Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

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Re: Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

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Yui listened nicely to Yoko, which was good and then asked her own question, which indeed made sense, that is if Yoko was your average girl, but that certainly was not the case when it came to guns. Hahaha, you've got a point there. That is if we go by normal standarts. Indeed, the person with a smaller firearms would be quicker, but that is only a single factor among others. 1st factor - as already mentioned, the kind of firearm that is used. 2nd factor - the skill of the user with firearms in general. 3rd factor - reflexes. 4th factor - precision. Even if they have the first factor on their side, i still have the three other factors over them. A master with a pebble would defeat an amateur with a knife. I believe i've already told you that i'm not half bad with my rifle. While my brother was playing Call of Duty on PC, i was playing Call of Duty in real life, and my dad was answering the call of duty. Ever since i was gifted the rifle i had a lot of practice with it and i enjoyed it very much. Yoko would take a moment to breathe some air. Not to mention that me and my dad often went to play paintball and such, always wrecking our competition, even when outnumbered. I further improved my skill and reflexes during my short in the military, which is a different story... Also, it isn't very hard to hit something with this rifle, since it's shell velocity is crazy. It's at least 3 times faster than that of a normal gun. Basically, if you manage to lock onto a target, even its moving, it's almost a guaranteed hit.

After Yoko finished up her story, she listened to Yui's and understood her problem pretty quickly, but was a little surprised when Yui asked why Yoko was so damn nice. Well, it didn't occur to Yoko that she was overly nice, but it make Yoko smile a bit. She saw that the girl was emotionally struck, evident by her punching at the bed. Yoko would start to softly caress Yui's head and hair, hopefully to calm her down a little.
I get you, it does make sense. If everyone would keep lying to me and betraying me, then i probably wouldn't trust anyone either. I understand that it must've been hard not being able to trust anyone, to be all on your own, but nobody can give you back your past, all you can do is make the best of the present and the future. I believe you're doing alright here in LAW with your personal life, so you only need people you can trust. It actually shouldn't be that hard, but it would take time. You simply need to distinguish whether each person you meet here in LAW is good or bad, or rather whether the person has enough good in them to satisfy you, since every person consists of the good and the bad, you just have to learn to see the good in people. When you find a good person, you mustn't be obnoxious to them, if you want people to be good to you, you have to be good to them and not abuse their kindness, otherwise you will lose every chance with the person, since it can make them hate you, just like other people's hate made you hate them in return. Yoko would take a breath and smile, pointer her thumb to herself. For starters, you can trust me, i promise. Whether you need someone to talk to, a sparring partner or a person to hangout with, you can let me know.

As for ''why am i so nice''? Well, i'm not overly nice, but it may seem to you that way because maybe you were used to people being harsh. But to answer your question, i am using my own advice, i try to see the best in people and focus on that. The world isn't just black and white, just good and evil. It is very colourful. Some people break after life experiences that you and i had and some don't. I am among the one's that didn't. It takes a whole lot of willpower not to break, but like i've already said ''you'd be surprised at how determined i can be''. I get the idea that you're quite determined too, so if i could do it, i believe you could do it too, no? Just like Shia Labeouf once said ''Just do it!''

So, about your personality... Was this all of the reason why you are the way you are? You know, sometimes you contradict yourself and such. Is there anything more behind it than ''not trusting people''?
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Re: Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

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The bluenette continued to listen to what her opponent was saying. She still had problems to believe that what Yoko was saying was really the truth but until now the redhead was alway's honest to her. Yui then thought that Yoko might really tell the truth about that so she would let it be for the moment.
Before Yui, however, started to talk she thought if Yoko might be one of the only persons she could really trust.

While she was talking Yui noticed how upset she got. The more the German woman thought again about her past the more enraged she would get. Maybe the bluenette still didn't get over everything that happened to her because she never had a person who was looking out for her. While she was angry at everything she also noticed that Red started to caress her head. Somehow this really made her calmer.

Then as Yoko said that Yui could really trust her the bluenette got quiet. She wasn't sure what to do. Yoko apparently never lied to her. If that really was true then Yui might consider the redhead really something like a friend. Someone she could count on when needed. Yoko still was quite the airhead for Yui. Trying to see the best in people. That sounded more like a joke for her but Red might have a point with that. But she still had a few points there. The German started to seriously consider it to trust Yoko.

"Haha. God, you really are an Idiot and I seriously hate your advice. You sound like a fortune cooky."
She would start to laugh a bit and a tear of joy would run down her face.
"But I will try it. Just with you at first of course."
The bluenettes head would turn to Yoko and she would look into her eyes.
"Still, don't disappoint me, Red...please."
With a blush on her face, Yui would look to the side and whisper the "please" at her opponent.

As Yoko then asked if there is a reason why she is like this Yui leaned with her head to the side. She didn't know what she meant with that at first but as then the redhead said that she would contradict herself sometimes the bluenette got an idea on what she would mean.

"I think I know what you mean. It is quite easy actually. To be honest I have no idea. I got through live with constantly lying to everyone. I had to survive on the streets so I used everything I could. I studied the people around me and remembered every detail of their daily routine. Then when I found out what their weaknesses were I used them. With this, I could get food something to drink and everything else I needed. Whenever I got caught stealing I just lied my way out. Maybe because of the lying and all I am now who I am. Sorry if that is not the answer you were hoping for but I don't have another explanation for it myself."
Last edited by Rougue on Mon Jul 23, 2018 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

Unread post by ragaz »

Well, this has gotten quite dramatic. Yoko noticed how the normally emotionless girl was starting to show emotions, it probably was starting to get hard holding them back, even a tear ran down Blue's face. Yoko was glad that her words meant something for her opponent, even if she called her an idiot, which made Red chuckle. The emotional culmination was reached when Blue looked into Red's eyes and sincerely asked not to disappoint her. And then Yui went to play the tsundere again, turning her head to the side with a blush and that ''please'' whisper... There were only the two of them here, yet she was whispering...

Come here. Yoko then turned to Yui, took a hold of the back of Blue's head and gently pulled her in close for a hug. I will try my best, that much i promise.

Actually, that is a very good answer, in a sense that it explains everything quite well. I won't try to tell you whether your mindset is good or bad, i will be objective and tell you it's pros and cons. Yoko would pause a little and take in a breath. The pros you've already mentioned yourself - it is a tactically sound mindset for destroying the opposition of any kind and it is a good short-term solution for various situations. A short-term is because all of the people you've interacted with will know that you will tell nothing but lies and will not believe even if you have solid proof for your arguments. Even if you pull that proof out of their asses and beat them with it. Yoko laughed a little from her own joke. That would be a con. That exact thing prevents you from having any kind of friendly relations with anyone, because you make them feel the same way that you feel. So, even your presence near them alone is enough to convince them that you're up to no good. Yoko would pause a little.

The funny thing is, that i'm almost the exact opposite - i go for the long term solution. Since i'm always being honest, even when i know that the truth will disappoint or hurt people i still say the truth. That way people that i interact to know that i always speak the truth and i don't even need to prove anything, my word alone is authority enough. Then again, my mindset isn't perfect either, it is a very risky one, in fact. Nasty people could abuse it easily. People with a mindset like yours actually, so don't disappoint me either Blue, please. Yoko, however would not whisper ''please'', but say it normally, being afraid of nothing.

But i believe in you, Yui. And if you have trouble believing in others or even yourself, then let me tell you this - Don't believe in others then, don't believe in yourself either, believe in the me, who believes in you. Well, for now, at least... Yoko knew that Yui wouldn't like any regular advice. Hell, Yoko herself would punch the person in the face if she was in Yui's position and someone tried to give her some lame, overused advices. Well, this certainly wasn't something you would hear people say every day.

If you still think i'm way too naive and don't think about the worst case scenarios, well i am, but not as much as you think, then tell me what naive person carries a giant rifle on her back that's designed to destroy the toughest of tanks? What naive person pins her hair with the sharpest hairpins you could find, that can be stabbed into a person like a knife into butter, or... What naive person additionally carries an additional handgun in those very same red hair? Yoko would point towards her hair with her thumb, but of course no handgun could be seen.
So, if some nasty girl tried to jump me on the street, i think you should be worried for her instead, since i think i've got that covered. Hell, i'm prepared for a war, a zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion with this loadout, haha! Yoko really couldn't say that with a straight face, although she wasn't lying either...
Aside from money to make a living, I signed into LAW so that i could have a fair and honest competition in the ring. And yes i know, many girls wouldn't offer an honest competition here, they'd just use every trick in and out of the book to humiliate me, but i know that there are some that indeed want honest competition, just like me. Yoko would pause a little.

If some chick in the ring decided to push my buttons to the very limit, i wouldn't hesitate to stab her with my hairpins and i'm not joking here. Yoko's expression would turn a little more serious on that sentence.
Trash talk or arrogance hardly affects me. Sure it sometimes is annoying, but that stuff give plenty of material to make jokes of. That is because, as mentioned earlier, i've had to deal with some nasty people with varying levels of creepy intentions, so you calling me an idiot, for example, only makes me laugh. Yoko would pause there and then her expression would turn real serious.

However... If you hurt or badmouth my family, well... You better don't...
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Re: Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

Unread post by Rougue »

This time Yui didn't fight against her opponent's hug and got with it. She liked the feeling of safety she felt in the moment the redhead hugged her. It wasn't typical for the bluenette to get that emotional over something. That's why she was glad that the cameras got turned off before they were talking. Otherwise, Yui had a lot of clean up to do.

While Yoko was talking Yui thought if she should really take her advice. Yui was in a state where she probably would accept anything someone says to her but the bluenette had to agree with her on some points. Even when it would sound stupid for Yui which was nothing new at this point perhaps Yui could try to believe in the redhead. Even when she wasn't sure how that would work. Maybe she would also start to change her thinking. Not now of course. At the start, Yui decided to try it just with Yoko before letting anyone else close to her in any kind of ways.

The redhead didn't stop to talk and Yui stopped to listen at one point because it got kinda ridiculous for her. The bluenette just nodded at everything her opponent said after Yoko said something about her equipment which she was carrying around. The bluenette didn't want to seem rude after she maybe made something like a friend so she at least tried to get every third word that was said.

At one point the bluenette totally lost it and asked herself why Yoko laughed about an alien invasion. Perhaps it was because it just sounded funny but in any case, Yui just smiled at her and tried to not look completely confused because she had no idea what was going on at the moment. Then after Yoko said something about laughing at other people that insult her or something similar Yui really thought that her opponent stopped to talk. It wasn't the end but Yoko didn't add much before finally being silent.

Yui would wait for a few seconds to get totally sure that Yoko really stopped to talk. Then she would grab Yoko's shoulders and push her a bit away.
"Well, that is a lot to think about. Maybe you are right about one or two things but I can't decide yet."
She would get up from the bed and start to walk across the room.
"But I am not opposed to being a little friendlier with you. Maybe we can even meet again. Maybe for a coffee or at a shooting range."
Yui would chuckle about that answer of hers and look at her opponent.
"Of course we can also do something else. I wouldn't mind sparring with you. Afterall my ground battling could use improvement. We might also meet at your place if you like and have a little bit more private fun like before. You weren't that bad anyway."

At the moment Yui would try her best to be a little friendlier to her opponent. It cost her quite a lot of effort and this whole talking almost made her puke but she wanted to try it. At least for this time.

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Re: Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

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Yoko was talking and talking, and then talking some more... She kinda even forgot even what exactly she was talking about. Yoko even forgot that she held Yui in the hug the whole time and realized it when Blue pried them apart. I was talking a bit too much, wasn't i? Yui didn't exactly say that, but Yoko kinda noticed it from her body language that the girl wasn't that much interested.

You don't have to make a radical change, if you want to abuse your opponent's weaknesses, then it's fine, but i suggest you'd focus on their physical weaknesses, or things like arrogance. Yeah, bitches likes that need to be taught a lesson, heh. However i think i'd be best to avoid doing such things against people who did nothing wrong to you and you. Yoko said as Blue stood up and took a walk across the room. Yoko's eyes followed her.

If you want to meet me then just call me, my number is... (insert random phone number here) or you can try finding me on LAW discord server, the name's ''Redhead with a Gun''. Heh, yeah, i know... A little smile appeared on Yoko's face when Blue suggested some ''private fun''. It seems like her opponent enjoyed it.

Yeah, ''private fun'' sounds nice indeed, but i have a brother, who's almost always at home, which is a problem when we want some privacy. What about your place? Are there similar problem with that as well? And yeah, my ground game could use some practice too...

Ah, and a couple of things you should know. You don't grab me by the hair and... You don't stick fingers in my ass! Yoko would say that with a silly angry face, since that's not something she could say with a straight face.
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Re: Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

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Yui turned around to face Yoko and look directly into her eyes.
"Oh no, Red. I am not planning something like that. I mean why should I even make such radical changes. Afterall it is more than enough to make small steps. I mean no matter what I still continue to use my opponent's weakness when he is dumb enough to fall for it. It alway's made things so easy and mostly it isn't even that hard. At least for me."

The bluenette would then walk a bit closer to the redhead.
"But I could try to not continue to mock them after the fight is over. Which is pretty hard I mean some of the people I faced and probably will face are such dickheads. Glad that you are nice."

After she was close again to Yoko she stayed in front of her and looked down on her. She saved Yoko's number in her mind and listened as she was saying her discord name.
"I doubt you really know but whatever."
The bluenette would giggle after she heard the name. Yui could actually guess it what her name would be because it wasn't really something hard to find out.

"Hm...right you mentioned that you have a brother."
Yui would say as she thought about what to do.
"Well my place is more like a shared apartment. You know I have a few people living in there with me. With me, we are nine people in there and sometimes even new people come in and live with us. Mostly, however, no one is at home because of several reasons so it should go."

Then Yui laughed a bit as Yoko mentioned a few things the bluenette should know.
"Really you didn't like my finger? Then I put them next time somewhere else where you definitely like them."

"Alright, then I guess we could meet. Let us say at the gym first. I really want to get better and then we can see how things go and what we can do later Red."

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Re: Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

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Yoko nodded as she heard Yui talk, it seemed like she got the picture. After Yui came close to Yoko, Red's eyes widened upon hearing that Blue was fighting nothing but dickheads (not literally). Really? They only put you against nasties? Heh, well if you look at it from the audience's perspective, those kind of matches are quite interesting, since you would have two arrogant women, each boasting to be the better than the other throughout the entire match, yet one of them would inevitably be left to swallow all of that tough talk. Sounds pretty interesting to me.

Yoko smiled a little when she barely heard Yui compliment her. Still shy to admit her feeling even when in private, that was what made Red smile.

I do know. Actually i'm pretty self aware, something i bet you find hard to believe. Yoko giggled along with Blue a little after the latter took note of Red's contact information.

Then it seemed like Blue came up with the solution to their privacy problem as she said that her apartment would be free from time to time. If it's fine by you, it's fine by me.

After Yui offered to meet up at the gym, Yoko nodded. Yeah, the gym works fine. You could easily find me there anyway, since i spend there nearly a whole day, every day. By the way, do you work out often? Yoko would ask in curiousity.
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Re: Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

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"As far as I remember they do it. I maybe had one who wasn't a complete bitch but that was just one out of many. But I don't really mind that. Afterall I can have my fun while... they don't have much fun anymore."
Yui would then see the smile on her opponent's face after she was done with her talk. She didn't really like it that Yoko teased her with that smile because Yui didn't want to properly compliment the redhead.

Yui then smirked as Yoko said that she was self away. The bluenette really didn't believe her that much but she also didn't really care because the redhead told her how she can be and all so sure why not.

The bluenette then lets Yoko finish what she had to say and not interrupt her. After she was done talking Yui would talk back at her.
"Alright, we can meet at my place then. It would, however, be just for one night so don't think you can stay there much longer and get something to eat or so."
Yui would look to the side and blush a bit as she, said that.

After that, she would look to her opponent again.
"I don't work out every day. Perhaps four or five times a week. I don't have to train that much or didn't have to because it was enough. Anyway, when I go then I am there from maybe 13 to 16 or so maybe even longer."
Yui would say and wait for her opponent to response to that.

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Re: Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

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Hmm, but that's a double-edged sword, since the same can happen to you, unless you think that no one stands a chance against you, heh. Yoko commented on Yui's answer.

It surprised the redhead a little when Blue said that they could meet at her place, since Yoko thought that they would meet at the gym...
Well, if you want to meet at your place, then sure... Maybe i'll have to bring some of my own food, then, hahaha! Yoko laughed at Yui's words, then at her own answer and then after seeing Yui play the blushing shy girl again.

After Yoko heard Yui's work out routine, she would stand up right before Blue and grin. Heh, you'll have to train more than that if you want to defeat me. The gap between you and me will only get bigger, since i train more than you do, Blue! As she would say that, Yoko would lift her hand up to Yui's face and poke her in the tip of the nose with her finger.
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Re: Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

Unread post by Rougue »

Yui just rolled with her eyes. She was aware that something like this could happen but that was something she could worry about later.
"Trust me I know that Red. Still, how high are the odds that something like that would happen so soon? Even if it would happen in my next match I can figure out a solution to that."

Yui would just smirk at her opponent after that silly joke. She didn't know how she felt about it that they would just have sex with each other and nothing more. Some people react kinda emotional and think that sex equals love. Since the blue-haired fighter, however, knew her thought towards that topic she didn't worry too much about that.
"Yeah, your own food, spoon, fork, plate and everything you need to make or eat food."
Then Yui would give Yoko a playful smile.

The bluenette was right about to say something about the gym but Yoko interrupted her before she was even able to open her mouth. She stood up and with a big grin looking down at Yui.

It seemed that no matter what Yoko just couldn't stop with giving Yui an advice. She would just groan and roll with her eyes again until she got poked by Yoko at her nose. Yui would make an annoyed glance at her opponent and gently slap the finger away from her nose.
"You really seem to be eager that I don't fall behind you or even beat you. Even if you train more. The next time we meet in a ring I can show you the full extent of my abilities. I doubt that you will be disappointed, Red"

Yui would then place the index finger of her right hand on top of Yoko's forehead and attempt to push her back on the bed.
"When you are however really worried I am going to train far more than you. Or we are starting to train for a while together anyway. That way you can see how much I improve. Just tell me the time you train and everything else so we can meet."

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