Kaede vs Shinobu! Lullaby Match!

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Kaede vs Shinobu! Lullaby Match!

Unread post by Hayate »

Location: Luxurious Hotel Room

Match Type: Lullaby Match, A lullaby match is an anything goes bedroom match with a couple modified rules. First, there is a camera placed at the end of the bed, recording the fighters live! Second, the match only ends once someone is knocked out AND there body is placed under the covers of the bed, “tucking them in”. Fighters wear either underwear or pajamas and erotic moves are allowed, as well as anything the fighter can think of. If someone leaves the bed for any reason, they will be penalized by having their opponent get one free shot on them.

Kaede would open the door to the hotel room and immediately headed towards the large king sized bed filled with fluffy pillows and thick blankets galore. The bed itself was probably one of the most beautiful things the greenette had seen! With a sinister grin on her face, she would set up the camera at the end of the bed before turning it on, opening up a livestream to all who would want to view. Still grinning, the short woman would kneel in the center of the bed and began to undress, revealing her very expensive looking lingerie.
Now prepared, she would calmly sit in the bed, stretching a little and putting on a show for those watching. Kaede awaited her opponent who she had challenged, wishing to raise her following some more!

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Re: Kaede vs Shinobu! Lullaby Match!

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Tonight, Shinobu was going to play a pretty exciting match that she had never done or heard of. She liked the rules and her opponent was just as cute as her, it was bound to be a fun match for her! She hummed as she walked towards the apartment reserved for this match.
Shinobu arrived about ten seconds after her opponent settled down, noticing that the greenette was already there.

"Oh sorry! I hope you didn't wait too long!"

Shinobu took off her clothes to reveal her outfit for this match, a simple white dressing gown, almost transparent, with a white panty. She wasted no time and joined her adversary on the bed, gently pushing her to lay her down on both sides and find herself on top of her, staring into her eyes.
"My name is Shinobu! It's a pleasure to fight you tonight!~"
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Re: Kaede vs Shinobu! Lullaby Match!

Unread post by Hayate »

Kaede did not stop the woman from pushing her over and mounting her, and completely ignored her speech. Instead, she would begin inspecting every inch of the girl’s body, quietly humming to herself as she did it. Once she was done, she would grin once more and locked eyes with Shinobu.

“Hmm…Shinobu hm? Wow won’t you just look ADORABLE while face down, drooling under the covers? I can imagine it now…maybe i’ll even play with you a bit before that! Would you like that, Shinobu?”

She would taunt before grabbing Shinobu’s chin and gently caressing her face. Her cocky demeanor did not waver once so ever. After a couple seconds of staring at the blonde, Kaede’s knee would shoot up and connect with Shinobu’s stomach before pushing her off of her.

“I suppose we can begin now!”

She teased while sitting up before crawling towards her enemy.

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Re: Kaede vs Shinobu! Lullaby Match!

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"Oh! Hum... Thanks! You're pretty cute too y'know... Just not like me!~"

Shinobu was watching her opponent from above her, showing her best top smile. But it didn't seem to have any effect against the woman in front of her who also seemed way too sure of herself for this kind of match. She smiled a little more lightly as she saw her opponent caress her chin, expecting her lips to press against hers but was quickly pushed away, leaving her gaping and still on the bed.

"Hmmm... It's not good to tease me like that..."

Shinobu then approached her opponent by licking her lips then jumped on her like a cat in pursuit, trying to lie down on her opponent's body, finding herself once again on top.
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Re: Kaede vs Shinobu! Lullaby Match!

Unread post by Hayate »

Kaede would read her opponents pounce and caught her. The two woman would lock hands and be forced into a power struggle thanks to the greenette’s sudden movement.

“Oh trust me…there will be way more teasing~”

She would taunt once more before snaking behind Shinobu and trying to lock her in a full nelson. If this would succeed she would immediately drop backwards and transition into a rear naked choke.

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Re: Kaede vs Shinobu! Lullaby Match!

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Shinobu tried to push her opponent back but she found herself to be agile enough to block the blonde in a full nelson followed by a rear naked choke. She winced slightly at the inability to breathe, but now her arms were relaxed!


She squeezed both as she moved her arms, first trying to pull her opponent's arms away from her neck but it was unsuccessful. She then tried to crush the greenette's belly with her elbow, hoping the pain was uncomfortable enough to force her to let go, even though it was still only the start of the match.
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Re: Kaede vs Shinobu! Lullaby Match!

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“Oh, don’t tell me you’re sleepy already? The night just started!”

She would whisper, inches away from Shinobu’s ear. Her grip wouldn’t budge as she continued to wrap her arms around the girl’s throat like a snake. Kaede would even move her leg up and into Shinobu’s crotch to practically bounce her on her knee.

“Promise me you won’t sleep ye-!”

She would say, being cut off by the elbow to her unprotected stomach! Instantly her grip would lighten, giving the blonde a window of escape!

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Re: Kaede vs Shinobu! Lullaby Match!

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Shinobu was having a hard time, being clearly dominated by her opponent because of her position, the whispers near her ear and the knee caressing her intimacy.
Luckily she wasn't the kind of woman to give up so easily, on the contrary, she was even the kind to get revenge. Shinobu therefore continued to defend herself and her nudge was very useful because she was able to escape from the grip thanks to that.

"Uhhh... You'll pay!"

Shinobu wasted no time and took advantage that her opponent was still lying down to get behind her and grab her arms to prevent them from using them. Following this, the blonde would wrap her legs around her opponent's face to choke her and smash her face against her legs, all while facing the camera so viewers could see the greenette's face.
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Re: Kaede vs Shinobu! Lullaby Match!

Unread post by Hayate »

“G-Gah! What do you think you are doing!”

Kaede squealed whilst getting wrestled down to the bed before being snared by Shinobu’s legs. She would immediately start to thrash about on the bed, but to no avail. She would get a glimpse of the camera and instantly her face would go bright red in embarrassment.

“G-goddamn bitch!”

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Re: Kaede vs Shinobu! Lullaby Match!

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Shinobu continued to look at the camera with a big smile, showing how she was better than her opponent and more technical. She didn't want to stop there though, looking to turn around with her opponent in a change of grip, just to be in a more comfortable position.

"I warned you, now pay till the end!~"
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