A Touch of Dominance (Black Severin vs Keira Robinson [D])

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A Touch of Dominance (Black Severin vs Keira Robinson [D])

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Match Type: Bedroom Hentai Match.
Victory Conditions: Forcing the opponent to orgasm.
Black Severin had a smile on his face as he went through his list of stretches on the floor, just in front of an extra spacious bed that was furnished with silk sheets and big, fluffy pillows.
Black Severin's General Appearance
The silk robe he'd been issued laid on the bed and the slippers right beside it, leaving him clad in just his mask and a tight-fitting pair of leather bondage shorts.
Last time, he'd also worn a pair of elbow pads and some athletic wrist tape. That was when Standard rules were in effect, with Hentai allowed. It was his first time competing in a more sexually charged contest and his first stab at finding the proper place on the scale of Form and Function. The comments that mentioned them stated that the pads and tape went against the vibe, so he was going without them tonight.

He also had second thoughts about the shorts, but people seemed to dig them. Elle had stolen the show, which hadn't surprised him in the least, but just about every comment he'd seen that praised his looks had brought them up.

He'd receive more in the livestream's comments. Just like last time, the cameras in the room were placed at the perfect angles to capture him getting nice and limber.

If the referee who was standing off to the side liked the view as well, then she was doing an excellent job of maintaining a professional veneer. She'd looked back at him only once while they awaited his opponent, who was making her debut tonight. Her and him both; Standard rules with Hentai allowed was one thing, but this was going to be a straight-up sexual contest. The goal was right there from the get-go.

Severin was nervous, but had found some assurance in the facts: The higher-ups in LAW had decided that he'd done well enough in a match where an orgasm wasn't the express goal to place him in one where it was, which meant that the fans wanted to see more of that kind of action from him.

The masked man switched to the middle splits, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths to calm his mind. Something that was getting easier week by week. He looked forward to meeting this Keira Robinson, and was determined to make her first experience with Hentai matches a pleasant one.
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Re: A Touch of Dominance (Black Severin vs Keira Robinson [D])

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Keira's attire
What Black Severin hadn't known, was that this wasn't Keira's first hentai match; it was simply her first at her new company, and also the first to be semi-public. Both of her previous ones has been private affairs out of prying eyes. This one was still without a cheering crowd, but apparently livestreamed to viewers anyway. An intriguing notion that added a new wrinkle to the intimacy, allowing the competitors to more easily forget they were being watched, should that thought comfort them and heighten their arousal.

The bedroom setting for a fight was also a first for her (practice with her mentor did not count). Keira had taken the chance to forego her normal bikini top for a bra instead; it felt more appropriate somehow.

She'd been worried about getting lost on her way there, and as a result had only done the briefest of research on her opponent. Black Severin was a looker, for sure, and reportedly had an unusually demure personality, a contrasting combination with his rather gruff-looking exterior that Keira found enticing. Further, this seemed to be his first flat-out hentai match, a thought that made Keira's chest swell with anticipation. It was always fun, she thought, to be someone's first time, in any sense of the phrase.

Excitement aside, this was still her debut for her new company, and of course, anxiety stirred within her as well as she stood at the door. A deep breath and a knock later, and she stood before the man himself, wearing nothing but his mask and some leather shorts as he performed some last-minute stretching that almost made Keira stop short and stare, anxiety (mostly) melting away. Yes, this was going to be a good time.

"Well now, you must be Black Severin," Keira greeted with a light bow followed by an extended hand for him to shake, should he choose. "Thank you for being my partner tonight." Then, her voice gained a hint of playfulness as she added, "I hope you enjoy it as much as I expect to!"
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Re: A Touch of Dominance (Black Severin vs Keira Robinson [D])

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Severin didn't rise from his split-legged position on the floor right away, allowing her to catch him in the middle of that stretch as she came in. It didn't really have an effect on his last opponent, but there were a fair amount of viewers who enjoyed seeing him spread out like that, so he figured he'd take another shot at the Van Damme appeal.

Speaking of appeal, though...Wow!

He was really digging the alternative look that Keira had going for her. And just as Elle had, he was sure that she'd stolen the show just by stepping into the room. With those curves, she was the very definition of "owning the outfit". Being the one who did it a favor, rather than the other way around.

After rising to his feet, he shook the hand that had been offered to him, greeting her with a friendly smile and a nod to confirm his identity. "Right back at you! I've really gotta say, I expected you to be beautiful, but wow!"
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Re: A Touch of Dominance (Black Severin vs Keira Robinson [D])

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If Severin was trying to show himself off intentionally (or even unintentionally), he had succeeded. Keira had looked his body up and down upon entering the room, only stopping when she realized he was doing the same to her.

When he stood up, he accepted the handshake, so far without any trace of foul play. Good. Keira hoped she'd have a clean... well, a friendly first match.

Keira ran a hand quickly through her short hair, momentarily flustered by Severin's compliment, as a faint pink tint formed on her cheeks. Play it cool, she reminded herself.

"Why thank you!" she replied with a small, playful smirk. She did a single, quick spin, letting her skirt flare out a bit. "I tried to find something fitting for the occasion. I'd say you're a lucky one, soon to be up close and personal..." she added, casting a quick glance towards the monitor showing the livestream. "But it's hard to argue that I didn't get the better end of this deal."

With that, she reached out a hand, her fingers lightly brushing Severin's chest as she trailed downwards, stopping just shy of his shorts. ...Was that too much? That might be too much. Keira withdrew her hand, slowly; too suddenly would have shown her uncertainty.

Then she shot a look towards their referee, standing silently as she waited for them to be ready. "Although, perhaps you're the luckiest one of all," Keira added with a giggle. It was there that she realized her anxiety had already faded; she was perhaps a little more forward than she normally would be, but she was having fun, and they hadn't even started yet. Another good sign.

She turned back to Severin. "Shall we get started? We shouldn't keep everyone waiting too long!" Yes, she had a feeling she was going to enjoy this immensely!
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Re: A Touch of Dominance (Black Severin vs Keira Robinson [D])

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Is she...? Oh, she's blushing!

The boost that gave Severin was twofold: Of course, it was nice to have that effect on a pretty lady. And for her to have a bashful response like that in the first place added a common touch to her, a feel of emotional accessibility. The best, in his eyes.

He took the opportunity to drink even more of her in when she treated him to that quick twirl. Ooh, when that tiny mini-skirt flared up...!

Mmm, mmm, mmm! The one and only downside there was that the moment went by too fast, but he wasn't about to complain. By now he's known this woman for all of what, a little over a minute? But the vibe was already on a straight shot towards amazing.

He was under Keira's spell for a good, long moment, his mouth falling open but no words coming out as her soft fingers cascaded down his muscular chest, his heart steadily picking up speed as they passed it by. Further down, past the six pack abs he'd worked hard to craft...How far would she go? He let her decide where it would stop.

Right at the top end of the beltline. He really should've seen that coming, but damn if it didn't have him all the more eager to get this thing started! And that super cute laugh of hers was a succulent cherry on top. It put a goofy smile on his face, one that wouldn't have been out of place on some high school kid when he's put in front of his crush.

He couldn't help it. He's a sucker for sweet giggles like the one he just heard.

And it was like she'd read his mind when her attention returned to him after she'd made that quick comment to the referee. After swiping his robe and slippers off the bed, it took everything he had in him to not just hop on in. He had to had some cool about him going into this.


Say something. Do something. But what?

His mind scrambled for an answer as he climbed into bed, taking the time to give Keira a nice rear view as he crawled towards the center.

A good start, yeah. Now for something to say when he turns to face her.

A lightbulb sparked to life above his head when his mind turned to someone who's been in LAW for about as long as he has now. Alix Jacques had a lot more star power though, partly because of how she'd get into her opponent's heads and turn her matches into more sensual affairs. Starting with...well, how she'd started every match of hers thus far.

Severin put on the best set of bedroom eyes he could muster as he waited for Keira to join him.

"What do you say we start this thing off with a kiss? To a fun night?"

Yeah, it was outright theft, but it felt...right. The venue was cozy. The sparks were about ready to turn into flames; he liked what he saw, she liked what she saw, and she was his type. Unafraid to show some initiative and make her desires plain. If she was down, he most definitely was.
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Re: A Touch of Dominance (Black Severin vs Keira Robinson [D])

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The reaction Keira got from Severin put a grin on her face. He was smiling like a kid in a candy store, taking in everything she was putting out. He was exactly like the results of her research had told her; behind his rugged exterior was a soft, kindhearted soul. Not quite big enough to count as a 'gentle giant' exactly, but the sentiment was the same. Keira hadn't encountered many that fit that mold before, and was excited to get her first taste!

Keira watched him climb onto the bed with great interest. Severin moved just a tad slowly, his movements clearly trying to provide some eye candy for her, a treat which Keira greedily indulged in while it lasted. Subconsciously, she licked her lips. It was difficult to refrain from simply running in and jumping on him right then and there!

The silky sheets caused a momentary distraction as Keira followed him onto the bed from the opposite side, keeping her eyes on Severin the whole time. It felt amazing on her legs; part of her wanted to simply flop down on it and feel it on her back, but she reminded herself that there would be plenty of time for that after business was taken care of.

And then Severin made it easy to forget about the sheets when he proposed opening with a kiss! Keira was taken back a bit by the suggestion; here she thought she had been being forward! She grinned at him. She'd had him all but drooling over her since she entered the room, and here was her opportunity to gain an edge early on. Time to turn up the charm. She stared into his eyes and matched them with her own, rather sultry expression.

"I do like a man who knows what he wants!" she teased. She crawled right up close and leaned in, hands on her knees, her lips only inches from his. "To a fun night."

And then she pressed her lips to his. Her hands slid up his chest, around his body, one on the back of his head, and the other coming to rest on his back, more to press her body against him rather than pull him towards her. Was it smart? Hard to say. Keira was putting herself in a rather vulnerable position right from the beginning, but she was banking on Severin having that same vulnerability. It was like a test of strength... except with a kiss, Keira at least stood a chance of winning it. A slim chance, but a chance nonetheless.
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Re: A Touch of Dominance (Black Severin vs Keira Robinson [D])

Unread post by DSX93 »

Those eyes. Those beautiful pink eyes. There was a fire that Severin saw, a power that he felt, piercing right through his own and into his brain. "You'd best be careful, because you're in bed with a tigress", it said.

The view that her feline crawl provided of her ample cleavage was spectacular. As she closed the distance between them even further, his hungry eyes would travel from them to those luscious pink lips that he couldn't wait to feel against his own.

To a fun night.

The kiss he got was exactly the kind he was hoping for. Sweet as sugar, body-to-body with her arms wrapped around him and his around her. One around the waist, with a hand settling on the small of her back and the other wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her even closer to him. His thumb tenderly stroked her bared skin.

No tongues. Not yet. There was plenty of time for that, but right now? This was just right. Nice and cuddly, like they were lovers. Her warmth soothed the soul. She'd used just the right amount of perfume. If his nose could smile, it would be beaming right now. And those lips...They fit his like a puzzle piece. In feel, in rhythm...

His heart began to pound in his chest, and it wasn't long before his shorts grew even tighter. The sheer perfection of the moment elicited a moan from the romantic.

Yep. He was in trouble.
Last edited by DSX93 on Wed Jan 10, 2024 12:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Touch of Dominance (Black Severin vs Keira Robinson [D])

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The position Keira found herself in quickly made her sweat. Severin's hand on her lower back sent a shiver through her spine, and she suppressed the urge to moan, though she couldn't stop the small, sharp inhale of air that accompanied it. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her body close to his and holding her there. His grip on her was not powerful, but it was not meant to me, nor did it need to be. Keira would not be escaping him now if she tried. That was the risk she took by allowing him to snare her.

Of course, she didn't initiate the physical contact with the intent to escape it. She leaned her body into him further, her chest squishing at the motion. She let the hand on his back roam, exploring his shoulder blades, down to his own lower back, up to his neck. She could hear him breathing through the kiss, taking in her scent. She was definitely having an effect on him, and that only encouraged her.

Still, putting herself in this position was a risk, a double-edged sword. One that was starting to cut her. Severin had to realize the effect he was having on her in turn, despite her responses being mostly intentional.

The kiss was fantastic. It was tame but sensual, his own lips playing well with her own, and Keira was eager to see how far she'd let him take it. But it was his thumb gently stroking her exposed skin that was triggering a fog in her brain. Somewhere in her mind, Keira understood that she should be planning her next move, but the soft skin-on-skin contact felt like heaven - and Keira did not consider herself a particularly religious individual. She had to keep reminding herself this was a contest, or she might simply melt into his touch right then and there!

And things only got 'worse' as Severin let a moan escape him. With her guard down intentionally by the embrace and further lowered by his rubbing thumb, she couldn't stop the small moan she made in response to his! It was a small concession, but one she hadn't intended to give.

Nothing to do but own it, she thought. She didn't want to break off the kiss just yet, but Severin might have been able to tell she was smiling anyway. She slid the hand on his head around, following the edges of his jaw, and tracing shapes on his cheek.

Maybe she was taking things a little slowly now, but a situation this tender and sensual called for pacing themselves. Still, Keira was quickly losing her ability to resist. She leaned herself further forwards; not just to press her body tighter against Severin (if such a thing was even possible at this point), but maybe she could catch him off-guard and get him on his back.
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Re: A Touch of Dominance (Black Severin vs Keira Robinson [D])

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If Keira hadn't somehow known just how to touch him, then she was doing some damn fine guesswork. It was the small moves like the ones she did, smoothing her hand up and down his back, across his jaw, and stroking his cheek...It added so much to the experience.

He held her tight when she leaned in to bring herself even closer to him. If that was what she wanted, he was happy to oblige. It was a measured application of his strength; if she suddenly wanted to break away, she certainly could.

But he had the feeling that that wasn't going to be happening any time soon. Not after that moan. And he could feel the perspiration forming on her skin. That smile against his lips.


Keira began to push more of her weight against him. More and more, until he felt himself falling back. It was at the same time that their lips parted. He probably should have done something to stop what was happening, maybe a roll so she'd be on her back instead, but the good sense he had had been kissed away in spectacular fashion.

All he could really do at the moment was look up at her with a stupefied grin and utter a breathless, "Wow."

It's okay. What will it really hurt, letting her be on top for a bit? Or maybe for more than a bit? He could still win this. He could figure something out.

But if not, well...There are much, much worse ways to "lose".
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Re: A Touch of Dominance (Black Severin vs Keira Robinson [D])

Unread post by ThurmanMermanPlx »

To any spectator, it might appear that Keira was in control of this fight. And frankly, having gained a bit of confidence over the last several minutes, Keira herself would be hard pressed to disagree. She'd had Severin wrapped around her finger since she stepped into the room, and it had even been easier than she'd expected! They melded into each other tightly, gently caressing and rubbing each other, each of them prepping the other for when the action really began!

And now, she found herself atop her 'opponent' while he fell onto his back. He hadn't done anything to prevent the fall, or offer any kind of resistance at all! In her mild brain fog, Keira was mindly concerned about this being some kind of trap; he had gone down very easily after all. She couldn't rule out that Severin might be that kind of fighter... in a normal match, anyway. But here, in this setting, with the chemistry they'd had so far... no, in her gut, this just didn't feel like that kind of match.

Their kiss had broken apart during the fall, allowing Keira to let out a small "oof!" as she landed with him, his arms still wrapped around her helping to keep her from bouncing too harshly. Her breasts provided a nice cushion, but still her hands had slid to his chest to brace herself, and once the fall had passed, she simply... did not move them.

Instead, she pulled her head back slightly to look into his eyes again, giving him that same sultry grin. "Wow, indeed..." she said quietly. She panted lightly, using the pause to catch her breath easier. She was suddenly aware of her heart racing, demanding more. "If only all my fights could start like this..." she added airily.

She began to wonder how they should proceed from here, and settled on an answer almost instantly. With Severin on his back, it would be hard to wrap her legs around his body... but she could attempt to snake her legs around his own, akin to a grapevine pin without the actual pinning part. And it was during this attempt that she noticed the tightness in his shorts, her own crotch pressing into his in a way that hadn't quite been possible while they had been upright. Oh, she knew exactly how to use that against him.

In her best quiet, seductive voice, she said, "I didn't realize we were allowed to bring weapons!"

It would be difficult to maneuver her hands down there at the moment, so she settled for running her fingers over his chest and shoulders instead, taking a particular interest in his collarbone. That was a spot she could easily reach, so she leaned down and planted a soft, quick kiss there.
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Audrey Trovita (LW) || Audrey (mixed)
Keira Robinson (MW) || Keira (mixed)
Delphine Abyssia (MW, young lioness)
discord thurmanmermanplx
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