Def Ears, Listen Up (For RedShinigami)

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Def Ears, Listen Up (For RedShinigami)

Unread post by GolemGuardian »

It had been a few months since Chris and Veronika's feud finally ended. In the end she had come out victorious over the middleweight, much to excitement and, no doubt, shock of many. The two had to be hospitalized after, given how badly they had beaten on each other - especially in the latter rounds when things got that much more brutal. Chris was out in a week or two, but Veronika had to stay longer after the rock star broke her arm.

She could still hear the snap now, haunting her waking hours. It was something she regretted, and part of her wanted to apologize to her eternal rival about it. But she had work to finish, she had promised to release Gun Bullet XXX when their second match and it had been delayed because of the photos of her that match spawned. And with the score settled she finally had time to release it. It was a hit, of course, but it and her match spiraled into a few interview with some YouTube content creators and influencers. It got a bit out of hand and her apology kept getting delayed further and further, to the point that eventually any time she thought of apologizing to the Franco-Austrian she couldn't help but feel the weight of it would be too little to matter.

That had especially rung true when the two briefly locked eyes at the Eagle's Nest, when they threw their Christmas party. The two said nothing, only locking eyes. Chris couldn't quite get what her rival was thinking then, but she had been too nervous to say anything to her. She had waited too long, and now to bring it up felt too tense a subject for her to broach. And aftet staying a bit longer to sign a memento for LAW'S #1 Fangirl she finally left without a word.

So all she could do was dive back into her work until LAW set up another match for her. Perform live at bars and festivals, heck she even got hired for a convention a bit back. She had hoped to see Shiori maybe, but unfortunately they must have just missed each other or she didn't come.

But tonight Chris was hired to play live for George Fortunato, owner of the pub known as The Wolf and the Bunny. It was nice and proper, and had a good selection of beer. So there was that to look forward to. Though she could have done without the owner trying to convince her to partake in some lewd match or another. She was there for her set, wearing of a new look she bought with her music sales and comprising of mostly covers rather than just doing her original works. This would be a good time to relax and hopefully leave her regretful thoughts of Veronika behind. Or so she would hope.
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Re: Def Ears, Listen Up (For RedShinigami)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Some time had passed since their fateful feud decider and both women went all out with the No DQ rule as the fight got grueling and brutal very fast, very soon.
Especially the last falls saw some spots that were'nt even possible in a match were the participants would have the slightest bit of respect for each other.
Not those two.

Veronika Noir and Chris Yukine only shared hate and contempt for each other, a red line that went through their feud like a red line.
The Queen of Hearts had tricked Chris, who had won their first encounter, into a mud match which she had prepared to leave the small rocker without any chance.
What followed was brutal torture and lection for newcomer not to mess with the Queen of Hearts as she stripped, beat and pinned Chris while her theme started to play.

All in all it was a traumatic experience for the newcomer who never stood a chance as her legs were attacked, her body was crushed and her mind was obliterated, pictures and videos soon started to circle around the internet with LAW only managing to get their hands on so few and hand them Veronika Noir as some of them were her private property.
The fans of the Queen of Hearts did their fare share of mental torture on the small rocker by sending her hatefilled mails with pictures of her, naked, muddied and broken.

Veronika had went all out with her and was sure to have seen the last of Chris Yukine who dissapeared after a short stay in the hospital.
Only for the Rocker to come back in a episode of Veronikas own show, where she was challenged and humiliated the first time.
This time a vengeful Chris wanted a rematch under her conditions leading to a brutal 5 Fall Match that left both women bruised, battered and in no shape to take fights for the next month.

Veronika had not just been a thorn in Chris side, she really tried to end her career by trying to break her legs, crippling her and, with the constant stays at hospital ,risking that Chris would be forgotten...but she had'nt.
After the fight Chris Yukines Star was rising as did Veronikas with a smutty, out of hand Halloween bout against Sachiko Koizumi.
Both women had'nt seen each other since that day as Chris Yukine broke Veronika Noirs arm...
Until today as Chris performed. All seemed in good fun, everyone was hyped, the fans and other batpatrons cheered and where happy alltogether as Chris saw two bright pink eyes in the crowd, staring at her as if to pierce into her soul.
Veronik stood there, her arm fully healed it seemed and watched her from the crowd, never leaving her gaze trail away from the busty Rockstar.

Last edited by RedShinigami on Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:08 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Def Ears, Listen Up (For RedShinigami)

Unread post by GolemGuardian »

Her set was nearly done. She'd preformed for almost two hours by this point, and was on her second bottle of water. Her calloused fingers from all her playing thrummed as they felt the end near. She just had one encode and she could go relax at the bar with relative solitude, minus probably a few fans who would come up and ask for selfies or autographs or whatever else.

Chris looked out into the crowd, smiled as she opened her mouth to speak for the last time that night when she saw the pair of pink eyes, accompanied by their owners golden locks and tanned skin. Veronika Noir, her eternal rival, was in the audience, watching. Did she come for the show? Or for Chris? Or was this her actions coming to a head and the girl was there to beat her up?

Regardless, she'd only know once her show finished. So, after the moments pause and the audience' muttering, Chris spoke up. "Thank you, Wolf and Bunny!. It's been a while since I got to do a live concert like this, so it makes me so happy I could do it for such an amazing audience!" She spoke to the crowd, but her eyes never left where the Franco-Austrian stood. She was trying to see through her, to get what she might be thinking, but nothing.

"I got one more song for ya, and then I'd like to have a few drinks before you guys hound me. So with that, please enjoy one of my favorite songs to cover. I'M OK YOU'RE OK!!!"
After her performance, the crowd going wild and cheering the rock star's name, Chris would be sitting at the pub. Thankfully most of the people left her be to her whiskey, and only had to do like four selfies and six autographs. But eventually Veronika would join her, and Chris would look over at her rival. "...Enjoy the show?" She'd ask, figuring it might be the safest topic to start whatever this encounter would be exactly.
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Re: Def Ears, Listen Up (For RedShinigami)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

"Oh, swee'hear' you were marvelous! le' me give you a big kiss faw 'ha', 'uh?!", the voice of the colourful owner of this Pub, George Fortunato
The Londoner who had opened an english Pub in Tokyo not far away from LAW HQ was a special kind of guy, son of an italian Circusartist and a cockney mother.
A Hedonist and Heartbreaker, the good looking and excentric man just loved life itself, seeing each and every day as a big party, each and every girl and guy he found hot as potential adventure and seeing every full bottle of the finest beers, whiskeys and gins as crime for not being in his system.
The good looking European was preparing a round of Pints while he and Chris talked.
He liked the spunky Rocker, of course he would love to share his bed with her but Chris made it clear that she, "don't swung this way" so George did the only thing a respectful and decent man would do...
Ignoring and begging.
Of course he would never go to far, George was more like a horny dog, he would banging your leg but if you shout at him enough he would walk away with his tail between the legs.
First and foremost George was a flirter, even if he knew his chances were zero.
"You did a really good job up 'here swee'hear', congra's.
i 'ope i can in'res' you faw fu'ure gigs, free booze included ov course.

Indeed, Veronika watched the show...
She watched it carefully, looking up to Chris the whole time while her fist clenched at her side.
Look at her up there.
So happy, all is going her way, no problems on earth...
How Veronika hated least she told herself that.
The sole purpose of Chris was to come to LAW and make fun of her, undermine her and humiliate her.
And Veronika had acted like a good soldier wood, striking first, hurt and shame her so much that she
would'nt dare ever set a foot into her ring again!
And now they were here and she finally could give the little shithead a piece of mind as she walked through the patreons and straigh up to Chris who was sitting at the bar, drinking and having a good time it seems.
Well this good times were about to end if Veroniak had anything to say in the matter.
When she approached Chris she ignored the question oft her rival and just grabbed the whiskey she was drinking, shoving it in her face.
George raised an eyebrow at the sight.
"Oi, i don'' care 'ah 'o' you are,when you lookin faw 'rouble, you can 'ave i'!"
Veronika turned to him.
"This is none of your business!", she hissed and the Cockney Flame gave a squealing laugh.
That chick had balls.
"So, Cockring. What will you do now?", she said in her typical arrogant tone, clearly tempting Chris to lash out on her.
"Ladies, ladies i 'ave a pool an' oil if you..."
Veronika glared at George.
"Shut up you perverted, english pig!", she snarled before looking back at Chris.
George had taken a step back and raised his arms.
"Alright, alright, no need to get all bitchy on me! I chip you 'wo alone bu' if some'hin 'appens, call me, yes swee'hear'? ", he said looking at Chris and then brought the round of pints to a table.

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Re: Def Ears, Listen Up (For RedShinigami)

Unread post by GolemGuardian »

"Thanks. And yeah, you can count on more shows from me. Just keep the drinks coming, as well as the pay." She said with a chuckle, bringing up her drink up for a pseudo toast. While the pub owner's constant flirts were annoying, often iritable at times - especially when he tried to talk her into an oil/mud match - but that was the personal stuff. Professionally Chris thought this could be a beneficial relationship for the two of them. It wasn't too far from her flat so she didn't have to carry her gear too far.

If only she could get him to permanently heel the horn dog, then it would be a perfect relationship. But he was as relentless as her feud with Veronika had been.

Speaking of her rival, said blond was now standing before her and splashing the rock star's drink all over her face and new jacket. "H-hey! What the hell!?" She grabbed a napkin, wiping at her face while George and Veronika had their exchange. "I just got this jacket." She took her time cleaning herself, trying to calm herself down.

When she was done, the rock star took a deep breath, and exhaled. "George, mind getting me another two whiskeys? Want anything Veronika?" She'd wait for the Franco-Austrian speak to place her order, or ignore her offering - whichever the blond wished to do - before continuing as she looked over to the busy pool tables were a number of people, both men and women, had gathered. "And get a round of beers for the people over by the pool table. My treat." She wanted the the flaming man gone so she and Veronika could speak a bit more privately. Or at least as privately as a busy bar could be. Temper were bound to flare here, and his perverse comments would only stoke the fire.

Hopefully alone now, Chris turned her full attention back to her eternal rival. "You gonna keep making a scene and a fool of yourself, or do you want to sit down? Since you obviously didn't come here for the show, and I doubt you want your ass kicked all over again in a pub like this."
Last edited by GolemGuardian on Thu Jan 27, 2022 1:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Def Ears, Listen Up (For RedShinigami)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

"A...fool...", Veronika grunted and grabbed her rival by her collar.
"You just can't let it be, huh? You have to humiliate me where you can! You fucking smug bitch, stop smiling like that or I punch that fucking grin out of your face!", she growled and raised her fist.
"Kicking my ass? KICKING MY ASS?!", she snarled and her fist shook.
"No...that was'nt enough for you, you HAD TO BREAK MY FUCKING ARM!", she screamed and Chris saw that Veronikas arm was shaking while she bit her lip, her face a grimace of pain.
"You have not the right to say or do anything!", she said and shoved her back into the bar, letting go of her collar.
"You just came here to mock wanted to fight me...because you wanted to show me all the others...", she said and tears welled up in her eyes.
Veronika knew she was hypocritical but she did'nt see it. In her world SHE was the only one who was allowed to cripple people. What Chris did was just unfair and uncalled for...
"Fuck you and fuck all of this! You second rate singer, you fucking useless wrestler! You are nothing, these people HERE!", she screamed and some of the bargoers turned to her.
"You are all fucking idiotis for listening to that diarreah that talentless idiot produces! You are all so pathetic!", she screamed and the bar got in commotion.
"What was that you slut? How about showing us your tits like you always do, huh?"
Veronika turned her head to the insulter.
"How dare you..."
"He is right, show us your tits. Thats the only thing you are good for!"
"What? You call people talentless,you whipped cream rolling Slut? YOU are the useless person here!"
"Typical! First you call names and when the people stand up to you, like Chris you are getting desperate. You are a joke! Go fuck yourself!"
"Sto-Stop...", Veronika said as her voice broke, tears welled up in her eyes.
"Aaaaaw the slut is crying now...go eat some cocks to make you feel better and piss off!"
"Yeah next time Chris, snape her neck so we have'nt to deal with her anymore!"
Veronikas hands wandered to her mouth as she gasped and her eyes went wide, tears now flowing out of hand as she ran away, hiding in the restrooms.
"Thats right, there you belong! Can you believe that? Calling us Idiots and then wants us to take it...stupid bimbo, righ Chris?"
Suddenly the caller got grabbed from behind.
"I 'hink 'ha' is enough mister. You 'ade your fun nah shu' your mou'h aw i 'hrah you ou'. You already 'ad enough, faw you i''s some good old wa'er nah.", George said with a serious tone and bend his arm a little bit.
"What the hell? She insulted us!"
"Yeah an' you 'old 'er! tha' is enough. Insul' aw no', she is still a lady an' i won'' le' a lady ge' 'ur' in my pub. Do we understand each o'her?"
"Ah, fuck yeah! Ok!"
George sighed and looked at Chris with a "Oh look after her...", Gaze in his eyes.

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Re: Def Ears, Listen Up (For RedShinigami)

Unread post by GolemGuardian »

Chris remained calm while Veronika threatened her. If the blond wanted to punch her, she was fine with that. She deserved at least one after breaking her arm and not apologizing for months for it. But as she began shaking, tears threatening to spill, and voice quaking, the rockstar's expression changed to a confused and concerned one. Show you off? Aren't you being a hypocrite saying that to me? And what do you mean 'others?'

But before she could ask further, the insults flew. At her skill as a singer and a wrestler and at her fans. Given her actions it seemed more a lash of anger than in any real malice. Chris had seen the fog over her rival, even if she couldn't see past it. Her fans, however, only made things worse.

They took it way too far, saying that Chris should snap her neck especially stuck out, and sent the blond running to the restrooms. And while the fans may have expected Chris to back them up, all they got was a glare from the up and coming rocker."Firstly, I don't need you to fight my fights, OK? I appreciate the thought, but you just took it way to far." She downed her entire glass, before slamming down on the bar. She was pissed at them, and some winced back in response. "Also, we don't talk about snapping people's necks. That is way too far." With one final glare, especially to that specific fan as George said he'd be cutting them off, Chris went to follow her rival.

She'd walk into the bathroom, close the door and lock it behind her so no one would try and barge in. The rocker would only stand there, letting Veronika speak or swing or whatever she was going to do before she said or did anything.
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Re: Def Ears, Listen Up (For RedShinigami)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Veronika ran into the womens restroom and closed herself in one of the cabins, taking a seat on one of the toilets and wrapped her arms around her
as the tears never stopped.
"Stop it...stop crying...stop crying you dumb little child...or I give you a reason to cry...", she whispered if to talk to someone.
Memories appeared before the Dancers eyes, memories of things she thought she left behind her.
//No Veronika, the other way! You are so useless! Excuse-moi, Maman... Oh shut up and do that again! If you can't make it this time you will sleep on the attic again! No, Maman, please no! Please! Don't touch me you filfthy thing! I never should have gotten you. Look what you have done to me! I never can dance again! And it is all your fault. I am sorry Maman, please, I am sorry, I love you! Well, I don't love you, I never loved you! Maman, please, please don't say that! Take your fingers away from me Veronika Noir or I swear I break them! Now, back to your exercise. You destroyed my dream so you will be the best dancer there is. Better then all the others! And when someone turns up that is beautiful, talented and steals your spotlight? Destroy them! Oui Maman...I will be a good girl. Oh shut up and dance you useless little shithead!//
Veronikas tears flow and flow and flow, her voice only small hickups as she heard the restroom door.
"Fuck off! Leave me alone! What do you want? Humiliate me more? Like you intended with your debut! Congratulations you did!", she whimpered.
She did'nt want to see her, she knew she was before the door but she could'nt bear the sight of her now.
"I don't want to see you, I don't want to see anyone...", she whimpered and cradled herself.
Last edited by RedShinigami on Fri Jan 28, 2022 12:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Def Ears, Listen Up (For RedShinigami)

Unread post by GolemGuardian »

It wasn't hard to find where Veronika had hidden herself, given it was the only closed stall. Chris walked up to it, and then like a feral animal she snapped immediately. She'd say nothing at first, letting the emotions die down even just a little. "Firstly, I didn't debut against you, let's get that straight. That was Kiara and I's match. Second, I never set out to humiliate you. I only retaliated after you couldn't accept your loss." Maybe a bit harsh, but it was the truth of the matter.

"But I didn't come back here to talk about those... You deserve an apology, even if it holds little weight and you won't accept it. I'm sorry I got carried away in our match. There's no excuse for that..." She'd pause, leaving room for her rival to spit at her or whatever. "And my fans went too far. I don't condone or agree with any of the shit they said. Got it?" Seemed like a good way to get the ball rolling, even if Veronika would refuse.

She couldn't bring herself to say another word. What could be said, after all. Anything she may want to say was a little too malicious, and she didn't come in here to make fun of the Franco-Austrian. All she could do was stand there, let the girl rant or insult her or whatever.
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Re: Def Ears, Listen Up (For RedShinigami)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

"Oh shut up! You enjoy making fun of me?! Yeah you won ok you won!", she screamed and kicked the door.

"You are better then me, in everything, you are so great and I am just a fucking nobody!", she shouted and kicked the door.

"Is'nt it enough that your lowlifes of fans treat me like garbage?", totally ignoring the fact that her fans gave Chris a hard time after the mud match.
Veronika knew that and deep inside she thought it was too much but...

//Why did you summon me here? Madame Noir, I sm very concerned about Veronikas behaviour to the other children. What about it? Well Veronika is very brutal to them. Today she hurt her classmate for "not looking at her when she entered", Ah and this should concern me? Well..., Listen, my daughter is something special, you know who her father is? Well, yes but, No buts, Veronika does what she has to do, if someone speaks up to her she silences them, it's as easy as that! Madame Noir you can't mean, I know what I mean you tramp! Now send in my daughter! Bonjour Maman, Veronika Noir, what have I told you?, Destroy them with your mind not your fists... Madame Noir! So why did I get summoned here today? I am sorry Maman...Don' ever... do please, please, no, Madame Noir let her go, can't you see you hurting her?"

Veronikas face was pressed into her palms while the tears wouldnt stop.
Why did all these memories boiled up in the last weeks? Since she broke her arm? Because she felt worthless and worthless she was.
"Why won't you just go? I leave you with your drunken pigs to mock me more!", she shouted and kicked the door again.
Last edited by RedShinigami on Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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