Match Type: Knockout Match
Match Rules: As the name states, the only means of victory is rendering the opponent unconscious. Hentai is allowed.
Match Type: Knockout Match
Match Rules: As the name states, the only means of victory is rendering the opponent unconscious. Hentai is allowed.
Featuring Lacramioara Albescu as Daciana Luca!
With a cameo appearance by Emilia Morasanu!
Transylvania, Romania
Tonight's events are going to be the final steps towards a milestone. Morasanu Productions (formerly Ophelia Productions) is going to be on television screens all across the world! And the Morasanu sisters are doing it on their terms, like they talked about as teens. A few other wrestlers and their affiliated companies had already started doing what they were about to -- filming scenes that doubled as matches -- but the sisters had ideas that would set them apart, along with a different approach to their production.
Although they were partnering with LAW, it technically only went as far as LAW airing what they filmed. The rest was up to them: Finding and securing a location, handling the staffing and equipment, writing a generalized script...All of the risk was theirs, but so was all of the creative control. No meddling executives to be found in their operation.
And if it saw a positive audience reception, they'd recoup their expenditures with interest. They were confident in their ability to pull it off. After all, they were the Morasanu sisters. When they put their minds to something, it gets accomplished.
And as such, they found their right in their hometown of Transylvania. The perfect place to tell a vampire story. They got their equipment. Eveline had written a story to reference, and they had a team ready to go. All that was left was a wrestler to act opposite of her as Daciana Luca's mortal lover. And in a rather surprising windfall, that would be where one Valentina Song would come in, reaching out to them soon after Emilia put out their casting call.
That caught the younger sister off guard. "Even In Death" was to be portrayed as a romantic horror story, and Valentina was very much an action actress. She enjoyed her work and had a lot of respect for the woman who did all of her own stunts, but it felt like a mismatch. Eveline, however, saw potential. The martial flavor that she'd be bringing to this maiden voyage was perfect for a vampire hunter. And that she could blend sex into it as well was a bonus that could elevate it if their chemistry was right. And her audition showed a range that gave the elder Morasanu the feeling that it could be, and convinced Emilia that there could be something that she could do with Valentina in the future. The interest was certainly there on her side. Not just with the two of them, but The Coterie as a whole.
That she was so open to working with a group of kayfabe vampires would bring Emilia out of her shell. It wasn't an everyday thing coming from a more conventional kind of person -- certainly not the sort that would be the first pick to be put on screen. And with her outcasting in school still fresh in the twenty-year old's mind, it piqued her interest. The others would be on board to varying degrees as well: Jaclyn practically jumped at the opportunity to be a part of a film, and Phoebe perked up at the mention of a potential project that would be evocative of Blade. Elina wasn't that enthused, but it would be something to do with her friends. Eveline had to sell Serina on it, as she had first intended to pass on the opportunity. Which, as Eveline would learn in a private conversation, had come down to a lack of confidence in her own acting chops. But she would talk her wife into giving it a try.
While ideas involving the others were being brainstormed, Eveline's was ready to be shot.
It was a simple premise: Daciana Luca had gone by different names in different places throughout Europe over the last two, going on three centuries, enjoying some power in the vampire underworld, but never climbing as high as she could have and eventually becoming something of a recluse, tired of the politics. She'd start spending more time amongst humanity as a means of escape, meeting her co-star's character at some sort of function. A museum, a high society party -- something upper class. A detail that could be ad-libbed. Neither would know what the other was in the beginning, but Daciana would learn of their being a hunter soon after having grown fond of them. But she would continue seeing them anyway, unable to let go.
Ironically, a major point of contention in their relationship would be her holding them at arm's length, giving them just enough crumbs to keep them around, but never really letting them in. A manipulation that she wasn't entirely aware that she was using, seeing it as something done to keep them happy while she continues her internal debate about a decision more major than her lover knew. They, however, would simply see it as her being cold. Paying lip service to their love, but not really meaning it. Being unwilling to work past her issues with expressing emotion and being vulnerable, as they had with her.
Not helping things would be their mounting suspicions about Daciana's true nature. Something that they'd rather not believe, but there's been just a little too much evidence to ignore. The exact details? Eveline would let the spy movie veteran ad-lib those and follow her lead.
It would all come to a head tonight. A recent argument put fear in Daciana. The fear that Valentina's character would walk away for good. To prevent this, she would do something she had yet to in all the time they've known each other: Invite her to her home. Daciana has no family for her to meet, as they're a rather dysfunctional (in truth, long dead) bunch, but her home is her respite from the world and its endless trappings. To share it would be a huge step for her.
But little does Valentina's character know how huge it really is: Daciana had intended to do that only when she was ready to finally let her in, as was asked of her time and again. But would her love be ready for what that really meant?
The weather on this Autumn evening was perfect. The rain had just let up, leaving behind a thick fog to paint the Luca Mansion grounds with a gloomy, foreboding atmosphere to greet its coming guest...