Drag Me To Hell

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Re: Drag Me To Hell

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What were some of the best components of a good domme? It was a question she and Sabine often asked each other, on the nights when they were a little tipsy and waxed philosophical about their lifestyle. There were a lot of ways to do a job like this, and part of the fun was finding your own groove, moving at a pace that was comfortable to you. There was no manual to this line of work, no training guide, no boss to tell you when you were fucking up, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t a way to be bad at it.

Even in her relatively short time in the business, Morrigan had come across some outright shitty dominatrixes. Women who just got in it to squeeze a quick buck out of some dumbasses pockets, or who watched Fifty Shades of Grey and thought they knew everything there was to know, or, worst of all, straight-up sadists who belonged in a prison cell.

There were a host of good qualities a dominatrix needed, but if Morrigan had to pick one above all? Patience. To know when to pump the gas and when to slam the brakes. To build up for the right moment. To find the perfect pace between herself and a sub.

It was that kind of mindset she focused on as Kasey stood before, clearly trying to sort out his feelings. Some dommes might have yelled at him, barked orders, and that might’ve worked…for a time. But she felt there was a better way to go about things. So.

The Morrigan waited for a moment, considering his words, letting silence reign, before she breathed deep and stood back up. She approached him with a slow gait and an intense stare from her good eye, never breaking eye contact with him, even for an instance. An air of authority, control, perhaps even menace. This was her space, her lair, and he was deep in it. No point in hiding that. But that didn’t mean he couldn't feel welcome inside it.

The Morrigan reached out and took his fiddling hands within her own, pressing them together and keeping them still. She pulled them up, up, up to her lips for a single, supple kiss, then brought them to rest on her chest, letting him feel the soft flesh through the latex. Maybe even her heartbeat.

She kept them there and closed her eyes as she spoke, her voice coming out soft, barely a whisper. ”Perhaps I’m going a little too fast, Kasey. I’ll apologize for that. Let’s take this one step at a time.” She leaned forward, just enough to push their foreheads together. ”Tell me, and be honest - what do you see when you look at me? What do you feel? What do you want?”

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Re: Drag Me To Hell

Unread post by Lycanstar »

It was more than clear enough how completely distraught Kasey was; which is what most likely prompted Morrigan to take a deep breath and stand back up. She took both his hands in his and brought them up to her mouth as she kissed them; Kasey obediently allowed her to move his limbs as he stared on nervously~ She then pressed his hands to her chest and calmly closed her eyes. She spoke in a extremely reassuring manner- like she was trying her best to help him through this whole situation. He felt her deep breathing and steady heartbeat through her top as he stared up at her looking for answers~

She leaned forward and pressed her forehead to his; ”Tell me, and be honest - what do you see when you look at me? What do you feel? What do you want?”

"...I'm fucking terrified of you. I have no idea what you have planned or... Any of it. I feel like I'm just... weak. I'm not supposed to be like this; I-I'm usually the one in..."

Kasey cut himself off again; would it do him any favours to be this honest with her?

"...I don't know what I want ok? I thought this was supposed to be your night with a... Prisoner. But you've been I mean; nice and all... I didn't know what to expect. I still don't."

Kasey blushed and tried looking away- God how pathetic he must sound right now... A man like him was never supposed to be in a position like this- In some ladies basement full of bdsm stuff grovelling to her...

"I-I'm sorry I'm fucking this all up; I'll do better just- Just tell me what to do..."

Kasey sounded practically submissive. He bowed his head down as if he was ready for her to take him and... Do whatever she was going to do. He slowly removed his hands off of her chest and all the while staring down at her high-heels and his own unflattering erection; he began knelling down in front of her.

"I'm not a coward. And I'm sorry if I'm making this a bigger deal than it needs to be~ Mistress."

Completely on his knees now Kasey clammed up abruptly after letting that one slip.
Last edited by Lycanstar on Mon Feb 05, 2024 3:26 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Drag Me To Hell

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”I want to fuck you, Kasey.”

Never let it be said that Morrigan wasn’t blunt.

It seemed like the best way to approach things after Kasey spilled his guts like that. Yes, she could be coy and playful, those were a dominatrix’s tricks of the trade, their bread and butter. But there was a time to play and a time to cut through the bullshit, and this felt like the latter. If this was going to go anywhere productive, they needed to be honest with each other. He’d already met her halfway by admitting his feelings - in a rambling, painstaking way, sure, but he did it. It was only fair that she gave him the same treatment.

The Morrigan reached down, pressed her finger under his chin, and lifted his head, locking eyes as best as she could with one of hers constantly cast in shadow. She crouched down, bringing them closer to the same level - still above, but more personal.

”I meant what I said, earlier - the submissives are the ones who are really in control. It’s the illusion of this whole thing - I look like I’m in control of the subs, but really? I’m working for their desires, filing their needs. I start when they say start, I stop when they say stop. It’s all about their boundaries, their fetishes, their dreams. That’s what I’m trying to give you here: the experience. Trying to craft something great for the both of us.”

The Morrigan reached over to caress his face, running her hands through his hair with a loving touch. It was a damn shame she couldn't’ get that mask off him. She liked what she saw, so far. ”I’d like us to finish what we started in the shower. But I’m not going to push you anywhere you absolutely don’t want to go. So, here’s the deal.” She pulled away, still crouching, but crossed her arms, showing off her impeccable balance on high heels.

”I see this going three ways - one, you can leave. I won’t stop you. I could, but I won’t. If you’re absolutely not down for this, fuck it. Wouldn’t be fun for either of us. No hard feelings, mate. Two, we can just go up to my bedroom and have a go at each other. Suit out both our needs. Not a problem for me, but not as fun as option three. That’s the one where you trust me, where I take you through something you’ve never had before, where I drive you wild. I think I can give you something special, Kasey, but only if you let me. Only if you want it.”

The Morrigan took a long sniff of his scent, savoring it for what could be the last time, before she straightened up, stepped back, and took her place on the throne once more, looking down his way with a mix of anticipation and curiosity. ”Your ball, your field, Kasey. What are we doing?”

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Re: Drag Me To Hell

Unread post by Lycanstar »

Kasey began breathing erratically once again- He was brought here against his desires but he had come so far already, there was no way he could just... Drop it all and split. Could he? Could he leave with his dignity intact or would the act of leaving itself squander what little he felt like he had left? Kasey stared up at The Morrigan as she sat on her throne awaiting a response. He looked into her eyes and knew that the suave, arrogant wrestler from earlier in the day was no longer present. Only the real human kneeling at Morrigan's feet remained.

Kasey leaned over and with his shaky grip, he held onto the tight leather of The Morrigan's pants~

"I t-trust you. Please do w-what you want to me. I want option three."

How the tides had turned.

The stubborn man that broodily limped out of the car that brought him here was now practically begging for The Woman that had dominated him to do so again. There was still a healthy amount of fear behind Kasey's words- but also a true hint of desire. He felt light as a feather- like he was going up the tracks of a rollercoaster; He had no idea how The Morrigan would respond to him or what she really had planned~ But the mystery of it all was becoming the driving force behind Kasey's desire. The man who always pictured himself as having all the cards now wanted to be at the complete whim of another; this is the last thing Kasey expected when he woke up this morning.
Last edited by Lycanstar on Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Drag Me To Hell

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It had been a good, long time since the Morrigan had been this turned on. While she enjoyed her job - no decent dominatrix didn’t get off on their work, at least a little - she tried to be clinical about things, not wanting to get so close to a client that she blurred the lines and made them think it was more than it was. That was the sort of thing that led to stalkers and unwanted emails and eventually slashed tires.

With Kasey, however, there was something deeper, more intimate brewing. That he’d gone from outright defiant to reluctant to his current state? That was a special thing. A rare thing. Something she wasn’t about to waste.

”I’m proud of you, Kasey.” An odd thing to say of a person she’d for such a relatively short time, but she meant. She could tell that wasn’t easy for him to do. But, as her mother often said, nothing worth doing ever was. One of the few non-bullshit things that ever came out of her mouth.

”That makes your mistress happy. When she’s happy, she gives rewards. Here’s your first.” She curled a finger his way, beckoning him closer. ”You may kiss me. One kiss. Anywhere on my body that you can see. Anything that you like.”

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Re: Drag Me To Hell

Unread post by Lycanstar »

”You may kiss me. One kiss. Anywhere on my body that you can see. Anything that you like.”

Kasey looked into Morrigan's eyes with his fearful, yet hopeful stare as she gave him the opportunity to kiss her body. Still on his knees he moved his hands slowly to her waistline and began crawling up between her legs before looking down to her midriff. Although it was covered by Her leather corset Kasey did not mind as began to lean in closer while being comfortingly surrounded by The Morrigan's thighs. He looked longingly into the void of her abdomen as he contemplated how much he would be giving up his own control; How... Different it may truly feel to finally be in the passenger seat of his own fate. If she was truly going to do this for him~ Perhaps he should be as grateful as he could be.

He leaned in closer until his mask and her leather were almost touching; and with him just out of sight under her chest, he slowly pulled his mask down with his right hand, exposing his mouth and nose for the second time this evening; but still hesitant for The Morrigan to see. He slowly pressed his lips against her midriff, just under where her belly button would be as he leaned in close and closed his eyes. A true comfort enveloped him as with his mask off he felt truly naked for the first time this night, but he was still too nervous to truly expose himself to Morrigan. At least for now. With him still hidden underneath her chest he leaned away and opened his eyes before pulling his mask back up above his nose. With his mask secure once again he returned to his kneeling position at Morrigan's feet and stared up at her expectantly- Awaiting whatever she had next for him.

"Thank you... Mistress."
Last edited by Lycanstar on Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Drag Me To Hell

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The Morrigan didn’t give Kasey the option because she wanted to be kissed - well, not just because she wanted to be kissed. Part of the game wasn’t only listening to what your subs wanted, but figuring out the things that went without saying, locking in on their little preferences, making note of their choices, and putting it all together to create a picture of their desire that even they themselves weren’t aware of. Looking down, she noticed where his eyes went, where they avoided, what he considered, what he shied away from. All knowledge she could store away for later.

Oh, a lover of the stomach, was he? Into abs, perhaps? Most men went straight for the breasts or the thighs or tried to get at her ass. Unexpected, but not unwanted.

As he kissed her, she ran her hands through his fine hair and purred, genuinely enjoying the touch. She sighed when he pulled away, then looked back down on him with a smile. ”You’re more than welcome.”

The Morrigan pulled his face against her stomach, letting him feel the warmth through the latex, before she abruptly stood up and made her way towards the side wall, where so many toys were strewn and waiting. ”Stand. Follow.” She issued the simple commands, then brought her attention to the tools of her trade, scanning over them. She already knew what she wanted to start with, but a little tension could heighten the moment.

”Tell me,” The Morrigan brought her hand up and lazily let it glide along the wall, moving from one item to the next. ”Where are you from, Kasey? What brought you out here?”

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Re: Drag Me To Hell

Unread post by Lycanstar »

The Morrigan stood up as Kasey remained kneeling in front of her; his hands still laying on her sides before letting go as she walked towards a wall full of toys and other... objects. As she comanded him to, Kasey stood and meargerly followed; wether intentional or not his head remained low and subservient while he kept a watchful eye on Morrigan's movements. The dichotomy of their attires and stances was massively evident as Kasey felt completely at her mercy; His continued erection acting as the sole differentiation from his otherwise meagre expression.

”Where are you from, Kasey? What brought you out here?”

"...I mean; you brought me here... Mistress. I stayed because... Well I'm not really sure. I've never been in a position like this~ And I'm from.. North America."

Well that much would be obvious from his habits and way he acted; Kasey didn't exactly blend smoothly into Japanese culture, he was more-so here for the "Work". But as obvious as it was, Kasey was still hesitant to be too open with The Morrigan. Coming out of his shell was not something he was particularity used to, it was always much easier to present himself as who he wanted to appear.

"What um... What are you going to.. start with?"

Kasey questioned as he gazed at her hand slowly traversing the various paddles, whips and.. things hung up on the wall.

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Re: Drag Me To Hell

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

The Morrigan wasn’t sure if this was a case of intentional obfuscation or if Kasey was just letting his nervousness get the better of him, but it was adorable, either. ”Japan, boyo” She chuckled as she continued to peruse her wares. ”I was asking how you got to Japan. And you can be a little more specific than just North America, that covers a lot of space. Up to you, though, won’t pry too hard. Just curious.”

Now came the moment of truth. She was sure this question had been at the back of his mind ever since he lost the match, and it was about to get answered - what all would they be doing down here? So many possibilities.

”Well, we’ve got options.” Her hand rested on a long bullwhip, looking like something straight out of a Catwoman comic, long and intimidating. ”Fun, always, but a little too far into the deep end for today.”

A strap-on, thick and girthy. ”Not everyone’s cuppa, I know, don’t worry.”

A pair of leather gloves. ”For faceslapping. You’re being nice, though, so I won’t bust these out. Maybe.”

A cock cage, complete with lock and key. ”No, I like your body just the way it is.”

The cattle prod. ”Not as bad as it looks. Been a while since I’ve used this one, might try it later. But for now…”

The Morrigan finally came to rest on a facemask, the kind that people put over their faces to block out all light when they were sleeping. A simple thing, but she’d gotten plenty of use out of it over the past few years. ”This is a favorite.” She twirled the mask about her finger. ”Have you ever heard of sensory play? Fairly common kink.”

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Re: Drag Me To Hell

Unread post by Lycanstar »

When She asked how he to to Japan, the only thing Kasey could think was "A plane". He was still trying to do his best to avoid opening himself up too much to her, so he instead said nothing as She continued to slowly peruse her arsenal... Every little description of the items causing his heart to beat a little faster with a sense of fear and excitement~ Even if it all sounded painful.

She eventually held a facemask and twirled it around her finger as she questioned him on sensory play~

"Well... It's about just restricting the senses while you... Do things..."

Kasey in truth didn't know much but wanted to seem like a bit less clueless if he could. In truth; he hardly gave the time of day to anything he wasn't personally interested in. Which led him along the path of self-fulfillment at any gain; especially in the ring. Doing what HE wanted was always the only way he could see things going~ And now that was being all turned around on him.

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