this is what we are going up against. Finella wants an all out war and it will be nothing short of brutal. The question is...are we ready for it?", Karl asked as George gave him a pint.
"March 'are, i 'hink i' is 'ime 'o 'ell 'im..."
Karl took a long sip from his pint and then looked at Chelsea.
"March Hare? What...are you both up too?", he asked intrigued.
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Re: General Mobilisation ( for CaptainL)

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Chelsea didn't normally show this side of herself to anyone. Not even to herself. But here, in the privacy of a closed bar, with only the company of one of the few people in life she would trust with no questions asked, she could at last let it all out. She sniffled, leaning in closer over the table, but with Karl holding her shoulders, she couldn't go far. She could feel the tears budding in her eyes, and she squeezed them tightly shut, trying to suck them back in. She couldn't cry. She didn't cry. She was stronger than this; the tears seemed to burn her eyelids with their very presence. Yet, Chelsea couldn't stop herself. Whether she liked it or not...this was who she really was.

At last, Karl let her go - and the next words out of his mouth made the Englishwoman abruptly fall silent. Her eyes went wider, and she stared right through him, the color draining away from her face. "H-Huh..?" Soon, she realized why she felt the shock she did. Karl, the whole time she had known him, had been the strongest person Chelsea knew. He was always willing to laugh off misfortune, be it hers or his own. When she wanted to cry and scream and she knew she couldn't show it to anyone, he was the one she could turn to. She could never have imagined that he, too, would deal with such struggles. And yet, he had. " did..?"

But every word he said, Chelsea knew well. It was a new revelation to her about Karl's past, and yet she was deeply, intimately familiar with each and every feeling he described. After all, they were all feelings she too had known, feelings she had struggled against. She nodded her head to Karl, and even when her head bent low toward the surface of the table against the weight she felt on her shoulders, reawakened in her memories by his words, she knew he was right. He had explained it more than she ever could.

"'re right. You're exactly right," she said. Her voice was soft and gentle, far from the rough, angry tones she had come to be known for in the ring. Again she sniffled, her fingers coiling into a shaky fist as she tried to rein in her own emotions bubbling beneath the surface. "I just...didn't know you ever felt the same..."

And the more Karl explained Chelsea's feelings, the more she nodded in agreement. Every word he said struck a chord with her - that she was frustrated when she never got the recogntion she wanted, that she always blamed others for her failures. That she turned to wrestling to be loved, and that she accepted being feared if that was the closest she could get. And that she never seemed to reach the levels her sister could, no matter how hard she tried. Even now, Molly was dating a world-famous supermodel, receiving praise and acclaim and promising big things in the company. And what was Chelsea doing? Exchanging fists with a street brawler at every turn. The Scouser bit her lip as she shuddered, more tears forming in her eyes. But this time, she didn't hide them. She let the tears roll down her cheeks as she nodded her head again. "It''s true," she said. "It's all true..."

But Karl wasn't done. He wasn't just here to explain Chelsea's problems. He wanted to extend his hand to help her solve them. Blinking the tears out of her eyes, she looked back up at the veteran, her eyes meeting his. Her body tensed, but she leaned closer to him nonetheless. Karl, she knew, had been right about everything else. And he himself knew from experience what he was talking about. She saw no reason to believe why he wouldn't be right about how she could overcome her inner demons, too. She trusted him in the past, and she would trust him now.

"Okay...okay," Chelsea said, nodding to Karl with another sniffle. "If you think that's what I need...I'll do it." And there was one thing Chelsea lingered on, a few select words that caused her to scoot a little closer in her seat as a smile spread across her face.

So much people have faith in you.

"They...they do..?" Chelsea's voice was wavering and hesitant, as though she was trying to convince herself to believe the words. It was Molly who people believed in, she thought. As far as she was concerned, people couldn't care less - and even when she tried to tell herself that didn't matter, that she would show them all anyway, she still knew, deep down, that she was lying. That she still wanted some of that attention for herself. Did people really...want her to succeed?

But if there was anyone she believed on that was Karl. Even when he called her actions idiotic, Chelsea couldn't take offense. She knew he believed in her, and that he was willing to help her achieve what she had always been after. And when a smile crossed his too did Chelsea match it with one of her own, looking back up at him with pride. Now, she could be sure of it - she had an ally in Karl. Not just that, a friend.

She smiled wider as he wiped away her tears. She leaned her head in toward his touch as he ruffled her hair. And, as he hugged her close to his chest, Chelsea was quick to return the gesture, throwing her arms around him with a firm squeeze. Her heart beat faster in her chest, and her muscles eased. This was a feeling she hadn't had since she had left England - one of knowing she truly had people, besides Molly, who she could count on. And it was a feeling she didn't know she missed so much. Even as they broke apart, Chelsea had to wipe her eyes. She knew Karl had told her not to cry, but she was getting too emotional not to. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." she said. "I just can't help myself..."

However, as soon as George returned to the room, Chelsea sat back up in her seat, her face going serious. Once again, she was all business; if anyone asked, the conversation from moments ago never happened. But when she saw Karl check his watch, it began to dawn on Chelsea that there were things at hand she didn't know of. "Wait, wait, w's this about-?" She looked between Karl and George as the TV turned on - but then, she saw it.

Then, she knew exactly what this was about. There, on the TV, stood Finella Edelstein, posed beside a coffin bearing her name.

Chelsea's eyes went wide as she turned to the screen. She lifted herself to her feet, her gaze fixed unblinkingly on the image of the Hellraiser before her. She couldn't look away. It was almost impressive, Chelsea thought, how much work she had put into getting her threat across - but that threat was aimed right at her heart.

It was as though a switch had been flipped in Chelsea. All of her muscles went rigid, her hand tightly balling into a fist that trembled in anticipation with each word out of Finella's mouth. Her brows narrowed into a glare, and her breaths quickened into a rhythmic huff and puff of building rage. Every agony and humiliation Finella had unleashed on her was reawakened in her thoughts, and Chelsea wanted nothing more than to reach out and grab her by the throat. Once again, it was the same tune Chelsea had grown all too familiar with over the tumultuous course of their feud. Even now, without even knowing, from all the way across town, Finella had ruined what was supposed to be Chelsea's moment of triumph - what was supposed to be the time she could finally look on at herself with pride. And as those last three words left Finella's mouth, at last the boiling rage in the Englishwoman burst out into the world, as she slammed a fist against the surface of the table. "FOOKIN' EDELSTEIN!!"

Nevertheless, angry as she was, Chelsea spun back around to face her comrades. She knew more than ever that when it came to Finella, it wouldn't be enough to get mad. She had to get even. She nodded to Karl's words - and then, a smile crept across her face when she heard George chime in. As a matter of fact...Chelsea had a plan.

"Oh..." She sat back down to face the two men, leaning forward with her elbows propped up on the table. "I think it's about time we let 'im kun...~"
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Re: General Mobilisation ( for CaptainL)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

When Chelsea smiled, any doubts and questions Karl had about the whole thing disappeared.
This girl before him was a wrestler, she was good at it, she loved it, but eventually she got lost, caught between her own expectations and fears.
Karl, being an experienced wrestler himself, understood these things all too well...
And Karl saw this young British lady in front of him as his girlfriend, no, not his girlfriend, she had become like a little sister or daughter to him, she understood him, he understood her.
He held her and when they parted he gave her a slight smirk.
"Here is one guy, you can always count on, ok? I like you very much, Chelsea. I am glad to know you. And I am even more glad to help you as much as I can. So, feeling better again?", he smiled and wiped a last tear away from Chelseas face with his thumb before slapping her on the shoulder.
Karl would help her, would prove to Chelsea how much she was worth and that there were people out there who wished her success and stood by her side.
"We'll show her. We show them all! And now enough of this sentimental bull, ey?!", the reporter grinned and gave her a wink before George appeared.

George came back and with him a strange name by which he addressed Chelsea, strange but not unfamiliar to Karl, after all everyone knew Alice in Wonderland.
"Well, swee'hear' 'ere an' i 'ad some 'alks 'he las' nigh's an' 'hough' i' is 'ime 'o presen' law wi'h some new fawm ov english superiawi'y.
an' wha' could be mawe english 'hen a Rosy Lee par'y? awer alice in wonderland?
so we came up wi'h some'hing,
as molly 'ad decided 'o star' a new 'eam ov 'er own,Chelsea an' i decided 'o do so 'oo...
from nah on we will be known as : Mad Tea Party

Karl had to say he expected many things to happen but a team consisting of Chelsea and well...George?
He started to laugh.
"A tag team? With you, George? Well, please forgive me if I'm not entirely convinced, but you don't exactly seem like a star athlete...or did you invite me to give you a crash course in wrestling?", he said and shook his head.
"Me? wrestling? oh no, as you see i am much 'oo delica'e faw 'his, no my 'alen's are in 'he presen'a'ion...", the Londoner smiled.
"Da brawlin march 'are, an' 'he mad 'a''er a' 'is side.", he said and wrapped an arm around Chelsea, kissing her cheek, before jumping back behind the bar again to not get hammered by his teammate.

"A Manager/Wrestler Team, huh?", Karl said ,shaking his head about the eccentric Brits antics and took a sip of his pint
"Well...actually that is a fitting idea. Seeing that Molly..."
The room got a little gloomier again.
"Well, I think you've made the right decision with it. Have you told her?", Karl asked.
"You, she deserves to know it."

That was all Karl said regarding Chelsea and Molly. They were sisters and knew each other their whole life, so they hopefully would talk with each other without getting into drama.
"Ok so, the Mad Tea Party will premier at the PPV, do I see that correct?", he asked.
"Well, yes, bu' under chelseas name faw a final 'ime, as we don'' wan' 'o 'ake away 'he spo'ligh' ov our march 'are.", George said.
"Bu' i will accompany 'er, 'o presen' 'o 'he people wha' blinder 'hings we 'ave in stawe faw 'hem in 'he fu'ure!"

Karl had to say he was impressed.
The formation of a new team, even if it was just a Manager and Wrestler Team, was always an exciting one.
"So, how do I fit in? I mean, Chelsea, what do you have planned? Let me tell you that Finella will spare no expenses for a big entrance, she already contacted Viktor for support. And he sees this fight as perfect opportunity to push the Eagles even further after Harmonis sucessfull gimmick change. Whatever they come up with, it will be loud, big and fancy. And we have to do something quite as bombastic to not fall behind. LAW and Wrestling in General, especially the PPVs, are 50% Presentation. So we should deliver, Matter and Hare.", he said.

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Re: General Mobilisation ( for CaptainL)

Unread post by CaptainL »

Chelsea couldn't believe she was actually opening up like this. It almost felt wrong, showing this side of her - she swore she wouldn't be weak or vulnerable ever again. When she had set out on her path, she knew she needed to become a stronger person, and she couldn't let anything hold her back from the life she was always meant to live, the life she would choose when nothing else seemed to fit. But even when she hadn't known Karl very long, she felt as though she could trust him with her life. And when he said that he liked her, even when she had broken down crying in front of him, when she swore she would keep her emotions locked up close to her heart, she was only further assured that she had made the right choice. She nodded her head, looking up at Karl with a smile - but as he gave the signal to drop the sentimentality, echoed in much the same mindset Chelsea herself saw it, she was back to her old self in the blink of an eye, flashing a sly grin as she stood up a little straighter. "Rite! Let's get ter business, den..."

Chelsea watched as George came back out, and as he described their plans for moving forward as a duo, for once, Chelsea actually smiled at his ideas. It was one of the few times he'd actually been on to something - while the Mad Tea Party had been all his plan, Chelsea thought the whole thing was just too genius to turn down. She stood a little straighter, her arms folded behind her back as a proud smile crossed her face - though as soon as George kissed her, she spun around on her heel, shooting him a glare. "'ey, now, this is strictly a business partnership, and dun ye forget it!"

"But yis," she continued. "I can 'andle things juss sound ed me own, but 'e figed 'e could speak fe me, like, and if anyone's go'n ter get through ter deez Terkyo gits..." But Chelsea paused for a moment as soon as she had finished that sentence. This whole time, in all her wrestling career, the person she fell back on as her manager, translator, and right-hand woman...was Molly. Molly, who had been increasingly gravitating more toward Harmonia as of late. Chelsea didn't want to say she felt jealous, all reminded her of all the times in her life when it semed as though everyone else was getting what she could only hope to have. And when Karl brought it up, she huffed, looking away as she bit at her lip. "Mmf..."

Nevertheless, she cleared her throat. "Aye, that's de plan. We want this ter be a 'istoric moment - not juss fe de time I finally beat dat wolf bitch's fookin' railings into 'er stupid 'ead, but because it'll be de dawnin' o' a new chapti in us 'istory, like. All o' us, tergether. We're go'n ter make se it's firkin nah one wul forget. And thuz wul be nah question as ter oo made de biggest impact. But fe dat, I need yer 'elp." And with that, her eyes settled on the veteran. "Includin' ye, Karl."

But as soon as Chelsea said that, she stopped. She bit at the inside of her cheek, trying to quell her urges, but she still giggled just a little. "Wait, wait a tick...if we've got de 'atti and de March 'are...all dat leaves is the Dormouse..." Her eyes traveled up to Karl. With his impressive stature, the appelation seemed a comical one indeed...
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