It'd been nearly two years since the two had last met in person, when Emily, among others of Sky's friends, had seen her off at the airport in New York when she left for Japan, set to continue her career under the biggest flag she'd ever seen: LAW. Though the two came to SFA at the same time, both freshly eight-teen with big dreams in the wrestling world, Sky had graduated far earlier then Emily, given the rather short one year course she'd chosen, signing her LAW contract shortly after graduating. Emily, on the other hand, would stay in the school for two more years as one of the most dominant competitors in SFA's wrestling program. But finally, she had graduated, and it seemed that she'd decided to come to LAW as well!
An old classmate and mutual friend of Sky and Emily's had let Sky know which airport Em would arrive at, and conveniently, it would just so happen Skylar and Cecilia were in the neighborhood! Dragging her partner along, Sky had decided to surprise Emily at the airport! The two Street Dogs stood in the receiving area, Skylar leaning on a pillar as she made small talk with Cecilia. "God, I'm fuckin' excited! It's been so damn long..." Sky said, giddy. "It'll be fun introducing you two. My best friend from LAW, and my best friend from SFA." She smiled. "Maybe you'll like her."
Eventually, when Sky finally did spot Emily, she would quickly walk over to her, her speed just below a run. "YOOOOOO EMILYYYYYY!" She shouted gleefully, quickly throwing her arms around her old friend in a tight hug. "Hope you don't mind the surprise, heh..."