First Date….or Something Else? (for The Riders)

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First Date….or Something Else? (for The Riders)

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Boys’ Tokyo Hotel Room
Jonathan, Ryan, and William were the new guys around the block in Japan and they were well-known around the world despite mainly competing in America during their careers. Ryan had a bit more exposure wrestling out of the country on more than one occasion, but Jonathan and William had been more open ever since Jonathan returned to wrestling and established a brotherly bond with William more. However, today’s story focused mainly on William as he had a dinner date with a female that went by the name Thereisa, or as she was also referred to in the ring, Cyber Widow. He heard about the problems Astrid Ostberg had with Cyber Widow, but Will just presumed those bad bearings were put to rest. This Widow lady messaged Will on social media asking for him to accompany her to dinner on a lone Friday night and get to know him more since he was so close to Astrid.

William did not think much of it and accepted it as he dressed well in his normal suit he set aside for such occasions.
Business Casual Attire
The dinner would be at a restaurant of Thereisa’s choosing so William prepared himself for anything. Jonathan and Ryan did ask him about this offer and if he found anything suspicious by it, but Will just thought the older lady was being nice enough to invite him out. This wouldn’t necessarily be a date, but more of a formal greeting from one professional wrestler to another welcoming the bigger man into LAW. William checked the time and it was 6:45 PM so he had to get a move on promising Thereisa to meet her at 7PM. William grabbed his hotel room key and car keys for the rental car all three men used. Both Jonathan and Ryan just used public transportation to get to the gym for some training so they wouldn’t be needing it. William brushed his hair and sprayed some cologne on to smell decent before he went out the front door.
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Re: First Date….or Something Else? (for The Riders)

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Checking her phone and sending one last text message on it before putting it away in her purse. Thereisa would check herself again with her arms crossed seeing as she is doing something this outlandish to get some dirt on someone, but this is something that she feels is needed since it seems that after that match with Yuki management did not reverse the official match result and made it so that she can not get revenge on Yuki or Astrid for what happened at the end of the match.

But just because she can’t get her hands on those two... doesn’t mean she can’t get he hands on the other people in the woman's life and most of them are fair game as well as she checks her watch again to see that it is almost seven and her date is still a no show.

‘Hmmm maybe I was a bit forward.... He does seem like he not used to be talked to by women... Since he does hang around those little fools he calls friends, so that is why.’ As she goes inside the Neon Blossom... Even after that massive brawl she had started in the bar they company refused to ban her or the other woman since it brought more customers into the building to see if they can get a glance at any famous LAW wrestler.

Taking a seat at her personal table located in the VIP section, taking the menu out and orders her favorites tempura, Yakitori, Gyoza, and a platter of beef cooked medium rare just for her liking and with three bottles of Kuro Junmai Daiginjo Unfiltered Rich and Sweet Sake.

The only thing now for her to do is wait and see if her date will actually show up or all of this would be for nothing as she checks her phone again for the time and lets out a depressed sigh, reaching for the bottle of Sake and drinks from it with a frown on her face... Her feet tapping the wooden floor as she even looks around to see if he is here or not.



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Re: First Date….or Something Else? (for The Riders)

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William sped like a madman down the streets and made sure to stop for traffic when needed. It was only a dinner date and he didn’t want to leave a woman like that in pure devastation that he didn’t show up. Will hated being rude unless he had a valid reason and he wanted to make the best first impression. Something Astrid always taught him. Be on your best behavior and show others that you are authentic. William parked the car in a spot near the place and he locked the car doors running inside nearly knocking over three waiters carrying drinks.

So sorry!

William helped catch some drinks of water and booze as he set them back on the plates, but only earned glares from the waiters for almost costing them their job. He straightened up his tie before approaching Thereisa and knocking on the wood to get her attention.

Heh! Sorry for the wait, ma’am! I kinda lost track of time watching a talk show and it got really interesting. Then, I remembered I had a dinner date with you and so, here I am! My best suit and best look!
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Re: First Date….or Something Else? (for The Riders)

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Letting out a sigh at seeing that it is past seven and the man still hasn’t arrived yet. Taking another drink from her bottle before looking up seeing William in front of her in a fancy suit and tie looking like he just ran a mile to get here, getting to her feet since she is wearing her heels that add another inch to her already tall six foot six frame... And pokes the man on the chest with her finger. ‘Your late... And over a talk show at that... Your lucky your cute or I would have left and taken offense to that you know.’ she says with a small slur of her voice, but holding her hand out expecting him to kiss it in apology or in a gentleman kind of manner since she is still a high-class woman.

Taking her seat again and offers the man before her a menu on whatever he would like to order, since she had already told the owner of the building that she was paying for whatever he wants... The lengths she would do to get what she wants, but some losses are needed to get to the bigger prize and what she wants in the long run.

‘ So tell me about yourself William and don’t mention a certain someone or I will get angry with you.’

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Re: First Date….or Something Else? (for The Riders)

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William is a 37-year old man, but even he stands up nice and straight when getting scolded. Not to mention, Thereisa looked like she could pound him into the floor like cartoon characters usually did so he had to choose what he said carefully to decrease tension.

Sorry about being late again. You look very radiant this evening.

William tried to be a gentlemen as Thereisa raised a hand for him to kiss and he took it gently placing one hand behind his back in order to place his lips upon the clear skin. He bowed to her as a gentleman should have to a woman of high class and they would be seated across from each other. The big guy grabbed a menu and started looking over his options and adjusted his glasses to read well. However, admittedly, Will was unfamiliar with the delicacy of Japanese restaurants and some of the words sounded weird to him so he looked at his date.

A bit embarrassing to ask this since I just got here, but what would you recommend for dinner? I’m new to Japan and failed to really educate myself on their food choices.

William would then be asked about himself, but Thereisa put strong emphasis on not mentioning a certain someone lest he face the older woman’s wrath. Who could she even be referring to? This wasn’t mentioned to him? Was Jonathan or Ryan being mean to her? No, they didn’t even know her! Maybe it was this Nico girl Thereisa currently feuded with? Would she really be mad over a younger gal like that? It could be a million people on the active LAW roster. He decided to keep his mouth away from that speculative point and focus on the original question asked.

Well, I’m a born country boy from the sticks of Columbus, Ohio, but me and my friends did this bet where I threw a dart blindfolded at a map of the United States and the closest city is where I would be billed from. It landed on Newark in New Jersey so I’ve been running with that. I’m a former amateur wrestler and wrestled in many state tournaments, but I got banned for accidentally injuring my opponents. I’ve been holding a pretty strong physique since my high school days and I just mainly like throwing people around. Keeping it rather old school.
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Re: First Date….or Something Else? (for The Riders)

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Thereisa would be bored a bit, having to hear William speak in a weird monotone way of speaking. But she will say that the man is a gentleman in a weird robot kind of way as he even asked her to help decide on what to order to eat, and even apologized for being late which was one thing that the older woman hated about her dead ex-husband... The bastard refused to show up on time and was always late when she tried to plan something for their family or a romantic evening with him.

But she does perk up at the mention of her guest saying that he got banned from injuring someone, so she smiles, leaning forward, her chest jiggling as she is eager to know more about the man in front of her. ‘Oh, you did... Don’t worry. I have experience in being banned from injuring people, you know. You can say I’m more of a monster in the business with what I was able to do when I was younger.’ she says with a small smirk like smile on her face.

Before taking another sip of her drink starting to enjoy this small little get together, ‘ Nothing wrong with old school wrestling. Most of my style was more focused on speed and limb targeting to break my opponents down for the count. While also copying moves from legendary wrestlers like Mariko Morita and being trained by The Empress Ayane Yamamoto before reaching my prime you know.’ she says before pulling back since she was a little too close to the man. And not wanting to do too much and scare him off, not when she and her girls have a plan for him and one that she is eager to make happen.

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Re: First Date….or Something Else? (for The Riders)

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It wasn’t on purpose. I guess I don’t know my own strength sometimes.” Will clarified as the older woman seemed interested in him so he kept up his charm going through his stories. “Old school just seems to work better to me. I kinda adopt a lot of things from my own mentor even up to him slapping the bare chest of opponents. Lots of red marks!

William took a swig of the sake bottle as he was curious to the taste and he cringed a little as it tasted really sweet and flavorless at the same time. He cleared his throat and bottled up the sake as he pushed it back. Will twiddled with his fingers thinking of something else.

I’ve won multiple tag team titles in my career. I think I’m up to 5 now.
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Re: First Date….or Something Else? (for The Riders)

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Chuckling at hearing her guest say that those injuries he did weren’t on purpose at all. But she knows better as she takes a bite out of her meal and waits before speaking, allowing William to talk about his accolades in winning tag team titles and such.

Taking another long swig of sake and blushes a bit feeling the effects of the drink starting to get to her a bit ‘First let me tell you something handsome... There are no accidents in this business... You injured them because you either felt like it. Or you wanted to do it alright. Those are the only reasons why that happens, not that little cute excuse you said.’ Thereisa would say with a small frown on her face.

Recalling the time where she had to deal with the all the backstage issues on her when it came to injure those other wrestlers who stepped in the ring with her, and yet she was the one who got blacklisted and banned from the ring for years due to that bastard family.

Her face goes through a different array of emotions... From anger... To rage and then to natural as she pushes those thoughts aside to focus on what she was doing in the first place. ‘Say... Since you figured yourself old-school, how about you show me some of those old school moves?’ she says, placing her hand on the man's own, rubbing it slowly with her fingers.

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Re: First Date….or Something Else? (for The Riders)

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William quickly pulled his hands away rubbing them together as he adjusted his glasses. He cleared his throat as he sat back in his seat and looked over at Thereisa.

Sorry about the sudden jerk away, but I’m taken and I don’t want to give the wrong impression.

William looked into Thereisa’s eyes hoping she wasn’t gonna go off on him for possibly leading her on. Should he have made it clear it wasn’t a date? He usually just jokes around and has fun with his friends not caring what might come in conversation, but he was utterly clueless when it came to dating. Will was just lucky that Astrid picked him up and accepted him for who he was. Astrid never made him second guess anything and she took the lead in most of the relationship to help him become more comfortable with serious dating. They got on each other’s nerves a lot with Astrid being impatient a lot of the times and Will being a little more stupid on certain days, but they could say they truly cared about each other. Will would never cheat on Astrid, ever.

I’d be happy to spar with you if that’s what you want. I’m having a good time. Sorry if I made you believe anything else by accepting this dinner invitation.
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Re: First Date….or Something Else? (for The Riders)

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Thereisa would have another array of emotions on her face. One is more of stung pride as a woman, since the man, while being honest and truthful that he is seeing someone... Is still considered a blow since she figured that he would have been putty in her hands with her figure and what she wore for tonight, little thing.

The second blow is she already knows who has this lovable idiot by the finger and figures it would be the woman who she hates more than anything in this world, so as much as this pains her to do since she did enjoy the small little dinner they both had and can see why her foe would date someone like this man in front of her. His fate has been sealed as she puts on a smile and as much as she wants to call the Hunt off... It is already too late since she fired both of her daughters are outside waiting for them to come out of the restaurants, all she needs to do is just get him to agree to following her and it is done and over for him as soon as she puts her plan into action.

Taking the Sake bottle and downs the whole thing as if she is taking the rejection quite hard before having a pouty look on her face ‘Well... Since tonight was a total failure at my sad dating life... Care to walk a gal home safely then?’ She asks as she has some trouble getting to her feet due to drinking so much. Even starting to sway a bit from side to side, pressing and leaning against William's shoulder to help steady herself and to make sure she didn’t fall over and embarrass herself even more.

Making her way outside and starts to walk down an ally way that is more of a shortcut than anything to get home... But for now it is a trap that is waiting to be strung by three women who are planning on sending a statement to the heavyweight champion, one that will show that the Wild Hunt will be the way when dealing with enemies and opponents in and out of the ring.

‘William... I would like to say Sorry... I did enjoy the night we had.. but you already know what is going to happen to you, correct?.’

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