What’s a big ego to another big ego

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What’s a big ego to another big ego

Unread post by Tiamat »

At a certain point when it comes to wealth. People don’t really have limits on what they can do. Wanna go skydiving? Pick a date. Wanna see a awesome fight? Buy two professional’s fighters time and have them go at it. Valerie was born with that kind of wealth, and thats somehow still understating it. The Villenueve is something that is nearly recognized world wide. So its natural to see any member of the Villenueve family travel with high level of security. After all you can’t trust the common rabble to be normal. Though Valerie has a different position on the matter. She knows that she can take care of herself should the need arise. So wandering the streets alone is hardly a thread to her. Plus a simple act of walking the streets with no security does wonders for her. Common people will see perceive her better. Not having the same level of disdain they would for someone else of her class. It’s the little things that matter. So it wouldn’t take very much work or money to make people like Valerie.

On this particular day though Valerie decided to go to the financial for some shopping. Outside of meeting with some of the Villeneuve associates. Now, Valerie decided to take sometime to herself and enjoy the local stores. Which were all stunned to see someone of her presence enter. Of course she was shown preferential treatment but that was hardly needed. Valerie simply wished to take things in. That being said she did have half a mind to buy some of the shops that were even the slightest bit of rude. With no one to challenge Valerie in this thinking, that half of her mind won. Leading Valerie to own 3 new business before the evening. Egotistical is word you can to describe Valerie and somehow that would still not be enough.

Even in her new profession within LAW, it was hard to find someone that could match Valerie’s ego. Most people that tried would usually be dwarfed in moments. The people now watching Valerie in public had seen her physical abilities in action. So they would of course ask themselves “What would it look like if someone was able to match Valerie’s ego?” Don’t ask Valerie though, she might have the impulsive thought to toss you through a window.

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Re: What’s a big ego to another big ego

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Britanny Ysé.

Many people knew this name but from different perspectives. Some described her as a remarkable CEO for her luxury underwear brand, others as an excellent boxer and now the Ojou with white and blue hair is considered a talented wrestler. She made a lot of noise, and she didn’t hide it. If Britanny knew one thing it was that she had to be adored by all, she was a remarkably exceptional and unique woman and her charm, charisma, talent and strength had no equal.

As rising stars of wrestling, Britanny had to face the best wrestlers in her league and become the number one, but today she had a totally different quest, really different from usual.

Valérie Villeneuve. A new wrestler who had just arrived on LAW. A woman as elect as herself, the kind of woman Britanny wanted to have as an opponent. According to her research, Valérie was also known for her strikes and as a boxer, Britanny really wanted to compete against her.

A normal wrestler would probably have contacted her manager or the LAW staff to plan a match, but the French one was different. She knew how to put ultimatums to her future opponents and how to force them to accept the match, challenge the person in public when she least expects!
She had already done it with Aurora Lund by taking her by surprise in her locker room after one of her matches and planned to do the same with Valérie but in the shopping center.

Two famous and powerful women were in the same place in a public square and Britanny wasted no time to be noticed by putting herself in front of Valerie and laughing in her face, blocking her way while they were in a wide corridor while looking at her prey in the eyes with a mischievous little smile.

"Ooohohohoh!~ I didn’t know they had set up mirrors right in the middle of the hallway but the one in front of me is a little rattled, don’t you think? You’re so little Lady Villeneuve~"

This was Britanny’s first words to her opponent. We could quickly understand that there was no acting for Britanny, her provocations at LAW were very sincere because she also did it outside the ring. Her laughter and her words caught the attention of the crowd who began to stop around the two wrestlers, watching them attentively and waiting for the answer from the blonde.
Last edited by Bearhug Goddess on Sun Nov 19, 2023 1:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What’s a big ego to another big ego

Unread post by Tiamat »

Valérie Villeneuve's eyes narrowed as Britanny Ysé’s laughter echoed through the shopping center. Valerie had heard stories of Britanny, many of them weren't the most flattering. But they held a similar sound to Valerie's own stories. That she was not to be trifled with. The crowd around them grew thicker, sensing the brewing confrontation between the two powerful women. Valérie, known for her imposing presence was not someone to be trifled with, especially in such a public setting. The very idea of being belittled in front of an audience stirred something primal within her—a fierce, unyielding pride that demanded she respond in kind.

As Britanny stood there, her mocking smile plastered across her face, Valérie took a step closer, her gaze unflinching. She wasn’t one to be rattled, least of all by someone who thought their charisma could overpower her. Valérie was a woman of action, and this was no different.

Oh, Britanny Valérie began, her voice low and dangerous, yet with a composed, almost regal tone. You mistake your reflection for competition. Mirrors, after all, only show what’s on the surface.
Valérie tilted her head slightly, her blonde hair cascading over her shoulder as she kept her gaze away from the woman addressing her. More focused on literally anything else. It was a sign of disrespect to not look at someone addressing you. Britanny knew that, and that was the point. The tension between them was palpable, a silent battle of wills playing out. Valérie’s muscles tensed under her clothes as she prepared herself for whatever might come next. If the stories held true, Britanny might very well just come down swinging with this little verbal jab. She was more than ready to take on Britanny, not just as a rival but as a challenge—a chance to prove, once again, why she was not to be taken lightly.
Last edited by Tiamat on Tue Aug 27, 2024 7:59 am, edited 2 times in total.

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