Holly & Blanco's S+M Session ... [for BlackAkuma]

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Holly & Blanco's S+M Session ... [for BlackAkuma]

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Holly Matheson awoke to the sound of her partner moaning next to her. On instinct, she tried to roll over to look at him … only to realize that she was both bound and blindfolded! She squirmed on what felt like a soft mattress, thick blankets, all while ropes trapped her body roughly!
“What the hell?” Holly gasped, in a confused panic. Trying to roll over, Holly couldn’t manage to free herself. Gasping, Holly could feel her bust rise and fall, and the soft ropes start to rub against her skin. She could feel Blanco’s weight in the bed next to her, and sheets under her body. Something smelled … nice, actually.
“Just try to take it easy,” Blanco said, in a level tone. “I … think this is where we wound up, after losing that match.” Blanco’s voice had a resigned, pathetic tone. Having woken up before his girlfriend, Blanco had tried and failed to get himself out of these ropes for a while, but was now resigned to his fate. His lean figure tried to relax in the ropes binding him, while he waited for the two women who had dominated the couple in the ring, and were now going to do so again, for the rest of the night …

“Oh, God,” Holly moaned, remembering now her last moments before passing out. “That’s right … how does this keep happening to us? I guess this is what we get for being so weak …” Holly let out a chest-deflating sigh, her curves melting into the bed.

“Don’t beat yourself up about it. I’m sure our opponents are going to be continue doing plenty of that for us …” Blanco replied, after a long pause. Since he’d regained consciousness first, his own thoughts had dwelled on his own failure to save Holly earlier, and how he had ended his part of the match screaming in submission. Now here they were, bound and helpless, waiting for the worst.

“I’m sorry, Mister,” Holly sighed. Her legs were still tingling from the memory of being forced to climax in the middle of the ring earlier, and she could still vividly picture the way Blanco had been manhandled and molested by the buff Irish woman. Now that the two of them were bound and helpless in the bed of the two dominatrixes. Sabine and Morrigan had managed to do all of that to them in front of a massive, screaming audience, while Blanco and Holly were in a position to fight back. At least in theory. What were the two going to do now, that Blanco and Holly were completely at their mercy?
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Re: Holly & Blanco's S+M Session ... [for BlackAkuma]

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Morrigan hated cooking.

She really, really fucking hated cooking.

And yet, that was what she was doing tonight. She would’ve liked to be doing so many other things. Hitting the hottub, that would’ve been great. Maybe catching something on Netflix. More than anything, she would’ve loved to play around with the sweet little boytoy they’d secured from their POW match…but no. Here she was, in the kitchen, cutting up vegetables. Cooking. What a life.

To be more precise, she was helping Sabine cook. After their match with Holly and Blanco, the two had ‘absconded’ their way to an AirBnB they’d rented out for the night, a special one suited for their plans. Her partner had mentioned that those plans would involve cooking up some dinner for their guests, but she hadn't mentioned that both of them would be involved in that cooking, an annoying detail she held back until they’d made their way back and laid the two lovebirds out on the bed.

The two hurried themselves about the kitchen, with Morrigan handling the grunt work and Sabine taking care of the finer details, putting the actual dishes together. To look at them, you would be hard pressed to guess they were the domineering damsels who’d conquered the couple not long ago - Sabine was clad in grey sweatpants and Rammstein concert t-shirt, while Morrigan was happy to galavant about in her tight black workout shorts and a match sports bra. Lazy wear, hardly what one would expect for the activities that usually came after a POW match, but this evening was to be atypical in many ways.

”Are you still frowning over there?” Sabine was putting the final touches on her work at the stove, filling the air with the heady scent of sizzling bratwurst. ”We’re almost done, Jack. As I said, the work wouldn’t kill you.”

”It’s killing my soul.” She grumbled as she went to work on the carrots. ”Forgive me, never had to fucking cook for my slaves before. Usually the other way around.”

That brought out a lilting chuckle from the German, who shuffled over just far enough to give Morrigan a playful kick in the shin with her bare feet. ”I’m sorry that the work doesn’t satisfy you. Maybe you would’ve preferred something a little closer to home? I’ve never tried haggis before.”

That just bought a groan out of Morrigan. ”Fuck, neither have I. That’s a Scottish thing, and-”

Morrigan’s bellyaching was interrupted, as the two of them keyed onto the sound of faint words from the adjacent room - it seemed that their guests were awake, finally. With a silent nod between them, the two put the finishing touches on their work and made their way out into the hall, readying themselves for what came next - it was all in the execution, and they’d already decided how best to handle this.

The door to Holly and Blanco’s room opened with a soft click, as the two dommes made their way in soon after, their bare feet hardly making a sound on the carpet. Their prizes for the evening were laid out on a queen sized bed, trussed up and vulnerable, no doubt fearful for what came next, and not without cause - the match that had brought them here was a harrowing experience, and the evening had only just begun.

Morrigan made her way to Blanco’s side and kneeled nearby, moving in close enough to let her hot breath waft over his face. Sabine, on the other hand, strolled to Holly’s side and let a few fingers slide up the woman’s thigh as she passed, going from the thigh, grazing the hips, before she stopped and pressed a gentle hand at her stomach. ”Welcome back to the waking world.” She kept her tone light, gentle, as if she were merely a friend waking them up from a nap. ”Feeling well? No lingering pains, aches? We took care to keep you unharmed as we transported you, I hope it wasn’t in vain.”

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Re: Holly & Blanco's S+M Session ... [for BlackAkuma]

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The couple lay on the bed, bound and helpless, just waiting for the worst. Each of them felt vulnerable, powerless. Every so often, one would squirm slightly, testing their restraints … and only manage to confirm that neither of them was going anywhere. Holly grunted and pouted slightly as she struggled, her curves swaying back and forth on the bed as she wriggled in a pathetic attempt to earn her freedom. Comparatively, Blanco looked relaxed. The young man let out a sigh, his broad chest deflating slightly as his body was pulled long and lean by the ropes. He knew he wasn’t getting anywhere, and while he wasn’t exactly happy about how he and Holly got there, or what was about to happen to them, it was too late to do anything about it, now …

Before getting into another encounter with their captors, however, Blanco and Holly were startled from ruminating on their miserable fates by the smell of food cooking … Nice food. Good food.

“Is that …?” Blanco asked.

“Shh!” Holly hissed, as the door clicked. The two lay in silence, trying to figure out if the sounds they were hearing were company, and what mood the two dominatrixes would be in once they entered. Involuntarily, Blanco sank into the sheets, holding his breath in anticipation. Holly squirmed once more, her chest swaying back and forth as she took a deep, nervous breath. The British woman bit her lip, trying to fight the urge to let out with a nervous whimper.

“Oh, shit …” Blanco whispered, as he felt hot breath on his cool, bare skin. His body tensed again, and he recoiled slightly. Even bound like this, Blanco’s body language betrayed how nervous he was, in that moment. Bound, helpless, unable to even put up the slightest bit of a fight. He flashed back to his last moments of consciousness in the ring, his last shot at Morrigan before she’d choked him out in front of a packed crowd. And now here he was, just as powerless …

“AH!” Holly gasped, as she felt Sabine’s hand on her belly. “I-I’m fine …” Holly said, as Sabine addressed them. Holly wriggled once more, her generous curves swaying on the bed beneath Sabine’s gentle hand. Her thighs would grind together as she squirmed. Holly pouted in misery. She was humiliated still at her loss in the ring, and the feeling of powerlessness now was almost too much to bear. Still, she couldn’t help but ask a nervous question, her voice coming out in a light, pathetic whimper when she finally forced the words out. “What are you going to do to us …?”
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Re: Holly & Blanco's S+M Session ... [for BlackAkuma]

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Ooo, sensory deprivation. Morrigan’s favorite, as it turned out. Blindfolding the two had been her idea. Sabine would’ve been content to have them tied up, but she wanted to add some theatrics to it, mess with the couples’ heads, and leave them desperate when they woke. Few things were more off-putting than coming to in total darkness, not knowing up from down, not having a clue where you were or what came next. Got the heart racing, made the blood pump. Precisely what she wanted.

”’Oh, shit’ is right.” Morrigan leaned in and placed a few sweet, supple kisses along his neck, before ending it with a sharp nipple - not hard enough to leave a mark, but close. ”You’re all mine, Latin Lover. Hours and hours of playtime and I can’t wait.” She brought her hand to his thighs and let her fingers their way up, skipping along towards the promised land. ”So many toys. So many tricks.”

Sabine enjoyed that sight, but not quite as much as the look of Holly, as she squirmed about like a helpless waif, a princess caught in the tower. It was easy to see why so many delighted in torturing this poor woman - it was odd to say that she was good at being a victim, but there was no denying it. Something about her lying there, squirming about, so helpless and vulnerable. It was sensual in a way few could achieve in such a situation, and she likely didn’t even realize she was doing it. She could make a fortune on bondage videos with the right marketing.

Thoughts for another time. For now, Sabine leaned in and pressed a soft hand to Holly’s breast, while she dipped down and came close to a kiss - close. Just close enough for her breath to slip into her captive’s mouth with every word she spoke. ”I…” She moved in closer. ”...am going…” Closer still.

”...to feed you.” Sabine stood up straight and let her sultry tone evaporate all at once, taking on the same tone she would have for a stranger on the street. Her German was still thick, but she let the lighter facets come out, no longer crooning with every word. ”I’ve prepared dinner-”

We’ve prepared dinner.”

Sabine shook her head and stifled a chuckle. Ich entschuldige mich. We’ve prepared dinner, I’m sure you’re famished. We can sit down and have a meal before we begin our festivities. A little fellowship.” She sat down on the edge of the bed and crossed her legs, getting comfortable. ”I thought it best to have you restrained, to keep you from doing anything too rash in this disconcerting state. We’ll untie you soon, but first we need to lay down some ground rules.”

Sabine reached up and ran a gentle hand through Holly’s hair, touching her with a loving caress. ”Holly. Blanco. Do I have your attention?”
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Sun Sep 24, 2023 4:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Holly & Blanco's S+M Session ... [for BlackAkuma]

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“AH!” Blanco moaned, the sound escaping him before he realized it. He squirmed as he felt Morrigan get on top of him, starting to work over his neck with her lips. His broad chest swayed as he pulled against his ropes, but he had no way to get out of bondage, and no idea what he would do if he did. Right now, there was nothing to inform his senses except for the physical sensation of Morrigan on top of him, working him over while he was helpless. The sensation of it was at once terrifying and exhilarating, knowing that all he could do was just lie back and let it happen. He hissed, arching his spine when she nipped him.

“W-what …?” Blanco gasped, as his captor traced her fingers up his thigh. The sensation sent chills though his body, and as she drew closer to his manhood he was almost immediately hard as a rock. The sensation made him tense, his body freezing up a bit under her touch.

“Oh!” Holly squirmed as Sabine took a firm handle on her ample breast, the soft supple flesh kneaded in the German woman’s fingers. Holly tried to struggle out uselessly, her body swaying on the bed. Holly’s pathetic protests died down, however, as she felt Sabine’s breath on her mouth. Shocked, Holly froze as Sabine seemed to be getting closer and closer. She had no way of knowing exactly where the woman actually was, however, making Holly’s anticipation of what would come next feel almost impossible to deal with. Holly’s breath caught in her chest, and she took shallow inhalations with every bit as Sabine seemed to close in on her. Chest swelling bit by bit, spine arching, thrusting herself forward, Holly trembled with anticipation as she felt hot breath on her face, failing to hold back choked moans as Sabine closed in …

“Ooh, I- wait, what?” Holly asked, her dread and anticipation defusing into outright confusion and bafflement as Sabine finished her sentence and pulled off. Holly’s face shifted from one side to the other, her confusion enough that she was trying to look around the room despite being blindfolded. She trembled as she felt Sabine caress her hair, a move that only heightened Holly’s bafflement.

“Um, what?” Holly asked, dumbfounded. Her head went up, despite still not being able to actually look around the room to any effect.

“So,” Blanco said, when he finally got his body under control enough to speak, “… what are having?”
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Re: Holly & Blanco's S+M Session ... [for BlackAkuma]

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Honestly, these two were just beyond adorable. And they didn’t seem to know it, too, which made them even more so. It was ridiculous.

The switch from utter, horrifying dread to pure confusion was a sight to behold, as Holly realized that she wasn’t in for some unspeakable torture - at least not before her belly was filled. As much as Sabine loved her squirming around and looking about as if she could see through the blindfold, it would have to come off, for the moment. She had plans to bring it back into the mix later, naturally, but she needed Holly’s senses about her right now.

”Here, just let me…” Sabine gently slipped it off Holly’s face and loomed over her so the first thing she would see was the German’s features beaming down on her, her wild red hair cascading around her face. Morrigan did the same, though she was much less subtle about, whipping it off Blanco’s face and giving him a playful whip on the chest with it before she tossed it across the room. She played the piano on his abs while she sat at his side, tickling him with the sharp tips of her fingernails.

”We’re having dinner, dear. Morrigan tells me that you do have that where you come from, though she speaks ill of British cuisine.”

”Never met a Brit who could cook worth a damn.”

There was some irony in that, given Morrigan’s own fumbling in the kitchen, but Sabine thought better than to point it out. ”At any rate, I prepared some dishes from my country, I trust you’ll like them, so long as you don’t have a problem with swine. Before we dine, however, I want to go over some expectations.”

Sabine idly ran her finger along Holly’s stomach as she spoke, running a lap around her navel. ”Be under no delusions. You are our prisoners for the next twenty or so hours. That being said, I don’t have the time or patience to host someone for that long, so I’m of a mind to simply let you go in the morning. That being said, I do have certain festivities planned, and yes, some of them will be of a sexual nature. I suspect you’ll find them more pleasant than you might be fearing, but regardless, I expect compliance. If not, this affair could turn into a markedly unpleasant experience.”

She looked between Holly and Blanco, switching from one to the next with a slight edge in her voice and a fire in her eyes. ”Am I clear?”

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Re: Holly & Blanco's S+M Session ... [for BlackAkuma]

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“Oh!” Holly gasped as she opened her eyes to Sabine’s face, looming over her. The beautiful German filled her vision completely, definitely something for the Brit to be seeing first thing after regaining consciousness. Somehow, this just heightened her sense of helplessness, causing her to squirm just a bit more in spite of herself, as if her body was trying to sink into the softness of the bed.

“Eesh!” Blanco was similarly startled, but got slightly rougher treatment from his captor. Morrigan whipped off the mask too quickly for him to adjust, leaving him blinking in the light of the room. He shook his head, trying to adjust. However, Morrigan’s fingers tickling down his abs caught him off guard, and ruined any chances he had of getting his bearings. Blanco bit his lips as he felt a shiver run through his helpless body, making his manhood start to harden immediately. “Uh-ho …”

“Oi, now!” Holly said, in a low voice, as the duo ran down British cuisine.

“It’s true, tho,” Blanco nodded, grateful for the distraction. “That’s why I’m the one that always cooks. Remember your stab at a torta? We had to cancel all my matches for …”

“Mister!” Holly hissed, “Can you please not lie there and take sides with the women that kicked our asses and plan on taking advantage of our bodies? For a few minutes, at least?”

However, as Sabine started laying out her expectations, the couple fell silent and lay on the bed. Holly was not new to this at all, and Blanco had found himself in this situation before as well, and was honor-bound to comply with the results of the match. While they couldn’t forget that they were prisoners here and facing the consequences of being too weak to win their match, there was no benefit to trying to resist. In silence, they listened and nodded along with their captor’s instructions.

“Yes, Mistress,” Holly sighed, body deflating sadly as Holly looked down at herself. Tied up, defeated, a plaything for the redheaded German and her partner. It was a humiliating fate, but one that Holly was all too familiar with at this point in her career …

“I-ah, yes … mistress …” Blanco agreed, nodding as well. While not as miserable as Holly was at the moment, it was still humiliating enough for him. He looked at Holly writhing nervously and felt a weird mix of shame and even arousal. This was, after all, just as much his failure as anyone else’s …
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Re: Holly & Blanco's S+M Session ... [for BlackAkuma]

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It was legitimately taking a great deal of self-control for Sabine not to take advantage of Holly, looking over the helpless, hapless British lass, admiring her body, watching as she squirmed about like the perfect damsel in distress. Things she could do with someone like this - but no, no. If she loathed one thing, it was the idea of being a poor host. Her hunger could be kept n check, a few moments of restraint would not end the world. They had so much time, after all.

”’Taking advantage of your bodies’.” Sabine repeated Holly’s words with a soft laugh and a softer sigh. ”Not the way I would put it, but yes, Morrigan and I do plan to enjoy ourselves before the night is over. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be cordial, does it? We’ll part on good terms, if I’ve anything to say about it.”

Sabine went about undoing her knot, unfolding the intricate web she had spun. It probably wasn’t necessary; it wasn’t as if Holly could’ve broken out of a beginner’s job, but she’d always loved Shibari and couldn't help going overboard.

Morrigan, on the other hand, was about to rip the ropes to shreds. ”One sec, just…” She let out a loud, frustrated grunt as she worked the knots out, giving them hard yanks and pulls. It was not her best moment, but it had the aftereffect of rubbing her breasts along Blanco’s face, so there was that.

After a few embarrassing moments, she undid the ropes, tossed it over with the mask, and promptly took one of her captive’s hands within her own, using it to pull him off the bed and force him to her side. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek, batting her eyes and looking as innocent and playful as she could stomach before she trotted for the doorway and pulled him along for the ride.

Sabine just rolled her eyes at the sight, then turned her attention back down to Holly. She reached over and gave the poor thing a flick on the nose. ”You don’t have to call me mistress. Not yet, anyway - simply ‘Sabine’ will suffice.” A wild spark came through her gaze. ”That is, of course, unless you’d prefer to.”

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Re: Holly & Blanco's S+M Session ... [for BlackAkuma]

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While Holly couldn’t let herself relax, she was surprised by how things were going so far. Having been in this position before, the British Bombshell was used to much … rougher treatment. Now, she was being promised food, had woken up in relative comfort, even if she was in bondage, and Sabine was being gentler than any ‘captor’ she’d had in the past. Holly exchanged curious looks with Blanco, the couple shrugged, and opted to just let this happen.

“Th-thank you,” Holly said in a mousy voice, as Sabine untied her knots and got her free. Holly’s eyes were wide as she watched, trying to figure out the intricate knotting and whatnot, until Sabine pulled her off the bed. Crossing one arm over her chest self-conciously, feeling the air on her ass cheeks, Holly was led around. She kept herself silent, not wanting to risk making anyone mad in her position …

“Ack,” Blanco grunted, as Morrigan ripped at the knots that restrained him. His body rocked around on the bed a bit, and if he could have helped her out he would have, but in his position there was nothing to do but go along for the ride. Of course, he forgot about that as he got a face full of Morrigan’s ample bust, smothering him until the knots were gone and she was ready to yank him off the bed. Despite himself, he blushed when Morrigan gave him a peck on the cheek and pulled him along.

“Hmf,” Holly pouted, a little jealous, but holding her tongue. She watched Morrigan pull her man along for just a moment, before her own captor snapped her back to reality. “Um, I’ll call you w-whatever you like …” Holly said, nervously, staring down at her own heaving chest to try and hide the deep red blush in her cheeks.
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Re: Holly & Blanco's S+M Session ... [for BlackAkuma]

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Sabine watched Morrigan and Blanco make their way out of the room, and carefully noted how Holly reacted, savoring that adorable pout on her lips. The two of them made a wonderful couple, which was clear even now with her limited interactions with them. They fit each other well, so exuberant and energetic, defiant even in the face of constant and utter defeat. She could hardly wait to get her at the dinner table and began a conversation. And once that conversation ended, well…

”Sabine. Just ‘Sabine’.” She gave the woman a reassuring pat on the thigh and stood up, looming over her. She hadn't missed Holly staring at her chest, but she wasn’t the least bit surprised, and certainly not offended. She took it as a compliment, really - if her body attracted enough to draw attention even when she wore a frumpy, wrinkled concert t-shirt, then she must have been doing something right.

”Come along. I’ve set the food to simmer, but it will only last so long. You won’t care for cold bratwurst, I can promise you this.” She took hold of Holly’s hand with a light, ginger touch, and pulled her along as she made her way out of the room, holding hands like the most familiar of lovers.

She made her way out to find Morrigan and Blanco already sitting at the table, with her partner already pulling up next to their guest, sitting close with an arm over his shoulder and a devilish gleam in her eye. ”You wear this mask all the time, do you?” She leaned in and gave him a soft lick on the cheek, tasting the fabric. ”Could make you take it off, you know…”

”You could, but you won’t. We discussed this.” She wagged a finger Morrigan’s way and pulled a chair out for Holly, letting her sit at the opposite side of the round table. ”Sit, be at ease, I’ll make the plates.”

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